[MF] The Will and Amy Chronicles – Chapter 1 – Internet Stranger

So, the next few stories will involve trysts that have occurred over the past couple of months. These took place with genuinely the most beautiful woman I have ever cast my gaze upon, in real life or in the world of celebrities. These stories were originally to be released as a collaborative effort giving the reader both perspectives, but I don’t foresee that ever happening. So I shall endeavour to write them myself and will do my utmost to give you a balanced account of events.

As usual there will be some back story, some set up and these probably won’t be as graphic as my last stories. Advanced warning, I probably won’t come across well in them either. But I hope that somehow that honesty will aid you in understanding that these are pretty accurate portrayals. I’m also fairly certain that writing these will be quite painful for me but hoping that in some way they will be cathartic too.

**Back Story:** Some years ago I was in a long term relationship and got into reading reviews of sex toys. They became my form of erotica. I would read them and envision buying the best ones for my partner, the thought of using them with her was a huge turn on. Alas, she wasn’t into toys so nothing really came of it. After that relationship came to an inevitable conclusion, I found myself in a FWB situation. My friend was very much into toys, she had a plethora. I was still reading reviews and bought her a couple of my favourites which she utterly delighted in using. At around this time I found Reddit and started reading stories and listening to audios. I came across a story about a woman using toys bought for her by a stranger that she had met on Reddit. This story turned me on a ridiculous amount and I got off thinking about it. Now, for a while I forgot about the fantasy, but the idea had burrowed into my brain. I knew one day I too would buy toys for a stranger as I found the idea just too delectable. However the logistics of it were tricky and I didn’t quite have the disposable income so never pursued it at that time.

**Internet Stranger**

We fast forward to a couple of months ago on a rather chilly Tuesday night. I was scrolling through some of the usual subs looking at pictures and videos of strong, independent women showing off their glorious and sensual bodies. Something about a woman that owns her sexuality and is proud of it really gets me going. Especially in this patriarchal, bullshit society we live in that has such double standards when it comes to sex. As I was scrolling I stumbled across a picture that still, to this day, is branded on my occipital lobe (the part of the brain that deals with vision.) It was a gorgeous woman, pale, with an angelic figure dressed in lingerie. Nothing too revealing or overtly sexual but I was transfixed. I immediately ached to see more of her, I clicked on the username hoping that there would be more posts. There were quite a few and I began scrolling through more of her content. I was in awe. She was utterly beautiful, toned and elegant. Her profile wasn’t too graphic but hinted and teased at sexuality. There were also pictures that implied a cheeky side that I would later get to know. As I browsed her profile late Tuesday became early Wednesday and I came across a photo of her that was sensual, sexy, sophisticated and at the same time carried an air of vulnerability to it. Emboldened by my desire for this exquisite woman, I decided to send her a message. (I don’t generally message women on Reddit as I feel that there are enough men doing that already, and doing so poorly, that it probably tarnishes it for everyone.)

Wednesday morning rolled around and I head to work expecting to never receive a response from her. As I sit down at my desk I notice a purple notification light blinking on my phone (Reddit notification) and my heart starts to race. It was a response, my first ever message from (who I would later come to know as) Amy. For the next couple of hours we have some witty back and forth. I am very complimentary about her profile and all the delicious content. She is appreciative and even on that first morning delighted in teasing me. There was a connection even at the very start. I was getting incredibly hard in work and it was a good job I had no meetings scheduled. After talking to her for a bit longer and with our conversation turning sexual, I remembered the fantasy of buying toys for a stranger and bit the bullet.

W – “Have you ever squirted?”

A – “I have not no.”

W – “Hmmm. Could I maybe treat you to a toy that would change that?”

This question hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity for me, however in reality it was a mere 60 seconds before a response came.

A – “What would you recommend?”

I then proceeded to send her a link to a reputable adult retailer and the link was for the Njoy Pure Wand. Amy was initially a tad trepidatious and was a bit taken aback. The toy in question was rather expensive and we hadn’t been talking for more than 3 hours at this point. She initially had reservations about accepting something so expensive. I explained that there was no pressure whatsoever, I explained about the fantasy and that it is something I’d always wanted to do but if she wasn’t 100% comfortable then there were no worries at all. The conversation shifted to what I would receive in return, again a perfectly reasonable reservation on her part. I explained that I honestly expected nothing in return, but would be open to anything she wanted and that I just really got off on the thought that this utterly stunning woman would be using a toy that I’d bought her. We talked for a while longer and she posed the question.

A – “So how would this work?”

I explained how and that no details would ever need to be exchanged. I think the idea of this and the added security that our anonymity would remain intact was the deciding factor. She made me re-confirm that I was 100% happy to spend this on a stranger and then she agreed. Amy excitedly got on her laptop and ordered the toy (she would tell me later on that in that moment, she didn’t think the code would work or that something would go awry.) After a couple of moments the light on my phone flashed again.

A – “Ordered, thank you! I’ll have to let you know when it arrives!”

The next 24 hours were a haze of messages and innuendo. I awoke on the Thursday morning more turned on than I knew was possible. My skin felt like it was on fire at the anticipation. Around midday Amy messaged to say that she had received a dispatch notification and was expecting the parcel to be delivered soon. I thought for sure it would be delivered on the Friday so was suddenly a wash with excitement, nerves and the blood suddenly was only rushing one way. Amy was clearly very excited about the prospect of it arriving too. At about 4pm I received a flurry of messages.

