My Almost Threesome [MFF]

I’m an American dude and live in the US, but I just got back from an amazing experience of spending a month in India for work. Now, India is all that you’ve heard and more. I like to characterize it as a loud country, but not necessarily in a negative way. Sure, one of my new Indian friends told me that a national hobby was horn honking and, indeed, the streets are filled with incessant beeping and honking, so that’s loud. It’s also perfectly normal for people to be all up in your “personal space” because that concept doesn’t exist in a country of over 1,300,000,000 people. But they’re also loud in the mouthwatering flavors of their food and loud in the vibrant colors of the clothes and all around you. They’re loud in the music and banging drums being played in the streets for the seemingly nonstop holidays. They’re loud in their happiness and joy to be around one another and to meet travelers to their country. It’s a lot to take in, but an incredible time.

India is also a huge country and, though I was mostly in the capital, New Delhi, for work, I wanted to travel around a bit and take in more. To that end, I frontloaded as much of the work that I could and ended up with some free time toward the end of my month. Perfect! I hopped on a plane and headed off to Mumbai/Bombay, the “B” in Bollywood. None of that is really important other than to set the scene. One of my stateside friends, Molly, had heard that I was in India and when I mentioned that I would have some free time, she bought a ticket and hopped over. While India is an amazing place to visit, I would definitely say it’s a bit more challenging than most destinations. So, if you’re going to visit, it’s best to go with others and she took the opportunity of having me there to come experience it.

We spent the first couple days going around the city, taking a few tours, and eating everything. I lived my dream of hanging off the side of an Indian train. We were having a blast. Molly and I have known each other for a few years now, but we were never particularly close and there was never anything sexual between us. We had met through other friends and she was honestly there simply because it was a great opportunity and not because of anything about me. But perhaps experiencing so much together while spending every minute of multiple days on end together changes things. I’m not going to say I hadn’t considered that it would be fun to fuck her and would add to the travel experience, but I’m serious when I say I didn’t expect anything.

One of our days there was Molly’s birthday and, while I wanted to make it special, I wasn’t entirely sure how to go about doing that. But every day while traveling is special, so we just went about the day as normal. Walked around some, visited packed bazaars, saw some temples, had lamb rogan josh and biriyani, enjoyed music on the streets from a festival, and went on a street food tour in the evening. When we finally got back to our hostel that night, there was a sign about karaoke night, which is perfect because I know Molly loves karaoke. Well, when we changed and showed back up, we learned that karaoke was at a bar, not in the hostel, and the big group had just left. No worries, we tagged up with a couple stragglers and headed off. The logistics worked out so Molly and I shared an auto rickshaw with a Brit by the name of Dave. He was a friendly and talkative lad and we all got along. Once at the bar, he introduced us to his travel partner, Addie. Addie is an international DJ who was in India for different gigs, and he’s her manager/best friend. Not like a big time DJ that you would’ve heard of, but she has played gigs all over and is working on making a name for herself. Not important, but I thought it was cool. Indian bars close exceptionally early and after a few hours, the whole hostel crew migrated back to the hostel. Everyone was having a great time, but after a while we ran through all our alcohol stashes and liquor stores were closed by now. But it was only 2 am on a Monday, the party can’t stop now!

There was one hostel employee on duty (who kept telling us we needed to be quieter) who revealed to me the location of an illegal liquor shop. Being the hero I am, I had to provide for the people, so Dave and I stumbled around with vague directions until we found an auto rickshaw who knew where we were trying to go. I’ve gotta tell you guys, this bootleg operation was fantastic! I had to go to a restaurant that I’m pretty sure was a gang hangout/crime front because what restaurant is open at 2:30 am on a Monday? The host there directed me outside and around the corner to a fat guy seemingly sitting in a plastic chair by himself in an alley. That guy asked what I wanted and, after I paid him, opened up a tiny door in –I’m not sure what it’s called but– one of those roll-down metal sheets that cover storefronts. It was basically a doggydoor but so tiny even a dog wouldn’t fit through, maybe a cat. A solitary hand reached out through that door and handed me my bottles, one by one. What a great experience! Fucking Dave just sat in the auto rickshaw while I could’ve been murdered doing all this.

