All as it should be [MM][bdsm][Sissy]

Cassidy heard the busser as her boyfriend let himself into the apartment complex. Cassidy quickly got up from the couch and made sure everything was as it should be, starting with the things her boyfriend had gifted her. The cock cage was wrapped around her cock tightly, she had ended up in the pink steel cage after one too many nights where she had been too busy masturbating during the day to pleasure him at night. The cage had put a neat stop to that and had been the first change to her wardrobe that he had asked her for. The ball gag was also locked in place as it should be, she had been wearing it since her boyfriend caught her being unseemly on Xbox live. That had lost her the right to speak unsupervised, the gag had holes in it to allow her to drink during the day and it had made her a much better teammate online by having to keep her rage to herself, so it wasn’t too bad.

With those most important pieces of her outfit checked to make sure they sat just right she quickly ran a brush through her hair, it was growing out nicely but still didn’t quite reach her shoulders. After that she straightened out her deep red dress, it had appealed to her when she bought it with the long skirt that split up the middle to let her walk confidently. She had made some adjustments of her own though, raising the split just enough that her locked cock would peek out from below the dress whenever she walked. Last was her black heels, just 3 inches, but it was just enough to make her feel good and most importantly it meant she remained an inch shorter than her boyfriend.

Everything in place Cassidy got herself in place, kneeling in her spot behind the living room door, her boyfriend didn’t like her kneeling in the entrance where their neighbors passing by might see her. She waited patiently as she heard him enter the front door and hang up his coat. Finally the living room door opened and she looked up at her man, he wasn’t some big musclebound man, but he had a quiet athleticism about him and the confidence in his eyes always made her blush.

He looked down at her and stroked her hair with a soft hand before tapping his belt buckle and she began undoing it. While she fumbled with his belt buckle he found the key to her gag and unlocked it. He kept the gag in place while she undid his belt and pulled his pants down, only when his cock sprung free did he remove the gag from her mouth and replaced it with his cock. She let it slip between her lips happily coating it with her spit and tasting his day’s sweat, it must have been a stressful day as it was sweatier than usual. She took her time, slowly letting his manhood grow in her mouth and making sure to moan the way she knew he liked to hear her as she sucked.

She sucked softly and obediently for almost ten minutes before he put a hand on the back of her head and gently pushed her deeper onto his cock. She positioned herself properly and let him push her down to the base of his cock, the tip of his cock resting somewhere deep within her throat. He pulled back out and thrust back in, once again burying his cock in her throat. She was filled with pride as he fucked her throat and eventually she felt the warmth spread in her throat as he thrust in so deep she was kissing his balls. She couldn’t even taste his load as he shot it down her throat but as he finally pulled out of her throat he graciously let her clean him up. She gently licked his cock clean as it slowly shrank in her mouth and he finally pulled it from her lips. She pulled his pants back up and redid the belt before she stood up for the first time since he had gotten home.

“Welcome home master.” She smiled as he kissed her, even with the heels she was an inch shorter than him and the way she kissed down to her made her flush.

“Thank you sweetie.” He smiled back and she saw the tired in his eyes. “I’ll need a bit of quiet for a while though.” He said apologetically. She gave him a small reassuring kiss before opening up her mouth and he brought the gag he was still holding up to her waiting lips. He got it in place with experienced hands and locked it on with a satisfying click. With the gag in place she leaned against his chest and he held her close for a few moments before he moved her to the side with a firm but gentle push. She let herself be pushed around to his side without resistance and slipped an arm around his chest as she looked lovingly up at him. He gave him a small kiss on the forehead and reached down, opening up the dress slightly so he could wrap his fingers around her locked cock. The tip of the cock was wet with her lust and she shivered as he ran a finger across the tip a few times before taking her full balls in her hand and just held them in his warm hand.

She led him over to the window facing couch and sat him down before rushing over to fetch the footstool from the TV couch. She placed it in front of him and helped him get his feet up onto it. She pulled his socks off and began massaging his feet as he looked out over the city with half closed eyes. She could almost see the stress of the day slowly leaving him as she massaged his feet, he gave his lap a pat and she left his feet to go join him. She crawled onto the couch and rested her head on his lap. She would have purred if it wasn’t for the gag as he began to stroke her hair.

“30 minutes okay?” He said and she nodded in his lap. She stayed still and just listened to his breathing as it slowed down and she felt him drifting off to sleep. When she was sure he was sleeping she turned her head in his lap and looked up at him. As he was sleeping on the couch he looked absolutely… goofy, his mouth open as his head was rolled back. She let out a breath through the ball gag, unable to giggle with it in her mouth. She turned back to rest on his lap while looking out through the window.

The sun was nearing the horizon and a small wet spot of saliva had formed on his pants under where her mouth was held open by the gag, before she finally sat up and looked at him again. She straightened her dress slightly and made sure her hair hadn’t become a mess before she gently stroked his cheek. He slowly woke up as she kept stroking his teeth and as he stretched the last of the nap out of himself he put an arm around her and puller her close. She nuzzled against him as he found the key again and undid her gag.

She didn’t say anything as he took it out of her mouth, just stayed nuzzled up against him and let her jaw rest for a while. She knew he liked to start slow after his naps so she waited for him, and slowly she felt his hand reach in under her dress and just wrap its fingers around her locked cock once more. It felt right for him to hold her cock and he knew how safe it made her feel. He just sat like that, gently caressing her balls as he just looked into her eyes.

“Did you have a good day sweetie?” He asked with a smile.

“I did, missed you though.” She smiled and he caught her lips in a kiss.

“Are you hungry?” He asked with a smile and she gave a nod.

