A Reminiscence – The Build-Up [MF] [Part 2]

Hello everybody. Here’s the next part to my tale. Much like the first part, this is entirely true, just changed the names. I debated adding this into part 2, but it would have been ridiculously long. So, an interlude, if you will.

If you’re coming in to this late, here’s the first part:

A Reminiscence – The First Time [MF] from gonewildstories

The next day, my mind was whirling. I just had sex with a good friends wife. And she was older than me! Though, I did admit it was incredible . . . But the feeling of guilt was beginning to settle in, so I figured she and I needed to talk.

What was I going to say to her? Hell, what would i tell him? *Should* I tell him?!

My phone buzzed that evening – a text message from Amy. “You’re more than I could’ve imagined. I’m really glad we did that last night. You felt so good.”

I responded: You’re incredible. I’ve been thinking about last night too.”

Amy: “Care to do it again?”

Me: Are you sure? How would we even work this out?

Amy: “He has work at 9:00 tomorrow, and won’t be home until 5:00. We could have the whole day and house to ourselves.”

She was serious. She wanted another go. Gods, I couldn’t believe this. How long could we keep sneaking around? I already felt weird about what I had done. But then my memory (and probably hormones) kicked in. I could practically taste her lips, her pussy. I remembered her mouth on my cock. Remembered the way she arched as she slid me deep while we came together.

Fuck it.

Me: I’d love that. What time should I be there?

Amy: “9:30? That way he’s already gone.”

Me: I’ll be there. By the way, I keep imagining what your hiding beneath those blouses you wear.

Amy: “We’ll be totally naked tomorrow.”

Me: Oh yes indeed.

Amy: “I can’t wait to taste you again.”

Me: I can’t wait to have you to myself.

Amy: “You’re still dripping out of me.”

Holy shit that was fucking hot. Instant erection!

Me: Hope I didn’t make you too messy.

Amy: “You came so much! I barely made it upstairs before you started to flow out. I took a bath and it’s still dripping!”

Me: And you want more.

Amy: “Yes!”

Me: I’m *really* looking forward to this.

Amy went quiet for a bit, guess it was half an hour. I kept checking my phone, but nothing. I grabbed a shower, and that’s when my phone buzzed. I finished up, towelled off, and checked. Amy sent an attachment.

I opened it – Amy was in a black bra, a fishnet skirt with no panties, and thigh-high black stockings. She had on red lipstick, her thick-framed glasses and her hair was loose, strands running down her chest. Caption – “I’d rather you dirty my panties in person, so I didn’t wear them.”

Oh my gods. I dropped my towel and was stroking myself to this fantastic image.

Me: I’m so fucking hard right now. Tomorrow’s such a long way away!

Amy: “I know, but it’s coming, then so will we.”

At that point, I figured turn-about was fair play. I switched to my phone’s camera, lined up, and got the best picture of my cock I could. I attached it, then sent.

Amy: “Oh my God.”

Me: I hope you approve.

Amy: “I can’t wait to have you inside me again.”

Me: I can’t wait to feel you.

Amy: “Until then. Sweet dreams.”

Me: Good night, beautiful.

I put the phone down. I was going to fuck Amy again, and this time we could take our time.

My phone buzzed one more time. Amy sent another picture. As it loaded, she was laying on her bed, breasts free from the bra casually discarded above her head. She had beautiful tits, not large, but full and perky B’s with perfect hard nipples. Her caption:

“I want you to watch these bounce as you fuck me. Squeeze my nipples when you fill me up with your cum.”

I hadn’t planned on masturbating that night, but between my memories and those pictures, I couldn’t stop myself.

That’s it for this part of the story. Sorry, I know, it’s a lot of filler, but it would have just bogged things down with our second meet. Hope you enjoyed it, there’s more to come.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/djwghv/a_reminiscence_the_buildup_mf_part_2


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