We returned to the hostel, victorious! Unfortunately, the party had died down a bit. There were only a handful of people left in the common room now, but they were all staring through these glass doors into the dining room. In there, Molly and Addie were making out. Sitting at the picnic bench table where the complimentary breakfast would be served in a few hours, full on making out! Well, that was an unexpected turn of events. Let’s crack some beers and continue the show. The girls were very aware that we were all watching. It started while I was gone, but apparently they were making out in the common room, putting on a show, until the hostel employee mentioned there was a camera there and asked them to move to the dining room. Eventually the girls realized Dave and I were back with more alcohol and they moved back into the common room with everyone else.

We started playing some drinking game that I don’t even remember, but Molly was to my right, Dave next to her, and Addie next to him. She and Addie would “sneak” kisses every time Dave leaned forward and then Molly kept bringing her face dangerously close to mine. Call me oblivious, but I wasn’t sure if she was trying to do something or just really drunk, so I ignored it at first. After about the third time Molly brought her face super close to mine, I turned and kissed her. “What took so long?” she asked, smiling, after we broke apart. Well, this was going to be a night. Like I said, I don’t remember the drinking game(s), but at some point we were going around the circle, naming things and when it wasn’t Molly’s or my turn, she would grab me and make out with me. This is with about six other people there. Needless to say every time it came to my turn, I had no idea what was going on. While I tried to figure it out, Molly would turn and make out with Addie. I think we just skipped the two of their turns every round. I was trying to figure out how to progress this while staying in shared dorms in a hostel, but then Addie all of a sudden mentioned that she and Dave were staying in a private room. I don’t think she was hiding it earlier, I think she had actually forgotten they had a viable option. Bingo!

The other viewers may have been upset, but we left the game and the common room really soon after and headed to the private room. After showing us in, Addie went for a smoke and Dave stepped into the bathroom to change. It felt a bit weird since it was someone else’s bed, but Molly collapsed onto it and pulled me down onto her. She unbuttoned my shirt as we made out and ran her hands up and down my back, pulling me closer against her body. I ran my hands through her hair and cupped her face, increasing the ferocity of our kisses. She took one of my hands and placed it on her breast before moving her own hands to my butt. Feeling boobs is always nice, but I wanted to see them. I still wasn’t sure about how all this was going to go down. I had never had a threesome (or a foursome) so this was a bit foreign, though not in any way unwelcome. I pulled Molly’s shirt off just as Dave came back into the room. “Don’t stop on my accord” he said, or something else equally British sounding. We continued making out, both sans shirts at this point. Dave was the only one who hadn’t gotten any action so far and, again, I wasn’t sure what dynamics were at play so I just kept making out with Molly and took her bra off, revealing a pair of beautiful breasts. I bent down and took one of her nipples in my mouth, playing with it and alternating between tugging lightly with my teeth and sucking on it. Dave was sitting on the other side of the bed at this point. I kept playing with Molly’s lovely tits as she started rubbing me through my pants.

“I want you,” she whispered in my ear with a little nibble. I love ear nibbles. I let out a moan as she reached inside my pants and her hand made contact with my cock. I couldn’t say anything in response to her as she started stroking up and down. It’s not the easiest angle for her with my pants still on and buttoned, but she was going for it. I stroked her through her jeans a little before saying “I want to watch Addie take your pants off.” “Where is Addie?” Dave’s voice spoke up. Shit, I had almost forgotten he was there. It had definitely been longer than it takes to finish a cigarette. Molly was super horny by this point and so ready for it. “Go find her” she instructed me with her fingers still wrapped around my dick, still stroking. I just kind of looked down at my crotch area with a smile and she reluctantly withdrew her hand. “Find her,” she repeated, as I got up. Molly laid topless on the bed. I didn’t want to put on my shirt and button it all the way back up so Dave passed me their newest DJ merch t-shirt.

