The Final Initiation [M+F] [Oral] [Anal] [PIV] [Magic] [Ritual]

“It’s time.”

Allison Evelyn had been waiting to hear those words for nearly three years. They marked the final step in a process that began the day she made a fateful decision to run from a world in which she never belonged. Many parts of that process had been difficult, strenuous, and downright heartbreaking at times. Now, after all that struggles and strife, she stood on the cusp of her greatest reward to date.

“I’m ready,” Allison said in response, not even looking towards the source of the voice.

“Are you sure?” the male figure replied. “Once you enter the chamber, there’s no turning back.”

“I’m sure,” she said without hesitation. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

The man fell silent. Allison still didn’t look up to greet him, nor did she acknowledge him when he left the room. It was part of the process. She wasn’t allowed to see or identify the face of anyone involved. Even if she recognized the voice, she couldn’t put a name to it. This night and this moment was all about her.

The stage was set. The clock had just struck midnight on Halloween, a date she’d chosen for very personal reasons. She’d donned her ceremonial garb, which consisted of a black cloak and matching black panties. She’d been waiting patiently in a small room, illuminated only with incense candles and several tablet computers that played special music. She spent over an hour, meditating, praying, and preparing herself for what awaited her.

“I’m really doing this,” Allison said to herself. “I’m going to join the Order of Erotes.”

It had been a long journey, but the end awaited her. Tonight was her formal initiation into the Order and those involved in this secretive, tight-knit organization made it worth waiting for.

Rising up from her meditative state, Allison took one last deep breath. She gazed out a nearby window, which overlooked a stormy night sky and a restless landscape. She didn’t know specifically where she was. As part of the initiation, she’d been blindfolded after being picked up from her apartment and driven a half-hour to what the Order called their nexus site.

Near as she could tell, it was a small office building on the outskirts of the city. All the lights had been turned off. The doors had been locked and entire areas had been cleared for their secretive activities. According to some of her friends, the founder of the Order owned the building and several others like it. They even had a saying. The Order of Erotes was never far from private meeting space.

Initiations had to be especially private. They often occurred in basements or some other windowless room. There was a reason for that and Allison understood that reason better than most. Knowing she’d be a different person when the sun rose, she pulled her hood over her head and exited the room.

“She has chosen to partake in the initiation!” announced the same male figure from earlier. “Make way for her arrival.”

Allison still kept her head down, not making eye-contact with anyone she encountered. Again, there was a reason for that and that reason was about to become more important.

Upon walking out into a narrow hall, she was greeted by two rows of cloaked figures. They all wore attire similar to hers, but theirs were colored gray and decorated with the distinct symbols of the Order of Erotes. They all held up lit candles, which helped illuminate those symbols. In addition to their cloaks, they also wore special masks. Some depicted the faces of angels while others depicted demons. Only the one being initiated had to show her face.

“Make way. Make way. Make way,” they all chanted in perfect unison.

Allison nodded, hugging her cloak as she made her way down the hall. With each step she took, those she passed bowed their heads to acknowledge her initiation. Each figure varied in terms of height, age, and gender. She could probably surmise who some of them were, just by their physique. She chose not to. True to the process, they did nothing to identify themselves.

“Welcome, Allison Evelyn. Welcome,” they started chanting as she neared the end of the hall.

Her excitement grew. Her legs grew weak and her hands shook, even as she clung to her cloak. The revealing nature of her attire didn’t make it any easier. Wearing just a cloak with panties left her feeling cold in some areas and hot in others. It was overwhelming, but compared to where she’d come from, it was still an improvement.

As she approached her destination, Allison found herself recalling what had led her to this fateful night. She hadn’t been born into the Order of Erotes, like many of its members, nor had she sought it directly. In fact, she’d come from a very different world and a very different life. However, it was a life that never felt like it had been hers to live.

“This is my path…my choice,” Allison said under her breath.

Just uttering those words carried enormous personal meaning. She’d been born into a strict, conservative environment that centered around church, duty, and rigid moral standards. She was the sixth child, and the first girl, of a family that many saw as the greatest embodiment of those standards. The Evelyn family wielded great influence throughout the community, but only to a point.

