She Didn’t Know I Knew…..But I Knew (Final Part)

I knew I wasn’t going to last long. My cock was already throbbing between my legs. Each beat of my heart was felt in the head of my dick. I could feel the soft wet kiss of her slopping wet cum filled pussy against the underside of my dick.

I took a deep breath, trying to get a hold of myself and make this last.

I pushed my hips one time, sliding my cocks length against her pussy. This was an act that most times would make her squeal in pleasure but I suppose this time, between her already having an orgasm and all of the semen that was drenching her lips, that the friction just simply was not there.

I ground my cock over and over again, coating myself in Matt and my wifes own fuck juices until I was a gooey mess. I pulled my hips back and placed my head right between her two pink inner lips. His cum trickled out some around me as I did. I placed my thumb on my head, positioning it just right

And simply pushed.

I pushed……..and in a flash my cock was completely wrapped in her warm wet embrace. It was unlike anything I have ever felt before. She was not as tight as I had ever had her before, add that on top of being over lubricated by a strangers seed.

“OHhhhhhh” I cried out while twisting my head and breathing out of my mouth. It was all I could do. Had I not been on my knees, I would have no doubt collapsed from the feeling of this warm goo filled hug my cock was receiving. “Fuck fuck fuck”

I pulled myself back one time and looked down at my cum covered cock and the way the white goo pooled in areas of my shaft. It glistened in the light for just a moment before I plunged it forward again.

It was the greatest feeling I had ever had experienced in my life. It was as though I could not feel anything but this warm wet hug of flesh.

My wife began to giggle as I tried to contain myself. ”I think he likes it” she said with a mischievous grin on her face.

There was something about her cute little voice that just drove me wild. “Oh fuck I do” I groaned without even looking down at her. I couldn’t. I was too aroused and was trying to make this last as long as I possibly could. And I knew that looking down at her on her back with her legs spread after just being fucked by someone I didn’t even know, would only push me over the edge.

It was several moments of me holding myself inside of her before I could finally begin. I just closed my eyes and took deep slow breaths until I finally adjusted to her.

I dropped my body down on to hers. Both of my elbows landing on either side of her head while her hand wrapped around my waist and her feet raised to the ceiling. It was a simple intimate missionary position. Her favorite.

“Take me” she whispered into my ear as I flexed my hips forward as deep as I could. “Reclaim what is yours. Reclaim my pussy”

My hand slid down her soft sides and on to her hips. “Your hips were built for holding” Thats what I always told her in the past. Because they were . Wide soft child bearing hips that absolutely drove me wild.

Her words sent me into a frenzy. I felt my teeth grit. I felt this animalistic urge surge inside of me. She was right. I did need to reclaim what was mine. I needed to fuck that hole and insure my alpha seed was what her pussy recieved. It was like a light switch went off inside of me. This was no longer just plain and simple fucking. This was me establishing myself as the alpha male in my own home with my OWN WIFE.

“FUCK YEA” I growled while pumping harder and harder. With each pump I could feel Matts cum begin to plunge out of my wife’s pussy and begin to pool on the bed and between the cheeks of her ass.

“You like that filthy pussy? You like used fucked cunt? What kind of fuckin man are you?” she began to spout.

“Im a fuckinMAN” I said through gritted teeth as my back arched upward. One arm shot underneath one of her legs while the other went across her throat. I had her pinned against the bed. I saw her eyes get big in surprise. This was something she had never seen out of me before.

I throttled her throat as my ass flexed and released deeper and deeper with each thrust. It wasn’t a full on choke. No. It was just enough pressure to let her know I meant business.

She couldn’t speak. But I did hear Matt finally speak up with a loud “Oh hell yea” as he began to tug at his own dick , trying to squeeze some sort of life into it.

Then I felt it.

It was subtle at first. Just a small little squeeze around my cock. It was the first bit of sensation I had felt since I had been in her cum filled pussy. The squeeze was accompanied by a light little “Ah”.

She was going to cum again. I had to just pace myself and make this right

But I was too far gone. I was an animal. I was in a rage. The only thing that mattered at that moment was this swelling sensation in my dick that needed release.

I was a man possessed. I just kept grinding and grinding. Pumping in and out over and over again. My cock stabbing her deeper and deeper with each thrust.

“Oh fuck” she gasped. “I can feel it swelling fuuuuuckkk”

I could too. My balls were churning and my head felt red hot and ready to explode. I tried to breath but it was just a series of short through the nose gasps. With each pump I felt my cock grow bigger and bigger.

Until finally, it felt as though a dam had just been released. My hips pushed forward stabbing my dick deep into her womb and a river of cum spewed from its head. My back arched up. My head shot back. My ass flexed. My whole body went stiff. I could feel my toes cramping as my cock throbbed and exploded over and over again.

“AhhhhhhhhhHHHH” I cried towards the ceiling.

My wife was not immune either. She too had arched her back and held me by my hips as deep in her womb as she possibly do while her second orgasm rocked through her.

My cock throbbed. Her pussy squeezed. Over and over again.

Finally my muscles relaxed. And I had control again. I gave four…….no five more hard deep pumps letting a series of smaller less intense orgasm shake through me each time causing my wife to cry out again and again.

That’s when I collapsed down on top of her again while still making slow shallow pumps inside of her trying to prolong this orgasm as much as possible. Her arms came up and wrapped around my neck and she began to kiss me in any inch of flesh she could while cooing like a pigeon until finally, I stopped moving and lay there on top of my wife holding her.

This was how we always ended sex. In each others embrace as we caught our breath. It was something simple that I always loved.

Slowly I began to come to life and kiss her salty shoulders as my softening fat dick was slowly pushed from her pussy. That was what I always waited for. For my dick to be evicted. Once that happens I climb off. This time was no different.

I stood to my knees between her legs and admired my handy work. That cream pie had never looked so good as it did now.

I was breathing through my mouth. I still hadn’t quite caught my breath, when my eyes jolted from her……to Matt…….then back to her and I pronounced , “You didn’t know I knew……but I knew.”
