The trist of Crystal Mallory and Jeremy Cartwright [minor dom] [sensual][m/f oral][budding romance]

The first of a series of fictional stories based on interactions with various redditors.

Crystal Mallory was sitting in her office on the 3rd floor. The room was decwntly big enough to have her more than adequate desk, 2 chairs for visitors, a dated but attractive love seat, and a pair of well stocked book shelves filled with files, portfolios, and a collection of her favorite books. On the wall next to her open door hung her black blazer and a bright red sun hat. It was almost 2pm on this sunny Thursday, and she was looking forward to an evening out with friends and colleagues at an upscale bar in downtown Phoenix to celebrate one of her coworkers recent engagements. She sat in her chair wishing the day would hurry along in a sleak red jumper with gold accents aligned in rows running down the front of it. Her pattent black pumps shimmered in the afternoon sun as one of them dangled from the toes of her crossed legs. She wasnt normally one for social outings, and preferred to instead spend her nights at the local boxing gym to release stress and expend the exess energy of the day. She was by no means a pro, but would happily go a few rounds with the other members of the gym. She had even fought in a few late night, questionably legal, matches. The ods were always against her, but she was there for the thrill, not the titles.

Accross the plaza, Jeremy Cartwright was preparing to make his rounds. He was by all rights a very average man. His brown slacks and shoes were faily standard office atire, and his blue botton up over a light grey undershirt were suitable to complete his buisness casual requirments. Jeremy worked for a travel company who arranged flights and hotel rooms for the rest of the industrial complex where he and Crystal worked. He had become fascinated with Crystal over the months, seeing her in passing in the parking garage, in the various corridors and elevators. She was perfect in his eyes, with ample curves, lush flowing hair, and eyes he could have lost himself in for hours, if only he could fine the nerve to speak to her more than just pleasant greetings.

247pm – Crystals phone rang to life as she softed through a recently compiled earnings report. Her CEO Mr. Gulham was calling for a laundry list of documents he needed before the close of buisness. The old codger, a 73 year old man of turkish descent, would always call just before the office would try to slip away a few hours early with some task to keep everyone workijg until 5pm sharp. Jotting the list and gathering all the required documents, she strolled to the elevator to go up to the 5th floor.

253pm – Jeremy hung up the phone in his office, having confirmed all the reservations for the following week. He printed them, and ordered them along with the rest of the airline tickets and travel vouchers he would have to deliver this afternoon. He always took note when Crystal would be receiving one and put hers to the end of his list. It always made his heart jump to see her off for the day. With a stack of mania envelopes under his arm, he walked out of the office to make his deliveries.

302pm – Mr. Gulham flipped excruciatingly slowly through each document, verofying that it was signed and filled accuratly and completely. Crystal sat in the chair accross from him, doing everything she could to hide her distaste for being made to wait on him, but presenting the smile and professional demeanor expected of her. She would often fantisize about a trip to Thailand that she would some day take, and about the strapping young man she would have escort her. It had been almost a year since she separated with he ex-boyfriend, and she hadnt perused any relationships since, leading to certain frustrations and urges her toys and fingers could only partially subdue. “Are you certain this signature is that of Mrs. Talbot?” Mr. Gulham groaned. Crystal snapped back to the moment, and pointed out the other 3 signatures on the very same page that almost perfectly matched the one in question. “It certainly apears that way” she said with a smirk. It was almost as if he could sense her joy that was growing at the thought of getting away, and looked purposfully for some means to quash it.

342pm – Jeremy was taking the elevator up to the 3rd floor of Crystals building to make his last couple of stops. The first would be to Mrs. Polaski’s office. She was a homely married woman in her late 50s, though Jeremy had never ventured to asked. Her office smelled of apple cinnamon candles and had pictures of her grandchildren lining the walls. While being much older than him, she never missed the opportunity to rattle his cage with racey comments and flirting. Jeremy assumed she was being humorous every time and laughed and played it off as a joke. He did his best to remain professional, and had made the dicision to let it continue after the first few incidents. What harm could it do? And if it lightened her day, then so be it. He bid her good evening and made his way down the hall and to the other side of a room full of cubicles and busy employees toward Crystals office. To his dismay, she wanst there. He scanned the room for a minute, and then eventured inside to deliver her tickets and reservation for a conference in Philadelphia next Tuesday.

