“Make Her Cum without Fucking” [F/M] [Oral] [Nip stim] [Clit stim]


Yep, he is exactly as hot as he looked from afar. Like a younger, darker Bruce Greenwood. Quietly charming, with a hint of wolf. I’m standing in the pool on his end making small talk while I’m replaying my little fantasy from before and, even in the water, I can feel my pussy creaming. I lazily stroke my mound as he teases me about my romance writing. There was a time I would share that I wrote erotica, but inevitably people would get all squirrelly and weird. So now I say I write romance and suffer the slight indignity, but it’s much simpler this way.

Hmmmm, so, Jake. I’m showering, getting ready for our dinner and, of course, I’m horny because I haven’t had cock for 6 months. Dildos are great, but nothing like an actual, real-life cock filling up all my tight spots. Not sure I want to break my fast on this trip, and anyway I already set the tone with Jake. Of course, I know that telling him I’m not available likely just made me more enticing. Not my intention, and nothing I can do about it. I just hate being a tease. And I hate to dine out alone.

I lather up and rub my palms on my already hard nipples. They are so sensitive, sometimes I feel like they’re connected to my clit. I pull down the handheld shower head to set it on jet and rub out a quick one. It won’t do to go to dinner all hot to trot. It takes me literally one minute to cum, thinking about Jake fucking me hard from behind as he pinches my nipples and munches on my neck where it meets my shoulder. I orgasm before he even starts working on my ass.


I ring her doorbell, enjoying the quaint, nostalgic feeling of being on a first date. Even though it’s not technically a first date since I’ve been forewarned that she’s not putting out. I’m still smiling thinking about her proclamation when the door opens.

“Hi. What’s the joke?” She says in greeting.

“Oh nothing, just happy to be here. Ready?”

She nods and turns to lock the door. We’d been advised to lock up completely when leaving the house, so it always takes a minute. There are 3 locks which gives me time to appraise her. She looks really, really good in a halter top white dress with flat bare sandals. The skirt part of the dress grazes the knees and is full so flows nicely around her tanned legs. The halter part of the dress looks like it has a built-in bra, but her perky nipples still hint through. It’s still quite warm so her hair is up in a loose twist, showing off her bare shoulders. No makeup except a little gloss on her full lips. A vision.

I drive us to one of her favorite finds, a fish place. After our shared understanding from earlier, she seems more relaxed. To the point that by the end of the dinner, I feel OK to ask, “So why did you decide to abstain from sex?”

“Bad breakup. Bad dates. I value my time and energy. I’m too old to squander it. I’m 37, in case you’re wondering.”

“I wasn’t really wondering. Or maybe I was, I don’t remember.” I grin.

She laughs. “You’re funny, Jake. A little wacko. It really was your ex’s loss, ditching you.” She gives me a warm, genuine smile.

“That’s nice of you to say.” God, am I blushing?

“Anyway, abstinence has been good for my writing. I actually write erotica. I tell people I write romance so I don’t have to go into it. But for an erotica writer, taking a break from having person-to-person sex has been … interesting.”

My mouth goes a little dry. “Huh, never met a smut writer before.”

She laughs again, a beautiful, happy laugh. “See? Very funny. I think you may have less of a social filter than I do.”

“So, no person-to-person sex, but you take care of yourself, right?”

“Yes, have to keep the creative juices flowing,” she answers with a flirty smirk. I smile back at her.

“Well, since we’re in confession mode, I’ll share. I’m kind of abstaining in a way.”

“Didn’t you say you were in a relationship?”

“Yes… but I don’t always orgasm. Well, not in the usual sense.”

She considers me for a moment. “You practice seminal retention?”

It tickles me that she is familiar. It makes sense if she writes about sex, she’s likely familiar with all sorts of things. “Yes, but not in a faddish way or in an esoteric sense. Just in a way that works for me.”

“As you should—use pop ideas in a way that works for you, that is. What did your ex think of your practice?”

“I’m pretty sure it was good for her. Let’s just say I was never too tired for sexy time.” I smile sheepishly. It’s surreal discussing this with a woman I met just 3 hours ago.

“Isn’t it painful to hold it in?” She seems genuinely interested.

“I don’t let it go so long that it gets painful. A week or even two is doable. I’m not hardcore about it.”

“So… do you pull out? You don’t have intercourse? Please explain.”

