[M]y Wi[F]e Lucy has a one night stand and tells me all about it.

Monthly contest resubmit

Lucy and all her old school friends have been trying to organise a night out for the last couple of months, it’s been years since they have all been together as a group and finally got a date set. Fast forward to last Saturday night, Lucy is up in the bedroom getting ready as I get the kids dinner sorted. Once dinner is served I go up the see how Lucy is getting on, I find her sitting on the corner of the bed slipping on a pair of black high heels. She looks amazing wearing her tight black leather jeans, a low cut blouse and a tight green coat. “You’re going to turn a lot of heads tonight” I told her as I walk over to give her a kiss. “They can look all they want, but they can’t touch” she said as she got up and walked towards the door, turning back to add “unless you would want them to” with a sly smirk on her face. I quickly followed her out of the room and gave her a firm smack across her shiny leather ass, she jumps slightly and turns to me. Her hand drops down and runs along my crotch, my cock already semi hard “oh does that turn you on? Other men checking out your sexy wife” she whispers into my ear. My cock grows and she teases me by grabbing my shaft through my jeans, “oh my, it does!” She exclaimed. We have been doing a lot of Hotwife/cuckold roleplaying lately and this was really turning me on, but it was short lived as I could hear one of the kids crying downstairs and had to run to investigate. After being cock blocked by a stolen chicken nugget, Lucy came in to say good bye as her friend was waiting outside. Just before she walked out the door she turned and called back to me “you still ok with the plan?”, I nodded my head in agreement and she vanished out the door with a large smile across her face.

What is the plan? I hear you ask. Well ever since we started our Hotwife/cuckold roleplaying the idea of the reality of it got hotter and hotter to us both, we both came to the agreement that if the opportunity ever came up naturally that Lucy should go a head with it. Not full on sex but a blowjob or handjob was ok.

After the kids had ate we watched a movie and I then got them into bed so I could catch up on game of thrones. I text Lucy to see how she was getting on, she told me that they were still at the restaurant and that they had a table booked in a COCKtail bar after, she made sure to emphasise the cock part to tease me. As the night went on she kept sending me updates of how everything was going, each time I checked the messages my heart would pump with excitement before opening them. But nothing to exciting, restaurant to cocktail bar then to next bar. Each time they would lose a few more members of the 12 strong group that started out, to Lucy’s disappointment as she hadn’t been out with the gals in years. Eventually they were down to 3 who didn’t want to have an early night, they made their way to another bar. This time the text updates were getting more and more erratic and I could tell Lucy was getting drunker.

It was after 12am now and I hadn’t heard anything in nearly an hour, when my phone lit up again. Text from Lucy saying something that looked like “Going to club with James to met Siobhan xxx”, I quickly wrote back asking who was James? And was it redhead Siobhan? I waited and waited for what seemed like an eternity, when my phone lit up again. It was mostly gibberish so I sent back a simple “???”, again another painful wait ensued. “James from pub” followed by more gibberish, I started to get worried now as she wasn’t texting back. I rang Siobhan to see if she had heard from Lucy tonight, who told me that she hadn’t and was at home and about to go to bed. Now I really started to panic so I rang Lucy, she answered to the sound of loud music pumping in the background. After a lot of shouting down the phone she eventually made it to I quite place were she could hear me, she filled me in with a slurred voice. All the other girls had gone home apart from her and one other girl, James and his friend had started hitting on them at the pub and the four of them were going to a club soon. I asked what about Siobhan? To which she replied with confession and didn’t know what I was on about, she said that she had to go that the others were leaving for the club. But before she hung up she whispered “you still ok with the plan?”, I paused for a moment it was real now and my mind raced. Did I really want this? Was I ok with my wife sucking off another guy? Was she too drunk to go ahead? Would this backfire? What if her friend finds out? So many questions ran around inside my head, as I pondered these Lucy chimed in again “I need an answer babe”. But before I could give an answer she quickly said “these guys are leaving without me, text me your answer. Love you bye” and she was gone.

I sat back in my chair and ran through all the scenarios in my head and while I was doing this my phone buzzed with a message from Siobhan asking was everything ok and did I get in contact with Lucy. I told her that she was on a night out and it was all a simple miscommunication with a drunk text, she said that she texted Lucy too and got worried when she didn’t reply. I reassured her that everything was ok and joked that she might be distracted by a gentleman admirer, Siobhan pushed for more details but I kept quite. In the meantime Lucy had texted looking for confirmation, but before I could reply my phone started ringing ‘incoming call from Lucy’.

Lucy: I need an answer babe, do you want me to or not?

