That time the nurse [F] turned out to be my [M] classmate

This isn’t exactly “wild”, not like some tales on this site, but it did happen. So, you have been warned.

In high school, I think every class has at least one “special” lady, ours was no different. Her name was Millicent (honest) everyone called her Millie for short, of course. She had that red hair that is every possible color there is in it, roundish face, freckles, not what you would call beautiful, instead she was SEX on wheels.

All of the guys, including me, were in love with her, and none of us ever got anywhere at all. Hell, I couldn’t even talk to her, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth and that was it.

Fast forward 4 years, I developed a cyst, in a place that no one ever wants one, right alongside my rectum. Painful is a word that does not even begin to describe that. My job at the time was driving a fork truck, and I just could not, not standing up anyway. We did have an on staff medical person at the factory since several thousand people worked there, A guy, of course. I let him check, he told me it was beyond his abilities and he sent me to the area medical clinic.

Another male physician, he told me he needed to lance the thing, then he left. In came his nurse to prep me, I looked up and my face flamed, it was Millie. Her eyes went wide for just a moment, she said, “Danny? Hi. Doctor barker sent me in to prep you.”, then she opened a drawer, got some latex gloves, a bottle of something and some swabs. When I saw the shaver, I cringed and wanted to run, of course I couldn’t.

So, I found myself on the table, bare behind in the air, junk hanging down, while that thing in her hand BUZZED (oh God!) back there. The one female in my life that I had probably hundreds of private sessions dreaming of what she looked like in shorts and a halter top, and she was shaving excess hair off of my asshole. A couple of times I felt a stab of pain as she bumped the abcess, that helped a little bit.

But, I was getting an erection, of COURSE I was, and I was very close to crying in embarrassment. Finally, I felt something cold and wet after what seemed like literally hours of that. She reached up and mercifully pulled the gown down over my bare ass, I turned over and sat on the edge of the table. She told me the Doctor would be in, to relax. I did feel better, whatever that cold and wet stuff she put on me helped a lot, I was getting numb.

I was on my back, knees drawn up, Millie was supporting my left leg while the Doctor made an incision, and they used a small glass to catch the junk that poured out. The Doctor left, Millie sat down on the little roller stool to explain to me how to use the antibiotic cream, and she told me to come back in 3 days for them to check again. Big smiles, stuff about nice to see you again, etc, and I went home.

Three days later, they sent me in to one of the tiny little offices, Millie came in a few minutes later. She asked me some questions, then told me she had better check, so… there I was again, on the table, bare ass in the air, junk hanging down. In today’s world it’s normally two people in the room, it wasn’t so much that way back then.

“All looking pretty good!” I heard her say, then she told me to go ahead and get dressed. When she came back in with some papers, she stopped for a moment and looked at me.

“Can I ask you a question?” I nodded.

“Back in high school, how come you never asked me out?” My jaw dropped at that. I managed to tell her that I was very young, and unsure, and didn’t know what to say or how to say it. Being clever, I got the picture and asked, she accepted with a grin. That turned into my first long term love affair, Millie is the one that got me off that damned fork truck and into college, she is the one that taught me all about sex with a woman that loves sex, and I would like to say we are still together. Alas, this was all back in about 1966, she met and married a (of course) Doctor while I got called to go get shot at in some Nation I had never heard of. (I wasn’t smart enough to actually BE in college when the notice came.)

The reason I am writing this is because my current wife is in Boston, I am in Oregon and things are up in the air. I was at the local clinic a few days ago, just a checkup on my high blood pressure. My wife Debra used to run this clinic, in a million years I would never have guessed who her replacement is.

“Well, hello, Danny!” Millie said as she walked into the room. I blinked a couple of times, and we hugged. That beautiful red hair has streaks of grey, the lines on her face are few. Still slender, still in shape, I do wish I could say the same but 15 pounds going away would help me a lot.

Millie doesn’t seem to mind.



  1. I stopped a few times to laugh out loud. Funny, light and sexy story even with an abcess involved. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow. This story had everything. Ass boils, the Vietnam War and a real name!

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