I, a gay [M]ale just had sex with a [F]emale

(19yo) I was hanging out at my friends house all day and we ended up getting bored and going to his GFs house, there were a couple other girls there which I didn’t care enough to note who was who, I know they were all friends and some went to the local college.

I really didn’t feel welcome and was starting to try to talk my way out of being there but he kept reassuring me and talkin me out of leaving, we ended up passing the time playing some games, throughout this all, one girl was getting almost uncomfortably close to me and kept asking me personal stuff. I’m kind of a shy guy and don’t like being rude and didnt feel really comfortable telling her to back off.

After a while I asked where the bathroom was (more to pass the time on my phone instead of an actual need to go) and guess who volunteered right away to show me where it was, ding ding ding! Correct, uncomfortably close girl.

She led me upstairs and through two doors, all the while asking questions and giggling, it got to the point where I kinda spoke up and said I just want to go to the bathroom and she could just show me where and i’ll be good. She said okay but kept walking, til we were finally at the bathroom, red flag was when she walked in when I did too, well before i could speak she was rubbing up against me, aaaand it’s kinda hard not to get hard when any contact makes mini me stand tall. I wasnt really into her but it felt good, I didnt stop her. She quickly took off her top and got down on her knees, I didnt really know what I was doing so I let her unzip me and she started blowing me. Head was head I guess, I’m still gay I told myself. This went on for a few minutes and things kinda skyrocketed from there, she turned and slid her pants down, I mindlessly did the same, I took charge a bit and slid her panties down. Then that was it, I was fucking a girl, I obviously knew how sex works, guy or girl, just thrusting rythmically pretty much. It actually felt really good, genuinely, i’d of never expected a vagina to feel that good. She was bent over and I was taking charge.

I knew well enough not to cum inside, when we finished up. I immediately started regretting everything, wiping up the cum and appologizing repeatedly, she laughed and started getting her stuff back on while I sat there for a few minutes. I eventually joined her in going back down stairs and I felt like my face was on fire while she went and sat by her friends and started whispering and/or giggling. I sat silently the rest of the time, more in my head than anything. I was just dropped back off at my house about 30 minutes ago.

I do have some conclusions though

It felt really good, if i’m honest, better than sex with a guy, I think I actually *perfer* it to gay sex.
I’m really lost, I dont have feelings towards women romantically but sexually I guess its different.

Don’t really know what to do with myself now, but sharing this experience because it was amazing, dispite giving me some troubling afterthoughts.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dfn9fa/i_a_gay_male_just_had_sex_with_a_female


  1. Now that’s an interesting account of a different narative. I understand this was your first vagina. I’m curious : what was your view before? Did vaginas seem disgusting or simply weird and uninteresting?

  2. Bi of a different flavor. I’m not attracted to dudes but I do love to suck a nice cock.

  3. You could just be a homoromantic bisexual, as in you have feelings for men but sexually can be comfortable with either men or women? It’s kinda up to you to self label within the bi unbrella

  4. Hey man, just here to encourage you that sexual and romantic desires are completely different things and sometimes they don’t match up. It’s completely okay to enjoy sex with one group while only being particularly attracted to a different group. Internet forums can in some cases help you find your identity, but honestly it might be of your best interest to talk to a sex counselor. They’re the professionals and they’re usually quite open minded, so they can help you sort out who you are and who you like.

    But in the end, it’s all about you and not the labels. Forget labeling yourself something: love is love, pleasure is pleasure. Do what and who makes you happy.

  5. This was an interesting read.
    I consider myself straight and I’m not interested in sex with a man (maybe a MTF) but head from a guy has always felt amazing.

    Surprised you didn’t go for anal to level the field.

  6. Bi dude here… mostly into guys for sex and women for relationships.

    Married a woman, she is also bi, but mostly into dudes, with the occasional Dom girl.

  7. Don’t get hung up on the labels and definitions, a difficult thing in the current day and age, where labels define who and what we are. Remember, a label, self-imposed or societally imposed, is just a label, don’t let it define or constrict you from exploring who you are or want to be. If you are gay, have fun being gay. If you find that you are gay but like dipping your wick in a nice little kitty once in a while, then enjoy being attracted to other men, and visit a vagina once in a while. Honestly, it really is that simple. You define what being gay is for you, don’t let anyone else, or society, define it for you.

