*To protect identities, I’ve left out clear physical descriptions as well as the names of locations, events, and people*

I only joined this group to share this encounter, since the other person involved doesn’t want me to talk about it with anyone. There’s a good reason for that which I won’t share on here. I’m going to share part of what happened, and if there’s enough interest I’ll share the rest.

So, I’m a bit of a brat. One of my favorite things to do is just toy with a person until they sort of lose their composure. That moment where the person just snaps and fly’s off the handle, unchecked anger or annoyance letting them do what they really want to but may not otherwise just fucking gets me going.

I have one friend in particular that I’ve been fantasizing about for years. We met at a kink event and are well acquainted with each others interests in that regard. It’s gotten to the point where we pretty much know exactly which buttons to push on one another. I know she’s attracted to me, we flirt and touch quite a bit, there’s A BUNCH of tension, but she’s never made a move. I’ve started to see how far I can push her. What can I do? How long will it take for her to just fucking *do it*?

Last night, I found out.

We were out at a local kink party, having a few drinks and watching the dancers. I don’t know what it was, but she was touching more than usual. She was sitting down in one of the bar chairs, and I was standing sort of close to her with my back to her. She went from having her arm around my waste, to pulling me a bit closer until I was half sitting in her lap. Her hand kept migrating as we were talking, eventually making it’s way to running up and down my inner thigh. I got the brilliant idea then to pull away. I stood up and half ordered her to get me a drink, which she did. I spent a pretty large portion of the night like this. I let her get close, I let her touch, I let her get herself worked up, then I pulled away. The more I cut her off, the more aggressive she got. At one point while she had me by the hips on the dance floor, I could feel her packer rubbing up against me and almost lost my cool. That’s when a lightbulb went off. Right when I felt her reach for my neck, I pulled away again and told her to get me another drink.

The party was pretty packed, so I knew it would take her some time to be served and get back to where I was. When she returned, I made sure to be alll over someone else. A tongue down my throat and a hand down the back of my jeans, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Her eyes were cold, and she pulled me away by the back of my neck. She placed my drink on one of the many standing tables and led me face first into the wall. I felt a firm slap land square on my ass, gasping in surprise. I was hoping she would take this further, but was pleasantly surprised that she went there. She landed a few more before hissing in my ear:

“Is this what you want?”

I whimpered a bit and nodded. Internally, I was both jumping for joy and almost scared. Scared horny is always the fucking best. She scoffed.

“You better be fucking ready. I do what I want with what’s mine.” She moved her hand up to knot in my hair, and pressed me further into the wall and let her other hand run over me like a piece of meat, squeezing and rubbing before spitting in my ear, calling me a mindless fucking whore, and ordering me to call the uber and wait outside.

At this time, I’d like to remind the reader how well this person and I know each other. This isn’t a random encounter, or an encounter where we don’t already know one another’s boundaries fairly well. While this wasn’t really a planned encounter, I still felt very safe, and at no point did it even approach non consent.

I don’t even remember the uber ride there, I was waaaay too distracted. Eventually, we got to her apartment. She practically threw me in the door, then closed and locked it behind her. I stood, waiting for what she was going to do next. She looked at me like I was stupid, then backhanded me in the face.

“Get your fucking clothes off, you don’t need them.” I hurriedly undressed as she pulled a chair out from her kitchen table, and moved it into an open spot in her living room. She went into her bedroom and pulled out a familiar-looking duffle bag, placing it next to the chair. By this time, I was finished undressing. I waited on my knees across from where she had placed the chair, leaving about six feet between us. She locked eyes with me, slowly removed her belt, and sat down. She stared me down for a moment before pointing to a spot directly in front of her. Slowly, I crawled, keeping eye contact. By now I swear to god I was fucking dripping. I would be surprised if I didn’t leave a trail behind me as I went. The second I was within arms reach, she grabbed me by the hair and bent me over her knees. I immediately felt the sting of her belt landing squarely on my ass, moving up my back a bit and then back down over my ass and thighs as I cried out in pain. At one point, I lost it and tried to squirm away but she released my hair and instead dug her elbow into my back. I didn’t think she was holding back, but apparently she was because the lashes got harder.

