A Night With the Roommate’s Dog [F] [Masturbation] [Oral] [Beast] [Knotting] [Creampie]

Shana stumbled back into her dorm, a little too drunk and a little too mad. She had fumbled with the keycard for a good ten minutes before someone had to help her with it. Fucking things only worked half the time. What was she paying tuition for? Bunch of bullshit is what it was.

The door locked behind her, a safety feature implemented after some attempted assaults last year and one homeless guy just walking in. Shana fumbled for the light switch, absently slapping the wall and cursing the whole time. She finally found it and slapped the lights on. Shana was alone in her dorm. The two roommates she shared the building with were gone for winter break, leaving yesterday when it started. She had stayed behind a bit longer.

Like an *idiot*.

She threw her purse onto the communal couch before leaning on the kitchen counter. Shana tried – and failed – to blink away the spins. Not much help it was. She staggered over to the fridge, knowing there was a water filter in there. Her heels clacked against the tile floor and the noise hurt her ears.

Shana almost choked, chugging water. It might, *might*, help with the hangover tomorrow. She didn’t even want to be this drunk. This wasn’t the plan for the night. Leaning on the counter, staring into the cat-shaped mug she was using, she realized how stupid it was to go out alone and come back alone.

She angrily drank more water, throwing back cup after cup like they were shots she had been doing not even an hour prior. The more she stood in her kitchen, the stupider she felt. Boys. Boys! How fucking dumb were college boys? She thought that once she was out of high school they’d be better, but what a surprise, they were somehow *worse*.

Shana leaned forward and pressed her forehead to the granite, groaning loudly. At least no one was around to hear her, let alone see her. She’d stayed at the dorm for winter break because of that dumbass Greg. What kind of name was that anyway? What dumb bitch carried around a baby for nine months, only to spend hours squeezing it out, and then name it *Greg?*

“Come to the party on Saturday, it’ll be fun. Let’s hang out sometime. Let’s watch some Netflix, what movies do you like.” She mumbled into her arm. Maybe she didn’t want to date Greg, he was a Junior in her Freshman statistics class, but she thought that maybe she could at least get something out of it. She had gone all out for this party, wearing a tight, black cocktail dress, a pushup bra that gave her an impressive display of cleavage for her B cups, wide black high heels, stockings, and garters. *Garters!* Did that dumbass even know what that meant when she tried to wiggle up against him while they were dancing? Did he know what a woman wearing garters meant?

“It means I wanted to fuck!” Shana shouted and slapped her hand in frustration. She hissed in pain and trying to shake it off. Worse of all was how stupid she felt, watching him peel away from her and go for some fat assed blonde in a red skirt. How idiotic it suddenly seemed, alone at a party in high heels while all the other girls wore flat shoes. How embarrassed she felt, listening to some faceless frat douche try to slur his way up her dress while she watched Greg try to eat Red Skirt’s pretty fucking face off. Bits and pieces after that were missing, mostly because of how quickly she started downing shots that the faceless frat guy brought to her. Anything to get pussy.

She wondered for a moment how he felt, spending all his time “wooing” her only for her to disappear through the crowd and order an Uber as soon as he turned away from her. Probably really confused, and then mad, just like her. So why did she also feel like such an idiot, thinking some attractive, fit Junior would ever bother with a basic, boring freshman like her? She sniffled, trying to hold back the drunk sadness because she’d spent time on her makeup and didn’t want it to smear. What did it fucking matter if her makeup smeared? She was already home, drunk, horny, and sad.

Shana rubbed away a stream of snot, looking over herself and trying not to be so self-loathing. Yet cheap vodka was a harsh dictator and demanded she feel sad. She would have started bawling if not for Leo padding out of her roommate’s room.

Leo was the other reason she was still around. He was a German Shepherd and pretty big for one too. Shana had promised to take care of him and spent her mornings outside trying to keep him from yanking her into the street. *Haha, he’ll keep you safe too*. Yeah fucking right. He was about as soft as her overpriced college mattress. The only thing he’d ever attacked was his food bowl.

His softness seemed to have an upside though as he pushed his nose into her hip and looked up at her with soft brown eyes. Shana swallowed the lump in her throat and scratched his ears. He came up to her hip, and she swore he was something else besides shepherd.

“Good boy,” slurred Shana, and Leo’s tail thumped and back forth at the familiar command. What a good dog.

Great, so now she was just drunk and horny.

