[M]y Teenage Bag of Dicks

I was 16 maybe 17 and trying to figure out the bi thing without really having someone to do that with, (beyond an occasional mutual jerk session with my best friend). Anyways what is a horny teenager to do? Improvise adapt overcome! I found some mold making materials in our garage and some two-part acrylic mix and had the idea… I would make a dildo of the only model I had access to, myself. Fast forward. I made two of them that were legit and did the trick. But I had the typical teenage conundrum, where to hide stuff that you didn’t want found but also wanted access to. I found it in my closet (yes, I get the irony) it was behind a small wooden access panel for hot and cold water pipes, so I wrapped them in a plastic bag and stuck them back there. Fast forward a few months and a bunch of friends were over at my place for some mild party or the like. I was in my room sitting on the floor talking to this kid I knew from my grade and somehow, he bumped the door to my “secret compartment”. The bag of dicks fell out next to him. I was *fucking frozen* as he started to open the bag, this look of curiosity on his face. Bag open, he looked in… *no*…

reached inside… *No!*

and pulled one out… *NOOO!!!!*

The recognition on his face when he fully registered what he was holding would have been comical in any other setting, but not then. He wordlessly replaced my clear resin dick back in the bag, wrapped everything back up, then put the bag away. And we never spoke of that moment and he never outed me. And now that is a thing that I have remembered and which you are now burdened with.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/di4hq4/my_teenage_bag_of_dicks