Jeremy took his time, pausing to admiring the furnishings and items that filled Cryatals office. It was a bit of a let down, but he felt he had already overstayed his welcome and didnt want to alram anyone who may walk past to see him in the office that certainly wasnt his. As he began to walk out, he noticed the blazer, and ran his finger along the accents gently as he walked through the door. It happend that at that same time, Crystal was attempting to walk back into her office, her eyes fixed upon an insurance agreement with the wrong policy number in block 4b. Just as innthe greatest vaudevillian comedies, they ran directly into one another sending papers tumbling to the floor and almost knocking Crystal into the isle between cubicles.Jeremy began apologising profusely while surrying to help recover the documents. Crystal siged and shuffled piles together, woundering what else could go wrong, and walked purposfully into her office to begin resorting and arranging them.

Jeremy stepped back into the office with the papers he had collected, still expressing his regret for not watching where he was going. Its fine, just put them down and be more careful, she said through a forced smile. Jeremy complied, and tried to help find like papers to put back together in a futile atempt to help. Reaching to grab what looked like the correct page, his hand landed on Crystals, and time froze. Her hand was smooth and her nails were done in a perfect french manicure. Her skin was warm to the touch and the whole of her hand fit perfectly into his. “Can i help you?” She smirked, snapping him out of it. Jeremy removed his hand and searched for words, he stammered “sorry, i got lost in there for a minute” as he lifted his gaze to meet hers. They both starred for a long moment until Jeremy found anything to talk about. “Big trip to Philly?” As he resumed shuffing papers and attempting to order them. “Oh its not a big trip, just a standard shareholder meeting. Its going to be a long 2 days” she shirked as she put the papers back on the desk. She leaned her hip against the desk and looked him over for a moment. He was handsom, albeit older than she had fantasized about. She had also taken notice of him in passing, though she had never really stopped to look closely at his features.

“I set your tickets on the desk, and was just admiring your blazer when i ran into you” he paused his efforts and relaxed his shoulders to stand upright and engage in the conversation. “This is one of my favorite outfits you wear, it really makes you look stinning.” Jeremy swallowed heavily, he was never that honest about how he felt. What would she think, he had a favorite outfit she wore!? She would think he was a stalker and kick him out of her odfice any second, he was sure of it.

“Oh, well its one of my favorties as well” she said with a growing smirk. She didnt expect to be hit on until she reached the bar that night, but his awkwardness was cute and he seemed genuine. She couldnt restrain her smile, the attention was appreciated following the time she had spent in Mr. Gulhams office. “Do you go out of your way to memorize everyones atire and pick a favorite, or just mine?” She waid with a giggle.

Thimk as quickly as he could for a reasonable responce he said “well i wouldnt say i memorize all of them, but yours is certainly note worthy. Im sorry for being so forward, i should see myself out now, have a great trip.” He began to turn to leave and Crystal put her hand back on his, holding him softly, and convinsing him to turn and face her once again.

Letting his hand lose and crossing her arms in front of her she said “No, please, continue. Ive hard a rough day and id like to hear a few more of your thoughts on this outfit.” Her smile had reached its max, and she revelled in the thought of Jeremy finding her attractive but being too shy to approach her. She dropped her arms and leaned back ontonthe desk, pulling the jumper flatter across herself.

Jeremy was stunned. There was no way she was asking him to actively fliry with her! He must have hit his head and been knocked unconscious, and this was just delusion his brain had fabricated. Taking a breath and tryijg to compose himself he finally responded “i dont mean to be so blunt, but ive found you very attractive for some time now. I assumed you receive compliments from all the guys who work here, and didnt want to add to any uncomfortable feelings you may have about the constant attention. But on that note, you look breathtaking today.”