That community was largely run by a council of elder male church leaders. They effectively dictated daily life for everyone, from the clothes they wore to the books they read to the times they went to bed at night. In their world, the state and federal laws that were supposed to give people some semblance of freedom didn’t apply. Their laws were the only ones that matter and while she’d followed them as much as anyone, something about them never felt right.

It didn’t help that women in that community were micromanaged to an extreme. They had little say in how they lived their lives. There was even an entire system in place to make sure that young girls didn’t spend too much time alone in a bathroom, lest they discover some “immoral inclinations,” as they called them. That didn’t stop Allison from making her share of discoveries, but that wasn’t what drove her away.

Even as a kid, she didn’t like being told what to do, but did it anyways because that was just what everyone was supposed to do. When she became a teenager, however, she became less inclined to go along with that system. It was around the same time she learned that teenagers get horny, curious, and passionate. She’d been told for years that this was immoral, but she never realized how powerful those feelings wore.

Then, found out how good they felt and how much she hated having others take that from her. That was where the Order of Erotes came in.

“We’re ready for you, Allison Evelyn,” came a collection of voices from behind a door at the end of the hall. “Please…join us, if you wish.”

Her mouth went dry and her hands trembled as she stood at the end of the hall, still feeling the eyes of so many focused on her. She still had a chance to turn back. A big part of the initiation revolved around choice. A member of the Order of Erotes had to choose their allegiance freely and willingly. By doing so, Allison would sever the last remaining ties to her old life.

She hadn’t forgotten how that life had attempted to make her decisions for her. She’d been told by her parents at a young age that they would pick a husband for her. They also told her what to expect from that arrangement. She was to be a loyal, obedient, dutiful wife. She was to serve him, please him sexually, and bear his children. While she’d gone along with it at first, like a good girl from an upstanding family, it never sat well with her.

Those reservations became painfully real when her mother told her what to expect on her wedding night. She’d been told sex was sacred, but sinful. It could only occur a certain way and that was the only way it could be both pleasurable and moral. What she hadn’t been told was how bad it could be when her husband was ugly, impotent, and utterly disinterested in her.

That was the first sign that everything she’d been told about sex, love, and duty was wrong. It certainly wasn’t the last, but it put her on the path that she was about to complete. Upon opening the door and entering the initiation chamber, as the Order called it, she finally chose something that felt right.

“Welcome, Allison,” a chorus of voices greeted. “Thank you for choosing us. Please, will you join us in the final initiation?”

“Yes! Yes, I will,” Allison said eagerly.

Walking into the initiation chamber was the antithesis of her wedding day. Upon taking her first step inside, two cloaked figures came behind her and closed the door. She was now locked in a windowless room, lit only by candles and special lamps, and occupied by approximately two dozen figures.

Like the ones Allison had encountered in the hall, each figure in the room wore a cloak and a mask. However, their cloaks were different in a few critical ways. They were all red and much looser than the others. As a result, she could see their legs, torsos, and arms. She still couldn’t see their faces through the mask, but she could tell they were all men and it, attractive men at that.

The room reeked of masculinity, deviance, and sexuality. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling at such a thought. It was the kind of thought that would’ve evoked dread, fear, guilt, and shame back where she came from. Now, it conjured a very different set of feelings. Those feelings led her to the center of the initiation chamber where one distinct figure awaited.

“Allison Evelyn,” he said in a deep, powerful voice, “step forth into the Circle of Eros, if you so choose.”

“Believe me, High Cleric…I choose,” Allison said, no longer hiding her eager smile.

A new strength found her. Having made her choice and entered the chamber, her hands stopped trembling. Her legs felt stronger instead of weaker. When she made her way to the center of the room, she felt a certainty she’d never felt back home. It further convinced her that she had made the right choice.

The center of the initiation chamber, also known as the Circle of Eros, was the heart of the Order’s initiation. Within that area was an elaborate setup that included six mounted candle stands, a queen-sized mattress draped in black sheets, and a five-sided pentagram that had been etched on the floor in chalk. It was the kind of setup that inspired nightmares in some, especially the people in her former home. For her, it was her hottest dream made real.

