That time the trophy girl [F] picked ME [M] up

More back in college stuff, this is the 60’s and the world was changing real fast. Wife is gone, I am bored and it’s raining, so I am jotting down memories.


I had bought this 1956 Chevy 4 door used in about 1961, it came with a little 265″ engine, 2 barrel, kind of sickly so I had to do something about that. My Dad had found a 1958 Chevy Nomad that had been wrecked, he was going to make a work rig out of it but never got around to it, so he gave me the engine. I took it apart, in town was a shop that had a boring bar, so we opened the 283″ up to 292″, and the guy sold me a set of 12.5 to one compression pistons for $25, left over from another job stuff. A 4 barrel carb and a neat cam grind and 56 the chevy was peppy.

Fast forward a year or two later. The world had become flower children, someone invented a pill for women, there were protests over some war somewhere and I was learning stuff. There was one hell of a lot more of the world out there than the Oregon coast I was used to and the paper mill to work in.

I moved to California and went to a Junior college, to get me an Associate’s degree which was nice and free for residents so I lived with my Grandmother to become a resident. (Supposed to be resident for a year but they didn’t ask and I didn’t offer.)

Near Vallejo in California was a drag strip, that was just becoming very popular, so I went to give it a try. They put me in G/stock class (I didn’t mention the few tiny changes but then they didn’t ask, and I didn’t offer, either). Having seen the 3 speed on the column stick shift and figured nobody with a REAL hot rod would do that, I guess.

I rather handily won, beating 2 other Chevies and some guy with a Ford in the last round by maybe 50 yards or so. (That did create a fuss because I not only broke the track record but I beat the National record by 1/4 of a second. They refused to give me the record unless I took the engine apart and I refused, but they did give me the class win.)

I WOULD have won the eliminator bracket too, but I came up against this Oldsmobile that had to give me a head start and he got me by two full car lengths anyway (cheating son of a bitch).

Still, neat, I won a trophy! And the track had a trophy girl!! (I raced a lot over the next few years, that was the only drag race track with a trophy girl I ever saw.) Anyway, she was cute as a bug’s ear, as she handed me the $2 worth piece of chrome and wood, only one thing to do, swipe a kiss so I did. By this time the shyness I had early on had sort of changed into me being rather cocky. Hell, by then I had been laid a few times, I was out on my own .. well, Grandma’s house, and in COLLEGE!!

Which got lots of hoots and hollers from the crowd (maybe 10 people left by then) and a rather pink cheeked and smiling cute young lady, I guess we weren’t supposed to do that. I wandered back to my car to load up my gear and head back to my Grandma’s place where I was staying when someone called out “Hey!”

I looked back, here was the trophy gal, so I went over to chat, I mean, why not? She asked me if I could give her a lift home, someone was supposed to pick her up but it was going to be an hour and she had a 2nd job she wanted to shower before going to.

OK. In the car, off we went, me using the gas a little bit, getting some squeals and stuff, she seemed to like that. She asked me in when we got there, I was thinking along the lines of who knows, go for it. But nope, she really did want to shower and change clothes, then had me drive her to her next job.

Which turned out to be a strip club just North of town? And she was one of the dancers!

Me with $4 in my pocket since I had just started work at a Texaco station and hadn’t gotten a paycheck yet. and the place had a $5 cover, I turned to leave and the gal grabbed me, told the guy sitting there that I was with her. I ordered a beer, cost me a buck. The place was a real clip joint, I mean come on. $5 just to get in and a buck for a beer on top of that? Beers were $0.40 where I came from in a bar, $1.19 a six pack in the stores. $5 was dang near three hour’s wages.

Yes, at a buck each, I really COULD make a beer last almost four hours, which I did. Sherry (I think I forgot to mention her name) came out on stage, she was the first one after we had gotten there. No way was I going to miss that. She had on a halter top and shorts, by the 2nd song it was pasties and shorts, by the 3rd tune it was what we call G-strings today.

Then she did some really naughty things like squat down with her knees apart and her string thing would sort of get misaligned somehow and she would collect a dollar bill and move on. All perfectly accidental, of course. Damn, she had a wad of dollar bills by the time she was done.

Dancers, as I have learned, have very hard bodies if they have been at it any length of time at all. It was about 4 hours later, Sherry was back in my car and we were headed to her house, by then I was thinking.. well, you know what I was thinking. We got there and were met by this white haired little old lady. Turned out to be HER grandmother?

Interesting, I was living with my grandmother and Sherry was living with her grandmother. The thought popped right into my head that I was NOT going to get laid, just as I was thinking of making my excuses and heading home…..

The sweet old lady asked me if I was going to stay the night. Only time in my life anything like that ever happened.

So, I did.

Sherry was.. the word is.. fine. At one point I was hoping her grandma couldn’t hear us, we got noisy. Next morning, I woke up, Sherry and grandma were in the kitchen making sausage gravy over toast, with eggs. I was fast beginning to understand that California girls are different than most of the Oregon girls where I came from. Sherry liked to be on top, and facing away from me which was different from anyone I had ever been with up until then.

That is one hell of a view, too. I also looked for blemishes and flaws, Sherry had none at all that I could find. She loved to fuck, it’s a wonder I didn’t end up with blisters. No messing around, either, she looked, decided, that was pretty much it.

Oregon it was 3 dates at least before any real fun happened, in California it was like if they would go out with you at all, a bit of sex was expected. The Oregon girls I knew sat there and waited to be asked, the California girls often asked us guys.

I dated Sherry regularly for months, about as often as I could save up a few bucks to do it with. Then I decided to drop out of college for awhile, work more and save up because once the two year Junior college was done, the next school wasn’t free any more.

That was the mistake that got me drafted.

Which is another story, if anyone is interested I might write that one too.



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