“Don’t you dare. You fucking asked for this, bitch.” I heard her hiss through gritted teeth. I knew she was waiting for me to get her favorite shade of red before she would finish. This doesn’t happen to me often, but she actually pushed me to the point of tears before stopping and admiring her work. She ran her hands over my hot skin, squeezing, telling me how I had better get used to this and how pretty my ass looked like that. “Say thank you.” She demanded. After everything she did, she insisted I thank her. She reached under and felt my pussy, absolutely soaked, and laughed at me. She went between fucking me with her fingers and rubbing my clit, telling me how only a complete slut would get so wet from being abused like that. I knew that I would have to ask to cum. Every time I asked and told her I was getting close, she stopped. Three times she brought me to the edge and back before rubbing my own juices on my asshole and inserting one finger, then two, eventually moving up to three while she told me that she wasn’t sure if I deserved to have my pussy fucked after the way that I acted and maybe she would just use my ass until I learned how to be good. I felt her remove her fingers and heard her dig in her bag. A moment later, I could feel a cold metal plug begin entering me, stretching me wider than even her three fingers and going deeper. I whimpered and moaned, struggling to accept the whole thing, but willing to do literally anything she wanted. She laughed at me again “Don’t be such a baby, I know you can take it.” Once it was fully inside, she shoved me off her lap and to the floor. I scrambled to my knees, knowing that’s how she would want me. She pointed to the bulge in her crotch. I reached for her zipper and was met with a hard slap on the face. “No. Hands.” I immediately crossed my arms behind my back and she grabbed a fistful of my hair again, then pressed my face against her crotch, rubbing my face against her packer through her jeans. I looked up at her with big eyes until she let go. She helped me by undoing the button, and I proceeded to use my teeth to pull down the zipper. I did my best to try and coax the packer out with my mouth.

She watched my helplessness and laughed again. She would laugh at me a lot that night. “Tonight, you’re going to pay for every bit of teasing you’ve done over the years. I’ve been polite, but tonight I’m going to treat you like the cum dump that you are.” Another moment where I felt my pussy fucking gush. She looped her belt around my neck like a collar and leash and pushed my head down on her packer. At first, it felt like she was almost going easy on me. That changed fairly quickly. She got bored of just watching me with a mouthful of her dick, and began forcing me all the way down. “That’s right, I’m not letting you half ass this, you’re taking the whole thing.” I know she was saying other things, but I stopped being able to hear her over the sounds of my own slurping and gagging. At one point, she held my face down on it while i gagged and struggled and reached into her bag. She let go of my head for a moment and I started to come back for air. She slapped me in the back of the head and told me to keep it in my mouth. I sucked on what would have been the head while she inserted two small bullet vibrators into little pockets on her harness and clicked them on. Just as suddenly as she had let go a moment ago, she started right back up again. This time, it was even more intense. She fucked my face like that, whipping me with a switch every time I closed my eyes or looked away from her until she came harddd, and then pushed me away.

She took a moment to catch her breath before walking into the kitchen and getting a thick piece of ginger root. She peeled it, made it so that it tapered on one end, and then grabbed her bag again. Out of the bag she pulled a gallon sized bag of clothes pins. She started with my nipples and moved down my body, pinning my sides, my thighs, pussy lips, the hood of my clit, everything that could be clamped was clamped. She had me bend forward, and she slowly removed the plug. I breathed a sigh of relief. That thing was starting to get really uncomfortable. I heard her pump the lube and immediately after felt an object that I was unfamiliar with start to enter me. I looked back. She smiled. “Ever been figged? Guess not. You’ll like it.” She had me kneel straight up and fitted me with her hog tie and an O ring gag, then sat down again. She lit a cigar, poured herself a glass of scotch, and calmly watched my discomfort an pain grow. Not only did i have all of those clamps, but the ginger in my ass started to do it’s work. I felt like I was on fire. Squirming, whimpering, pleading with my eyes. She just casually puffed the cigar. “I’ll free you when I’m finished. For now, I’m enjoying the show.”


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