Me: Do you want to?

Lucy: Yeah, if you want me to.

Me: Only if you want to.

Lucy: I want to if you want me to.

Me: OK if you’re ok with it then yeah.

Lucy: Yeah! Your 100% sure?

Me: I think so yeah.

Lucy: What if he doesn’t want to?

Me: Trust me, no sane man would refuse a smoking hot beauty like you.

Lucy: Ok bbe, love you bye.

Me: Keep me updated.

But she was already gone and my heart was beating out of my chest, my cock was hard as diamond and my hand shock as I put the phone down. My mind rushed with images of Lucy on her knees in front of some stranger, his cock slinging down her throat. My hand was firmly wrapped around my cock slowly jerking to the thought of it all, my nerves were soon overtaken by arousal as I watched my phone intensely waiting for any updates. About 15 minutes later my phone buzzed again with a text from Lucy “At the club he getting very hands on now, you still ok with this”, I quickly wrote back “I’m rock solid right now just thinking about it” and all I got back was a cheeky winking face emoji. Another eternity passed and my phone lit up again “Alice and the other guy disappeared, we on our own now” Lucy had sent, “What your plans next?” I asked. “If everything is still ok with you, I’m going to try find somewhere private to bring him” she wrote back, I pushed for more details but she revelled very little and went silent again.

The wait on each text was exhilarating and nerve wracking at the same time, it had been about 20 minutes since Lucy’s last text and I was still imagining all kinds of scenarios that she could be in. My phone lit up again, but it was Siobhan again who told me she had received a snapchat from Lucy. It was of her and some young guy doing shots at a bar with a lips and eggplant emoji caption, again my cock rose to attention. I told Siobhan what was happening and she tought it was ‘hot af’, after a bit of flirting and tease with Siobhan my phone buzzed again and I told Siobhan I had to go. It was Lucy saying “leaving club now, we made out a bit, I’m so fucking nervous and wet babe”, I was in the middle of writing back when Lucy sent “I’m going to make a move now, wish me luck xxx”. What followed was the most nerve wrecking 15-20 minutes ever, I kept texting looking for updates. I needed to know what was happening, Siobhan kept texting looking for updates but I was to fixated on waiting for Lucy to text back that I completely forgot to text her back.

Then it finally came, a text from Lucy “In taxi home now, love you babe”. “Well how did it go?” I quickly replied. Thumbs up and a smiley face was all I got, “I’m about to blow my load just thinking about it” I wrote back. “Don’t you dare! that cums all mine” she wrote, I quizzed her about what happened but she simple said “I’ll tell you everything once I’m home xxx”. So I waited and waited it was after 3am now but I was wide awake, after a short while I spotted some headlights pulling into our drive way. Lucy then struts through the door kicking off her heel and turning to me and says “I’ve been a naughty girl”, I could tell that she is slightly drunk but not as bad as her texts had lead me to believe. I grab her hand and pull her into the living room, closing the door behind us as not to wake the kids. She quickly threw herself at me, drunkenly and aggressively making out with me. I could taste the gin and tonic on her breath, as her tongue invaded my mouth. I pulled away from her and asked what happened, she smiled and walked over to the drinks cabinet to get us both a drink, I asked again but still she just smiled as she sat down on the sofa. After a long sip of her drink she simply said “where do you want me to start babe?”, what followed was the hottest and most amazingly sexy story that I’ve heard from Lucy’s lips. I’ll try my best to tell it here, but I wish I had recorded it.

Me: From the beginning babe.

Lucy: OK then! Hmmm well we all went for dinner first.
(With a devilish smile across her face)

Me: No what happened after club?

Lucy: You said from the beginning…. so after dinner Sofia, Karen and Sarah had to leave.

Me: How boring of them.

Lucy: I know right! Then we went to the Cocktail bar.
(She was slowly sipping her drink and teasing out each sentence, savouring how much control she had over me.)

Me: How was that?

Lucy: Amazing, I had a Pornstar Martini…. or maybe three.

Me: Ohh of course you did.

Lucy: ok so after we finished up in the cocktail bar two more girls had to go home and the rest of us went to pub no1.

Me: I bet you were turning heads everywhere you went.

Lucy: I noticed a few glances in my direction, but we didn’t stay to long because it was way to crowded.

Me: Go on.

Lucy: I need another drink babe.
(Shaking her empty glass towards me with a sly smirk on her face)

Me: Ok.
(I went and filled her glass and returned to the sofa)

Lucy: ok so where was I…… oh yeah.. pub no2.
(She was intentionally taking her time)

Me: yeah go on.