Just then, the dessert arrives, and our attention is momentarily diverted.

We share the flan in semi-silence, but I swear I can see the cogs in her mind whirring. She may be more intrigued by my retention practice than I am by her erotica writing. Which I am very interested in, believe me.

“OK, Jake, help me understand. Do you do everything and stop just before the point of ejaculation?”

“You seem very interested. Are you going to use it in a story?”

“Maybe.” She gives me a bashful smile as she presses her lovely lips on her spoon for a bite. And I do believe I detect a blush. Endearing, and very sexy. I’d love to see those lips wrapped around my cock.

“Well?” She looks at me expectantly.

“Well, yes, I do everything but control it up to the point of ejaculation. And when I want to, I do ejaculate. Maybe if I were 10-20 years younger, it would be more difficult. I’m 54, in case you’re wondering.” I grin, echoing her words.

“Yes. I figured you were about that age based on your life stories. You look good. I’m sure you know it.” She says matter-of-factly.

I smile a grateful smile and signal for the check.

+ + +

I drive us back through the dark roads of Christ Church, the both of us in a friendly complicit silence. I am very attracted to Claire but also find myself incredibly comfortable with her, too. Like she’s an old friend, or old girlfriend, with whom I can say just about anything. It’s a nice feeling.

After I park in the 4-car lot in front of our rental, I walk her to her side of the duplex and wait while she undoes all the locks. Then she turns to me and gives me a funny look.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to try to kiss you,” I assure her.

“It’s not that. I want to understand what that’s like.”

“What’s what like?” I think I know, but I want her to say it.

“To have sex with the man deriving pleasure but not necessarily orgasming. I’m going to research it.”

“You could. Or when you’re not celibate, I can show you.” I laugh a small laugh. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” But I wanted to add that I would absolutely find her wherever she is to make sweet, nasty, unhurried love to her.

“Can’t you show me now?”

“You want to come out of celibacy now??”

“Well, if we don’t have intercourse, I can get away with it, right?”

“Ha, nice try!! Is that what the nuns say?? Claire, as an erotica writer—and I want to read you sometime—you know very well that making love is not just fucking.”

“Are you coming in or not?”

I smile and slightly shake my head. “After you, my lady.”


Fuck, he’s hot. He looked so good at my front door and smelled like heaven—shower-fresh and so… *male*. God, clearly I need cock. I felt like a teenage girl going on a first date with the all-American. All evening long, my pussy was wet and throbbing. And once he told me about his practice of retention, I thought my head would explode. Just the idea of such a sexy man giving pleasure and holding on to his essence until he was ready to share it is such a turn-on. I mean I love to receive a man’s cum, mind you. I’m just saying it’s hot to think about Jake, specifically, being virtually always ready for sexy time.

Back at the rental, I do that thing I disdain—go back on my word (avowing celibacy) and basically invite him to make love to me sans intercourse, ostensibly as research. Pretty lame of me, but the whole day has been full of surprises, so it seems a natural extension.

Inside my unit, I turn to him and ask, “How does this go? What do we do?”

He laughs softly, amusement twinkling in his dark blue eyes. “It’s warm out. Why don’t we go skinny dipping in the pool?”

“Great idea.” I feel totally giddy. What the hell is happening to me?


We go out back and turn on the low hedge lights, just enough to make our way but still retain some semblance of modesty. She doesn’t know I’ve already seen her in the nude, the image seared onto my brain.

We strip and enter the pool.

“No kissing, OK?” She blurts out.

“I can abide by any rules. Consider me completely at your disposal, for your pleasure.”

I decide to give her a moment and duck into the water to do a lap. I can never resist moving my body in the water. When I come back to the starting point, Claire is standing at the edge, her back to the wall. I swim underwater over to her and resurface right in front of her, face to face. The water is cool so my cock is not hard yet. Which is good because even though she asked for this, I don’t want to put her off by revealing my horn-dog colors too soon.

I come in close as if to kiss her but instead turn my head to gently press my lips to her neck just beneath her ear. She sighs slightly. I am reminded she hasn’t been with a man for 6 months, although as an erotica writer, I’m sure she takes care of herself just fine. It’s a turn-on to think about sexy Claire playing with herself. Imagining that, I wrap my hands around her rib cage and press more kisses down one side of her neck, then the other. She poses her arms over my shoulders and one leg around my hips.