I found Addie downstairs, by the door, still smoking and asked her if she planned on joining us. She saw me wearing her merch and lit up. She was psyched that I had it on and said that I’m the first person in the world to wear that new design, so she was very excited. But then she revealed she wasn’t sure what to do. She was really into Molly. “Awesome,” I said, turning back to the stairs, “she sent me to get you.” “And I think you and I could have a lot of fun too,” she said grabbing my arm. Ah yea, that’s what I like to hear! “But…” she trailed off. This is the last place I wanted to hear a “but,” but what? “But I don’t know about Dave being there,” she finished. Naturally when people see a guy and a girl, they assume they’re together. People thought it the whole time Molly and I were traveling around and Addie and I had talked about it at the bar, everyone assumed Addie and Dave were together as well. The truth was that they had been best friends for many years and she knew he used to have a thing for her but, in classic fashion, she never felt the same way. I had talked to Dave about that earlier too, but he said those feelings were old news. I’m sure we can all guess how truthful that was. Addie also said that she thinks Molly has a thing for me and was doing all this to make me jealous. I tried assuring Addie that there was zero chance of that, but she wasn’t convinced. Regardless, the main barrier was Dave. I guess we were taking longer than expected because, at this point, Molly came down and joined us.

Molly was wearing my button-up shirt. It’s slim cut and her big boobs were positively bursting out of the few buttons she had decided to do up. She also clearly hadn’t put her bra back on and her darker nipples shone through my white shirt. It was really hot and immediately got me hard again. This part is a little fuzzy, but I remember Addie expressing her concern about Molly trying to make me jealous and Molly told her not to worry about that. Molly and I would be traveling together for a little while longer. “He and I will have our time,” she told Addie as she moved in to kiss her. So fucking hot. She kept kissing her until Addie asked if she was sure. “Ya, I really want you,” Molly told Addie as she kissed up and down her neck, Addie pinned against the wall. “He can watch for now.” Hey, I’m not complaining.

We weren’t in the common room from earlier, but in a little side foyer area. There was the door that Addie had smoked at, we were in a tiny empty room, and there was another door for the stairs that led up to the rooms. The door to outside required a key to enter through, but the door to the stairs didn’t have a lock. So, I leaned against that door to ensure no one came through, though I didn’t expect much traffic at 4 am. Addie’s worries allayed, she fully gave in to Molly. Molly had her against a wall, their hands entangled in each other’s hair. Blonde and black hair flying everywhere as their kisses intensified. Molly reached a hand down and rubbed Addie through her pants, just as I had been doing to Molly not long ago. Addie leaned her head against the wall and moaned, zero effort in keeping quiet. Her moans increased in frequency as Molly reached her hand inside Addie’s pants and started fingering her. I hated interrupting but that’s when I noticed a camera and pointed it out, recommending they move to the opposite wall, away from its field of vision. That startled them for a quick minute, but I swear these girls were so hungry for one another that they moved and just kept going. Addie’s pants slid down to her ankles soon after, revealing a silver thong. I kept my post at the door, but was rubbing myself watching this play out before me. Molly’s shirt had been unbuttoned again and Addie’s shirt was pushed up over her boobs. One of Molly’s hands was on Addie’s breast and the other pushed the silver thong down, fingering her again.

At some earlier point I learned that Addie is bi and has been with women, but Molly had only been with a girl once before, so this was still fairly new for her. Addie must have just re-realized that because she suddenly exclaimed “Wait! What am I doing?” and pulled her pants up so that she could get on her knees in front of Molly. Without further explanation, she had Molly’s pants down to her ankles and pulled down her underwear along with them. She dove right in and started eating out Molly. Molly wasn’t as loud as Addie, but she had one hand pressed against the back of Addie’s head and her other hand was clawing at the wall behind her. Eyes shut tight, the pleasure visible across her face.

