I [F] went to an Asian Massage Parlor

Before I [F23 at the time] was married, I was dating a guy pretty seriously. One day I was doing his laundry and while checking his pockets to make sure they were empty, I found a receipt. I didn’t think to much about it and just put it on the washer. Later that day I grabbed it to give it back to him and saw it was from someplace called “Blossom Spa” which seemed odd so I kept reading. He apparently got a massage for $80 from Hanna. Still I didn’t think to much of it.

When I gave it to him I said “I didn’t know you got a massage, is your back bothering you?”

He looked extremely nervous and after an awkward pause finally said “I think I hurt it golfing, its better now”.

I immediately thought some was up, he was acting very sketchy. So I looked the place up and realized it was one of those Asian massage parlors. I didn’t know what to think or do. After sleeping on it, I decided I was just going to go check it out…so I did.

When I got there, an older Asian woman met me at the door and took my arm and started leading me further into the reception area and asked if I wanted a massage. My planning hadn’t gotten that far lol, so I panicked and said “yes, is Hanna available?”

She said she was, and took my credit card then led me back to the room. She told me to get undressed and lay face down and Hanna would be in. As I was laying down I noticed that there was no sheet, just a towel. I didn’t know what to do so just put it across my ass and waited.

A few minutes later, another Asian woman came in and introduced herself as Hanna in heavily accented English. She was maybe 30 years old, 5′ tall, thin, and cute as a button. I found it odd that instead of scrubs or yoga pants, she was wearing a rather short skirt and a tank top.

She started with my back and gave a pretty good massage, I was actually starting to think that maybe it wasn’t what I feared and was enjoying the massage. Next was my feet, followed by calves and finally hamstrings.

She then started to massage my groin muscles which felt good because I didn’t realize how tight and sore they were. And that is when the mood changed.

At first I thought I imagined it. The second time I thought maybe she didn’t mean to. The third time I knew that absolutely meant to ever so slightly brush my pussy. What I was unprepared for was that I realized I liked it and by the 5th pass was moving my hips to meet her. After a couple minutes she lifted the towel and told me to flip.

Since I was enjoying a relaxing massage, I had my eyes mostly closed. So as she was massaging my thighs, it took me a moment to realize that she never put the towel back on me. I opened my eyes to see why.

I instantly saw that she was watching me, when our eyes met, her hand gently cupped my pussy. With a smile on her face she asked “yes?”

I mean obviously the answer was no, so I was a little surprised when a whispered “yes” escaped my lips. Her delicate fingers started rubbing my clit and it felt better than I expected. With her other hand she grabbed my hand and slid it up her skirt, I nearly jumped in surprise to feel the softest pubic hair I’ve ever felt when I expected to feel her panties.

I was afraid to do more than rub her, but by the time she slipped a third finger in me I decided to try. I had never fingered anyone but myself and I surprised how much smaller she was than me.

After I came, she washed her hands and continued with the massage. Afterwards I went home with intentions of confronting my boyfriend but couldn’t. I never told him what happened and we broke up a few months later.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dihcas/i_f_went_to_an_asian_massage_parlor


  1. Hold up hold up! what was your thought process for breaking up with him? lol just curious…. was it because he wasnt honest or because of the fact that he went there to begin with

  2. Ive repeatedly asked my bf if there were places where women could get off like men do at massage parlors. It would be the hottest thing to go, get rubbed, get off, and go home. No reciprocation required. Just a happy ending for a chick. Sign me up!!!

  3. Wow-what an erotic story-I love [it.My](https://it.My) wife and I quite often get erotic massages together-then we fuck after the massage while the masseuse helps [us. So](https://us.so) much fun.I really loved your story

  4. What I can conclude from your story is that you are slowpoke. You often realize things rather late. But nice story though

  5. Spa’s are cash in hand businesses usually intended to launder money. Why would they give a receipt, it also invites issues with jealous spouses. I call bullshit.

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