My thumbs wrap forward to caress her hard little nipples. I take her other leg to wrap around me, and using the buoyancy of the water, I raise her up to wrap my lips around one perky breast—the object of my obsession since yesterday. She squeezes her legs around my waist, and I can feel my cock starting to assert itself. My God, my cock is right beneath her pussy. I want to rub my cock along those soft lips just sitting idle in the water, but it’s not the right time.

I switch to the other breast and go back and forth between the two delicious mounds, licking, sucking, lightly biting them. She’s cooing her approval. This is why I love small-breasted women. One small-chested girlfriend once told me it felt like her nipples were connected to her clit. I never forgot that. It seems that Claire might be one of those women. Judging from her reactions to my movements right now, she could probably come from nipple and clit play alone. I’ll have to investigate that later.

Finally, I pull away from her sexy tits and slide her back down to whisper in her ear, “Ready to get out?”

She only nods in answer and reluctantly slides her hands down my shoulders and arms and slowly walks up the steps out of the pool. I glide my fingertips down her spine and follow her, admiring her ass in the dim lighting. I wonder if she likes anal play. She’ll like what I can do for her, I know it.

I follow her to the outdoor shower to rinse off the chlorine. In the warm air, my cock is definitely more than half hard now. I’m enjoying the slow burn. I stand behind her underneath the water and run my hands down the front of her body, one hand on a sweet breast and my other hand gliding down her torso, pausing at her belly. I can feel it pulsing from her excitement. My cock is resting on her sacrum, just above the cleft of her sweet ass.

My hand then travels down past her lower abdomen and finally arrives at the top split of her smooth pussy lips. “Mmmmm, bare, very sexy, Claire,” I say softly in her ear. She whimpers a little in response. I gently cup my hand over her mound and gently indent my middle finger between her inner lips as I gently bite into her shoulder at the same time. She is so, so wet, fuccckkkk. Amazing. She groans deeply in the back of her throat and slumps a bit into my hand.

I continue to munch on her neck as I finger the mouth of her pussy. My God, I haven’t encountered such a wet pussy in recent memory. I bring my finger to my mouth for a taste. Fuck, she tastes good. I guide her body so that her front is facing away from the water with me still behind her. I bring my finger back down between her cunt lips. She’s creaming like crazy. Her pussy is clearly hungry for cock.

I scoop up some of the wetness and bring my hand to my mouth once again as I more firmly squeeze a nipple. She half turns to observe me suck her juice off my finger, her lips partly open as she squeezes her other nipple. “Claire, are you ready for me to lick your pussy?”

“Mmm-hmmmm…” She nods, her beautiful face twisted in desire.

I turn off the water and slowly turn her to face me. I slowly lower down on one knee. There’s just enough light for me to make out her pussy lips. I give her one quick lick right on the hood of her clit which makes her gasp. I brace one hand behind one of her knees and hook her leg over my shoulder and take firm hold of her hips with my hands. Now I’m in position to lap at her pretty kitty. She slumps a little to lean on the wall as she intertwines her fingers in my hair. Her pussy tastes amazing—salty and tangy, perfection.

I lick her out for a long while, eventually slipping most of a thumb inside her dripping pussy. Mmmmm, it’s nice in there. If all goes well, I’ll have more digits in her cavities by night’s end. I could bring her to her first orgasm right now, but I want to prolong it as much as possible, this being her first orgasm with another person in a while.

My cock is fully hard now and pearling up precum. I decide it’s time to give her a taste of me. She had said no kissing, but if I taste her, she should taste me. I reluctantly pull away from her creamy pussy and draw up to standing, my cock pointing up and resting against her belly. She puts her hands on my hips and is gazing at my mushroom head with glazed eyes and slightly parted lips. I can tell she wants a taste.

I swipe some precum from the head of my cock with the thumb that was in her pussy and bring it to her lips. She opens her mouth right away and sucks on the pad of my thumb. Mmmmm, good girl. I repeat the movement, this time rubbing my man lube on her lower lip and watch as she softly bites down with her top teeth and lightly suck to savor my salty gel. I bend down to softly dry-kiss the corner of her mouth. She probably would have let me kiss her, but I keep my promises.

Reaching up to the high shelf for some towels, I grab one and affectionately drapes it over her. I grab one for myself and wrap it around me, swaddling my hard cock with its leaking precum against my belly.