  8. Did she know you are gay? Do you think she was trying to covert you or just see you as a challenge?

  9. you don’t have to limit yourself to any gender lines. love is love. sex is sex. go with the flow baby ;)

  10. You like what you like. Can’t help that. And you can’t help that your experiences change your mind, feelings, desires, preferences and your thinking. Growth.

  11. Perhaps consider trying it out again with a gay trans man? There are more of us out there than you’d think, many of whom are into that kind of penetration (not all are, politely ask rather than assume). It’s definitely possible to enjoy that kind of sex with a man rather than a woman if women aren’t your thing. :)

  12. Has dick. Is somehow surprised that a pussy feels better than a hole shit comes out of.

  13. Thanks for all the replies guys. It’s really helped! I’m glad this post recieved this much positive reception. I’ll see where things bring me

  14. You are attracted to men. That’s in you are gay but your body is a male body sure there are some people that can just go limp when it comes to girls however, it’s a male body and sex is sex it’s going to react like human males have reacted for years. Don’t think to far into it man.

  15. I’m throwing two ideas:

    The nerves in your dick don’t care about what’s stimulating them, they simply send ‘Yay!’ signals to your brain and it’s up to your brain to complete the circuit and decide whether it’s gross or not

    Penises and vaginas evolved together. It make sense for them to physically fit each other better than penises and anuses, whether you’re attracted to women or not

  16. Feelings are feelings. Period. They’re neither good nor bad, although I’m sure you’ve now noticed they can be confusing. You aren’t breaking some rule by having consensual sex with a woman. Anyone who would judge you negatively for this simply isn’t worth your time. You are obviously young for some sort of sexual paradigm shift. Keep an open mind, you may be surprised what you find.

  17. What an interesting read, plus the comment section feels pretty wholesome with useful information. I don’t have any other valuable information to give, but I hope everything works out well for you OP!

  18. Am I the only one concerned of the obvious violation of privacy and her being pushy. Before you assume I’m going into a PC rambling… I am a bi guy who has dated, cis and trans people of different genders and have been raped by one of my female partners. This was higly highly uncomfortable . I don’t want OP to feel bad if he is OK with it, but this is not acceptable behaviour for no one. Hope OP has opportunity to discover is sexuality further in a safe and consensual way, be happy finding yourself OP, but also, be safe.

  19. Any hole is a goal right. You don’t have to love it to fuck it. I have several ex’s that fit that category. So long as you are upfront and don’t promise what you have no intentions of delivering most are happy for the ride.

  20. >It actually felt really good, genuinely, i’d of never expected a vagina to feel that good. She was bent over and I was taking charge.

    It’s funny that your clinical description of this is exactly what I’d probably be saying to myself if I got caught in that situation, but with “vagina” changed to “anus” and “she” changed to “he.” I’m pretty sure I would be readily agreeing with you about sex with a woman being better than sex with a guy, though.

  21. Hunny, this was sexual assault. If a man did this to a woman the whole chat would be screaming – not being all “oh cool man I guess that means your bi!”

    You TOLD her you just wanted to use the bathroom, she still INSISTED on coming into the bathroom with you then forced herself onto you. And in the moment, you likely took it as “defeat” and just got it over with so she would leave you alone. That is why you immediately felt regret, that is why you had to think to yourself “I’m still gay right?”, that is why you have these troubling thoughts. Not because you had a fully consenting encounter with a woman, but because she forced herself onto you and you let her.

    This is EXACTLY how I’ve been assaulted, to the T almost it scares me. And I am a woman, if I posted this story and came to the same conclusion as you the comments would be telling me the same thing I am telling you.

  22. Sounds like you were bi but didn’t know. Good luck getting it figured out man

  23. You should be open to dating pre-surgery trans men if it’s just the feeling of a vagina that you like. Not the easiest person to find but it sounds like it would satisfy you more.
    Also, I know this was ultimately an experience you enjoyed but next time you shouldn’t be afraid to speak up for yourself. I know it’s hard but it really is worth it in the end

  24. I’ve always believed that a blow job is just that, my penis is going to have a hard time determining man from woman wetness. I don’t desire or seek any form of sexual activity with a man solo, but have no issues with a swing, swap or 3some scenario where another man involved wants to suck my dick. I’d like to keep a female close for me to play with,instead of watching him the whole time, but if it’s his thing and approached prior, not as a surprise, why not, there to have fun. There is zero desire to reverse it, I don’t need to suck dick. Unless it’s a fantasy my partner has and asks me to do it. For her I’d give the ol college try. It’s not a totally unpleasant thought to have her help, blow him together.

