Natural Beauty (mf+, teens, cons, gay, school) [Part 1/3]

*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy, not real life. Please treat it as such.*


The idea of “natural beauty” day was to let all the kids at Jefferson Washington High School know that everyone was beautiful no matter how they looked. Tom stepped off the bus in his normal jeans and t-shirt, his blue backpack slung over one shoulder. He was normal height for a Sophomore and had shaggy black hair that he let hang down to his collar. He still had a bit of baby fat on his face and the girls all thought it was cute, yet he had only had two girlfriends last year and now both of them were with other guys.

It was quiet outside today, normally the yard was full of people walking around and talking but today the administration had asked that all students come immediately inside and go to their homerooms upon arrival. A few Juniors that weren’t old enough to drive and still rode his bus pushed past him and quickly made their way up the steps and Tom followed behind them. He was excited about “natural beauty” day, not knowing what to expect, and felt butterflies in his stomach from being anxious.

The door to his homeroom was closed and he looked in through the window in the door at his fellow classmates before entering. He caught sight of Jessica, the new girl this year, and opened the door before he was caught standing in the hallway for too long. His teacher looked up at him and pointed to his normal seat. “Take a seat, Mr. Jacobs.” He moved to his seat and thumped his friend, Sean, on the shoulder from behind.

Sean turned around in his seat, the one directly in front of him, and was grinning from ear to ear. “They are going to let us go change in the bathrooms by order of homeroom, so it might be a while before we get our turn.” Tom started smiling too and turned to look at Jessica again, he couldn’t wait to see her natural beauty.

The intercom in their room crackled to life and all the students nervously looked up at it. “Mr. Steggle,” it said with a pop. “Yes,” their teacher replied, standing up and walking toward the door. “Your class is next. Please send the boys and girls to their respective bathrooms.” The voice was Susie Gandle, the TA for the office during homeroom and first period.

Mr. Steggle opened the door and looked at his class. “You heard the lady, to your bathrooms and be quick about it. There are plenty of other classes who need to change after you.” Tom watched Jessica stand and he stood too, moving up beside Sean as they walked out. He didn’t believe this was happening, he thought it was all a joke when his homeroom teacher passed around papers to everyone last week that their parents needed to sign to allow them to participate in this. Of course, the announcement was crafted very eloquently: “Dear parent(s), we at Jefferson Washington High are dedicated to helping your child(ren) grow and mature both educationally and socially. Every day we strive to give your child(ren) the best education in the two-county area and give them what they need to be socially responsible in our changing world. We are proud to announce that we are going to be having a ‘Natural Beauty’ day next week that will allow our students, your children, the opportunity to view one another’s natural beauty. This will include a day of activities and classes that are designed especially for the event. Please sign below to allow your child this once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn that everyone is beautiful and should be treated with respect. Thank you, Principal Eric Shoemaker.”

Tom and Sean had both laughed as they read the note but their parents bought into it and thought it would be a “good learning experience for the children” and “kids these days don’t have enough respect for one another”. Tom and Sean walked silently down the hall with the other boys and entered the large bathroom on their hall. A few boys moved to stalls but they were filled quickly, even though his homeroom only had 8 boys in it. They were severely out-numbered by the 15 girls in the class, but Tom and Sean both had commented that they didn’t mind the scenery at all. Tom looked at the space below the stalls and saw pants fall to the floor, along with boxers and briefs, and then one boy who was standing near the urinals kicked off his shoes and pulled his own pants down, exposing himself to the rest of the boys. He looked up at the other and smiled. “We are going to see each other naked anyway, right? No use waiting on the stalls.” The other boys who had just been waiting around mumbled and then laughed as they began pulling off clothes and dropping them into piles on the floor.

Soon eight teenage dicks were swinging in the open and a few of the boys were even sporting partial erections. Tom looked at Sean’s dick and gave him a thumbs up, he had seen Sean’s cock before when they spent the night together and he knew that Sean had a large one but now he could compare it to everyone else’s and see that indeed it was much larger than all the rest of the boys’. After they had all gathered up their clothes one of the boys peeked outside and they all began to walk down the hall toward their room. They saw Miss Crankie smiling at their parade from the window in her door and Aaron, one of the youngest in the class, waved to her. She waved back and then turned away from the window.