I’m glad I was standing against the door because someone tried to open it and I just said “Hang on a minute!” as I pushed harder against it. That drew the girls out of their ecstasy and they rushed to cover up. Anyone who had been up would’ve undoubtedly heard what was happening and it happened to be that hostel employee on the other side of my door. He mumbled something about cameras and walked away. I think he was trying to tell us to be quiet, crazy foreigners! Well, that ended that, but it wasn’t over. We had a quick talk about going back to the room, but Dave was there. Fuck! Dave was a nice enough guy, but was he about to unwittingly ruin my first threesome? The three of us walked back to the room and found Dave chilling on his phone on the bed. Molly didn’t care and pulled Addie onto the bed on top of her. I stayed by the door for a minute, unsure what to do as the two girls kissed. Addie got up and came over to me. “It’s ok, you can kiss him if you want,” Molly told Addie from the bed. I held Addie by the hips and pulled her into me, our lips crashing together. She grabbed my hand and brought me to the bed and the three of us piled on top of each other. Poor Dave is still right there next to us, pretending to ignore us. This was such an odd situation. There were hands flying everywhere, lots of things being grabbed and rubbed and groped, kisses exchanged, fingers getting slick, but the clothes stayed on for the time being. Addie was still uncomfortable with being undressed around Dave, though apparently everything else that was happening was ok.

Eventually, Addie grabbed Molly and took her into the ensuite bathroom and shut the door. Fuck. Dave unknowingly just killed what was shaping up to be my first threesome. Well, there’s not much to be done here. I scooted up to the top of the bed and to the middle of my side and laid there next to Dave who was still on his phone. “Well…” I said, just to say something. “Er, ya, mate” Dave responded or something else equally British sounding. I’m pretty confident “mate” was in there though. Well, my fun was over, but the girls weren’t done and Dave and I could hear that as clearly as if the bathroom door wasn’t there. I still don’t know the details of what exactly happened in the bathroom, but I’m sure you and I can imagine together, dear reader. For what felt like the next 45 minutes, Dave and I pretended to have some mundane conversation about India or traveling or hostels or some other bullshit as we both pretended we couldn’t hear the very loud moans emanating from the bathroom. I must have dozed off because, next thing I know, Molly was pushing me aside as her and Addie laid down. Daylight was filtering through the curtains as we all fell asleep, the three of us cuddled together and Dave, the poor bloke, on his side of the bed. I woke up to Molly grinding her butt against my crotch and realized it was 10 am. She wanted to go. We grabbed our things, said bye to the barely awake Addie and Dave, and headed back to our dorm beds to crash for a while longer.

We saw the two of them again the next day. I had to go back to their room to retrieve my belt and Molly saw them another time and passed on the information that they had missed their meeting with some local producer. But then we flew back to Delhi the following day. Also worth noting, in case you forgot that this took place in India, we took an auto rickshaw from the hostel to the airport because there were crazy monsoon rains going on and it was slim pickings on cars. Because of the heavy rains, traffic was worse than the usual nightmare it is and there were stalled vehicles everywhere. A standup guy our auto driver was, he didn’t want to take forever getting us to the airport, so he decided to go the wrong way on the highway. This side wasn’t at a standstill like the other side where we should’ve been, so that was great and all, but also terrifying. We were legit going the wrong way in traffic on a highway. But we survived and it’s another great story for my India travels.

After the night described above, Molly and I were very touchy-feely with each other. I don’t remember if we shared so much as a single kiss in the two days between that night and going to Delhi, but we kept holding hands and pulling each other close and were physically intimate in a cute way without being sexual. It was fun, but also very evident that we were just waiting to get some privacy. We landed in Delhi and took a taxi back to the sweet, sweet hotel that my company had put me up in.

