The girls across the street watch [m]e jerk off every night

I’m a student living in a small basement studio apartment, I’m also a nudist, and this year I started to leave my curtains open all day and night. The house across the road from me is shared between six young attractive women. Our buildings are both slightly set back from the road, so we can’t really recognise each other, but we can easily see what the other is doing. Their building is higher than mine, meaning they can see straight into my whole apartment, right to the bed.

When I first started leaving the curtains open they were pretty shocked to see me lying naked on my bed, in open view to them. They laughed, they were shy and tried not to look. It’s been about a month now and I’ve seen them having a look and pretending they’re not. I once lay down rather tired and they must have thought I was asleep, because they all became very bold, standing right at the window looking at my naked body.

At night I masturbate before bed, I don’t close the curtains but I do turn off the lights. There is some light from the computer screen, and I’ve noticed a number of them watching from dark rooms, peering through gaps in curtains, so I think they can still see what I’m up to.

Last night things progressed somewhat. I was working away so to speak when I notice one of the girls at their window with the light on, standing still, watching me. I don’t think she’d been there very long, but long enough that she’d been watching. It was so intense and arousing to think she wanted to watch me, but I also didn’t want to come across as super creepy and masturbate at her without consent. I sat up slightly to let her know I was looking directly back at her and stopped masturbating. She didn’t flinch, I waved nervously but she turned her head slightly and pretended not to see, then looked back and kept watching. By this time my heart was pounding in my chest. So I slowly and nervously reached back down to continue. It was so erotic knowing she was watching me lie there naked slowly stroking my shaft. After twenty seconds or so she left the room, returning to the window a few minutes later to watch me some more. Sadly she ran out of excuses and did not watch me finish, or if she did she was too sneaky for me to spot her.

Because of the distance I can’t distinguish the faces of my neighbours, so on the street I never know who has seen me. And that really gives me a thrill. While I have seen these girls watching, there are at least another five house shares that can see in to my apartment while I can’t really see into theirs easily.

I feel that I’m very recognisable from a distance, because of my build and hair style. Today I did have a moment with two young women at a pedestrian crossing that made me think they might have recognised me. One of the girls just happened to turn her head while they were waiting to cross, her eyes went wide for a slit second when she looked me dead in the eye and she started to smile. Suddenly broke my gaze to look at her friend, who then also stole a glance at me before they went into a huddle around one of their phones. We all crossed the street and they went into another huddle looking at a flier on the wall. I think they may have just felt so awkward and not known how to react, and were just focusing on anything to avoid eye contact and act nonchalant.

I’ll definitely be renewing my tenency next year, fingers crossed the ladies will be too.



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