A – “So….The parcel has arrived. The box is heavy…Just opening now.”

W – “Oh my god my heart is racing!”

A – “Well this definitely makes my other toys look shit!”

She had remarked about never having anything that expensive inside her before and it nearly made me explode. Amy asked for advice on how to use it and I duly jotted down some ideas. But she had decided she wanted to tease herself and wait until absolute breaking point before using it. I, being a terrible influence was saying things that, having been talking for a day and it all being very sexual, I knew would get her hot and bothered. She subsequently messaged at about 6pm.

A – “I’m struggling to hold out much longer. I really want to tease myself and wait. But I’m also really wet just thinking about it…”

W – “I can just imagine how wet you are in anticipation. I have a feeling you’re going to give in to temptation!”

A – “I’m going swimming to take my mind off of it! Haha.”

W – “Help you to cool down.”

I was already rock hard, it felt like I’d had an erection the whole day and it had no sign of abating. Amy went swimming and then ate her dinner and kept messaging throughout, she was teasing herself but was thoroughly enjoying how much this was teasing me too. 9pm came around and she was finally ready.

A – “I’ve got Prosecco and I’m ready to make a night of it.”

W – “Well I hope it lives up to expectations.”

A – “I’m sure it will but I know who to complain to if not!”

At this point I had retreated to my bedroom, I knew there was no way that I would be able to keep my hands off of myself if she was going to keep messaging me whilst she used this toy. Plus I didn’t think my flatmate would appreciate that whilst I sat in the living room.

A – “I’m in bed, the moment we’ve all been waiting for…”

W – “I’m so intrigued and turned on all at once.”

A – “I’m fucking turned on!”

Amy proceeded to use the Njoy toy for a couple of minutes, using the instructions I had sent earlier. She started with the small end and rocked it on her g-spot. Then as she was already so wet and extremely turned on. She slid the larger end inside herself and started thrusting with it.

A – “The toy is all creamy, it’s covered!”

W – “Mmmm, could I maybe see the toy?”

I was so scared sending that message. There were no strings with the toy and, as such, had she messaged back telling me to fuck off I would have completely understood. But she didn’t, she sent me her contact details on a popular messaging app. I promptly added her and moments later was greeted by 3 of the best pictures I have ever seen. She sent me a picture of the toy covered in her hot cum, another of the toy still covered in cum but this time from an angle where I could see between her thighs and the final one a picture of her licking the cum off of the toy.

I never told Amy this and wish I had, that last picture physically made me cum. I wasn’t touching myself and have never felt anything like it before or since. The sight of her tongue licking her cum off of that metal toy that I’d bought her sent me over the edge. My hard cock throbbed, shuddered and then shot cum all over my stomach. I didn’t tell her as I was embarrassed at the time, but in hindsight, I now think it’s quite hot that that was the effect she had on me. I thanked her for the pictures, told her how incredible they were and how beautiful she was. How much I hoped that she would enjoy the toy and genuinely after what felt like a perfect experience I thought that would be the end of it.

Then as I lay there in my haze of post orgasmic bliss, my phone went off again. Amy had sent me videos. My cock went from 6 to midnight in the space of about 3 seconds, my refractory period has always been a sense of pride but this was ridiculous. The videos were of her with the toy in her pussy thrusting. The first one she thrusted slowly and then built up speed. Her moans were sensational and like nothing I had ever heard before, her voice wavering with every thrust. Then the second one she sent, she was thrusting the toy nice and fast. I had suggested with my tips earlier that this was a good way to squirt. I could hear the toy making a splashing sound in her wetness and could see it was making her squirt all over her pussy, all over her beautiful shaved mound, some dripping down to her asshole and all over the towel she had laid down on. Her moans making way to loud velvety “oh’s”, then to surprised and intense sounding “oh my gods”, and then to what would become a familiar high pitched moan as she tried to stifle the sound as to not be overheard. These videos were the first time I was hearing her and I loved her voice and the way she moaned. She turned me on more than I genuinely knew was possible. Amy continued playing with the toy and whilst I watched the videos she sent I touched myself, stroking my cock, slowly speeding up and then rubbing it furiously. I came hard again with ropes of cum spraying all over myself. Usually if i’m playing with myself I like to be quite neat and will have tissues or a towel handy. But in that moment I just didn’t care, all I needed was to cum watching this incredible woman play with herself for me. Everything else in the world faded into the abyss and all I could see was her enjoying herself.

Amy started messaging again soon after I came, she had collapsed on her bed, completely spent. She loved the toy but with it being the first time using it, had found it all very intense and unfamiliar. She was however looking forward to the next use.

We messaged back and forth for the rest of the night staying up until about 2-3am. We discussed all sorts and it came up in conversation that my birthday was in about a week’s time. I didn’t have any plans so Amy suggested that maybe we should repeat the antics and she should use the toy again as a present for me. Well I loved the sound of that and duly agreed.

**Will and Amy will return in, The Birthday Present.**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dl0po5/mf_the_will_and_amy_chronicles_chapter_1_internet


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