It was past midnight by then so, exhausted, we got in bed and, for half a second, I wondered if we should just pass out so we could do more the next day. But my lust, which hadn’t had a release in Mumbai, easily beat the traveler side of me that wanted to take advantage of the following morning. In bed, we got close to each other and I brought my lips to hers. This felt familiar and we progressed pretty quickly from there. Blanket kicked off, shirts came off, and, since we were basically ready for bed, she didn’t have a bra on. I dove back into her tits. I do this thing where I almost make a vacuum with my mouth around a girl’s nipple. I don’t know how better to describe it, but I close my mouth around a nipple and make a suction so it pulls and builds pressure and women generally go wild for it. Molly was no different. She was loving it. I never go straight for penetration, I love the foreplay, I love the teasing. So, as I was doing all this up top, I pushed a knee between her legs and started rubbing her with my thigh. I could immediately feel her grinding back against me, gearing up to go. I moved up to kiss her and at the same time moved a hand down to feel how wet she was. I reached under her pajama pants and rubbed her pussy through her underwear, feeling the cloth soak up more and more of her wetness, before pushing the fabric aside and feeling her directly with my fingers. To get better access I removed her lower garments entirely and got back to it and slipped a finger into her, getting a feeling for how warm and tight it felt inside her. She was fully naked by now, but I still had my pants on so she did quick work removing those as well as my boxer briefs. She was tugging on my dick, half stroking it and half pulling it toward her entrance. And I was happy to oblige.

“Do we need anything?” I asked, fully hard by now. “Not if you don’t want to,” she replied. We were both naked, both wanting it, needing it really, but safety first, kids. “Are you on something?” I asked to confirm. She nodded her head and lined my cock up with her entrance. I kissed her as I pushed in, finally inside her after all this buildup. It was our first time together so, of course, it took a minute for her to take me fully in. We got a rhythm going pretty soon after, but I knew I wasn’t going to last all that long. I feel no shame in saying that I don’t last all that long the first time. And, though this story makes it sound like sexual situations just fall into my lap all the time, it had actually been a while since I last got laid, so this first round wasn’t going to last long at all, but it was heaven being inside her, finally. I hadn’t asked where I should cum but it was building up quick and I was ready to explode so I pulled out and came all over her stomach. That was a strong release that had been building for a few days now. I’m sure she thought we were done but –and perhaps this is the reason I’m not self-conscious about not lasting long– I have next to no refractory period so I was ready for round two almost immediately. That surprised her, but not in a bad way. Round two is where I excel. Round two is where I not only aim to impress, but where I show off.

After cumming the first time, I moved my focus back to her lips, but not with the typical gentleness that comes post-sex. The lust and ferocity were still there. Our kisses were aggressive. I tore away from her lips and kissed down her jaw. I kissed down her neck and back up, sucking softly. Working back up to her ear, I bit her earlobe with more force than a simple nibble and whispered into her ear that I enjoy a little pain. At first, she just moaned in response, but once I moved away from her ear, she said back that she’s into that too. I asked her to bite my lower lip and she did. That has to be one of my favorite things. “Harder,” I told her (usually it’s the girl telling the guy that, huh?). We were still new to each other so unsure how hard we liked what, but she bit my lip harder and pulled/sucked on it. If I wasn’t already hard again by then, that definitely did it. I’m not sure what more I can say here other than round two lasted for a while and we both enjoyed ourselves quite a bit. There was a lot of biting involved, all over each other and our bodies retained marks from the night. This time I asked how she felt about me cumming in her and Molly was all about it. Round two left a few wet sex spots on the bed but, by the time we were done, we were so drained we fell asleep right after, sex spots be damned.

Over the next few days, I showed her around Delhi, tied up what was left of work, and I filled her with my cum every morning and night. My flight out of India was in the middle of the night a few days later and hers was scheduled for way later that day so, with my bags packed and ready to go, I fucked her one last time, against the couch, facing out the big window, looking down onto the Indian Presidential Palace. I came in her, tossed her backward onto the bed, pulled my pants up, and walked out the door. It felt like a power move and was a great way to end my time in India. (It wasn’t actually a douchebag move, in case you’re wondering. We switched to text as soon as I got in my cab.)



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