Lucy: Much better, we all got a booth together and got a round of shots…. then out dancing.

Me: I bet you all looked so hot on the dance floor.

Lucy: A few guys seemed to think so anyway.
(She giggled)

Me: Oh yeah?

Lucy: Yeah one guy tried to grind up on me.

Me: What did you do?

Lucy: What could I do with all the girls watching? I pushed him away… he was to old anyway.

Me: Yeah true so then what.

Lucy: After a lot of dancing most of the girls decided to call it a night…. but Me, Alice and Amy weren’t ready to go home.

Me: I would have guessed they would be the last standing.

Lucy: Yeah they do love to party….. We made it to pub no3 and straight away Amy ditched us for some other friends of hers.

Me: Oh bitch!

Lucy: Nah its all good… Me and Alice soon found better company.

Me: Wait wait.. I need details.

Lucy: ok ok calm down I’m getting there….. we were at the bar ordering drinks when this young guy comes up and starts chatting with Alice…. I forget his name but his friend James soon appeared too.

Me: What was he like?

Lucy: Young and built.

Me: How Young?

Lucy: Ohh about 22-23ish…. he was tall too… over 6 foot.

Me: Your such a cougar.

Lucy: Hey I’m still young.
(She protested with a slap to my arm)

Me: Hmmmm 12 year age difference!

Lucy: Anyway back to the story, Alice and the friend really hit it off and left me and James on our own…… the poor thing wasn’t much of a conversationalist… I caught him looking at my tits and joking called him out on it.
(Pushing her breasts together for emphasis)

Me: What did he do then?

Lucy: He turned bright red and kept apologising…. I told him it was ok and gave him a squeeze on his thigh.

Me: How did he react?

Lucy: His eyes lit up and he moved closer to me….. we talked some more and eventually he asked about my wedding ring!

Me: What did you say?

Lucy: Nothing. That’s when you rang me

Me: Oh shit sorry, I was worried your texts were all gibberish.

Lucy: Really was it that bad?
(She double checked her phone and burst out laughing)
Lucy: I would have been worried too reading them.

Me: I had to call Siobhan to see if you were ok.

Lucy: Yeah I don’t know why I sent that, What did she say?

Me: She was so confused, then worried but I told her what was happening.

Lucy: I know you did, naughty boy!
(I got another slap on the arm)

Me: How did you know?

Lucy: She messaged me wanting details… so I sent her pic of me and James.

Me: I never got any pictures!

Lucy: You never asked….. so back to the story, when I got back James was on his own… he quickly asked was it my husband on the phone…. bless him he didn’t want to cause any trouble.

Me: What did you tell him?

Lucy: The truth….. kinda.. I said that you didn’t care what I got up to….. he took some convincing but eventually he was ok with it.

Me: what happened then?

Lucy: Alice and the friend returned and we made our way to the club…. but before we got there I sneakily pulled James into an ally to make out with him.

Me: Oh how was it?

Lucy: I think I caught him off guard at first but he soon got into it…. he was sloppy and inexperienced but maybe that was just the alcohol.

Me: Oh fuck babe I can just picture it.

Lucy: Oh Yeah?
(her hand dropped and ran along my crotch)
Lucy: I can tell.

Me: What then?

Lucy: We quickly caught up with Alice at the line for the club….. once inside we lost Alice and the friend in the crowd…. but I had more important things on my mind.

Me: Oh like what?

Lucy: I grabbed him and pulled him onto the dance floor…… his hands were all over me….. I grinded into him and I could tell he was very excited….. I couldn’t wait any longer…. I was soaking wet.

Me: This is so fucking hot babe.
(She began undoing my belt and pulled my rock hard cock out)

Lucy: Your nearly as hard as he was
(She joked as she slowly ran her hand up and down my shaft)

Me: Only nearly?

Lucy: Must’ve been that young blood….. so after I got the final ok from you I needed to find somewhere to go….. the toilets were no good, to busy and they had an attendant.

Me: What did you do?

Lucy: Remembered that alleyway we were making out in?

Me: Your naughty.

Lucy: I told him that I wanted to leave the club to get some food.

Me: Sneaky.

Lucy: Well I didn’t want to ruin the surprise did I?…….. once outside I took his hand and lead him back down the road we walked up…. he stopped and tried to tell me that the chipshop was the other way.

Me: He had no idea?

Lucy: He was young and innocent…… I pulled him in close and whispered in his ear ‘we can go back that way and get some food or you can follow me and I’ll suck every last drop of cum out of that big cock of yours’…. he didn’t know what to say, or where to look.

Me: Oh my god babe, this is so fucking hot.

