[M] y Sister’s Hot [F] riends Part 3

Sarah at 21 or 22 was the kind of girl best described by the word curvy, her breasts provided some of the best cleavage I’ve ever seen and her ass was big, soft and round. She somehow packed all of herself into a 5’4 or 5’5 hourglass frame with a pretty face, blonde hair that ran just past her shoulders. But the thing that had always turned me on most about Sarah was how much she liked sex. How did I know? She didn’t hide it, if you called Sarah a slut she would probably smile and ask you why you don’t like putting your dick in as many women as possible as often as you can.

It was about two or three years after the bar with Amy when my sister called me from school and asked if I could hang out with Sarah. She had dropped out of college and didn’t have many friends in our hometown. I was the perfect gentleman, I took her to the movies, out for dinner, and we hung out at the bar but I was working a lot and couldn’t spend the time with her that I wanted to, it also felt like I was deep in the friend zone.

A couple of months had past since my sister’s request when Sarah texted me and asked if I could come pick her up from the bar she was working at as her car had broken down in the parking lot. I told her I would come early and take a look at her car with my mechanic friend Johnny.

The bar was a college place with a ton of pool tables and exclusively cute girls working there. I don’t think it was necessarily a uniform but all the servers wore tight black tops and black yoga pants and God did Sarah fill it out well. She was wearing a black tube top that looked like if she jumped it would snap below her big round tits and her yoga pants left nothing to the imagination. You could see she was wearing a thong when she she turned around working the bar, great for tips I assume. She ran out from behind the bar and hugged both of us, I’ll admit I took an extra long squeeze just to feel her chest pressed up against me. Handing Johnny the keys she told him he would have a free drink a night for life if he could fix it so he eagerly ran outside. I followed him, not that I could do much to help but I didn’t want him to get all the credit for being a hero.

The car needed a starter or an alternator or something and Johnny went back inside discouraged that he couldn’t fix it here for her. Not that I’m a bad person I swear but I was at least a little happy I would be staying and driving her home. She poured shots for the three of us to toast the temporary death of her car and to thank us for trying.

The night went on and Sarah would come by as often as she could, telling filthy jokes like she usually did and to take a shot with Johnny. As he was going out for a smoke she told him to wait “Hey, what’s the difference between hungry and horny?”

“I don’t know.” He answered smiling and I just shook my head.

“Where you stick the cucumber.” She giggled as if she’d told that one a thousand times and he laughed as he walked away before she turned back to me “Speaking of where to stick cucumbers… I know you fucked Amy.” She whispered though not as quietly as I would have liked her to at a crowded bar. I think I might have fallen off the bar stool if my foot hadn’t been on the rail.

“What!? No I didn’t.” I could feel my face going red, I’m a terrible liar.

“She bragged about it if that makes a difference.” Her cute smile was made even cuter by the way she bit her lip.

“Okay, maybe I did… but just once, please don’t tell my sister.” I begged, not even sure how much she would have cared but it would create awkwardness all the same. I wanted to ask her how long she had known but Johnny walked back in and took his stool.

“Your secret is safe with me.” Sarah said putting her hand on mine.

“What secret?” He asked having missed our conversation.

“That he has a big dick.” She answered with a tiny grin forming betraying the poker face she was trying to keep.

“I knew that already.” He answered drunkenly to which we all burst out laughing before I hid my red face in my hands.

It must have been after 2:30 when we finally got out of there. She took the backseat of my car and Johnny sat up front until we dropped him off. He stumbled getting out of the car and gave a Sarah a big hug when she got out to take shotgun.

“Night cutie, thanks for trying.” She said as she kissed him on the cheek.

“Fuck you’re hot.” He said matter of factly but slurring his words. She stuck her tongue out at him and got in the front seat and I waited to make sure he managed to open the door to his parents place.

I started driving, her parent’s house was about 15 minutes away from his and yes I definitely dropped him off first for more alone time with her. There was an awkward silence for what felt like a few minutes but was probably more like 20 seconds before I could tell she had turned to face me from the passenger seat “You’re such a sweet guy.”

I laughed “Thanks, I guess?”

“I mean it, I know your sister asked you to hang out with me and bringing Johnny to try and fix my car and driving me home…” I could hear the ‘but’ in her voice.

“And?” I asked glancing over at her to give her a smile.

“I just… I feel like such a bitch.” She paused as if to see if I knew what she was talking about but I didn’t so I just looked forward stuck at a light. “You’re really good looking and my friend’s older brother which is a huge turn on but… I’m just really into rough guys.” she explained looking out the window on her side.

I was honestly kind of annoyed and couldn’t think of how to respond right away. I knew she had been treated like crap by a lot of her boyfriends and had done it right back but was that what she actually wanted from me and how was me treating her well a bad thing?

