[M]y First Time – Hot Tub With Allie [F]

The summer after my freshman year of college was a formative year in my life.

In high school I played baseball, did pretty well in class, and was half-way decent looking. I was a big guy, a little over 6’ tall and about 175 pounds, and kind of looked “country strong”. I had a lot of friends, but since I grew up in a house full of brothers, I was always a bit shy around girls. So, I made it through high school without so much as a French kiss from a girl.

I went away for college my first year, and since my work-study job was working at the gym, I spent a lot of time lifting weights, rowing on the ergometer, riding the stationary bike, etc., so when I finished my freshman year I had pretty much transformed my body. However, while I had gathered a few coed admirers, and dated a few girls, by the end of my freshman year I was still a virgin.

When I came home for the summer, I looked good, had a physique my female friends complimented, and had gained some confidence. Shortly after I got there I ran into a neighbor I had known since elementary school, and she asked if I’d like to come over that evening for a swim with her and her sisters. Alison (Allie) was a popular athlete on whom I had had an on-and-off crush for years, but never said anything because half the boys in school liked her and I was pretty quiet around girls. She was about 5’ 7”, had a strong, lean body from running track and cross country, dark brown hair and eyes, deep tan, and a beautiful bright smile that showed the cutest little dimples and made her eyes twinkle.

It turned out that Allie’s parents were away for the weekend and her twin sisters, who were going to be seniors in high school, had invited a couple boys over and had somehow bought a case of beer and some wine coolers to enjoy that evening.

After we spent a couple hours drinking, splashing around and playing pool games, the sisters disappeared with the boys, and Allie and I cleaned up the bottles and food that were lying around the pool. When we were done, we had a couple more beers and decided to take another swim. As we were swimming and splashing each other, Allie was pretty loose and had become surprisingly flirty and much more touchy. At one point she pinned me against the side of the pool, pressing her lovely breasts firmly into my chest, and told me she really liked the new Willie (yes my friends called me Willie back then, rather than Will or Bill). Allie’s face was just inches from mine, and as clueless as I was at that age, even I knew that this was the time for a kiss.

Well, combine a warm summer night with a couple of frisky 19-year olds, a few beers, and a romantic pool at night, and you can imagine we did not stop at one kiss. After making out for a few steamy minutes, we broke and decided to get in the hot tub. As Allie hoisted herself out of the pool, she wiggled her white bikini-clad butt at me and smiled mischievously. It was then I realized what might be coming, and felt a wave of nervousness wash over my virgin ass.

In the hot tub we picked up where we left off, but the heat Allie was throwing off and the hot water were too much, and I had to hop out for a minute and sit on the edge of the tub. Allie came up between my legs and started running her finger along my abs, traced along the “V” that lead to my groin, and playfully tugged on the hair below my belly button. And I’m sure it wasn’t a mistake, but she brushed up against my penis a couple times too, which was definitely starting to stir.

Oh boy, I thought, I better get back in before I pitch a full tent. Once I got back in and sat down, Allie straddled me and we started kissing again, and my hands began to roam the work of art that was Allie’s body. When I began to try to untie her bikini top she stopped me and said that somebody could still be around, so best to stay clothed, at least above water.

At this point Allie’s motor was running fast, and as she kissed my lips, ear lobes, and neck, she was grinding against my dick, which was now totally erect. So she stopped for a minute, gave me a wink, and pulled down my shorts, and at the same time removed her bikini bottom.

Once the clothing was out of the way she returned to my lap and started rubbing her slit up and down my steel hard shaft, and then before I could even comprehend what was happening, I was inside her.

Ho-ly Shit! After dreaming about pussy for years, I was finally getting some! And of all people it was my neighbor Allie! She was sooo tight…

And warm…

And I could feel her bush tickling my cock and belly (this was the late 80s, girls still had pubic hair in those days). However, we were still in a place where we could not guarantee privacy, so she suggested we resume in her bedroom.

Once inside and with our wet bathing suits off, I remember being in awe of Allie’s boobs, and how they were so perfectly framed by tan lines. And her dark brown muff, which was such a contrast against the paler skin under her bikini bottom. Once she laid down on the bed, I climbed on top of her and hungrily (and probably clumsily) attacked her tits and nipples. At this point my dick was like a heat seeking missile, and I eased (actually, most likely rammed) it in to her again. Now that we were out of the pool I realized how wet she was, and for some reason was surprised that I could hear the sound of our sex.

Unfortunately, I was still a total rookie, and had trouble finding a rhythm. I think at this time it may have dawned on Allie that I was a virgin, so she stopped me, turned me on my back, took control, and mounted me.

The sex probably only lasted for five minutes, and I’m sure Allie is not writing about it like I am, but to this day I can still picture this toned, trim athlete, dark brown hair in a ponytail, smoothly riding me in her childhood bedroom… I’ve still got a thing for brunettes with tan lines too, and I’m sure this was where it all began.

Allie and I hung out a few more times that summer, but nothing ever happened again sexually. However, losing my virginity had awakened my sexual energy, and I was in my prime to experience what my Southern California beach world had to offer.

Maybe more to come…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dhcfjo/my_first_time_hot_tub_with_allie_f


  1. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/u_cdarwin57] [[M]y First Time – Hot Tub With Allie [F]](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_cdarwin57/comments/dhck6u/my_first_time_hot_tub_with_allie_f/)

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  2. Well Willie! Damn, good for you! Anyways, got to say, Allie here already had the motive to get you, I mean, the moment she saw you, she had to bang you. Hence, that you explain her sisters gone, and her literary coming or *doing all the work*….You got great luck. Anyways, bring more stories!!

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