My Guardian Vampire [MF] [oral] [piv] [romantic] [magic] [vampire]

The darkest nights often reveal someone’s greatest vulnerabilities. It was easy to be brave, bold, and daring in broad daylight. Anyone could present themselves to the world as something greater than what they were. They might even convince a significant number of people. However, when they laid in bed at night, alone and in the dark, their greatest fears often caught up with them.

Howard Hunley knew those fears better than most. He’d lived most of his life dreading such dark nights. Unlike most men, his fears were justified. He was the son Max Hunley, also known as Main Man Max, one of the most infamous henchmen of the Blood Moon Cartel. He’d lived his entire live as a target and for the first nine years of it, he handled it as well as any kid could. If anything, he had less to fear than most because his father was so respected.

That all changed when he was targeted by an ambitious rival. In one fateful night, which happened to be on Halloween, a hit squad stormed his family beach house and slaughtered almost their entire family. They thought they got them all, but he and his father miraculously survived. From that day forward, his life changed, as did his fears.

“We’ll never feel safe again, son…especially in the shadows,” his father often told him.

Those words had echoed in Howard’s mind ever since that fateful day. His father kept him from seeing the dead bodies of his mother, his older brother, and his sister, but there was no hiding the truth.

His father’s life destroyed his family. It came very close to destroying him, as well. In a moment that radically changed the course of his life, Main Man Max turned himself into federal authorities. In exchange for entry into the witness protection program, he offered his testimony and knowledge of the Blood Moon Cartel. He claimed that his primary motivation was protecting his only remaining child, but Howard knew the truth.

He was scared too.

He would always be scared.

No matter where they went or how far they ran, they would always be vulnerable.

In his youth, Howard resented his father for putting him and their family in such a position. Over time, however, he came to admire him. He watched as his father sacrificed everything, willingly going into hiding for the sake of what he had left.

There was only so much that he and witness protection could do. Howard went by a new name, Jason Jermaine Ramon. He was relocated to a small town over a thousand miles away from the home he knew. He’d even managed to make the most of that life, going to school there and eventually training to be an EMT with the local fire department. Instead of taking lives, like his father, he saved them.

Even with this life, Howard never felt self, especially on Halloween. It was usually the night when he locked all his doors, barricaded his bedroom, and just waited for the night to end. That all changed a few years ago when he encountered a beautiful creature named Adelia.

“Good night, guys! Happy Halloween,” Howard said to his co-workers at the station as he completed his shift.

“Later, Jason!” said Darian Drummond, a close friend of his. “You sound excited. Got any special Halloween plans?”

“You could say that,” he replied coyly as he got into his car.

“You said that last year too. Are you ever going to tell us about them…or her, for that matter?”

“Sorry, Darian. But if I told you, then those plans wouldn’t be as special, would they?”

His friend laughed and shook his head. He had no idea how astute his comments were. However, he was only partially right about why his Halloween plans were special. There was a much larger part that he’d never believe.

After waving goodbye, Howard drove off. His home was less than a 10-minute drive, but he couldn’t get there fast enough. The sun was just setting. Various Halloween festivities were just about to begin. He had some festivities of his own, but none of them involved candy, costumes, or parties.

“I know you’re waiting for me, my loving guardian,” Howard said under his breath. “I’m on my way. I have your favorite treat…and then some.”

As he drove through the evening traffic, he looked to the small cooler in the passenger’s seat of his car. It was a special container he got from the local clinic. It was specifically designed to hold donated blood in plastic pouches. He often used it in his work as an EMT, but tonight, he used it to store a packet of his own blood that he’d taken earlier that day.

He did it off-hours and without permission, but it was for a good reason…an intimate, personal reason.

“Howard…my blood mate…my love,” said a soft voice within his head. “I sense you. I’m waiting.”

Howard’s smile widened and he drove faster, running a couple of stop signs to get home faster. That voice in his head echoed with the same alluring tone that had made the past several Halloween nights feel completely different. It wasn’t just in his head, either. Hearing that voice so clearly helped remind him that Adelia wasn’t just the one who helped him appreciate Halloween again. She was a creature not of this world.

