Playing Footsies, Chapter 1 [Foot Fetish] [MF] [Fdom]

Will opened the door to his new flat and crossed the threshold.

“Hello?” No one had answered after the fourth firm knock so he tried the door handle and it had opened rather invitingly. He dropped his bag in the entrance hall and scratched the back of his head. Where was everyone? He raised his voice. “Is anyone home!?” His voice travelled through the house, bouncing off the walls.

“One second!” A feminine voice called out from inside somewhere.

Will felt a tingle and excitement rock his entire body. He always felt this way when he was about to meet some new feet.

The steps sounded closer and he took controlled breaths in an attempt to calm down in the excitement of impending feet. Come on Will, there’s plenty of time to ogle if you’re living with a girl.

The familiar sound of leather slapping against sole came closer and Will had to grit his teeth. A short girl with light hair rounded the corner and Will’s eyes shot straight to the floor before her.

Open sandals revealed feet with skin so light that he could see tiny blue veins beneath. Her toes were short but not too stubby, holding red painted nails. They were also perfectly sized in order, from biggest to smallest, though he didn’t mind if the second toe was bigger than the big one.

After he had analysed her feet his eyes travelled up her smooth legs, decent hips, and small breasts and came to rest on her face. A smile spread across her face, her big blue eyes gazing into his. Everything was framed by long blonde hair that spilt down her back. Her eyes took in his bags on the floor. “You must be Will then. Welcome to the flat.”

“Hey.” Will extended his hand. “You are?”

“Vicki.” She said as she took his hand into hers and shook. Her hands were wonderfully smooth. The signs on a woman who took care of her skin. It was a good sign for Will too. He imagined how smooth her feet could be and fantasied about her soles gliding along his-

“Grab your stuff and I’ll show you to your room,” she said, interrupting his daydream.

Will picked his bags up and followed her through the house. They came to a dark wooden staircase and Vicki led him up. He relished in the glimpses he got of her soles as the annoyingly teasing flip flops flashed them with every step. “An upstairs room? Awesome.”

Vicki giggled.

They rounded the staircase and the first door down the hall was where they stopped. “This is your new room,” Vicki said as she opened the door. The room was fully furnished and it all looked pretty modern. As far as he could tell anyway. “I’m sure it’ll be enough room to study in, right?”

Will crossed the room and looked out the window. A perfect view of the beach presented itself and he took it all in with wonder and excitement.

“Nice isn’t it?” Vicki said as she looked out the window beside him. “Anyway, I’ll let you unpack.” She made her way to the door and turned. “Dani and Shivani should be home later and Madison is in her room doing her thing, she doesn’t like to be disturbed while studying. Yeah, she’s one of those types.”

Will’s mind throbbed. Four girls!? “There are four girls here? How many guys?” he asked as calm as he could. He swore he heard his voice break.

“Just you so far.” Vicki smiled and closed the door behind her.

Will felt his bags drop on the floor. Four girls!? He repeated in his head. That’s eight feet in total. Oh man, this is not going to be good for my study. It was supposed to be an important time for an 18-year-old at university. His mind reached into a wonderful place. How great would it be to have four pairs of feet all over me at once? He couldn’t take it anymore. He looked around the room but couldn’t see anything that would clean up his imminent mess. Nothing.

Will peeked out the door. No one. He wasn’t sure where the bathroom was so he walked slowly down the hall trying to recognise a room that might be it.

He quietly opened one door and saw a young woman’s room. Dark curtains were drawn and several band posters littered the wall. The bed was made with black silk sheets and several cute stuffed teddies lay upon it in stark contrast. A laptop was open on the desk in one corner with books open and pens strewn about. He had a good idea of the kind of girl who slept here. Goth chicks sometimes were kinkier than others or they were the most frigid. Or so he had heard.

Will went to the next door on the opposite side of the hallway and peeked through the gap. He glimpsed white and opened the door to reveal the bathroom. He went in and closed the door, making sure to lock it. After dropping his pants he began jerking his still erect cock while thinking of Vicki’s smooth feet. He closed his eyes and imagined the taste of her toes in his mouth while her other foot rubbed his penis, grasping it in-between her big and second toes.

Another sensation filled Will like someone was watching him. He opened his eyes and looked into the wide mirror above the sink to see that it was all steamed up. Was someone having a shower in here?

“Who’s there?” The shower door burst open with a crash and Will’s head snapped to the other side of the room. A young woman with short hair stepped out of the shower with a small black towel wrapped around her glistening body.