Scratching his ear, she spaced out for a moment. Greg wasn’t going to dick her down, but she still had her hand and the internet. And she could be sexy for herself in *her* goddamn garters. She fished her phone out of her purse. Leo padded after her as she stumbled toward her room. The dorm had a common area with a kitchen and then three separate rooms. It was a good setup. Leo stopped himself as she entered her room. He’d never been allowed in before, so it was nice he knew not to come in.

Shana tossed her phone on her bed and then scrambled on herself. She tried for a moment to take her heels off, but the straps proved too dastardly for her drunk fingers to overcome. Fuck it, she’d be sexy in her garters *and* heels. As sexy as anyone has ever been drunkenly masturbating.

Head on pillow, legs slightly spread, phone right up against her face, Shana type in **P** on her browser and clicked over to the suggestion for Pornhub. Sometimes she liked to enjoy herself after a hard day at class and had the site at the read. Even scrolling through her recommended – which was a lot of daddy and dad-bod videos – she could already tell her breaths were coming out shallower, heat growing between her legs.

This would do. She’d masturbate to this one video, cum, and then go to sleep. Shana thought of putting headphones in, but she was alone, and this was a rare opportunity to play porn out loud. As the familiar intro played and the video flickered on – a college girl being interviewed on bed with a friend of hers – Shana tugged her dress up and pulled her panties to the side. She was already wet and let out a little puff of air as she ran her fingers over her pussy.

The video came on loud. “This is my first porno…Oh, you know, anal, swallowing…Yeah, you can cum inside…Hehe, yeah, I’m excited. Let’s start.” Shana slipped a finger inside herself, pushing her feet into her bedsheets and letting out a little moan as the girls on screen kneeled in front of the men provided for them. God, Shana would have loved to be sucking cock right then and being called all kinds of names.

Her moans mixed with the videos, and she held the phone with one hand. After a couple seconds, she tired of that position and skipped ahead. Then again after another couple seconds. Then again. Soon, she was watching them push cum out their pussies and she hadn’t finished yet. Grumbling and idly rubbing herself, she searched for another video.

Shana didn’t notice the door open, couldn’t really focus on anything other than the videos she was trying to get off to. Didn’t feel the bed shift, thinking it was herself as she pushed her hips into the air, two fingers knuckle deep in her pussy. Shana moaned, voice mingling with the grunts from the video as a goth girl was fucked by some older guy on a porch. She put her phone down, grabbing a fistful of her bedsheets as she fingered herself. So close…So…

Something licked her and she yelped, yanking her hands back to her chest and bolting upright. There at the end of her bed, front paws on the mattress, ears bent back in shock from her response, was the goddamn dog. He broke into what looked like a smile, panting loudly and tail swishing. Shana looked from him to her pussy and slowly connected the dots.

Leo had just licked her pussy.

A shudder ran up her body, from her crotch to the top of her head, and she had to work out whether it was disgust or the result of her edging. Shana watched Leo with wide eyes as he hopped off and trotted over. She licked her lips when she saw what was sticking out from between his legs. Yeah, sure, she’d *seen* dog-shaped dildos, but seeing a real dog dick was something else. It must have been eight or nine inches, and then some more with the knot. Way bigger than what she’d had before. She licked her lips and started inching toward him.

Was she *really* considering this though? Sure, she was drunk, but being drunk and horny never drove her to want to play around with an animal before. Shana stopped herself but couldn’t take her eyes off that bright red dick, veins running up and down its length. She once watched a 3D video of some anime chick getting fucked by a dog, used to watch monster hentai. Shana inched toward the end of the bed and opened her legs.

Leo perked his ears up and then pushed his nose against her. She let out a low moan. “Ooooh, yeah, fuck.”

He started to lap at her pussy, slurping loudly as if he was drinking from his bowl. She felt disgusted with herself, disgusted she was letting her roommate’s dog, not hers, eat her out. But that didn’t stop her from leaning back, biting her lip and bunching the covers in her fist as she pushed her hips against him. Shana started grinding toward him, planting her heels firmly on the ground.

“O-oh, oh, fuck, Leo, fuck,” breathed Shana as she came. She’d been so close before that he didn’t have to lick at her long. Her orgasm only seemed to excite him more as he tasted more of her, tail swishing back and forth violently. Yet even the tingles of pleasure running up her body couldn’t hold at bay the drunk post-orgasm clarity. She became very, very aware she’d just let a dog finish her off.