Specifically, Adelia was a vampire.

“Blood mates,” Howards said to himself as his house came into view, “you make it sound so intimate.”

“That’s because it is, my dear,” said the voice, still echoing within his head. “It is one of the most intimate terms of endearment that a vampire can use.”

“And you use it with me,” he said out loud. “I wish I had better terms for a woman like you.”

“You don’t need them. Take it from someone older than this town. Words can never truly capture a love like ours.”

His heart skipped a beat. He sensed that excited her. It might have been a signal to all vampires that they’d found a special specimen, so to speak. It just as easily could’ve been his emotions running high on Halloween.

It was so fitting, if not poetic. The one person who had given new meaning to Halloween was a vampire. Most people didn’t even think vampires were real. Even those that did had incredibly flawed assumptions about them. The many myths, folklore, and fairy tales surrounding vampires had fueled many misconceptions, some of which were intentional.

It took Howard a while to learn the truth, but it turned out to be more compelling than any lore. Most vampires were not the cruel, blood-thirsty monsters that traditional stories made them out to be. Some aspects were true.

They drank blood.

They burned easily when exposed to sunlight.

They didn’t age beyond a certain point.

They were stronger, faster, and more durable than an ordinary human.

They could become invisible, hiding in the shadows.

They could communicate telepathically with each other and non-vampires to a limited extent.

Other details were pure fiction. They didn’t have an aversion to garlic, crucifixes, holy water, or wooden stakes. They also didn’t turn into bats or look like some sort of goblin creature. Most looked perfectly normal when walking down a street. They could even retract their fangs.

“We’re still human…just a different kind of human,” Adelia had told him on more than one occasion.

That was the most important aspect of real vampires and one that vampire lore often overlooked. They were human. Specifically, they’d all been human at one point. They became vampires through an arduous process that Adelia described as Blood Genesis. She specifics were vague, but it was something that only a handful of people could survive. Those that did enjoyed the many benefits of being a vampire, but it still came at a cost.

The biggest part of that cost was the need to drink blood. It wasn’t out of malice or bloodlust, either. A vampire’s biology had to operate at such a high level to achieve its many benefits. As a result, blood was necessary. They could eat traditional food, but that only gave them a fraction of the nutrients they needed. Blood was necessary. Without it, they died of malnutrition.

“There’s nothing supernatural about it…not entirely,” she’d also told him. “We want to live, love, and prosper like everyone else. It’s just trickier for us.”

That was an understatement. Like every other vampire, Adelia needed to secure a steady supply of blood, which wasn’t easy. Contrary to traditional vampire lore, hunting and killing humans was not their first instinct. Some vampires went that route. They usually didn’t survive for very long. Beyond killing a steady source of blood, Murder and violence tended to draw attention, which often ended with a vampire being hunted by humans and shunned by other vampires.

Most vampires survived by simply finding humans who were willing to donate their blood willingly and compensating them for it. It was no different than any other market, except that it was largely done in secret. Most of the time, the compensation involved money or resources. When Howard first encountered Adelia, that was the arrangement they sought. It just blossomed into something more.

“I’m home, my blood mate,” Howard said upon pulling into the driveway of his small, unassuming house.

“I’m waiting,” Adelia replied through their telepathic link. “Halloween is upon us and I’m ready to start to festivities!”

“So am I.”

With growing excitement, Howard turned off his car engine and retrieved the canister containing his blood pouch. He couldn’t make it through his front door fast enough. In the past, he’d been so paranoid about returning home, even after going into witness protection. He used to check the windows and doors, looking for signs of forced entry. Since Adelia entered his life, he had no such fear.

Upon entering, he was greeted with the sight he’d been waiting for since last Halloween. Lying there on his couch, wearing nothing but simple set of bra and panties, was his vampire lover. Even in the dim light of a full moon, she looked so radiant.

“Good evening, my handsome stud. I take it you come bearing treats,” she said seductively.

“Speak for yourself,” Howard said jokingly. “No elaborate Victorian lingerie this time?”

