And then Darkness – Part One (MF Oral)

Traveling for work all the time had become a real drag. It was a drag on my health and fitness. A drag in my marriage. My wife and I had started to drift apart and acted more like co-parents rather than lovers. Being in our early 40s, we should have been hitting our sexual groove, but instead we rarely had sex and never saw each other naked.

As I drove home from the airport on a brisk Autumn afternoon, I was excited to be home more than a day earlier than planned. It was fall break for our two daughters, and they were away with friends for the long weekend. My wife and I would have four days to ourselves. It could be a real chance to reconnect. I was excited for the opportunity and the possibilities that might be in our future. Then I turned the corner and saw three black 7 Series BMWs sitting in the driveway.

Seeing those three identical luxury cars sitting in our driveway my pulse quicken, and my mouth went dry. It didn’t make any sense. No one should have been at our house at this time. The kids were gone and my wife should have been at her weekly art class. I’m not sure how long I sat there staring at those three cars, but it was long enough that a driver behind me honked their horn to get my attention.

Coming out of my trance, I pulled over to the side of the road in front of the neighbors house. I put the car in park and turned off the engine. I sat there for a few minutes just watching the house. I didn’t see any movement inside or outside the house. Gathering my thoughts and trying to calm myself down, I decided to go have a closer look.

As I approached my house, I knew in would have to go around the side of the house to see inside. The front window looked into the dinning room, and because of headlights, we always kept those shutters closed. I carefully opened the wooden fence gate trying not to make any noise. Moving down the side of the house, my first opportunity to see inside would be one of two windows giving a slightly obstructed view of the kitchen, breakfast area, and living room.

The shutters on these two windows we open allowing me to see inside, but it was rather dim in the house making it difficult see. As I stood there letting my eyes adjust, I saw a slight movement in the living room. I could see the silhouette of a mans head and shoulders sitting in my favorite chair. His head was moving slowly, looking down towards the floor and then tilted back looking towards the ceiling with his head resting on the back of my chair.

I had to get a better look. What was he doing in my house I wondered, and where are the drivers of the other two cars? I made my around the back of the house to patio. From there I would be able to have an unobstructed view of the chair and the man sitting in it. I slowly made my way to the edge of the french doors. As I did, I became aware of the wind blowing and the sound of the trees rattling. Carefully peaking around the edge of the door frame, I got my first good look at the man. He was older than me, maybe 50, and he was wearing what appeared to be a very expensive suit. As surreal as it was to have this man in my house, what took my breath away was seeing my nearly nude wife, on her knees, gently bobbing her head up and down in his lap. Although I couldn’t see her face, she was very clearly giving this strange man a blowjob.

Her beautiful blonde hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail on top for her head. This man had one hand wrapped around the base of the ponytail and he was using it to guide her oral actions. I felt sick to my stomach as I watched this take place. Not only was she giving this guy a blowjob, she was letting him guide the action in a way she always refused me. She hated it when I would push her head down when she gave me oral sex. I could feel my heart beating in my chest as this realization hit home.

The next thing I notice was his other hand. It was dropped down low and was inside her black lace bra. He was firmly kneading her large breast and pulling on her big beautiful nipple. Seeing this enraged me even further as I thought about the breast he was handling. My wife always had amazing breasts, but after nursing two babies, they were left flattened and sagging. She hated the way she looked then, so we agreed she should get a breast lift and silicone implants. More than $8,000 later, she looked better than ever, and this asshole enjoying them as if he owned them.

One of her hands was in his lap, apparently helping her mouth stimulate his cock. Her other hand was between her slightly separated knees, pushed inside the skimpy black thong she had on. She was alternating between pushing two fingers into her pussy and using those two fingers to rub her sensitive clit. This is something I had see her do before, back in our more connected days.

I didn’t recognize this matching bra and panty set she was wearing. It was apparently new. Maybe he bought it for her. What I did know is she didn’t wear thong panties around me, ever. Watching her pleasure herself, I notice she was wearing sexy black stiletto high heels. Those were most certainly new. I had never seen her wear shoes like that before.

As I stood there on my back patio, peaking through the door, I watch for a couple of minutes wondering how long she had been on her knees pleasuring him. His hands started to get more aggressive. He was pushing her head down and pulling it back up rapidly. Her large breast had been pulled out of the bra and he was pulling and twisting her big pink nipple. As I watched this scene play out, it dawned on me that he was getting close to release. Was he going to cum in my wife’s mouth? Would she let him? Was she planning to swallow his cum? These are all things she used to do for me on a regular basis, but in the last few years it was far and few between.

I had to quickly decide what to do. Do I just let it happen and confront her later? Surely she would just deny it all. I didn’t have any proof after all. Should I use my phone to video them? Should I just barge though the door and stop them? What if she didn’t want to stop? His pace was getting quicker and she was fingering herself even harder. I had to make a decision. And then I heard it. The sound of leaves crunching and twigs breaking behind me. As I shifted my weight off the door frame I was leaning on, I turned my head just in time to see a large and menacing looking black man swing his fist at my head. His fist landed on the side of my face just below the temple area. The blow was hard enough to cause my head to bounce off the door frame. I slumped to my knees, and then darkness.


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