Holy fucking shit. What did I get myself into? We’ve been at it for not 20 minutes, and I’m already dying to cum. Jake is way beyond sexy. His hands, his tongue, his mouth. Fuck me, I’m in so much trouble. I almost came just now with his very knowing tongue working on my clit. He knew exactly when to stop, too. And when he fed me his precum, holy God.

Now we’re out of the shower and heading inside. Thankfully it’s cool in the house even after the heat of the day. That’s good, because I am totally over-heated. With a firm but gentle hand, he guides me to the sectional and sits himself down.

“Come sit, straddle me so I can lick those pretty breasts of yours some more. I’ve been thinking about them all day.” That’s the first real confirmation he’s been considering me as much as I’ve been thinking about him.

I do as he says, feeling like a hypnotized sex doll. I straddle him and can feel his cock knock lightly against my perineum. Fuck, that’s so hot and kind of dangerous. His cock is beautiful, too. My not-amateur eye gauges it at a good 7 1/2 inches, thick and veiny with a fat head. We had agreed no penetration. Or I should say, I stipulated no penetration. Although I must admit I’m not feeling as resolute as I was an hour ago. I stay very still lest I start bucking my ass crack on his stiff cock out of habit in spite of myself.

He smiles slightly as if to himself and lightly places his smooth hands around my rib cage again and looking up at me and holding my gaze with those dark-lashed blue eyes, he wraps tongue and lips around one stiff nipple and sucks lightly. He then lowers his lids to close his eyes as he languidly rolls his tongue on the nubbin, alternating with light bites. Oh fuck, my entire body is immediately covered in goose bumps which I’m sure he notices as he smooths his hands all over my back, my thighs, my calves.

He takes his sweet time working back and forth between my tits, like he doesn’t have a care in the world and can just be here for hours. Every time he lightly sinks his teeth onto the leathery skin of my nipple, I can feel it a throb in my clit. I reach down to relieve the ache and slowly rub myself. He immediately wets his thumb in his mouth and, nudging my hand out of the way, takes over drawing firm circles on my clit. Oh, my fucking God. So good.

Just like in a bodice ripper, I realize I’m digging my fingernails into his shoulders and apparently at some point, I had started sliding my hips forward and back on his cock, like the slut that I am.

“Your nipples connect with your clit, don’t they, Claire?”

I nod wordlessly. I’m sure I looked like a panicked bird.

His eyes hooded with desire and in between licks, he asks, “Are you ready for your first orgasm with me tonight, or do you want to wait?”

My first?? I shake my head, “I can’t wait…” He is sucking and biting more insistently now, matching the movements of his thumb on my clit. His sweet cock is holding steady right beneath my pussy lips which I’m sure are dripping cream on it. Oh my God, I would dearly love to feel his cock inside me right now. Between his teeth and tongue on my tits, his thumb on my button, and the imagined feeling of his cock one day spearing into me, my orgasm hits me like a sledgehammer.

“Oh my God! Fuck, Jake! Don’t stop, Jesus! I slump forward and bury my face in his hair as he continues licking, nibbling, rubbing. Oh, my God in heaven. What the fuck. Who is this guy?

As I calm down, he slowly removes his hand from my pussy. I’m sure he knows it would be super sensitive now. He has his hands on my hips again and is lazily rocking my pelvis over his cock. I can feel it slick with my juices, gliding along my gooey inner lips and my spongy perineum, just shy of rubbing against my anus. I let out a small dry sob and wrap my arms around him, hugging his head to my chest.

“Hey, take it easy.” He says softly. “Do you want some water?”

A surprising question given the moment, but in fact, I am parched. I nod as he motions to shift me off his lap and on to the couch. As he gets up, I allow myself to slump onto the wide chaise part of the sectional to catch my breath. Sweet Jesus.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dgvrhy/make_her_cum_without_fucking_fm_oral_nip_stim


  1. I read this last night. Very good. We must be on the same wavelength. I wrote a story where it goes back and forth like that. Although it got modest attention, I think mine got confusing because I never explained who was saying what. You knew two things. There were only two of them, m and f, and they weren’t into kink. I wanted to tell it, where their actions explained who was who, with the normal references of he, she, etc.
    Loved the story! You said there were a few parts, I think I read? …nice. I wonder how it would be received if I took one of my other stories, and did it from the other’s POV? Or, did you already do that? Probably the latter. Lol. Sorry, so long!

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