“Finally,” Allison said to herself, “a choice a truly desire.”

Her smile widened as she greeted the High Cleric, who was the most important figure in an initiation. Standing over the north end of the bed, his stature was distinct from the other men in the room, as was his attire. He wore a large black cloak that covered him heat to toe. He also wore a mask, but his was just a blank face. The only distinguishing feature that the eyes behind the mask had a distinct hue, almost as though they weren’t human.

When Allison felt those eyes narrow on her, she trembled again. However, it wasn’t out of anticipation this time. It was due to a more basic feeling.

“By entering this circle, you affirm that you’re giving yourself to the Order of Erotes,” the High Cleric said.

“Indeed, I affirm,” Allison said, his voice echoing through the room with uncanny power.

“In doing so, you open yourself to our power, passion, and prowess,” he added. “Swear to the Order that you accept.”

“I accept,” Allison said intently, leaving no shred of doubt in her words.

“Swear that you will honor the secrets, knowledge, and responsibilities of the Order. Swear that you will share in the benefits, privileges, and indulgences of the Order with all your passions. Swear to us through your body and soul!”

“I swear to the Order! I swear it with my body and soul.”

When she said those words, a hot gust swept through the room, which shouldn’t have been possible. The flame on the candles flickered brightly, filling the chamber in a fiery light. The High Cleric, his eyes now narrowed on her, revealed his gloved hand from within his cloak. Within his hand was a ceremonial chalice adorned with erotic imagery, the likes of which would’ve been scandalous back home. Seeing it signaled that the initiation had begun.

“Allison Evelyn…disrobe,” the High Cleric commanded. “Show us your body in all its beauty and glory.”

The young woman obliged with an eagerness that contrasted with who she used to be. Without shame or reservation, she pushed back her cloak, letting her long flowing hair fall freely. She then undid it and tossed it aside, revealing much of her body to the audience of masked men. Her face, breasts, and legs – the same parts of her body she’d once concealed in the name of modesty – were there for all to see.

Allison could already feel the men admiring what they saw. She admired it, as well. The body she had now was different than the one she had when she ran away from her isolated community. She hadn’t just grown into a shapely young woman. She’d actually put time and effort into her body, daring to enhance and improve upon her body. Such vanity was frowned upon back home. Beauty like hers was thought to evoke sinful thoughts. That notion wasn’t entirely wrong, but that didn’t make it any less misguided.

Emboldened by the lecherous looks of the men, Allison shed her black panties. She now stood completely naked, her butt and vagina fully visible under the fiery light. She’d even groomed herself in anticipation, as if to further distance herself from the world she escaped.

The world she’d entered was very different. In the Order of Erotes, the beauty of human flesh was not hidden, nor was it scorned. Instead, it was celebrated. It had taken time, effort, and strife to embrace that concept. The men in the room seemed to embrace it too. She could already see some of them getting aroused through their cloaks.

“Beautiful,” the High Cleric said in his admiring tone.

“Thank you, High Cleric,” Allison said. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“I have more than you think, my dear,” he said. “Lie down on the bed. You are ready for the next step…and so are the other clerics.”

“I’ve noticed that,” she said with a half-grin.

It was an indirect way of saying that the other cloaked men – also known as simple Clerics – had growing erections. Some attempted to conceal them within their cloaks. Others didn’t bother. Allison didn’t mind, either way. There would get plenty of opportunities to make use of them soon enough.

Having tossed her attire aside, the young woman laid down on bed. She made sure she was right in the center, which put her at the epicenter of the initiation chamber. In that area, the energy of the room was at its most concentrated. The light from all the candles seemed to coalesce around the area, as though it were guided by darker forces.

“Come, my fellow Clerics,” the High Cleric said. “Gather around our new consort. Shed your cloaks.”

They all obeyed. Without saying a word, they all shed their cloaks, they kept their masks on, but they wore nothing from the waist down. They hadn’t even been wearing underwear. Once the cloaks hit the floor, Allison found herself surrounded by nearly two dozen naked men.

