I Fucking Love Tinder [MF, MF, MF – True Story]

As published in [Dean’s Sexplorations:](https://deanssexplorations.tumblr.com/post/156142040877/i-fucking-love-tinder)

I fucking love Tinder.

I had a business trip to the East Coast this week, and as is out of the ordinary I hit multiple cities on the same trip. Tuesday was Philadelphia, where I already have a FWB. She and I had a lovely conversation and catch-up.

Boston was a different matter. I was only there one evening and by the time my flight arrived, I got my rental car, ate dinner, and settled into my hotel room it was after 8:00. Normally too late in the evening to set up a date. Whenever possible I like to line them up ahead of time using sites like OK Cupid, but this time a friend I already have in Boston had to back out at the last minute so I was on my own.

Oh well. When in doubt fire up Tinder and see what happens. After a few minutes of swiping I got a few matches, and struck up a few conversations. But nothing that went much of anywhere until around 10:30 I saw a new match arise; one of the women I had swiped earlier had liked me back. So I said hello, she said hello, and we started a conversation.

Her name is Sue and I learned she is divorced, has three children, and was in a hotel in Boston for a few days for all-employee meetings for her company. She is also intelligent and gives good text. After a bit of chit-chat about work and kids the subject wandered to my marital status, which then opened the door to sex, where we had some fun back and forth. I told her a story or two, and then told her I was writing this blog, so she asked to see it. I obliged, and a little later after Sue told me she had some friends in her room drinking until late the night before I asked if they had been doing anything else.

To which she replied “I wish, I’m horny.”


She told me about a friend of hers who was hitting her up to go to a sex party with her, then said “too bad there’s not one in Boston tonight. We could check it out.”  And finally, simply: “11:11″

I told her I could be there in 40 minutes.

On my way to her hotel Sue admitted that she was actually pretty nervous.  To be honest, I think she didn’t expect me to call her bluff. It’s definitely easier to have far-off sex fantasies when they stay in fantasy land. It’s another thing entirely to act on them. But she had thrown the gauntlet and I was there to pick it up.

I texted her that I was in her hotel lobby, then on her floor, and she texted back “NO!!” (to which I replied “YES!!”). I should state for the record that Sue was absolutely up for it, made it clear to me that she was, but that we were just breaking all sorts of boundaries for her.

I knocked on her door. She answered and invited me in. She is short with dark hair and librarian glasses. Quite a turn-on. We sat on her couch and chatted a bit with Property Brothers on HGTV in the background while the nerves settled. Eventually I kissed her – that being the best remedy for jangling nerves – and we moved to the bed.

We got naked and did the things that two red-blooded naked people do in bed together. I went down on her, she gave me head, and then just as I was about to fuck her I noticed that her eyes were closed. So I said “open your eyes and look at me.” I held her in a steady gaze as my cock entered her vagina.

Comparing notes afterward, she told me that was the hottest point that evening.

We had a lovely time, and after I left we continued to maintain a text thread. Sue was lots of fun and I hope we’ll get a chance to see each other again.

That was day 2 of my 3 day trip.

Today I’m in Toronto. My business meeting went very well, and got out around 2:30, leaving me the afternoon – and evening – to myself. And to mischief. While I had sent out some OKC feelers for Toronto prior to this trip, I didn’t end up with takers. In fairness, that was largely due to the fact that I only got around to it late in the game and while there were three or four women who seemed interested, all had plans for this Friday night. Oh well.

So I started Tindering again. A woman named Lana who I matched late last night returned a text this afternoon and we struck up a great banter. After the requisite job conversation she flat-out asked if I was married. Ballsy. And what a great question. So I told her yes I am and we went from there.

Then she asked if I swing both ways, so I told her the Indian Masseuse story (which I will be blogging at some point – I promise!!). Lana didn’t run screaming, instead complimenting me for being a good story teller. I told her it’s funny she said that because as it turns out I’m blogging all of my stories, or at least the best ones, right now. She seemed to enjoy that and so after some more back and forth I asked what she was doing for dinner tonight.

Lana’s response: “You, back in your room?” (In full disclosure, she also included a smiley face.)

I fucking love Tinder.

[post-script: Lana turned out to be a tall, striking blonde with a winning smile. We had a lovely dinner together after which she agreed to accompany me back to my hotel room, where a back massage led to a full body massage, which led to an erotic massage, which led to full-on sex. I fucking love Tinder.]

#TinderSex #ThreeDatesInOneWeek #Sue #Lana #IFuckingLoveTinder

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ddtylz/i_fucking_love_tinder_mf_mf_mf_true_story