There was a long pause between then as Crystal began shimmying her foot back and forth while considering the options she had given the situation. ” well while your being blunt, what are your thoughts beyond my clothes? You seem to have paid attention and id like a few more honest opinions, if you don’t mind ofcourse.” She stood from the desk and walked behind it to her phone, pressing a few buttons before walking back toward Jeremy and the door. Jeremy was stunned. This only happens in cheesy movies and porns he thought. Did she want him to actually make a move? Was this some kind of joke or a trap of some kind? Where was the camera crew and how could he find another job? He couldnt even bring himself to move, only to keep his eyes locked onto hers, looking for any hints as to what her true intentions were.

“You dont want to tell me what you think? I want your honest opinion as ive said.” She passed him and put her hand on the door, slowly closing it and staring at him, givingnhim time to leave or stop her, but excited at the thought of him staying. “You didnt say no, so im goingnto assume you dont want to share with everyone. Let me make thing a little more private.” The door closed heavily, and the lock echoed in Jeremy’s ears. There was little dout in his mind now, but he still stood in disbelief. Crystal walked back over to the desk, the room closed off and just the two of them there, staring ay each other antisipating the next moves to be made.

Leaning on the desk again, Crystal took off her pumps and kicked them to the side. She ran her fingers up her thighs and over her stomach toward the ties that held her romper up. “Well, im waiting.” She said as her fingers reached the knot. “Wait!” Jeremy rasied his palm toward her. “Are you sure about this? We really dont even know each other.” He couldnt belieave what he was saying. What kind of idiot would still be questioning her intentions? Crystal stopped and walked toward him slowly, putting a hand on his chest and one on his waist. “Do you want me to stop? Or do you want to tell me how you really fell about me?”

Jeremy paused for what seemed like minutes, then put his hand on Crystals waist and pulled her in slightly while leaning in to kiss her. Her lips were softer than he could have ever imagined. Her tounge lashes at his lips, and forced its way into his mouth while her lower hand grabbed his side as she bent slightly back with his advance.

“Ive though about you for months, admired your beauty and grace. Ive thought about how great you body looks and of all the things that i would do with you, to you. I want to know every inch of you, and learn every curve of your body.” Jeremy was no longer being shy. He began to move Crystal by the waist toward the desk. Once she was just in front of it, he stopped, dropping his hands and turning to take a chair and sit just a few feet in front of her. “I want to know your body, and i want you to show it to me.”

It was Crystals turn to be shocked. This man sitting in front of her, instructing her, by all rights a delivery boy, telling her what to do! The CEO was the only person in the company that she couldn’t direct on a daily basis, and this man had the nerve to give her directions! It excited her in a way she didnt know she could be. Crystal stepped back, resting her ass on the edge of the desk again. Reaching up with one hand she undid the knot in her jumper and brought the strings down to dangle. Her breasts were ample enough to keep the top in place, and she had to activly slide it down to reveal a black and white floral print strapless bra, clasping her chest firmly. She lowered the jumper to her waist, letting just the top of her matching panties peak out above the fabric. She reached up and deftly undid the clasps holding the cups together, all the while keeping her eyes on him to see his reactions.

The bra bounced to the sides as her breasts pushed toward freedom. She pulled it aside and dropped her arms back to allow it to fall onto the desk. Her breastes were glorious. Her nipples were dark drown and becoming hard, they hung pleasantly off of her chest. Displaying herself for him, she ruffled her hair a little and then ran her hands down her stomach and into her panties.

“Wait” said Jeremy as he sat forward in his chair. “I want to unwrap you and explore. Stand i front of me and lift your arms to the top of your head, and trust me, ill be gentle”. Crystal did as she was told and positioned herself in front of him. She placed her hands on top of her head and looked down at him as he adjusted to sit fully upright at the edge of the seat. His hands moved from his knees to hers, and then up her outer thigh till he could rest them on her bare waist. With a determined look in his eye, he began to slowly manuver the jumper down around her hips and thights, relishing in it slipping under her ass, and finally letting it fall to the floor at her feet. Crystal kicked it to the love seat and then posed herself again in front of Jeremy.