They didn’t see any girls walking down the hall from the other side of the building where their bathroom was and Tom assumed they were still changing. If they were anything like his mother and sisters they would be in their longer than the boys. They reached the door to their homeroom and opened it, filing in to sit at their desks once more. Jenna Ellidge was at her desk already with her arms crossed over her chest, but her eyes grew wide as the line of naked boys came into the room and she crossed her legs in her desk as she watched them all.

Tom saw her fidgeting and sat down in his seat on the other side of the room, she was always a loaner, he wasn’t surprised that she had changed and hurried back to the room. He wondered if she had even left the room to change. He looked up to the teacher’s desk and noticed that Mr Steggle had stepped out, he leaned forward in his desk and flicked Sean on the shoulder again to get his attention. “Do you think Jenna’s pussy is dripping from all this cock?” He was whispering but the room was so quiet he thought it sounded like he was yelling. Sean turned to the side and looked over at Jenna, her eyes were slowly moving over the boys’ bodies and she locked eyes with Sean for a moment, her eyes darting down to his thick cock, and then looking down at her desk, her face red with embarrassment. Sean smiled and saw her tighten her arms around her chest, pressing her breasts against her chest, and push her thighs closer together.

“I think she just orgasmed from the sight of my cock,” he whispered back, laughing and turning back around. Tom laughed too and looked up at the door that was opening. About half of the girls from their class walked in, a few were carrying their clothes in front of them, trying to cover up, and some were holding one hand under their breasts as if to cover up with it. Only a couple were actually walking naked into the classroom without covering anything. Jessica had one arm over her breasts as she walked into the room, grabbing the other one at her side that was holding her clothes and he smiled as she looked at him. She smiled back and moved to her seat, passing Tom and dropping her arm from her breasts at just the right time for him to get a glimpse of her dark brown nipples.

Mr Steggle walked in and sat down at his desk, fully clothed, and looked around at the room half-full of naked boys and girls. He felt his own erection rising and knew he would have one all day from the sights, smells, and noises he was going to hear today. The other half of the girls stepped into the room and Tom surveyed each one, making sure not to miss Stephanie Fallow, the girl with the biggest boobs in their class. Sean turned around when Stephanie walked in and whispered, “Perfecto, I give ’em an eleven!” Tom laughed and felt his erection pulsing under his desk, he looked around the room at the other guys and noticed they all had erections now and that most of the girls were sitting cross-legged, like Jenna.

Mr Steggle stood once they were all seated, his own erection very prominent behind his slacks and moved to stand in front of the dry-erase board. “Unfortunately, we teachers cannot join in your nudism today but we still expect you to enjoy our natural beauty like you do every day,” he said, smiling. A few kids in the class chuckled and Tom wondered if they were all as nervous as he was.

Some of the girls had noticed Mr Steggle’s erection and were giggling as he began to write some things on the board. “Here are a few rules of the day,” he began. “First, there is no touching unless given a spoken agreement from the other person. Second, boys and girls can both ask for relief throughout the day. Relief can include oral, manual, or inter-body stimulation.” He turned to the class and looked at each of the students. There were a few confused looks and he knew the words were not what they were used to hearing in regards to sex. “During home room we have been instructed to explain each type of relief and you all know that I enjoy visuals.”

Tom knew most of what Mr Steggle was trying to say but he was excited to see them performed in front of the class, if that was what Mr Steggle intended by his visuals. “I need two volunteers, male and female,” Mr Steggle announced from the front of the classroom. “Two consenting volunteers.” He added the last part as he looked around the room for raised hands.

A few hands raised slowly. “I saw Rick and Dani first,” Mr Steggle said. “Come forward, intrepid volunteers.” The other hands lowered and Rick and Dani stood from their seats. Rick already had a full erection and it was bouncing out in front of him while he made his way up to the front of the class room. To say the room was quiet would be an understatement, Tom could hear each kid breathing and the air blowing through the vents as the volunteers made their way up. He kept looking from Dani’s ass to her boobs, both jiggling a little as she walked. Once they had reached the front Mr Steggle stood between them and looked out at the rest of the class.

