A Bisexual Conversation [mm][oral][desire]

“Don’t make up your mind yet. Let me prove it you.”

“What are your going to prove?”

“That I understand.”

“You mean what’s inside my mind?”


“And you think you can?”

“There are things you can’t admit. But wish you could. I can see it in your eyes.”


“So why hesitate?”

“Well, it seems like a no-win scenario.”

“How so?”

“If you are wrong, then that’s going to be a disappoint. And pretty damn awkward. If you’re right, then you are going to have way more insight into my mind than I care for.”

“We don’t know each other, right? Not much, at least. We have that distance of strangers, that attraction of strangers, which allows me to give something very special to you.”

“And what is that?”

“The experience you are so looking for.”

“Keep going.”

“Look around. There are men around us everywhere. They all have that sexual thing you find so erotic. And yet, not a single one of them is accessible. You can go through your entire life, and not a single one of them is ever going to be accessible. Not without great risk. Not without you having to slog through the realities of finding a partner. Just think of how hard it is to reach a point of intimacy with a woman, much less a man.”

“You have a point.”

“But I am something all too rare. It’s not just that I have the thing that you are so curious to touch, to kiss, to make love to. The rarity is that I am more than willing to thrust my cock fully and completely into the air for you. Yes, for you. Because you want to feel a cock throb on your lips. You want to lick me slowly and feel every erotic shape. You want to hear me moan and know that you are the reason I am moaning. You want to make my cock dance. Snap upwards. You want to make me flow with precum, to writhe and arch my back. You want to consume everything there is to know about a cock. Its most sensitive, intimate places.”

(Swallows nervously. Flushing.)

“You want to grab my hips and squeeze as I come alive in your mouth. And you want freedom. Absolute freedom. To let yourself go. To stop at nothing. To look into my lust-filled eyes and just see yes, yes, yes, I’m yours, I’m yours. And you want to moan at my silent screams. As we both shiver and sweat. And when you turn my cock into granite, swelling, screaming, then pumping, you want to taste my jets of cum. You want to devour each pumping ecstasy. To consume all of my secrets until we fall into each other panting. Just panting.”

“My god….”

“And I just ask for one thing in return.”


“That you let me do it you in return.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dc9dcv/a_bisexual_conversation_mmoraldesire

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