“Not tonight, my dear. There are plenty of nights for something elaborate and kinky. This is not one of them…and you already know damn well why.”

There was a seriousness in her voice to go along with the sexiness. Adelia didn’t need any vampire-powered telepathy to know that. When she got up from the couch and approached him, she did so with a sense of caring and compassion in her eyes. It was not a look most would associate with a vampire, but Howard knew it was genuine.

Taken by her stunning beauty and vampiric grace, he was drawn to her presence. He kicked the door shut, not even bothering to lock it, like he once did with obsessive scrutiny. They eventually met in the middle of his living room. He still wore his EMT uniform while carrying the container full of blood. With nothing but underwear on, she affectionately embraced him.

“This night will always be a hard night for you,” Adelia said to him. “You’ve handled it well, lately. You even joke about it from time to time. But I can still sense how much it bothers you.”

“It’s not like I hide it that well,” Howard said a tone as serious as it was sincere.

“I don’t need to be a vampire to see the signs, but you don’t have to hide it from me. I became your blood guardian because you craved greater safety as much as I craved blood. But I only became your blood mate when I learned why that safety means so much to you.”

It was a powerful reminder and one Howard still needed, even after building such a successful life for himself. Adelia gave him another as she deepened their embrace, wrapping her arms around him securely and kissing him softly on the lips.

Her touch was so warm. That was another misconception about vampires. They were not cold, animated corpses. Their bodies were actually warmer than most humans. It was an unavoidable byproduct for having such immense abilities. Their unique biology required more activity, as Adelia. It made their touch hotter than most. It didn’t just provide warmth on a brisk fall night. It got his blood flowing in ways few things could.

“I haven’t forgotten, Adelia,” he told her as soon as the kiss parted.

“I still enjoy reminding you,” Adelia said with a light grin. “But on a night like tonight, I like being more thorough than usual.”

“Then, it’s a good thing I brought extra,” Howard said, holding up the container. “If you’re going to be thorough, especially on Halloween, you need your strength.”

Adelia’s grin widened and she kissed him again. She then took the container and opened it, revealing a large pack of blood that he’d donated earlier that day. It already had a special tube connected to the top, acting like an extra-long straw. He’d prepared it with her in mind. With one arm still securely around his neck, she eagerly put her lips to the tube and drank it.

In doing so, Howard watched with a mix of awe and affection as his vampire lover drank. It never ceased to amaze him, how a vampire could be so energized by a fresh dose of blood. While they weren’t always pale or thin, it was easy to tell when a vampire hadn’t fed in a while. When they ingest blood, they radiated more heat. Their eyes also became bloodshot, becoming more excited and focused. Adelia described it a shot of adrenaline mixed and a surge of awareness.

“Mmm…I can literally taste your love, my blood mate,” she told him telepathically.

“All the more reason to drink up,” Howard said, holding her closer to further encourage her.

Vampires didn’t need added incentive to gorge on fresh blood, but they were at their strongest when they did. It was in that moment, watching Adelia feed while being in her embrace, that Howard felt the safest. Having been on the run from his father’s enemies all his life, it was a special feeling.

He didn’t intend for it to be special and neither did Adelia. When she came to him several years back, having found him huddled in his room with shotgun on Halloween night, she only offered him protection. Being a vampire, nobody could watch out for him in the darkness like her. All he had to do was regularly share his blood. Having been so desperate, it seemed like a fair trade. They just ended up getting more out of it than either of them expected.

As soon as she finished the last drop of blood, her eyes were blood red and her exposed skin radiated with renewed energy. Howard could already feel it flowing into him. It got his heart racing, among other things. Being so close to her, a beautiful female vampire with his blood now flowing inside her, stirred in him those special passions that once felt impossible, especially on Halloween.

“It’s official. I’m full,” Adelia said playfully as she tossed the empty blood pack aside.

“Is that all you are, my love?” Howard teased.

“Not in the slightest,” she laughed. “A fresh dose of blood makes any vampire feel lively. But a dose from the blood of a lover…”

“Makes you horny…really, really horny.”