They weren’t just ordinary, average men, either. They had the stature and muscle tone of trained athletes, bearing the masculine features that evoked a very basic reaction in any healthy heterosexual woman. Those features extended to their dicks, as well. Each man was exceptionally endowed, even by the standards of a woman who’d come from a very conservative community. It was a very lurid, yet very sensual seen.

“Beautiful,” Allison said, mirroring the words of the High Cleric. “So many wonderful men…so many passions to share.”

“And you shall share them,” the High Cleric told her. “That, I can promise you.”

As the other Clerics stood around the bed, many becoming more aroused at the sight of her naked body, the High Cleric stepped forth and held the decorative chalice over her. Then, just as another hot gust filled the room, he poured its contents onto her.

“By the power and passions ordained by the Order of Erotes, I christen your body and soul,” he said.

Allison remained perfectly still and watched as a pink, viscous fluid flowed from the chalice and splattered onto her naked body. He started at her chest, just between her breasts, and guided it up and down her torso. It quickly flowed out over her body, dripping down her sides and between her legs. As soon as it cascaded over her skin, it triggered a strong reaction.

“Oohhh! By the spirits of Erotes!” she moaned.

It was like a new energy flowing into her, imbuing her with passions and desires the likes of which exceeded that of any ordinary woman. The fluid itself had the consistency of Olive Oil, feeling hot and slippery to the touch. However, Allison knew from her time in the Order that there was much more to it.

The High Cleric had endowed it with special properties. Some came from the natural world. Some came from the realm of the supernatural. Together, they combined to induce a singular effect. It made her very horny.

“So hot!” Allison gasped. “My body…so hot.”

She could already feel her arousal manifesting. Her nipples became hard. An intense, moist heat formed between her legs. She hadn’t received the best in terms of sexual education, but she knew what an engorged vagina felt like. It was so intense she began shifting her legs and fondling her breasts, her body aching for sexual fulfillment.

“Please! In the name of Erotes…take me!” Allison said intently.

“Do you hear that, my Clerics?” the High Cleric said. “The spirit of Erotes has entered her. She longs for the fulfillment of her flesh…the fulfillment that the world denounces as illicit, immoral, and decadent. On this night, Halloween night, let us fulfill such longing!”

“Fulfill…embrace…in the name of Erotes,” the other Clerics said in unison.

The High Cleric stepped back from the bed, but not before casting her one last knowing gaze through his mask. Without saying a word, he told Allison what awaited her. Again, she showed no reservation or doubt. She just smiled at him with a gracious look, telling him to enjoy the show.

As soon as he was clear of the Circle of Eros, the other Clerics quickly gathered around the bed, surrounding her from all sides. Some were already fully aroused, stroking their dicks and gazing at her naked body with burning lust. Even through their masks, she could tell how much they wanted her.

She was the focus of their lust.

They all wanted to fuck her.

She wanted to fuck them too. More importantly, she wanted to enjoy every fucking minute of it.

“I’ll do every one of you,” she told them in a seductive tone. “Don’t hold back. Be as rough or as gentle as you wish. I want this. I want it so much!”

The masked men didn’t say a word. As per the traditions of the initiation ceremony, they had to let their actions do the talking. That was exactly what they did.

One bold Cleric got things going. Like a trained professional being called into action, he got on the bed and laid down on top of her. He must have been hornier than the rest because he already had a raging boner. Allison could hear him panting heavily with lust beneath his mask. That didn’t stop him from being diligent when he grasped her thighs, pushed her legs apart, and thrust his hips forward to enter her.

A surge of hot, intense sensations followed. It was really happening. This man, whose name she didn’t know and face she hadn’t seen, was having sex with her. His hard, manly flesh filled her hot womanly depths. It felt like the culmination of a long, arduous transition. Allison Evelyn was a new woman and it felt good to be that woman. It felt very good.

“Oohhh Erotes!” she cried out.

“The spirits hear you,” said the High Cleric. “I can too. They want to hear more!”