“I’ll get started on dinner then.” He smiled and gently moved to stand up but she held him down and placed another kiss on his lips. He let her keep him there, holding her close with one arm as the other kept her caged cock warm and safe. For a while they just snuggled together and kissed until he gave her balls a slightly harder squeeze and she took the hint, letting his lips go and watching him lovingly as he got up and moved to the kitchen, giving her a small kiss on the forehead as he went.

Cassidy sat and just enjoyed the sunset for a while longer, her cock was slowly relaxing in its cage again and after a while she heard him humming to himself as he cooked. She got up from the couch, placed the footstool back in front of the TV couch and headed into the kitchen to set the table while he cooked. He had worked as a sous-chef some years back and still had a knack she could never match in the kitchen, so she took care of the practical work, shopping for what he wanted to cook, setting the table, cleaning, whatever he needed her to do. They talked while he cooked, about his work and hers, she worked freelance from home which allowed her the freedom of having her freedom taken away. The conversation turned to the new episode of one of the TV shows they watched together and theories about what might happen. By the time dinner had been cooked, served and eaten they were 4 layers of twitter conspiracies deep about the return of an actor who had been seen on set but claimed not to be involved in any upcoming episodes.

Cassidy cleared the table and filled the dishwasher before joining him on the TV couch, his feet already up on the footstool. She nuzzled up to him as the show started and for 45 minutes the two of them were engrossed in the TV show. Mostly anyway, his hand had found itself on her thigh, his thumb brushing against her aching balls whenever he caressed her thigh. It was sending shivers up her body, breaking her concentration in the most agonizingly pleasant way, and when the show finally ended her cock was throbbing to get out of its cage.

She looked up at him with pleading eyes as he turned off the TV, he looked back sternly and simply asked: “Do you think you’ve earned it?”

She had been good for over a week, done all the chores, hadn’t mouthed off, woken him properly every morning with soft lips just the way he liked, and she had greeted him at the door every day after work. She shook her head with a smile, she had been good, but he deserved better, he deserved something special, she had only managed to be good enough. “No.” She said honestly and his eyes softened.

“Come on sweetie.” He said gently. “Let’s head to bed.” He took her hand and led her to the bedroom, giving her hand a squeeze as he got undressed and watched her do the same. He slept in the nude, his juicy cock casually out there for the world to see. She headed into the bathroom first, cleaning herself up before she slipped on her night gown. It was a thin see-through garment that barely covered her chest and absolutely nothing below her hips, but importantly it made her feel sexy.

She sat down on the bed side and crawled over to him, giving him a kiss before running her fingers down his chest to wrap them around his slowly hardening cock. She stroked his manhood as they kissed, enjoying the feeling of his cock coming to life under her careful caresses. He told her to get him wet and ready and she happily kissed his lips goodbye and ventured down to his cock. She sucked it softly as he maneuvered her ass over to where he could get to it. She had 5 inches of his cock in her mouth when she felt his tongue push into her. She let out a moan as her cock-sucking became slower and more disjointed the more active his tongue became. It wasn’t too long before she was reduced to a drooling mess absentmindedly licking at his cock every few moments and her ass was as wet as it was going to get.

He pushed her onto all four and took what was rightfully his. His cock thrust into her and she let out a small squeal as it brushed up against her prostate. She bit down on a pillow she managed to find somewhere on the messy bed and moaned her lust and frustration into it as he made her whole. The world never felt more right than when he was buried to the hilt inside of her, it was her most natural state and she longed for it more than anything during the day when his return seemed so distant.

He let out a grunt on a particularly good thrust and she felt her cock throb. For every sound of approval he made her cock throbbed in it cage, for every time his cock throbbed in her ass, her heart skipped a beat. When he finally grabbed her hips and pulled her down to the hilt and came with a deep moan she felt complete, she was born to be bred by him. He kept slowly thrusting into her for a while, his warm seed filling her insides before he eventually pulled out of her.

She whimpered at the feeling of emptiness for a second before she crawled up into his waiting arms. He was panting and sweating from the exertion and she showered him in soft kisses as he regained himself. She felt his warm hand wrap around her caged cock once more, she smiled as he held it gently, a reminder constant reminder that she was his and should strive to be better for him.

A soft click made her heart jump and she felt the ever present metal around her cock be removed. She looked at him with confusion as his fingers wrapped around her quickly growing cock. He stroked it softly as he held her close.

“I think you’ve earned it.” He whispered to her and she felt herself melt into his embrace as her breathing became heavier. He caught her lips in a kiss and for a while that was her whole world, his lips on hers’ and his fingers stroking her cock, but eventually she felt her body beginning to tremble as she neared.

“I’m, close.” She managed to moan, he could stop if he wanted to, it was his right to lock her back up, she didn’t deserve to cum.

“You’ve earned it.” He just repeated with a soft smile and with a soft moan her body buckled as her cock erupted. He held her cock firmly as it came, pumping out each rope of cum that shot from it only his chest, until there was nothing left in the now empty balls. She lay panting against him as she slowly came down from her high, she reached to caress his chest but felt her own cum staining it. She spent a few more moments regaining herself before she gave him a kiss and got up on all four again. She lowered herself down over his chest and began to lick her cum off of his chest. He watched her clean him up with a satisfied smile on his lips, one hand caressing her ass as her flaccid cock hung free.

When the last of the cum had been licked up she rejoined him and he gave her a thankful kiss. She snuggled up against him and felt his hand wrap around her free cock, she squirmed slightly and he gave a small chuckle. She felt the familiar metal encasing her cock again but didn’t resist, in fact she smiled when she heard the lock click shut. He wrapped a hand around her caged cock and she let out a contented sigh.

“I love you sweetie.” He whispered to her as she snuggled closer.

“I love you too.” She whispered back, with her cock once again where it should be and her master’s seed slowly leaking out of her, everything was as it should be.