“I was going to say impassioned, but if we’re ignoring my Victorian sensibilities…”

Her words trailed off. Howard chose to shut up too. He knew what came next and it didn’t involve giving candy to trick-or-treaters. Having nourished her vampiric body and surrounded him in her protective embrace, a different kind of Halloween spirit took over.

She threw her arms around him once more. She also jumped up into his arms, hooking her legs around his waist and pressing her underwear-clad body against his. They kissed again, this time with more passion and fervor. More heat from her unique body flowed into him, exciting him in ways that defied even more of those Victorian sensibilities.

“Take me, my blood mate. Take me to your bed!” Adelia said to him telepathically, their lips still entwined.

Rather than words or thoughts, Howard answered with actions. With his vampire lover securely in his arms, holding her up by her heart-shaped butt, he carried her up the stairs and into his master bedroom. Upon entering, he found out that Adelia had made preparations.

“Wow! You’ve been busy,” he said, still holding her in his arms.

“I tried not to overdo it, but…” Adelia said, allowing her words to trail off in a seductive tone.

“It’s perfect,” said Howard. “Hell, I think I need this.”

That might have been his passions overshadowing his brains, but that didn’t make the sentiment any less true. The room had been decorated with Halloween décor, including orange curtains on his windows, fake spider-webs around the lamps, and an array of orange candles that created a sexy, yet festive ambience. It was even more elaborate than last year, which had been the first time he’d even dared to be festive on Halloween. This year felt even more special.

Adelia made it okay to celebrate this solemn day for him. She even dared to make it fun. He shared in that feeling as he continued following their shared passions. His excitement escalating by the minute, he carried her over to the bed and laid her down with the utmost care. With their lips still entwined, he shed his shirt, pants, shoes, and socks before joining her.

It brought his skin into contact with hers. For a vampire’s lover, it was the point of no return. Feeling their extra-warm flesh, especially after having fed on blood, was like tapping into an unknown well of energy. It got every part of his body operating at a high level. His mind raced as fast as his heart. The simple act of making out with Adelia left him both captivated and aroused to the utmost.

That naturally extended to his lower body, as well. He could already feel his dick becoming fully erect, creating a noticeable bulge in his boxers. Adelia once joked that vampires were natural aphrodisiacs. They could evoke such a powerful reaction in others through simple touch. Even if it was supposed to just get blood flowing for feeding, the secondary effects were just as useful.

“Mmm…you do need this,” Adelia said, their lips briefly parting.

“I’m not afraid anymore,” Howard said as he hovered on top of her, caressing her face. “Thanks to you, I can enjoy a night like this. And I’d like to show my gratitude, as only a blood made can.”

“And how do you plan on doing that?” she asked, as though she didn’t already know.

“Lie back, spread your legs, and enjoy the smell of pumpkin incense while I show you!”

She laughed joyously, an act few would associate with real vampires. Howard had come to love hearing her make such noises. It further motivated him to evoke more of them.

His vampire lover did as he asked, lying back in the middle of the bed, grabbing hold of the sheets in anticipation. While she maintained her playful demeanor, Howard’s actions became more focused and serious. He started by kissing down her face and neck, tasting the heated flesh that was now so freshly nourished.

As he trialed his lips downward, feeling more of her warmth flow into him, he skillfully unclasped her bra and freed her ample breasts. He took a moment to bury his face between them, immersing himself in her cleavage. It got Adelia laughing more. It also got her more aroused.

“Oohhh, Howard! I’m loving this plan of yours,” she told him through her laughter.

“It gets better,” Howard said, sounding dead serious.

He continued his oral trek down her exposed flesh, giving each nipple a nice lick to further her arousal. While she writhed from the sensations that followed, he stealthily grasped the sides of her panties. Her arousal really showed. Like a reflex, she lifted her hips so she could remove them.

“Off! Get my panties off!” Adelia urged.

Howard eagerly obliged. He also stepped up the timetables of his teasing. Vampires were not known for their patience. Given their age and lengthy lifespan, that was understandable. Adelia was more patient with him than most, but he never kept her waiting for long.