“Rick and Dani will be our volunteers for Manual relief. So, just because you didn’t get picked for this one, be ready for the others!” A couple of the girls began to talk excitedly but Mr Steggle cleared his throat to get their attention back to the task at hand. He looked at Rick and then Dani. “Which of you would like to give relief first?” Neither said a thing, they just looked at each other. “I live by the motto of Ladies First, so Rick you will be giving relief to Dani first. This is Manual only, which means you can only use your hands and the fingers on said hands.” He lifted his hands and wiggled his fingers in front of the class, bringing a chuckle to some of the kids, breaking the silence for a moment. “We don’t have the appropriate arrangements for this but, Dani, under the circumstance, I will let you use my desk to sit on.” He began to shuffle some papers and move books to clear off his desk and then Dani moved to sit.

“Put your feet up on the desk as well, and spread your legs so that everyone can have a nice view of you inner beauty.” Dani blushed and followed the instructions, spreading her legs and showing off her shaved pussy to the class. The lips of her pussy were swollen and pink with her excitement and Rick moved between her legs, reaching out to touch her. “Ah, Rick, how about you stand over on the side of the desk so that everyone can watch.” Mr Steggle moved to the other side of Dani so that he could watch what was happening as well. “Do you know what to do?”

Rick nodded, although a bit sheepishly. “I rub her pussy and put my fingers in her.” He demonstrated by rubbing his fingers up and down the outside of Dani’s slit and pushing slightly. Dani moaned at his touch and she put her hands beside her to steady herself on the desk.

“That is, in theory, correct, but there are more specific terms for where you will be rubbing and putting your fingers.” He moved up to Dani and looked at her. “May I touch you?” Dani nodded and blushed more, the red of her cheeks traveling down to the tops of her breasts. Mr Steggle reached out and, using two fingers, spread Dani’s pussy to better show the inner workings of the teen girl’s sex. “This,” he said, pointing to a bulging bump near the top of Dani’s pussy. “Is the clitoris, or clit. It engorges with blood at arousal and is very sensitive, like the tip of you guys’ penis. Most females can orgasm with clitoral stimulation alone.” He looked around the room and noticed that most of the class were already touching themselves. His fingers moved down the sides of her pussy and he pushed the inner lips apart to expose the tight entrance of her vagina. “This is the vaginal entrance. As you can see it is small but it can stretch to fit very large items, such as the finger or penis. Since this is only manual stimulation, Rick, would you press your finger against Dani’s vagina very softly.”

Rick moved his hand between Mr Steggle’s fingers and pressed a finger to Dani’s vagina. She was very wet and his finger began to slowly slide into her. “As you can see, Dani is already well lubricated and Rick has to use little pressure to enter her vagina. The more turned on the girl is, the easier it will be to give her relief. Now, Rick, use your fingers to give Dani relief by touching and rubbing the spots I showed you. Dani, are you alright so far?” Mr Steggle looked at Dani and all she could do was moan and nod. This was more action than her pussy ever got by someone other than herself. “Alright, proceed.”

Rick’s finger in Dani began to move in and out and he used his other hand to rub her small clit. Dani wasn’t going to last long though, after having Mr Steggle touch her and show her body off to the class she was feeling like a geyser was about to go off inside her. “Don’t stop, Rick. Please keep rubbing.” Rick’s finger rubbed faster over her clit and he looked up at Dani’s face as her eyes closed and she rolled her head back with her mouth open. “Oh, oh, oooh…,” was all that came out as Dani’s body tensed and Rick felt her pussy contracting around his finger, trying to draw it in further. After a moment she laughed and put her hand on Rick’s to get him to stop. “You have to stop, it’s too sensitive now,” she looked over at Mr Steggle, flushed.

Mr Steggle nodded to Dani and she closed her legs and moved to get off the desk. She was a bit wobbly but she quickly got her balance and looked at Rick with a grin. Mr Steggle looked at the two and smiled. “Dani are you ready to give Rick his manual relief?” Dani looked down at Rick’s cock and then nodded. “Okay, Rick, your turn to get up on the desk.” Rick hopped up on the desk and spread his legs some, his balls almost touching the cool wood. Mr Steggle looked at Dani and asked her the same thing he asked Rick. She nodded and took a step closer so she was right next to Rick, then wrapped her small hand around his thick cock.

“It’s warm,” Dani said as her hand began to move up and down. She began to move faster and Rick groaned. Dani reached out for his balls and began to fondle them as she moved quicker. Rick wouldn’t last long, he had been turned on since he changed in the bathroom and after a few strokes his hips were lifting from the desk and his cum was firing out of his cock into the air. He had a few good spurts which ended up landing on his chest and stomach and then dribbling out over Dani’s hand.