Will’s eyes naturally found their way to her feet and took them in ravenously. Her toenails were bare and her soles slapped wetly against the bathroom floor as she walked, revealing the high arch of her soles. A shiny anklet fell around her ankle, sparkling.

The young woman’s green eyes looked down at Will’s member which was still in his hand then back to his eyes without flinching. “You must be the new kid.” Her voice was hard and serious. There was a deepness that told Will she didn’t fuck around.

“Yeah,” Will stammered as he bent down to pull up his pants.

The stoic girl’s foot struck out and caught his pants before they could leave the floor, her long middle toe curling around the edge of his belt. Will’s penis throbbed in hope and in fear.

“Oh…” she hummed with understanding. “So you’re one of those boys, huh?”

Will didn’t know what to do with his hands so he let go of his pants, which fell back down to the floor, and they hung awkwardly by his side. He tittered. “What do you mean?”

An evil grin spread across her face and she lifted her leg. Her foot glided up the inside of his thigh until her toes touched his sack. His cock somehow doubled its hardness. “Feet? Really?” She rubbed her big toe along his frenulum. “Get down on your back. Now.”

The next thing he knew, he was lying down on the wet floor, his pants still around his ankles and cock fully erect. The second young woman he had met today stood over him and he could see up her towel at freshly shaven lips.

Will swallowed in excitement. “What’s your name?”

She glared down at him. “Shut up, pervert.” Her hand ran through her short hair, brushing the long bangs from her eyes. Her face was clean of all makeup but man she was still pretty. Actually, her face was more handsome than pretty. Her jaw was too strong and checks too high. Her ears were littered with earrings and steel bars which clinked lightly as she shook her head in pity. “Do these,” she put a foot in front of his face and wiggled her toes, “really make your dick that hard?”

All Will could do was nod. He didn’t want to cause a scene on his very first day. The best thing to do was play along with this crazy, fantasy fulfilling game.

The woman snorted. “You’re sick.” She moved her foot to his cock and began stroking across it slowly. “Is that how you like it?” Her soft, wet toes rubbed his shaft, occasionally squeezing, sending jolts of pleasure through his body.

“I’m sick?” Will laughed with a croak. “You’re the one doing it to-” His words cut off as her toes entered his mouth. The big toe stayed out and rubbed against the stubble on his cheek while her other toes explored deep, doing their best to choke and gag him. He could taste the coconutty body wash she had used. His favourite. He wrapped his tongue around her toes, flicking all around and between, tasting every inch of them with passion.

As he indulged himself she positioned her other foot between his legs and his throbbing cock twitched as her toes massaged his balls. “You’re really into this,” the woman spat. “What could’ve happened to you to get this perverted?”

He moaned around the toes in his mouth as a wave of cathartic pleasure consumed his body. He writhed for a couple of minutes straight as he thought about past experiences. That had never happened before. This damned woman was an expert on torture. “I’m gonna…” he started after her toes left his mouth.

“That so?” She moved her foot back down and used his saliva as lube. Her rubbing continued, right on the sensitive spot, as her other set of toes massaged and pinched at his sack.

“Oh fuuu…” Will lifted his head to watch the finale. His whole cock began to throb.
The woman let out a small gasp and gripped his cock with her toes, standing it up straight, and began pumping softer and slower, all along the tip.

Will clenched his teeth and suppressed a moan as he exploded. A jet of cum flew into the air and landed on her foot. Several more jets burst forth and landed on her smooth, pale skin, his whole body twisting in pleasure. Her toes slowed and squeezed harder as she milked the rest of his seed from within. It oozed out and dribbled over her toes, eventually dripping onto his stomach.

She let go of his cock and made her way to the towel rack, pulling off another towel and wiping his mess up off her once clean feet. “I’ve been with a lot of guys but none of them have been as sick as you,” she said in disgust. “Just wait till I tell the others of your dirty little secret.” She smiled maniacally and threw the towel on Will’s chest before walking out the door and closing it casually.

Will was too shocked to react and simply lay there unable to believe what just happened. Was he just raped? No, he really loved what just happened. After all, it was the first time that a woman had engaged him in his fetish without him doing anything. What if all the girls in this house are the same? Surely not…

After a few long minutes, he picked up the towel and cleaned himself off. He looked at himself long and hard in the mirror and he pondered. If the other girls are anything like her then he definitely won’t get any work done. How will I explain failing university to my parents? He thought as he rubbed at his stubbly chin.

Will sighed and made his way back to his new bedroom to get unpacked. He spent a while stuffing clothes into drawers, occasionally looking out the window at the beautiful beach beyond. He couldn’t wait to get down there with glasses on to admire all the sandy feet. Even after what just happened he still felt his pants tighten.

