Office Politics [Straight]

You know the effect you have on me and just how hard it is to resist you.

When you walked into the office the way a ballet dancer would after a performance; lighter than air and with the grace of a swan landing on a lake without causing a ripple. I noticed your heels first

**tap, tap, tap**

Across the hardwood floor of the office. That sly half-smile when you glanced my direction. The same heels you wore Wednesday last week when you drew me into the copy room to ask me if I remembered the kiss.

Christmas office party, and you were in that tight pencil skirt and ugly ass sweater. I didn’t think much of you then, just a coworker having fun at the party; but when you grabbed my tie and drew me under the mistletoe and into your lips, you became my every obsession. Like a drug, I need you.

You asked if I could help with the machine, but the way you bit your lip told me you wanted more. When you drew the shades and locked the copy room door, it happened. It was dark, but the tingling touch of your hands wrapping around my neck, the wet taste of your tongue flicking against mine was like a line of Columbia’s finest; my heart beating a furious cadence.

My cock throbbing with every beat, as you slid your hands down the hair my chest to my belt and began to unbuckle. The way you wrapped your beautiful, puffy lips around me and took me in: inviting my cock to go deeper and deeper as I thrusted. I could feel that warm tingle in my cheeks “not now” I told myself, but it was like you could sense it.

When you stood back up and slipped your lace panties slowly, down to your ankles, inviting me: I obliged.

Your warm/wet pussy swallowed me whole and I could feel the muscles of your body tense with every thrust. Every inch of me, feeling every inch of you..

Trying hard to be quiet, but I could hear your whispered moans like a siren’s song: begging me to go “harder” to go “faster”.

I was losing control, like a rabid animal acting only on instinct; I grabbed a fistful of your curly-brown hair and held onto it as I thrusted deeper and deeper into you. That’s when I could feel your legs shaking, see your cheeks blushing, and felt you biting my free hand: muffling your ecstasy. Your pussy quivered on my cock, sending me into an uncontrollable motion.

I was at the point of no return, when you locked eyes with me over your shoulder and mouthed the words “don’t pull out”. It sent me over that edge, and the way you instinctively pushed against my hips brought me so deep inside you I swear I could feel your heartbeat.

I left that room with a bit of your lipstick on my shirt, and even a glance of it makes me want you more. Dancing into the office the way you are, it’s like you’re the only woman in the world. Ripened on the vine and mouth watering delicious.

The way you’re looking at me now, as you pass by my cube, and that sly grin. You know I won’t be able to turn down another taste.

You know the effect you have on me and I am powerless to resist you.
