That day started just like the others; enjoying a cup of coffee and checking my email. As I went through the list of things to do for the day, I sensed she’d already gotten up. Her sweet murmuring of one of her favorite tunes adorned the gloominess of that early morning which made me smile instantly. Right after that, I immersed myself again into the sea of words and responsibilities displayed on my laptop. Thirty minutes or so passed and in a sudden, my curiosity bug bit me one more time, as if it was a wonderful omen of what’s to come. I went upstairs and noticed that the door of her bedroom was semi open. I slowly peeked and beheld her gorgeous body shape hinted by the towel she had on. There I was, without moving a single muscle hypnotized by that sight. Then, she took the towel off, revealing her amazing curvy ass and a hint of her freshly-shaved pussy. At that moment, I could feel my dick getting harder and harder. Oh, and those gorgeous tits…
The sexiness didn’t stop there; I loved the way she took out from her drawer a lacy black hipster and slid it onto her hot body in a series of moves that triggered my imagination. And as I stood there petrified, she looked at me, giving me a quirky smile. I felt ashamed but at the same time, horny af, as I wanna bang her so bad. There is one catch though, she’s my girlfriend’s mother.
Wow. Very nice!
Though short, the story had just the right amount of tension and sensuality to convey the narrator’s feelings.
Good job! I look forward to reading a longer version of this… someday.
Do it! Like right meow. Otherwise, I will. Give her my number.