The masked man on top of her heeded that holy decree. Brimming with lust, power, and desire, he started moving his hips back and forth. Her body moved with his, their naked flesh gliding and grinding in an intimate heat. With each motion, she felt his member slither inside her, stimulating parts of her body that had once been taboo. It started slow, but the pace of their movements quickly escalated.

Grunts and moans soon filled the chamber. It was sex of the simplest kind. One man was on top of one woman, working his body with hers in a basic missionary position. Even with such simplicity, it worked. Allison felt a steady stream of pleasure. She even dared to supplement her masked lover’s efforts. She raked her nails down his back and dug the balls of her feet into his lower back, showing a sexual assertiveness that would’ve been scandalous back home.

“This is it. This is what I’ve been seeking. This feels…right,” Allison found herself saying as their sex unfolded.

Again, her thoughts drifted back to the world she came from. Specifically, she recalled the day after her wedding night.

She’d consummated the marriage that had been arranged between her and an older man. It hadn’t been very pleasurable, but she’d been assured that was normal. She had her doubts. On that morning, she’d taken an extra-long shower. For reasons that might have been fate or divine intervention, she masturbated until she had an orgasm, something she hadn’t gotten with her husband. That was the first time that something wasn’t right.

That same day, which also happened to be Halloween, Allison made a bold decision to make certain. That involved seducing and having sex with her husband’s younger brother, who just happened to be her age. They did it in a closet that had been lit with a single lightbulb. Despite it being cramped, quick, and grossly immoral by the standards of her community, it felt good. It felt so good that she could no longer trust what her parents, pastors, and teachers had told her about sex, love, or anything.

It led to a major scandal once word got out that she cheated on her husband. They tried to make her repent. Allison refused. When it became clear that they weren’t going to listen, she ran away. Had she not found the Order of Erotes, she would’ve been in a terrible situation.

Now, here she was, joining a community that was the polar opposite of the one she’d come from. She was naked, on her back, and having sex with a masked man before an audience of eager onlookers. The fact it felt so good confirmed that she’d made the right decision.

“Yes! Yes! Oohhh yes!” Allison exclaimed. “Spirits of Erotes…I’m coming!”

“Hear her, spirits!” the High Cleric proclaimed. “Hear this woman’s ecstasy!”

Allison made sure she was extra vocal for those spirits. She achieved orgasm so quickly that she seemed to surprise the masked man on top of her. He steadied the pace of his movements, elevating his body slightly so that she could squeeze her breasts when she climaxed. When it hit, she threw her head back, curled her toes, and let every spirit of every realm know how much she loved sex.

“I think the spirits heard you, my dear,” the High Cleric said with a bit of humor.

Some of the other Clerics laughed as well. Allison barely heard any of them. She was too busy soaking in the ecstasy.

It was like a ball of fire that flared into a raging firestorm. It started in her core and erupted in all directions, sending ripples of bliss coursing through every nerve. She was so theatrical with her orgasm that even the man on top of her had to tighten his embrace on her, just to keep her from getting too erratic. She showed her appreciation by laughing and kissing his mask.

“Go on. Share in the spirit with me!” Allison whispered into his ear.

The masked man replied only with an eager grunt, but he clearly got the message. While she continued soaking in the pleasure, he kept hammering away, pushing towards an orgasm of his own. When he achieved it, he let out a deep, manly grunt that filled the chamber almost as much as her euphoric cries.

“Mmm…your spirit,” she purred. “I feel it!”

That was a colorful way of saying she felt him come inside her. He was less animated than her, but he still put on a show for the others. She could sense his dick throbbing inside her as he released his load of manly fluid. She found herself pawing his chest, feeling his masculine sinews as he shared in the pleasure. That idea of intimacy being shared and free, driven by desire rather than duty, made the feeling even more profound.

It also left her hungry for more. Thankfully, the other Clerics had been watching intently. Many had gotten fully aroused by such an erotic sight. Some were already stroking their dicks in anticipation.

“So many strong, handsome men. So many hard, throbbing cocks,” Allison said as she looked around at them.