Upon tossing her panties across the room, rendering his vampire lover completely nude, Howard quickly made his way towards her inner thighs. He could already feel a moist heat radiating from her womanhood. Adelia once told him that when a vampire got horny, their genitals became supercharged by the rapid flow of blood. She’d never gone into specifics, but the results spoke for themselves.

“So hot and wet,” Howard said distantly, “it smells delicious.”

“Speak for yourself, my mortal stud,” Adelia quipped.

He cast her a humored grin, but he remained as serious as ever. Placing his hands on her thighs, he pushed her legs apart, clearing the path for him. Then, he buried his face in her pussy and began giving her oral sex

“Oohhh, Howard!” Adelia cooed in delight. “I consume you…you consume me…I love it!”

It was oddly poetic. She was a vampire who drank his blood. He was her lover who ate her pussy out. It would’ve been funny if the passions weren’t so real.

Her intimate flesh tasted as good as any Halloween candy. She once joked that vampire pussy aged like fine wine. Having gorged on hers many times, he knew it was no joke. She was so hot and moist, radiating with a sensual energy that defied description. He used his tongue to probe her depths, feeling his way around her most sensitive areas. Vampire women seemed to have a lot of those when they were horny. It made his job easier, but no less rewarding.

It also intensified the same side-effects that had given him a throbbing erection. Whether by some strange spiritual energy or some mysterious properties of vampire flesh, it left him so aroused that his patience waivered as well. While still lapping his tongue over her outer folds, he shed his boxers and threw them aside.

At that point, his plan to express his gratitude was complete. Now, the true Halloween festivities could begin. After giving her pussy one last tease with his tongue, he rose up and crawled back on top of her.

“Adelia,” Howard said as he gazed into those blood-red eyes of hers. “You protect me, love me, and trust me. What you mean to me…what you’ve done for me…even thoughts aren’t enough.”

“That’s how I know your love is real,” she told him as she lovingly caressed his face. “When even a vampire’s telepathy can’t process it, you know it’s special.”

“I know it’s not easy. I sure don’t make it easy, given the circumstances of my life.”

“Having lived multiple lifetimes, I understand more than most. That’s what makes it even more special!”

“That also makes it worth celebrating…tonight…on Halloween.”

“You and your vampire lover,” Adelia said with another playful laugh. “I cannot think of anything more fitting.”

This time, he laughed with her. The laughter gave way to a deep kiss. As their lips became entwined, their bodies followed suit. Adelia eagerly wrapped her legs around his waist, her vampire strength showing every step of the way. Howard skillfully aligned his body with hers, guiding his erect manhood towards her waiting womanhood.

Finally, through a simple movement of hips, he entered her. The shared heat of their bodies became one. The unique features of a vampire woman and a human man supplemented one another in a fateful moment on a wonderfully appropriate night. They were really doing it. They were making love on Halloween.

“My lover…my blood mate.”

That passionate mantra echoed in their minds, shared through telepathic thoughts and reinforced through intimate actions. After soaking in the heat of their union, Howard set the tone for his vampire lover. He began moving his hips, establishing a rhythmic flow to their lovemaking. With him on top of her, their naked skin grinding together with each motion, the intimate energy quickly intensified.

It led to more elaborate forms of lovemaking. Together, they rolled around on the bed, their naked bodies shifting and adjusting in accord with their passion. At one point, Adelia was on top of him, riding his cock. At another, he laid her on her side and spooned her from behind. Vampires were known for their sexual prowess and stamina. What was less known was how it seemed to empower their mortal lovers.

Blissful moans and gasps soon filled the room, coupled with plenty of kissing and caressing. Even though vampires were naturally durable, Howard was often careful and tender with Adelia. They still enjoyed their share of rough sex, but a night like tonight demanded something more personal. The focus was on the love they’d forged and not just the intimate benefits it had inspired.