Mr Steggle grabbed a few shop towels and handed them to both of them so they could wipe up. “Thank you both of you. You both did wonderful. Was your relief satisfying?” Both of the kids nodded and Mr Steggle told them to go back to their seats. Rick followed Dani back and Tom noticed that he kept staring at her ass while they walked.

“Okay, now we are up to Oral Relief. Who,” but before he could finish his sentence most of the hands in the class went up. Mr Steggle chuckled, he thought that after that first exercise there would be more volunteers. “Okay, um, I think it was Tom and Jessica. Tom was elated, he quickly slipped out of his seat and moved to the front of the class, watching Jessica move beside him. Her pert breasts bounced and he smiled as he watched her, his dick jumping with his pulse.

“Oral relief is done, as you might know, with the mouth. We will keep with women first and let Jessica have relief first.” He motioned for her to take a seat on the desk. “Please, put your feet up on the desk and spread your legs, like Dani did.” Jessica had a nice, trim strip of pubes right above her pussy and Tom felt even more turned on, if that was possible.

“Tom, do you know what to do?” Mr Steggle asked. Tom nodded and moved to kneel on the floor, putting his head between Jessica’s tan thighs. A couple of the girls sighed as they watched Tom, wondering when they would get a chance to have oral relief from someone at school with them.

Tom spread the girl’s lips and began to lick her pussy. He could already taste her juices, like Dani, and most of the other girls, she was already turned on and wouldn’t take long to cum. Jessica moaned and she began to run her hands through Tom’s hair while he licked her. Using his fingers, he spread her lips even more and began to lick her clit, the same place that Rick had rubbed earlier. With his other hand he began to rub her pussy and started to slide a finger inside her.

“You probably cannot see it from there, class, but Tom is using a mixture of Oral and Manual stimulation, licking Jessica’s clitoris and fingering her vagina. This is normal for oral relief but is not always necessary.” Mr Steggle moved a bit so that he could see better around Tom’s head.

Jessica groaned and began pulling Tom’s head closer to her groin. “Tom, yes, eat me,” she moaned in a breathy voice. This pushed Tom to go faster, licking broadly and then switching to using just the tip of his tongue to flick and rub her swollen clit. In a few moments Jessica was cumming and her juices were coating Tom’s finger and tongue. He could feel her pussy walls contracting and squeezing his finger and when she let go of his head he licked her some more and until she began to try to close her legs to get him to quit. She was smiling though, so Tom felt good about himself. “That was great,” she said to him softly. Tom smiled, his chin and mouth glistening with her juices.

Mr Steggle handed Tom a shop towel to wipe off and had Jessica get up off the desk. He had to wipe the desk as well since Jessica had been a bit more juicy than Dani and had left a little puddle there on the the wood. If this wasn’t the classroom he would have just leaned down and licked it up, but he had to show a professionalism today.

“Okay, Tom, your turn on the desk!” He patted the wood and Tom moved to sit where Jessica had been. He did the same as Rick, spreading his legs to let his balls hang between them and his dick to stand up straight. Jessica didn’t wait for Mr Steggle to ask, she grabbed his dick with her hand and leaned over to start sucking on the tip. Her hand was pumping his cock and she would move her mouth down over the head and shaft, taking as much as she could before jerking it again and licking and sicking on the head. She seemed to have done this before but Tom didn’t care. He was in heaven. He leaned back and let the girl of his dreams suck and slob all over his cock.

But, just like Rick, it wasn’t going to take long for Tom. He made it a minute or two more than the first boy but in the end he came harder, filling Jessica’s mouth with his seed. She choked it down but some of it was coming out of her mouth so she had to pull away and when she did the last spurt came and hit her in the nose. She coughed and swallowed, using her hand to scoop up what was on her nose and put it in her mouth, sucking her finger. A bit more dribbled out of his dick but she was already on her feet.

Mr Steggle smiled and handed them both towels. “Very good, Tom and Jessica. You may return to your seats.” Tom sat back down in his chair and the arms of his classmates were already up before Mr Steggle could say anything more. He knew this day would just keep getting better and better. He looked over at Jessica and saw her wiping her mouth still after she let him cum in it. She looked at him and smiled and he smiled back. Oh god how he hoped that she would talk to him more after today, after this period even.