“Rough guys?” I asked, looking for clarification and not being able to think of any other response.

“Yeah… you know… I want my fucking hair pulled.” She answered and I felt my cock twitch but I knew exactly what to say.

“Just because I treat you like you matter to me doesn’t mean I wouldn’t fuck the shit out of you.” I looked back at her and could tell it had had the desired effect, a little moan escaped the lip she was biting so I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her towards me kissing her hard. The guy behind us at the intersection ruined it by honking and we both laughed as I started driving again.

For the rest of the drive I had my hand on her thigh squeezing just tightly enough so she knew how badly I wanted her. Pulling up to her house she jumped me as soon as the car was in park, somehow getting from the passenger seat to straddling me with enough ease that I knew she had done it before. With my tongue in her mouth and my hands on her big soft tits I tried to pull her tube top down but she stopped me “Come inside.”

I followed her across the front lawn pinching her ass as she walked in front of me but as we got to the front steps we could both see the light of the TV on through the curtains. We both looked back at the car at the same time but as we did the front door opened and her dad was standing over us. He was probably at least 6’5 and standing two steps higher than us he looked like a monster, the tattoos and biker beard helped.

“Waited up in case your car didn’t start. See you got a ride. Say goodnight Sarah.” He growled roughly. He was terrifying.

She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek whispering “Text me” before hopping up the steps which made it difficult not to look at her bubbly round ass. I turned embarrassed and walked back across the lawn to my car as they went inside, my hard on going soft as quickly as she had made it happen.

I went to fill up my car at a gas station about two minutes from her house. The whole time angry at myself for not somehow at least getting a look at the tits I’d been fantasizing about since high school. Getting back into the car exhausted as it was about 3:00 the notification light on my phone was going off. I swiped to wake it up and saw the hottest text I had ever gotten “Come fuck me. Now.” As simple as it was it had me hard again in seconds, I kept looking away and then reading it again.

“How?” I texted back hoping she would just run outside, get in my car and come back to my apartment.

“Park at the school and come to the side door.” She responded after what felt like an eternity. As risky as it seemed to sneak into her house there was no way I was going home.

I parked my car at the school, a few houses down from her’s and started walking. Even walking up from the side I could see that the TV was still on as I turned into the small pathway between houses that led to her backyard. The door opened as soon as I got close and I was surprised to hear her voice “Just going for a smoke dad.”

He said something about going to bed I couldn’t quite make out and she closed the door behind her pushing me towards the back by putting her hand on my bulge “Good, you’re still hard.” she whispered.

“Where are we going?” I asked her having thought she was sneaking me in and a little relieved that wasn’t the plan with her dad still awake.

“Right here…” she giggled turning around and facing the brick wall in the dark not 10 feet from the side door. She pulled her black yoga pants down to her thighs exposing her bubbly ass and pink thong.

I glanced toward the door and then unzipped my fly, struggling to pull my length through as I was rock hard. Reaching forward I pulled her thong to the side with my left hand while I positioned my throbbing cock at her slit with my right. It was dark but her pussy glistened, she was soaking.

“Hurry…” she groaned, turning her head to the side just enough so I could see her face as I placed the head against her pussy lips and pressed forward. I slid in easily as I watched her exhale with her eyes closed.

“Oh fuck…” I whispered quietly while pushing forward, her gorgeous round ass in my hands. I started to move my hips back and forth slowly enjoying how wet she was.

“Hurry, fuck me to make yourself cum.” she moaned and I remembered what she had said in the car. Reaching forward I grabbed a fist full of her blonde hair pulling it hard enough to make her arch her back and felt my entire length slide deep inside of her. I was quickly thrusting as hard as I could, her ass slapping against my stomach “That’s it, fuck me like that.” she moaned and it was too much for me.

“I’m gonna cum…” I blurted out feeling myself passing the point of no return. She spun quickly and fell to her knees wrapping her hand around my shaft as it started to twitch and getting her mouth around the thick head just as I started to cum. With no hesitation at all she impressively started to swallow what felt like a huge load while sucking just hard enough to keep me going. Instinctively I put my hands up against the brick while my legs went weak, standing over her she while she slowly stroked out every drop, I felt like the luckiest guy alive.

“Fuck that was a lot.” Sarah whispered as she stood up licking her lips and adjusting her tube top.

I was about to apologize when I remembered our conversation in the car “You’re welcome.” I said gritting my teeth and tucking my cock back into my jeans.

“Text me.” she whispered before turning around and slipping back into the house.

As I walked back to the car completely satisfied I kept going over the night in my mind and laughed realizing I still hadn’t seen her big tits.

*Oh well, there’s always next time…*

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dmn5yk/m_y_sisters_hot_f_riends_part_3


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