In a huff, and much to Leo’s irritation, Shana got to her feet. “Okay, boy, that’s enough,” she said quickly, placing her hands on his head and trying to ignore his cock. “No more, we’ve done too much. Way too much.”

Leo looked up at her.

Then tried jumping on her.

Shana yelped, falling on her bed and then slipping on her heels. She half-slid, half-fell to the floor, bumbling like a child. She tried to get up, grabbing the edge of her bed and pulling herself on her hands and knees.

Powerful legs suddenly wrapped around her hips and she felt herself yanked back. Shana gasped as Leo loomed over her, head next to hers and hot breath on her ear as he panted. His paws scratched at her legs, ripping tears into her nice stockings as he fought for a perch. Shana tried to pull herself up but couldn’t.

She stopped struggling as hard when she felt his cock brush against her and miss. “L-leo, wait. W-wait, I can’t. We can’t,” blubbered Shana. She gave up trying to pull herself up. Leo’s grip on her was too commanding, more authoritative than anyone she’d ever been with before. His hips clapped against her ass as he tried and failed to fit himself inside of her.

Shana hissed in pain as he scratched her up some more and tugged on her. She always fantasized about being handled roughly, but this wasn’t how she imagined it going. Okay, okay, better to go along with it than get beat up, right? He tugged again, smearing precum on her thighs. She leaned forward, mashing her tits into the ground and arching her ass up like she imagined would have been more suitable.

“Ow, ow, Leo, ow, o-ow. Oh! Fuck! Oh fuck me!” She squealed as he finally fit himself in her. He wasn’t exactly gentle, spearing his whole nine inches straight inside her. “F-fuck, fuck,” breathed Shana as Leo violently humped her, panting noisily over her head. Her pussy squelched with each thrust, and she could smell is rank breath and imagined what a filthy whore she was being, getting fucked by a dog.

Still, it was turning out to be better sex than anything she’d ever had before. She moaned, burying her cheek into the shitty carpet and letting him use her. It didn’t bother her all that much being used as his breeding stock. In a weird, roundabout way only her drunk mind could figure out, it was almost an honor that Leo wanted to fuck *her* and not the other two roommates. Not long after that revelation, she was pushing back against him as much as she could.

“Cum in me,” demanded Shana, her stockings shredded, thighs red from his wandering paws, nice dress covered in dog hair and bunched up around her waist. “F-fucking breed your new bitch.” In that moment she would have done anything for that dog, even if someone had ordered her to get mounted in public. A thigh quivering orgasm raked through her body as he ruthlessly fucked her, thrusts causing her ass to jiggle. She clenched her eyes shut as he continued pounding her, never once slowing. It was amazing how much stamina he had!

“Oh…Ow! Fuck!” She squealed as his cock expanded in her, causing her to stretch further than she was comfortable. Spots of pain appeared in her vision and she felt a heat in her womb as he started to cum. She thought it would be like men, who busted for a couple seconds then rolled off her. That wasn’t the case with Leo, who hopped off her and turned around, leaving his cock buried in her drenched pussy and pumping her full. She had plenty of time then to catch her breath. Shana hadn’t realized how exhausted she was after the night and then getting mounted.

After way too long, his cock finally slid out of her and she felt her body instinctively push cum out. Not thinking much, she crawled around, wiggling underneath him to suck his cock clean. His cum was thinner and clearer too, but just as bitter and even drunk his dick tasted fucking terrible, but after being treated so well she wasn’t about to leave him unsatisfied.

After a couple minutes of choking down doggy dick, Leo finally pulled away from her and trotted out of the room. A couple seconds later she heard him lapping away at his water dish. Drunk, tired, and a bit dazed by her own actions, Shana sat there on the floor, ass bare, legs open, and cum dripping out her pussy.

This never happened. Tomorrow, she would wake up and pretend nothing happened with her roommate’s dog. God, she was tired. Shana braced to get up before Leo appeared back in the doorway, tail wagging, cock erect.

“A-again,” she whispered, and knew what was going to happen even as he came over to her. She leaned back and offered her dripping pussy to him, groaning as he licked her again. Okay, so she’d be his bitch for *only* tonight.

As she got on her hands and knees, grunting as he mounted her a second time, she wondered just how long tonight would be.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/df4c2m/a_night_with_the_roommates_dog_f_masturbation

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