True to that spirit, he and Adelia willingly lost themselves in the passion and pleasure. They worked up a healthy sweat, which had since covered their naked bodies. In the soft candlelight, it further added to the sensual ambience. It helped make every undulating motion so smooth and seamless. It also brought them to the brink of orgasm with almost supernatural ease.

“Howard, my blood mate!” Adelia cried “Make love to me! Give me your love! Please…I’m so close!”

“Me too, Adelia. Me too!” Howard said with focused grunts.

For that final push, they returned to the simple missionary position in which they’d began. It might have been the old European traditionalist in Adelia, but that was the one she preferred. It was also the one that allowed him to go the extra mile for his lover.

He stepped up the pace for the final push, digging his feet into the bed and tightening his grip on her hips. Adelia did her part too, raking her nails down his back and locking her legs together in anticipation. He could feel the pulsating heat in her pussy around his cock, preparing for that magical release. When she finally got it, a special ecstasy consumed them both.

“Ohhh bloody yes!” she cried out.

Her naked body trembled.

The bed shook violently under the force of their movements.

Howard took her hands in his, closed his eyes, and awaited a feeling that only a vampire’s lover could appreciate.

“Oh Adelia…I feel it too.”

That wasn’t just a romantic sentiment. It was another side-effect/bonus that came along with vampire intimacy. When she climaxed, he didn’t just sense it in the form of her inner muscles contracting around his cock. He literally experienced part of her release, thanks to her telepathic talents.

It was like plugging into a hidden source of power and pleasure. Hot waves of heavy sensation washed over them both, inundating them with intense feelings of raw ecstasy. It was more than enough to get him to climax as well, his throbbing member shooting off inside her with his own release. It extended the orgasmic process even more, allowing Adelia to share his pleasure as well.

“Mmm…I never get tired of that,” she moaned.

“Me neither,” Howard said with a beaming smile.

They remained in an intimate embrace, their eyes lovingly locked onto one another as they soaked in the feeling. With vampires, simultaneous orgasms were the norm and not the exception. Adelia said that, while vampires couldn’t have children, they still had plenty of use for sex. By mixing it with their telepathic skills, they could create a special experience the likes of which no two humans could ever know.

From an evolutionary standpoint, it gave vampires something else to exchange with mortal humans in exchange for blood. From a personal standpoint, it created a whole new level of intimacy. Adelia told him that it was mostly shared among other vampires. It kept them close-knit and united in their struggle to survive. Few ordinary humans could handle it. Howard was one of those select few. It was yet another sign that their love was special.

As they shared in that special feeling, Howard kissed his vampire lover once more. Their intimate flesh parted, but the sensual heat between them had never burned brighter.

“I love you, Adelia…my blood mate…my guardian vampire,” Howard said as he laid next to her in the center of the bed.

“I love you too, Howard,” said Adelia, her glowing red eye flickering with impassioned energy. “I’ve lived a long, long time…doing things my own way…never getting too close to anyone. Then, you came along…a man in need of protection, comfort, and love.”

“And after all those years, you found way to give all of that.”

“And to think, all I wanted initially was a fresh supply of blood,” she said jokingly.

“I know,” said Howard, as he caressed her face. “Love is strange, like that. It starts with something you need. It becomes something you cherish. Whether you’re a human or a vampire, it somehow finds you.”

“And on Halloween, no less!”

They shared another laugh before coming together in another passionate kiss. It still amazed Howard. In his darkest hour on his least favorite day of the year, a vampire came to him, offering something simple. He got her protection. She got his blood. That Halloween night ended up being a fateful turning point.

Over time, she became more than just his guardian and he became more than just a source of nourishment. Together, they blossomed into something so much more. Howard knew he could never live a normal, open life. His father’s crimes would always define him, leaving him vulnerable, no matter where he hid. He used to fear the shadows. Now, he took comfort in them, knowing his vampire lover was there to protect him.

“Happy Halloween, Howard,” she said to him through their telepathic link.

“Happy Halloween, Adelia,” he replied. “Thanks for making this day worth celebrating again.”

“And celebrate we will! That, I can promise you. And a vampire always keeps her promise to her blood mate.”


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