Lucy: I can tell your enjoying it.
(She giggled as she jerked my cock tighter)
Lucy: I grabbed him and we horridly disappeared down the alleyway.

Me: Did anyone see you?

Lucy: I don’t think so, the alleyway turned behind a row of old house…. we were out of sight.

Me: Then what?

Lucy: We made out some more, I could tell he was nervous…. his hands were shaking….. I need another drink.
(She waved her glass again, and put my cock back into my pants)

Me: Your such a fucking tease!

Lucy: And you love it…. now run along.
(I took the glass and got up to get her another drink)

Me: Here you go, now what happened next?

Lucy: I’m getting to it……. I undid his jeans and pulled out his cock….. it was already throbbing hard…… I jerked him slowly…. he was big, but unfortunately not as big as you….. he eventually got up the courage to unbutton my jeans and slip his hand in….. I was so wet babe.

Me: like this babe?
(I stood up and pulled her to her feet, walked her towards the wall and pushed her against it. Unbuttoned her jeans and slide my hand in, burying my fingers deep into her soaking wet pussy)

Lucy: Ahh fuck yeah just like that.
(She quickly had my cock back in her grasp, jerking me tightly)

Me: Your so wet babe!
(Her panties were soaked through)

Lucy: Deeper babe! Don’t be gentle.

Me: Like this?
(I quickly began finger fucking her hard and fast)

Lucy: Oh fuck yes babe, just like that.

(I kept this up until she was moaning loudly, making out with her to keep the noise down)

Lucy: Ahhhh that’s so fucking good!

Me: Keep going with the story.

Lucy: Ohhh fuck were was I?….. oh yeah…. He had his fingers deep inside me…. but I couldn’t take it any longer….. I needed him in my mouth.
(She spun around so that I was against the wall now)
Lucy: I dropped to my knees and told him to keep a look out…. he nodded nervously… as I jerked his cock millimetres from my face.

Me: Show me babe.
(As I tried to lower her head down with my free hand)

Lucy: Nah ah… you keep doing what your doing.
(She grabbed my wrist to hold it in place)

Me: Tease!

Lucy: I started by licking just the tip…. looking up at his big blue eyes…. he was like a deer caught in the headlights…. so innocent…. but he was stiff as a rock.
(She was now whispering seductively into my ear, as I continued to finger her)

Lucy: I then took my lips and wrapped it around his head…. like this.
(She lifted my free hand up to her mouth and mimicked it on my finger.

Me: Oh fuck babe your such a tease.

Lucy: I know….. hmmmm then I worked my tongue around his head like this.
(Again demonstrating on my finger)

Me: Then what?
(She had gone silent and her head rested on my shoulder)

Lucy: Hmmmmm…. faster…. faster…oh yeah.
(She moaned loudly)

I took the hint and focused all my energy into fingering her, it didn’t take long for her to be moaning in ecstasy as she had a trembling orgasm.

Lucy: fuck I need to sit down.
(She threw herself back onto the sofa and downed the remainder of her drink)

Me: You good babe?
(She was breathing very heavily and had turn pale white)

Lucy: Yeah I just need a minute to catch my breath, that was fucking intense.

Me: You want to go up to bed?
(I asked disappearedly, thinking the nights fun was over)

Lucy: Yeah I think so….. can you get me glass of water.. I’ll meet you up there.
(She slowly got to her feet and made her way up to the bed room.)

I got her a glass of water and filled a bottle too if she need more in the night, it was apparent that she was quite drunk now. I was blinded by hornyness to really notice before, my cock had softened to a semi as I climbed the stairs. I fully expected her to be passed out on the bed when I got up, but to my surprise she was half undressed and taking her makeup off in the mirror.

Lucy: Thanks babe…. ahh I needed that.
(She took the water and finished it in one go)

Me: You ok now?

Lucy: Yeah I’ll be fine….. this little slut has a story to finish.
(She walked towards me, pushing me against the wall and made out with me again)

Me: That’s a good little slut, back to work.

Lucy: So where was I?…… oh yeah on my knees.
(She dropped down to her knees and quickly had me out of my jeans, teasing the tip of my cock with her tongue)

Me: Ahhh yes babe.

Lucy: So I had my mouth wrapped around his cock like this……. mmmm then I took him deeper…….. he was like putty in my hands.
(She mimicked each action in amazing detail as she worked her mouth up and down my cock, I wasn’t going to last very long at this rate and tried to savour every little detail)

Me: Oh my babe that’s so fucking good.

Lucy: Yeah?….. you love when your wife acts like a lil slut don’t you.