“They’re all here for you, if that is what you desire,” the High Cleric said.

“Believe me, High Cleric. I desire them. I desire all of them!”

“Then, by all means…fulfill those desires.”

After that, the initiation ceremony became less a ritual and more a free-for-all. Hot sex with one man had just been the appetizer. Now, the buffet was open.

As soon as the first Cleric withdrew from her and slipped off the bed, three more came in to take his place. The first thing they did was turn her over so that she was on all fours. Next, one Cleric got behind her, grabbed her by the hips, and thrust his cock into her pussy, which was still dripping with various sexual fluids. As he began rocking her body with more sex, the other two Clerics got in front of her and angled their dicks at her face, inviting her to taste them. She accepted their invitation eagerly.

The sex that followed wasn’t so simple. While getting fucked from behind, she hungrily sucked the dicks of the two men in front of her. Allison wasn’t shy or reserved about it, either. She licked, suckled, and enveloped their throbbing flesh between her lips as though they were her favorite treat. Oral sex had been another taboo that her old teachers had railed against. It wasn’t always forbidden, but it was supposed to be something that a woman only did to arouse her husband. She couldn’t possibly enjoy it.

Again, they were wrong. Allison enjoyed it. She enjoyed it almost as much as the men she sucked off.

“Mmm…spirits of Erotes,” they both chanted, their voices muffled by the masks.

Their reactions only made her suck and stroke them harder. It helped her get them both off with an efficiency that even surprised the High Cleric. When the first one came, he grabbed the side of her head and gasped as he shot his load right down her throat. Allison made it a point to swallow every drop. When the second one came, he pulled out and sprayed his manly load all over her face. As if to tease him, she gathered up the fluid with two fingers and licked it up.

The High Cleric was even more impressed.

“The spirit is strong in her, indeed,” he said.

Her oral sex skills got the other Clerics waiting in the wing more excited. Just as she finished with the first two, two more took their place. Some tried to shove their way to the front, eager to indulge with her. She cast them grins that were both reassuring and seductive.

“Be patient, you handsome studs. You’ll all get your turn!” she told them.

Shortly after Allison said those words, the man fucking her pussy from behind climaxed. He barely finished depositing his load into her womanhood before another man shoved him aside and took his place. In short order, she was being fucked again by another Cleric. She climaxed again soon after. While not quite as theatrical as the first, the fresh surge of ecstasy left her wanting more.

“Oohhh yes! More! I desire more!” Allison cried out.

“And more, you shall have,” the High Cleric proclaimed.

Her body and her world rocked. On one end, a well-endowed man vigorously pumped his cock into her pussy. On the other, at least two equally endowed men took turns receiving oral sex from her. They got to fulfill their desires. She got to indulge in hers. It was a well-oiled machine of indulgence and she was the fuel that kept it going.

Allison remained on her hands and knees for a while, satisfying as many men as she could with her mouth and her pussy. At one point, a Cleric grew even bolder and thrust his cock into her ass. That triggered a strong reaction, causing her to gasp briefly at the sharp sting that followed. Her body quickly adjusted. That brief discomfort turned into yet another source of pleasure.

It was yet another forbidden source intimacy by the standards of her former home. Once again, those standards were wrong. Like so many other feelings she’d experienced since joining the Order of Erotes, the sensations she had been told were so wrong felt so good. It emboldened her to seek more of it.

“Oohhh spirits!” she moaned. “My soul…my body…every hole…take me!”

A chorus of grunts from the other Clerics told her the spirits had listened. Her desires – the same desires she’d been told were wrong, immoral, and sinful – were going to be fulfilled in the utmost.

As the initiation chamber became thick with the scent of sweat, sex, and decadence, the indulgence took many forms. Now that Allison had shown a fondness for anal sex as well, more Clerics got in on the ceremony. They guided her body into multiple positions, taking her from multiple angles.

In one, she was on her side with a Cleric fucking her ass from behind while another pumped his cock between her tits.

In another, she was on her back again with one Cleric on top of her and two more at her side, taking turns getting oral sex.

