She Didn’t Know I Knew…….But I Knew Pt2[Cheating][Voyeurism]

I was a lot more nervous than I thought I would be. When my feet hit the ground as I crawled out of my truck, my knees went weak and I had to catch myself from falling. I had never understood the term “butterflies in my stomach” until this moment. Every breath was a struggle as I slowly approached my own home. Like before, I slid my key into the slot as quietly as possible.

“Damn I really need to grease that hinge” I thought as the door crept open. I could already feel my cock starting to inch further and further down my pant leg. It was almost as though I was watching a movie through someone else’s eyes rather than actually doing this myself.

At the doorway, I could already hear her muffled little cries spilling out of our bedroom. It sounded like they were praying with as many “Oh Gods” that they throwing around. As I listened, my eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the wall of photos decorating the walls and staircase. I hadn’t stopped and looked at them in so long. It was like traveling through a time machine. Little bits and fragments of our lives together captured in single moments staring back at me. Our wedding……..The boys…….family portraits…… I relived every moment again while the cries of sexual gratification rang in my ears.

I finally took another step and started to make my way towards my bedroom. With each step my feet got heavier and heavier while the voices got louder and louder. The door was wide open when I finally reached it. I was expecting to hear the sound of slapping flesh but it was nowhere to be found. Only groans muffled by that of lips pressed together.

I peered around the corner for just a moment before pulling my head back again.

I thought I was ready to see what I already knew.

I wasn’t.

I only saw her soft curvy backside. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor. She sat in his lap, with her legs wrapped around his waist. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, holding his face into hers while their tongues explored each others mouths and his hands cupped and squeezed at her tits.

Again my heart rate quickened and my breaths were short as my back fell against the wall to help support me. While a drop of cum drip down from my raging hard dick and landed on my knee. Before I knew it, my hand hand landed on my cock through my pants and I gave myself a nice hard stroke and squeeze while releasing a deep breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

From inside the room I heard their lips *smack* aprart before my April growled out through gritted teeth, “Oh fuck I love your dick.”

“And God DAMN I love this fat ass” I finally heard him speak before hearing a loud *smack* blare out. I only assumed he had smacked that ass.

This was followed by the muffled sound of moaning as their lips came back together.

“Am I your daddy?” He growled out again.

“Oh God. YES! You are ughhh……oh g…You are my daddy.” she cried.

I knew she was close by the way she groaned and panted. It was a song I was all too familiar with. It was a reaction that I had given her time and time again. And if I knew anything about my wife, it was when she was ready to cum, she didn’t let anything stop her. Even all the times I had her pinned down with my dick pumping her deep and hard and the kids came to knock on the door, she would just throw her head back and keep on fucking while she told them to go back to their room and that she would be there soon.

“This is it.” I said breathing one more deep breath. I pivoted on my heel and turned into my bedroom and slowly made my way to them.

Her back was still towards me, while Matts face was nuzzled in her neckline. He didn’t see me at first, but as his mouth traveled over her shoulder his eyes creaked open and suddenly were the size of half dollars as he saw me approaching.

His head shot up, and I quickly threw both my hands upward in an effort to calm him down while my lips puckered together in a “Shhh” position.

Aprils hand came onto the back of his head and led his mouth back to her shoulder while his eyes stayed transfixed on me.

“Don’t stop” I mouthed without ever letting a sound out of my lips.

He didn’t. But I could tell he was uneasy as his mouth continued exploring my wife’s body as if they were old lovers.

“Goodddd I am soo close, DONT FUCKIN….GUH FU….DONT FUCKIN STOP” she moaned while cupping both of her tits and squeezing them together while presenting them to Matt’s mouth. Matt knew just what to do. His hands came to the side of each tit and he began to suck, lick and kiss, while I quietly began pulling my shoes from my feet.

Matt must have picked up the fact that I was not angry nor surprised by him being here. He must have read my mind. Because he kept her occupied as my clothes began to peel away from my body, until I stood there behind her completely naked with my hard dripping cock dangling awkwardly in the air between us.

Her hips were bucking wildly. This was it. She was about to release. She was about to flood her pussy with the fluids of her sin. Her grinds were short and shallow.

This was my time to strike. I placed my hand on her soft curvy hip and lowered my mouth to her ear. My hot breath blew through her hair, and I whispered, “I thought I was your daddy?”



  1. You write really well. I read some of your previous prompts and thought they were hot af. You should write followups to some of them. But for now, I’d pay for part three!

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