Me: Fuck yes…. tell me more.
(She was really starting to work her magic on my cock now, I was struggling to hold off)

Lucy: Well let me see….. he eventually got the courage to grab the back off my head….. Oh it was so good to feel him fill my mouth with his big cock.

Me: I’m close to filling your mouth with something too babe.

Lucy: Not yet… I’m not done with my story.
(She pulled away from my cock with a big grin on her face)

Me: Oh your naughty lil slut.

Lucy: Yes I know.
(She laughed and turned to check her phone)

Me: Who is it?

Lucy: 3 missed calls from Siobhan and lots of texts asking was I home safe.

Me: Oh shit I forgot to tell her you were home.
(I fumbled around looking for my phone and it was the same, she must’ve been really worried)

Lucy: She can worry for 5 more minutes…. I’m not done with you yet.
(She took phone from my hand and wrapped he lips back around my cock)

Me: If I last five more.

Lucy: You better not blow till I say you can, got it?

Me: Yes babe.

Lucy: Now James was beginning to squirm around….. I knew he was close…. so I made sure to give him the best blowjob of his young life…… I told him to hold off as long as he could… he could only mumble a slight ok…. as I took him deep into my throat.
(She was slowly jerking me now, teasing the tip with her tongue between each sentence)

Me: I bet he was in heaven.

Lucy: He better have been…… after deep throating him he for a couple of seconds… he nervously warned me that he was going to cum and tried to pull away… I kept sucking but he still pulled away…. I disappointedly pulled away… and he timidly asked could he cum on my tits…. who was I to deny him his fantasy.
(She was jerking me fast now and I was getting near the edge again)

Lucy: I grabbed his slick cock and pumped it fast… pulling down my top so he could see them in all there glory….. it wasn’t long till he was coating them in his hot… sticky…. cum.
(She was really jerking me fast now, my legs were shaking and I was about to explode)

Me: I’m going to cum!

Lucy: Yes! cum for me, cum for your slut of a wife.
(That was all I need to hear, I began to unload all over Lucy’s bare chest, face, hair and even over her head and onto the floor behind her)

Me: Oh My God, that was amazing.

Lucy: Here… tell Siobhan I’m home now.
(She handed me back my phone and struck a pose of her licking my cock clean)

I took a snapchat picture, captioned it ‘home now and on her 2nd cock of the night’ and sneakily saved it before showing Lucy and pressing send.

Lucy: Lets see what she makes of that.
(She laughed as she got up to tidy herself up)

When I regained my energy I climbed into bed and waited to see what Siobhan would send back, Lucy soon joined me as we watched in eager anticipation for a reply. Eventually it came through, a very dark shot of Siobhan rubbing her clit captioned ‘can’t wait to hear all about this’. We messaged back and forth for a bit before falling asleep mid conversation. The next morning I woke up to Lucy half naked beside me and still knocked out for all the booze, I covered her up and got up to take care of the kids. Letting her lie on and sweat out the massive hangover that she most definitely would have. She didn’t emerge from her bed for several hours and when she did she was dying a slow death, that evening I had to fill her in on some of the detail of what happened when she got home. Her memory was a bit hazy and she didn’t recall sending the cumshot picture to Siobhan, much to her horror. She didn’t believe me and had to ask Siobhan for confirmation, eventually I had to show her my secret copy and [to my surprise she didn’t make me delete it](http://imgur.com/a/vzN7cc8). In hindsight we agreed that she probably shouldn’t have drank so much and gone off with a stranger but the adrenaline and nerves took over common sense in the heat of it all.

So there it is, my wife is a cock hungry cumslut who sucks off younger men and we both couldn’t be happier.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dcbrjl/my_wife_lucy_has_a_one_night_stand_and_tells_me


  1. Damn bro this shit has me pre cumming, it’s my dream to have my wife do this. We have two kids too and they’re the biggest cock blockers I can agree man. Although my wife has done it before and Does want todo it, she feels comfortable it be with people she knows like the neighbor and her ex. She doesn’t really like the “stranger” idea, it’s funny though I have almost the same rules 1: blow jobs and hand jobs are a go, 2: no penetration unless I’m there and has to be condom 3: anything has to be recorded, if he’s not ok with that at least one picture. Even more interesting is she does the same thing as your wife “I want to if you want me to” lol I think they both really want to do it and horny for cock but they feel guilty and don’t want to be a cheater. I really hope she does it some day like this, so far she has gone out with friends and I was horny as fuck waiting with the kids, but she was that friend to come home early by 10….ugh

  2. *sees new post*


    *realizes it’s a repost*

    “Those bastards lied to me”

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