In another, she was on top of a Cleric, riding his dick while another fucked her ass in an act of simultaneous penetration. That earned her an especially strong orgasm, but it did little to slow her down.

On top of the humping, there were plenty of other intimate gestures. As her naked body rocked in accord with theirs, a sea of hands reached in to caress her naked flesh. Some fondled her breasts while others squeezed her butt. A few even reached in and fondled her clitoris, demonstrating more knowledge of female anatomy than anyone in her hometown in the process. It was never rough or greedy. At times, it was downright affectionate.

It was as though they wanted her to enjoy it, just as much. That shouldn’t have been such a radical notion, but by the standards and taboos she’d come form, it was.

“Take her…embrace her…touch her,” the High Cleric said. “Don’t just satisfy her desires. Make her feel desired.”

Every masked Cleric took that order seriously. They didn’t just fuck her like some horny animal in heat. They went out of their way to share in the experience. In response, Allison returned the favor by putting in the same effort.

One-by-one, she had her way with every Cleric. She quickly lost count of how many she’d fucked, but she was fairly certain she’d got them all off at least once. Whether it was by fucking her pussy, her ass, or receiving oral sex, they all got to fulfill their desires. She got off multiple times in the process. No matter how decadent it got, it never felt like anything more than people enjoying the rich pleasures of the flesh. It perfectly reflected the spirit of Order of Erotes.

“Love…lust…pleasure…beauty…flesh…all balanced. All in harmony,” the High Cleric said. “What others repress, we celebrate. Tonight, on Halloween, we all celebrate!”

A round of cheers echoed from within the grunts and moans of Allison’s initiation. She would’ve cheered too if she hadn’t a cock in her mouth. She didn’t have to because she was the catalyst for the celebration. By joining the Order of Erotes, she contributed to that balance.

The steady procession of sex acts continued. Allison pushed her desires and her endurance far past the limits that a lifetime of repression had imposed. The flames from the candles burned brightly and the room echoed with the moans, pants, and grunts of their decadent activities. As new limits caught up with her, the pace and intensity of the sex settled.

By the time she’d had her way with every Cleric, her hair was a mess. Her body was covered in a layer of sweat and sexual fluids. She was panting heavily, but even after that last orgasm, a look of contentment never left her face.

“So this is what it feels like…to be satisfied,” Allison gasped as one more Cleric climaxed with her. “Completely…and utterly…satisfied.”

The Cleric on top of her let out one last grunt of his own as he came too. At that point, both she and the other Clerics had gotten their fill of indulgence. Most of the Clerics were already off to the side of the room, catching their breath and watching the rest of the spectacle. After that last Cleric slipped off the bed, she was the only one left.

Lying naked atop the ruffled sheets, literally glowing with sex under the light of the cancels, Allison felt like both a goddess and a demon. She felt like the living embodiment of the spirits of Erotes. What she just did was right and wrong on so many levels, but that didn’t make it any less satisfying.

“Allison Evelyn,” the High Cleric said, his voice echoing with a divine authority, “your initiation is complete.”

“And what an initiation it was!” she said, already sounding like a new woman.

The last Cleric exited the Circle of Eros, leaving her alone in the center of the chamber. With the rest of the Clerics watching, each looking just as satisfied after having their way with her, the High Cleric approached the bed.

He was still completely shrouded. For all Allison knew, he was a demon or some sort of otherworldly creature. He could’ve been the devil himself behind that mask. Whoever he was, his gaze marked the completion of a long, arduous journey.

The world Allison came from was so restrained. Even the larger world around it championed restraint, reservation, and passivity. Order, abstinence, and propriety were championed. Indulgence, decadence, and ecstasy were discouraged. However, those discouraged feelings were what made life fulfilling. For Allison, who’d been denied such fulfillment, the Order of Erotes gave her an opportunity. She simply seized it.

“Welcome to the Order, Allison,” the High Cleric said. “From this day forward, your body and soul are welcome. May your every need and desire be met through our shared power.”

“Thank you, High Cleric,” she said gratefully. “I promise to honor that power responsibly…especially on Halloween!”


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