A light knock on the door snapped him out of his fantasy and he opened the door to see Vicki once more. His eyes quickly took in her feet then back up to her face. “Hey, just letting you know that Madison is taking a break from her study so if you want you can come down and meet her.”

Madison. So that was her name. “Uhh yeah, sure.” Will wasn’t looking forward to it. “The other girls aren’t home?”

“Not yet. Also, I did some baking so there’s something to eat if you come down now.” Vicki smiled and turned with a flick of her hair.

“I’ll be down soon,” he called after her and closed the door. His head hit the door and he moaned. He figured he might as well get it over with as soon as possible. He reopened the door and made his way down the wooden stairs. As he got to the bottom he realised that he didn’t know where the kitchen or living room was. He walked around the big house until he heard voices in the distance. Ah, that way.

Will rounded the corner and found himself in the empty kitchen. He figured that the living room must be attached so he walked into the next room to see Vicki and Madison sitting at the dining room table eating cookies from a large plate in the middle.

“Hi.” He had to try extra hard to make his voice even and confident. He was afraid he failed.

Vicki smiled in greeting and stood. “Will, this is Madison,” she said with her hand towards the young woman.

“Nice to meet you,” he said. It made everything twice as awkward.

Madison’s eyes locked onto Will’s with a glare. “Hey,” she said. The towel was no longer wrapped around her slim form. Instead, a loose black t-shirt fell around her body. Tight black jeans clung intimately with her legs and her pale feet stuck out the bottom in stark contrast with the dark denim. Her dark hair was now dry and hung over one side of her face.

“Don’t mind her too much,” Vicki said. “She’s like this way towards everyone.”

“Oh, it makes sense now.” He flashed a toothy smile at Madison.

Her glare deepened before she looked away and stood. She reached out and took a cookie from the top of the pile. “Going back to study. Do not disturb.” She walked by them both without looking at Will and made her way back through the kitchen. He stole a glance at her soles as she exited.

Vicki giggled and sat back down at the table, taking a cookie and taking a small bite. “You’ll get used to her in time.”

Will sighed and sat down, taking a cookie for himself. “What are the other girls like?” He figured that he should be warned in advance this time.

“Well, there’s Dani. She has amazingly aggressive red hair like none you’ve ever seen.” Vicki explained. “She is also super smart. I think she’s studying to be a physicist of some kind, but I’m not one hundred percent sure. She’s also very shy so be nice okay.”

Will nodded. Dani sounded incredibly hot. “Got it. And the other?”

“Shivani,” Vicki said with a dreamy grin. “She has the most beautiful caramel skin and perfectly straight jet black hair.” Her eyes glazed over for a second then she gasped a little as she realised that Will was there.

Was there something going on between them or was it just a crush? Still, this Shivani sounded hot too. What was going on here? It all seemed too good to be true. Had Will walked into an alternate dimension when he walked through that door, where all the woman are pretty and all the feet perfect? “Can’t wait to meet them,” Will said. “When did you say they would be back?”

Vicki cleared her throat. “Uh, later tonight I think.”

Will asked some questions regarding the layout of the house and Vicki decided it was best to just show him around. It took a generous half an hour.

“Well, that is pretty much it.” Vicki’s hands slapped her sides. “Any question?”

“Wow, a sauna and a spa. This place has everything.” He fantasied about getting all four girls into the massive spa bath with their feet all over him. He shuddered with excitement.

“Are you okay?” Vicki asked. “You’re shaking.”

Will snapped out of his perfect world and shook his head. “Yeah. I’m fine. Sorry. It happens a lot.” He scratched at the back of his head. “Bit of a daydreamer…”

“Anyway, I have some things to do so I’ll leave you to it.” She smiled and walked away. Leather jandals slapped against her heels and soles.

“See ya.” Will sighed. He wasn’t sure what to do now, he was too worked up. He needed to relieve himself again already. *Dammit, what’s wrong with you? You can handle four women, can’t you?* He brooded over this question further as he made his way back to the stairway. He got lost a few times and chuckled awkwardly as he attempted to find his bearings.

Finally, back in his room, he unpacked the rest of his stuff, placing his books and other stationery on the desk that overlooked the beach outside. A long yawn escaped his lips and he rubbed at his eyes with fatigue. “Time for a nap.” He said to himself as he lay down on the soft bed. As soon as he closed his eyes he was asleep and dreaming about his favourite female body part.



  1. This. Is. Fucking. Amazing.

    I don’t have a foot fetish but the description and detail was so good that I loved this story anyway.

    Good job!

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