He maneuvered her back just enouth that he could stand by her side, her shoulder against his chest. His left hand traveled accross her stomach and cupped her breast, lifting and kneeding it as two of his fingers began to manipulate her fully erect nipple. At the same time, his right fingers moved down the small of her back to rest on her full round ass. Crystal wasn’t prepared for the first squeeze and jump a little, but arched her back after to give him a beeter vantage to grab her whole cheek, squeezing and rubbing, to learn every inch of it. Crack, Jeremy slapped the exposed portion of her butt cheek, causing her to jump again and let a small “fuck” eascape her lips as she jerked her head back and buckled at the knees ever so slightly. Her elbows closed on each other and she steadied herself for his hands next impact. “Dont turn your body” Jeremy said in a low voice as he rached up and took her arms, placing the close one on his shoulder and the far one on his chest. “You’re doing perfect gorgeous.”

His hands once again rested on her lower back and stomach, and started to slide down to the waist of her panties. His thumb sliped into the back of them as his hand got a firm grip on her ass again. Two fingers probed into the front and slid back and forth, lowering them a little with each pass. He could feel Crystals bush as his fingers got closer and closer to her mound. He continued to lower them slowly, taking care to not touch her most sensitive parts yet, and got her panties down around her thighs. His hand rested heavy on her pelvis, pressing and rubbing down into the cleft of her thighs.C Crystal’s hips arched forward to meet his fingers, rocking them back and forth longing for him to let them caress her clit. Jeremy moved her back to the desk, and paused to look her in the eyes for a moment before a grin sprouted from his lips and his hands dropped to remove her panties the rest of the way. Standing back up in front of her now fully nude body, he lifted her under her arms and sat her on the edge of the desk.

“Lean back and enjoy”, he whispered into her ear. Still happily following his directions, Crystal leaned back and supported herself with her elbows, bringing her hips up and exposing herself to Jeremy. He knelt down by the desk and started kissing her thighs, letting his lips brush agaisnt them as his face moved farther and father in between her legs. He positioned is arms under then to allow her to drape her legs over his shoulders. Just as he could feel her bush start to touch his face, his tounge lashed at her clit one time. The solid contact after minutes of teasing caused her to gasp with pleasure, and Jeremy could see her pussy growing flush and her lips parting.

He began to slowly trace the outer edge of her mound with the tip of his tounge, then to just the outer lips. Crystal was moaning slightly and crying out in her head for him to penetrate her, or lick her clit more, or anything beyond edging her. After a few minutes she said “please, more” in a low raspy voice. Jeremy seemed to pay no attention to her request, and continued as he had been, licking and teasing. After a long minute, Jeremy said in a direct and authoritative voice “you’ll need to ask more directly, convince me you should have what you want”. To that Crystal looked down over her gently rising and falling breasts at him still with his face between her thighs. “Would you please lick my clit and put your fingers inside me?” Jeremy stopped and smiled at her. “Thats much better Miss Mallory.” And returning to meet her, Jeremy took her clit between his lips and resting his teeth on it for a moment, then sealed his lips and began to tounge and suck it into his mouth. Crystal half moaned, half cried out, and clenched her fists as he agitated her sensative node with his mouth.

She felt his hand leave her thigh and press with two fingers against her wet and waiting cavity. His fingers slide arross and into her with easy as she was already dripping and leaking juices down her ass nearly to the desk. Jeremy work his fingers as far in as they would reach, and then drew then almost all the way back out. Turning them upward, he began to massage the top wall of her to find her g spot, and began rubbing it back and forth. His mouth and tounge kept steady pressure and rythem on her clit and his fingers found their mark. Crystal began to shake and knew she was about to cum, trying to form the words before it was too late to warn Jeremy. Crystal was a squirter, and now it was evident to Jeremy as his favorite blue button up was half soaked with her. “Oh shit, im so sorry” Crystal finally got something out, still reeling from the orgasm. “Dont apologize, ill make sure it wont happen again.” Going back to sucking and fingering, this time with added force and speed, he made it clear that he intended to make her cum again. Crystal could feel herself beginning to gush as she was about to cum. Just before, Jeremy dropped his jaw and covered almost the whole of her upper mound while continuing to flick his tounge at her clit. She came, and squirted into his willing mouth as he sucked and tounged and made every effort to gather every last bit of it.

