An Assist From The Mean Girl [MF]

*disclaimer… this story isn’t filled with dirty raunchy naughty play time… But it’s not often in life you get a free shot at someone anymore and it led to something fun .. so i figured i would share.*

My daughter has been going thru a rough stretch at school and with some of her activities. There are some ‘mean girls’ even at her age (11) which have made her life not fun for the last few months.

My wife had sheltered me from a lot of what was going on as she knows i have a bit of a temper at times. I may live in a rich trust fund town .. but i wasn’t born here .. or raised like these soft assholes.

I finally got caught up with everything that was going on . At this point, i say to myself that there is only one reason why my wife is giving me all this information . She wants me to get involved.

So, last week, I decided to switch responsibilities with her and pick my daughter up while she got my boys. You see, there is a mom there whose daughter is one of the mean girls.

I poilitely asked her for a minute of her time and then equally politely explained what was going on from our perspective and if she could help us put a stop to it. I even , while gritting my teeth, suggested the ‘mean girl’ come over for a play date and maybe the girls will be able to become friends.

Momma bear didn’t like hearing that her little princess was behaving like a little bitch and walked out of the studio we were standing in . Three minutes later her husband (who had been waiting in the car) came in the studio and told me I should never talk to his wife again or we would have a problem.

Yup… this is where it escalates.

After a little back and forth he asks me if I would like to step outside . I sure would.

We took two steps out the door and he puts his hands on me. I elected to not ruin my manicure so I head butted him on the bridge of his nose and he started leaking all over the parking lot. As he was rolling on the ground . I grabbed him by the collar and told him if his little cunt of a daughter continued to torment mine, we would have to have another conversation and I wouldn’t be so nice next time.

I went back in studio, grabbed my daughter and dropped her off at next activity.

The kids didn’t see this stuff, but what i didn’t know is that my wife’s friend was texting her the play by play of what happened in the parking lot .

I had an hour to kill before getting my daughter and went to the house to kill some time. I didn’t even make it out of the car door when my wife came walking out , dropped to her knees and swallowed the biggest load i have ever deposited into her.

Later that night , after we were done fucking , she told me that from the moment her friend texted her she was dripping wet and was dying for me to come home.



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