“Okay, Inter-body relief goes to Gabe and Jade!” Mr Steggle announced over the “me-me-me’s” and “oh-oh-oh’s”. The couple stepped forward and were on front of the class like the other volunteers had been. Tom was jealous of this pairing, he had a good idea what it was going to involve. Mr Steggle walked over to his supply cabinet and pulled out two plastic mats and lay them on the floor in front of the class. “Class, you may need to move your chairs for this, or just come closer. I’m sure your classmates will not mind if you stand beside them.” He looked back at Jenna, who had been rubbing herself this whole time and he thought he had seen cum at least twice. She looked a bit more relaxed and got up to stand near Sean.

“Gabe, we will let you lie down first,” Gabe did as he was told and laid down on the mats, his cock sticking up near his stomach. Jade smiled at the sight and felt her own stomach fluttering with anticipation. “And Jade, if you would, please make sure you are sufficiently lubricated.” Jade reached between her legs and rubbed herself, feeling the wetness that was already dripping from her pussy lips. Mr Steggle moved to his desk and opened a drawer and pulled out a condom. “Class, please try to only give inter-body relief in a classroom where a faculty member can provide you with a condom. We don’t want any mistakes.” He handed the condom to the prone Gabe and asked if he knew how to put it on. Gabe nodded and opened it and then began to unroll it down his hard cock.

The smells in the room were getting thick and most of the girls were already touching themselves, so the sounds were getting louder as well. Jade looked over at Sean and saw that he had turned to the side and was rubbing his dick while Jenna stood nearby. She kept glancing down at him too and in a moment Sean leaned up and whispered to her. Jenna nodded and she kneeled beside him and began to rub his dick for him.

“Okay, Jade,” Mr Steggle said, getting her attention. “Why don’t you go ahead and straddle Gabe. It might be easier to get on your knees first, a little above his penis, and then slide back so that he can penetrate.

“Okay,” Jade said and began to move into position. They were facing away from the class so that their feet pointed toward their classmates so when Jade got on her knees she lifted her ass and showed off her tight asshole and slit to the others. A couple of the guys moaned and Jade smiled before reaching back to grab Gabe’s dick and align herself. Gabe looked up at her, his eyes moving from her face to her breasts and one hand moved up to her waist as she grabbed him. He palmed one of her boobs and then felt a tightness move down his rod.

The whole class was able to watch as Gabe slid into Jade and his dick impaled her. She was tight but with slow determination he was soon balls deep in the girl riding him. He continued to grope her boob and he started to pinch and twist her nipple, eliciting moans from the girl as she rode him. Her boobs jiggled above him and she rotated her hips, swiveling them around his dick as she moved up and down, back and forth. Gabe’s eyes closed and he moved both hands to Jade’s waist as she ground her clit against the base of his dick and let the ridges of his manhood stroke and mash her clit.

While that was going on up at the front a moan came from Sean as he began to cum all over Jenna’s face and breasts. She was trying to aim his dick at her mouth but it was a lot of cum. Sean was holding on to the desk, his knuckles turning white, as Jenna licked the head of his cock. “Stop, stop,” he said, out of breath. Even though he had just cum his dick was still almost the same size and Jenna moved to sit on his lap, letting him reach down between her thighs and rub her pussy.

Jade had turned to watch the whole thing and it made her cum all down Gabe’s cock. His balls were dripping with her juices now and making a puddle on the mat. He wrapped his arms around his partner and pull her close, kissing her lips as he began to thrust with her, pushing deeper. He could feel her cunt pulsing around his shaft and he knew his own orgasm would be soon. Jade shook in Gabe’s arms and came again, this time, though, it set off Gabe’s and he began to make deep, hard thrusts into her hot pussy while he filed the condom with his cum.

If Tom and Jessica had looked worn out, Jade and Gabe seemed dead, laying on the floor, chests heaving and covered in sweat. Mr Steggle just watched the two of them, the front of his pants now had a wet stain from his own precum leaking through his boxers. “Very good, Gabe and Jade,” his voice cracked a little as he spoke. “Why don’t you two take a minute and then go down to the gym and shower. You will be excused for the rest of this period.”


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