Two sisters, one husband [MfF][Romance]

”Emelia?” Anabelle called out as she looked into the empty kitchen. “Shouldn’t you have started working on dinner?”

Emelia peaked out of the living room with a smile. “Sure, but Will said not to, I think he has some sort of surprise planned.” She beamed.

“Why? It’s not any of our anniversaries is it?” Anabelle asked as Emelia came out of the living room and started tugging on Anabelle’s coat to get it off.

“Does he need a reason to plan a surprise?” Emelia asked as she got the coat off of her sister. She hung it up on the coat rack and leaned in close to Anabelle looking up expectantly into her blue eyes, they had both inherited that sky blue color from their mother.

“I suppose not.” Anabelle conceded and gave Emelia the kiss she was waiting for, her baby sisters lips were as full and soft as they had been on their wedding day. Anabelle wrapped her arms around the small frame of her wife as the kiss deepened and when it finally broke Anabelle could feel a warmth in her cheeks.

“Did you have a good day at work?” Emelia sighed happily as she stayed leaned against Anabelle.

“It wasn’t anything to write home about.” Anabelle said absentmindedly as her hand slowly traced its way down Emelia’s back and came to rest on her soft ass. Anabelle might have inherited their mother’s amble bosom along with her blue eyes, but Emelia had built herself an amazing ass to make up for her lack of chest.

“I know, since you didn’t reply on Facebook once.” Emelia said with that pout that used to get her whatever she wanted from their parents, and now did the same with her wife.

“Sorry, I’ll make it up to you somehow.” Anabelle said and Emelia snuck a small kiss onto her lips.

“Then just don’t let go for a while.” Emelia purred and Anabelle pulled her a little tighter, giving her ass a squeeze.

“Did you feel lonely?” Anabelle asked and Emelia gave a small nod as her cheeks flushed slightly. “I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner, it’s just hard to concentrate on work when I’m thinking about you all alone- waiting for me.” She whispered the last few words into Emelia’s ear and felt her shiver in her arms.

“That’s-“ Emelia whimpered slightly as Anabelle’s hand began massaging her ass in soft slow circles. “-understandable. I did mean to distract you, maybe with a few pictures.” She giggled.

“Maybe you can model for me later then?” Anabelle asked. “I’ll probably be a pretty hands on photographer though.” She added and squeezed Emelia’s ass hard.

“I would like that.” Emelia moaned as Anabelle caught her lips in a kiss.

“I’ll be happy to be your lighting technician then.” Will said as he wrapped his arms around the both of them. “Cause the two of you are clearly too distracted to pay much attention.” He smirked. His two wives didn’t break their kiss but one arm from each of them did wrap around his back pulling him into the shared embrace. He held them close and just watched the two of them kiss with love in his eyes, he stroked their backs softly but made sure to keep his face a short distance away so not to steal the kiss.

The kiss lasted for over a minute and when it finally broke Emelia immediately turned and kissed Will instead. It was a deep hungry kiss but after less than 20 seconds Anabelle’s hand gave her a small slap on the ass to remind her not to hog the lips and Emelia broke the kiss to let Anabelle have her turn. Anabelle’s kiss was a more proper, not as demanding as Emelia’s had been but Will could see the love in her eyes as they kissed and when he pulled away from it there was a hint of sadness in them that quickly faded again.

“Good to see you’re both in the celebrating mood.” Will beamed and gave the both of them a light squeeze. “It’s a special day after all.”

“No it’s not.” Anabelle noted. “At least not by our recollection.”

“I can assure you it is.” Will said with a sly smile. “So why don’t you two go get washed up and I’ll prepare dinner.”

“I guess it has to be special if you’re making dinner.” Emelia smiled as Will let go of the two of them and gave Emelia a small slap on the ass for her comment.

“Don’t worry dear, I’ll get her cleaned up nicely.” Anabelle smiled still with her arms around her sister.

“I know I can always count on you.” Will smiled, giving her a small kiss as the two them headed for the bathroom still in one another’s arms.

Dinner had not been all that special despite his claims, it was a tasty enough vegan dish but it had been mostly overshadowed by endless guesses about what made the day special. Anabelle had joined the dinner table in a long low cut red dress that showed off her breasts as much as possible, highlighted by the fact that her nipples poked out noticeably in the thin material. Emelia wore a short and very tight dress, so tight in fact that it barely covered her ass as she sat down to eat and Will could see enough to seriously doubt if she was wearing any underwear at all.

The 3 of them had enjoyed the meal around the small table while Will enjoyed the little guessing game he had them playing.

“We’re not getting anywhere.” Anabelle finally announced. “If it’s not an anniversary, not a birthday, not a work promotion or anything in the news I don’t think we’re ever going to guess it.”

“Yeah we really need a hint.” Emelia pouted but Will was less susceptible to that technique than their shared wife.

“I already told you I would let you know when you got close.” Will smiled as the two sisters shot one another a glance and put their cutlery down. The two of them both scooted their chairs around the small table until they sat closely around him.

“Maybe we can convince you to help us a little early?” Anabelle smiled and gave him a kiss.

“We can be very accommodating if you’ll help us.” Emelia agree slipping off her chair entirely and pushing the table out of the way to straddle Will. She rubbed herself against his soft pants and caught his hands leading one of them over and placing it on Anabelle’s breast. Will gave the breast a squeeze and found the small stud in her hard nipple, playing with it through the dress and getting a soft moan from her lips as reward.

He broke off the kiss with Anabelle and pulled Emelia down towards him, but instead of kissing her himself he guided her over to her sister. The both of them looked pretty surprised but had no objections to kissing and Wills strong hands reached up to caress both of their necks.

“That’s it.” He smiled lovingly and as they looked to him with surprise he held them a little firmly so they didn’t break their kiss. “It’s been ten years today, since the two of you first kissed in a romantic sense.” He smiled as realization slowly showed on their faces while they kissed. “I’d been with both of you individually and knew your feelings for me, and for each other, so I invited you over for our first combined date.” He smiled at the memory. “I made this dish and after 3 bottles of wine and a lot of crying and talking about feelings you wrapped your arms around one another and you kissed.” He let the two of them pull out of their shared kiss and they looked at him with love in their eyes. “That was when I knew I was going to marry both of you.” He smiled as both of them threw their arms around him and showered him in kisses.


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