The Friday Show (4) – the resistance [oral] [MF] [mc]

Laura had showered, dressed, and recovered some semblance of decency by the time Ron messaged her with his address.

She did waste some time under the shower for a quick jilling that proved completely unsatisfactory, until she pushed half bottle of shampoo inside her pussy, sitting in a few inches of warm water, her body convulsing in orgasm.

After that, she even managed to grab a quick bite – bread, tuna, taken straight from the pantry. God, she was *starving*.

She was in a great mood as she walked out and headed to Ron’s place. He lived close to Dupont circle and she decided to walk there.

The city was quiet. Few cars roamed the streets. Once, right behind a corner, she cought a glimpse of a man lying on his back on the sidewalk, a woman burying her head between his legs.

Laura licked her lips and hesitated. She had the strong urge to go see what was going on. Instead she picked up her pace and headed to Ron’s place. Walking across residential streets, she could hear the muted voice of Channel Four’s unrelenting speech from most first floor windows. More than once, moans and screams of pleasure echoed across the empty streets. *It’s only normal that people want to see how far this Channel Four scandal goes*, she thought.

Eventually, she reached Ron’s place. An elegant house on a quiet, private alley.

She buzzed the intercom.

“Who is it?”


“Hi. Come in. You are the first one”.

*First one? * Laura crossed the small yard. Ron unlocked and opened the door as she approached it. “Hello Laura, glad you could make it”.

Ron was in his 50s. Tall and fit, he was still an imposing man. He had brown hair turning silver and wore a smart casual dress and shirt.

“Damn, Laura. You look like shit”.

Laura’s cheeks flushed at the insult as she entered the house. “Well, I guess the Channel Four crisis is not exactly doing wonders for my sleep. Have you watched it yet?”

Ron shook his head. “I haven’t, and I would rather not. I explained this already”. He seemed annoyed at her insistence.

Laura was starting to get mad. Ron was rude, had an awful temper, and he couldn’t even begin to understand that he – a journalist! – was missing the event of the year.

She went down on her knees and extended her hands to unzip his trousers. “Well, if you don’t even want to watch it, I don’t know why you made me come all the w… What now?”

Ron had jumped back with a “Hey!”, almost slapping away her hands.

“What the fuck are you doing?” , he yelled.

Laura stood up, bewildered. “What now? What’s wrong with you?”, she yelled back.

“What the fuck was that?”

“What?”. Laura was exasperated.

“Why did you kneel?”. He stared at her as if *she* were the one acting crazy.

“You are doing it again! Fixating on details! You are being paranoid! I thought we would be meeting to do something about this Channel Four situation, not to yell at each other”.

Ron stared at her wide-eyed. He didn’t seem to know what to say. “I told you. You are all acting weird. And you don’t even realize it. You just knelt in front of me and put your hands on my crotch. Do you think it’s normal?”

“You are talking nonsense”

“Bullshit! I told you something’s wrong. I must have called one hundred contacts – friends, relatives, colleagues. And of all the ones who were watching Channel Four, I could convince just four to leave the house and come meet me. Everyone was glued to that damn show”.

Laura scoffed. “Of course. It is the strangest scandal of all times. People want to see what happens next”.

Ron laughed. “You see? You are in denial. And why did you just….” He left the phrase unfinished, shaking his head. “Anyway, no TV. No show. Not even to check if it’s over. Agreed?”.

Laura shrugged. “I guess”.

She took a step towards Ron. “Well, I came here, right? So whatever you think is going on, it clearly doesn’t affect me”.

Ron pulled back. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Look. The others will be here any minute. Then we can assess what to do. I need a drink. We both need one. I’ll fetch us a scotch. Maybe in the meanwhile you can call the DA. There’s a chance he may know what’s going on”.

“Possibly”, Laura admitted.

Ron walked to the kitchen. He fetched two glasses, poured a generous dose of scotch in them, and then opened the fridge to retrieve some ice.

As he closed the fridge, he heard someone talking in the living room. Probably James Ackerman, his attorney, one of the four people he could convince to join the impromptu meeting: he was on his way last he heard him, 15 minutes before, so he was probably here now.

He walked to the living room with the two glasses in hand. He almost dropped them as he saw that Laura was standing in front of the TV, remote in hand, and had turned it on. The voice he heard was that of the anchorman; on screen he saw a scene straight from the set of a porn movie, with a beautiful redhead giving a glorious blowjob to some random muscular guy.

“Laura!”, he roared, marching towards her. “Why the fuck did you turn it on? I told you: NO. TV!”.

He reached for the remote but she playfully hid it behind her back.

“Come on, Ron. You have to see it. You are a journalist. And we cannot find a way to stop it if you don’t even know what we are talking about”.

Ron glanced at the screen. The redhead was deepthroating the hard cock in front of her, while the anchorman recited a flow of random words.

“It makes no sense”, said Ron. He was still mad at Laura. But he was not going to assault her to take the remote.

“No, it doesn’t. Why would the broadcast this… This act?”, Laura agreed. She knelt in front of Ron, who kept staring at the screen.

She unzipped his trousers, taking out the quickly hardening cock. It felt nice in her hands, heavy and thick, and even better when she finally brought it to her lips and tasted it.

“I’ll tell you, Laura, there is some plan here”, argued Ron, examining intently the scene on screen. “This is not a random act. Someone has worked hard to keep this live for so long”. He grabbed her head and pushed his cock deep in her throat. “We must figure out who is responsible, and what we can do if the police does not intervene”.

Laura moaned. She had stopped listening to Ron. She swallowed the cock as deep as she could while her hand ran between her legs, feeling the dampness and heat through her panties.

Suddenly, a shot of hot cum in her throat. She pulled the tip of the cock in her mouth and drank eagerly the entire load, while Ron held her by her hair and grunted in pleasure. There was so much that she could not swallow it all, so she let some drip from her lips on her chin and hands and shirt and knees.

They both stood there, panting, his cock still in her mouth, temporarily satiated, as the Show went on. When the doorbell rang, Laura looked at Ron from below and smiled, rivulets of cum escaping her lips.


1 comment

  1. Hope you enjoyed reading! Again, any comment or criticism is much appreciated and may motivate me to keep writing :)

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