Two more orgasms later, Jeremy stood, and looked at his fine work, seeing the tiny river of cream and juices running, now not just onto the desk, but down the side as well to form a small drop at the bottom edge before dissapearing into the carpet. Crystal was breatheing heavy and her shoulders were only barely keeping her from laying flat on her desk. As her eyes stopped rolling around the room, she lifted her torso and sat up to look Jeremy in the face once again. “Do you want me to return the favore?” She asked with a grin. “If you want anything, you’ll have to ask for it nicely pet.” Jeremy had cared for Crystal for some time, but now that he was here, and had some level of control over her, he was going to enjoy every moment of his time with her as much as possible. Crystal paused for a moment. She wasn’t used to being submissive in her own office and while she was taken aback yet againg by how brazen this man was being, it was impossible to deny that it was turning her on even more. “Will you allow me to suck your cock Mr. Cartwright?” She said in a bedroom voice that sounded almost like begging.

Crystal stood up from the desk and stepped forward to Jeremy, leaning against him and lifting her head to kiss him. Jeremy put one hand under her jaw bone and lifted her face to meet his, and they kissed again, allowing Crystal to taste herself on his tounge. At the same time, she found his belt and quickly undid it. She could feel him pressung against his pants, straining to be set free. Undoing his zipper and pushing his pants and boxer briefs down, she got them to mid thigh and slowly began to drop her weight to kneel down in front of him. The head of his cock was still restrained in his boxers, and she ran her mouth from the base down to fish it out with her tounge. It popped out and met her lips with a jerk, and she pulled his pants further down to let them rest at his ankles. Jeremy’s cock as decently sized, with good length and his girth was rather wide, almost too much to grip properly, but entirely manageable.

Crystal sucked his head into her mouth and swirled her tounge around it. Her hands moved back up his thighs, her nails scratching and rubbing all the way up. One hand grasped the base of him, while the other started groping and rolling his balls around in their sack. Her mouth slide down over him to her hand, and them pushed it out of the way, going as far as she could to get him completley inside her. She got her lips to the base of his shaft and held them there for just a moment before pulling back to catch her breath. Her mouth and hands worked on him and engulfed his manhood passionatwly. Jeremy ran his fingers along side her head and throught her hair, letting it slide all the way through his fingers before starting them back, just next to her cheek. Crystal was an expert, and after just a few minutes, Jeremy knew he wouldnt last much longer. He could feel the pressure of her hands, the soft touch and hard sucking of her lips, and he could feel the pressure building in his balls, and knew it was too much. Taking a hand full of hair from the back of her head, Crystal could feel Jeremy thrusting his cock into her mouth as well as start to pulse as he was about to cum. Jeremy could barely control himself as he strained to hold back a gasped “oh fuck” that escaped his lips. He pulled her head slightly toward him, and she squeezed his balles and sucked harder, trying to pull the cum from him. He began to jerk erratically as his cock jumped inside her mouth. She could taste his cum in the back of her throat and was determined to ensure she got every last drop of it. Jeremy slowed his movements, and lessened his grip, now being the one who was breathing heavily. Crystal sucked on his head and licked his shaft as his cock began to settle and soften slightly.

521pm – Helping crystal to her feet, Jeremy pulled her close and again kissed her deeply. She was shocked, a man had never been interested, let alone had ambitions, to kiss her after he had cum in her mouth. They embraced each other and let their sweat mingle on their chests and stomachs for a few minutes, enjoying the euphoria. “I knew toady as going to be a good day, but i had no idea it would be this good” Jeremy said with an awkward smile while he began to return his clothing to its intended place. Crystal gathered her clothes and sauntered behind her desk, throwing her panties over her shoulder at Jeremy with a smile. She sat in her desk chair fully nude, leggs crossed as they had been just a few hours earlier and asked “Have you ever thought about going to Thailand Mr. Cartwright?” Jeremy caught the panties and looked at them for a moment, then shifted his gaze back to Crystal, and smiled.

Thank you for reading, please message or dm with suggestions or critiques ☺️