    Out of curiosity, could you have completed the blow job if she wanted you to? Any desire to find out how pussy tastes? Or try anal w female for comparison?

  25. Meh don’t put too much thought into it. Pussy feels great and sex is fun but if you’re gay you’re gay. ?

  26. Congratulations, you’re now bi. You can pick up your badge at the counter.

    Edit: I’m kidding. Seriously, there’s a difference between whom you want to love and whom you want to fuck. For men that’s even more likely than for women.

    Others have put it in clearer terms, but as another gay man who had sex with a woman said, “it’s obvious our parts were made to go together.”

  27. You would be my opposite but the same. I’m bisexual and Hereroamorous. I love sex with guys but fuck no to relationships and romance

  28. Porn is a great way to experiment by yourself. Check out some straight porn, see if it does anything for you.

  29. > I’m really lost

    I think that part of what we do as people to make sense of our universe is label everything. And as part of that, we label just *everything*… people, sexual orientations, marsupials, relationships… we even label ourselves.

    But at the end of the day, we feel how we feel, and sometimes that’s going to conflict with one of our predefined labels of who we are and what we’re like.

    Don’t feel lost. It is what it is, because you are who you are. I think you’re pretty cool, because you just told the whole world pretty objectively what’s going on with you, and you were open and honest and interesting, in your own unique way.

    It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Enjoy living the way you are, and know that the world views you kindly.

  30. Sexuality is such a weird spectrum. My boyfriend is kinda the same in the opposite way. We tried out pegging and he really enjoyed it then one day I told him that the real thing would be so much better. Ever since then he’s been experimenting with it and while he’s in no way attracted to guys and does not identify as being bi he does really enjoy the sex. He was really confused a wee while ago and I told him that only he can say for sure if he’s bi or not but the way I understand it is that he’s straight but sex is sex. I dunno if that makes any sense but yeah ?

  31. Don’t stress, enjoying it doesn’t define you at all. Forgive the 2000’s cliche, but dw man you don’t need to put a label on it haha.

  32. **TLDR:**

    I am gay but I tried sex with a girl and I liked it. **What could it be the reason?!** ?

    >!Poor girl… I think if she knew, she would never put in her mouth something that has been in several peoples’ butts.!<

  33. Sex is sex dude, i am a guy don’t feel any kind of attraction to men but in the fire of the action a good cock turns me on like nothing else does.

  34. You might be bisexual dude, which is chill.
    You can still be romantically attracted to men and sexually attracted to both, it’s all about what feels good to you. Sexuality is a spectrum, afterall!

    But don’t feel bad about what transpired, it sounds like you’ve got some shit to figure out is all.

    Best of luck

  35. Don’t judge yourself, we’re all driven by natural instincts, no matter if gay, straight, black, white, boy girl. Just enjoy the experience and don’t take yourself too serious. If you enjoy having sex with women but have romantic feelings just for men – okay, it is how it is, you’ll find a way to arrange your future around that- no worries, just enjoy this amazing age :-) best regards from an older version ;) (29F)

  36. Congrats, you’re bisexual. Doesn’t mean you ever have to have sex with a woman or have a relationship with one, but you could if you wanted. That’s pretty much it. Don’t beat yourself up.

  37. I’m sexually attracted to both men and women, but only romantically attracted to men.

  38. Well I’ve been swinging both ways for most of my sexual active yrs and to me I love it, I feel like sex is sex ok the vag is awesome but I also like to please and make a man cum :-) So may I suggest that you relax and just go with your gut feelings and enjoy the sex be it with a man or woman :-) and if you really want it over the top make a 3 some happen with a guy and a girl so totally hot

  39. > I dont have feelings towards women romantically but sexually I guess its different.

    Homo-romantic bisexual. No, seriously, it’s one of the multiple labels for people to figure out where they fall on the continuum. There are many dudes, like myself, who identify as bi, but to me more specific, as hetero-romantic bisexuals as we are romantically attrscted to women and only sexually attracted to men.

    r/bisexual would be happy to help you figure yourself out if you are so inclined.

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