[MODPOST] October 2019 Contest

[Some information on the Monthly Story Challange.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d0ni0f/modpost_monthly_theme_contest/)

Congrats to u/iduna_apple for winning September 2019’s theme about weddings. Her post is sticked and can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d8y36h/bloody_bisexual_bridesmaid_bang_ff/).

**October 2019’s theme: One Night Stand**

Do you have a crazy One Night Stand story to share? Something so wild and crazy that you can’t wait to share with everybody. Maybe you got picked up at a bar. Maybe you were brave enough to approach someone else. Tinder hookup? Some of us probably have that story that just has to be shared. Anything One Night Stand related is fair game.

The contest will run from 10/1/19 and will end on 10/26/19. We’ll announce the winner shortly thereafter. So start writing! Remember proper formatting (please no walls of text) and grammar go a long way to telling a good story.

The new Post Flair is up. Good luck!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dbs0f4/modpost_october_2019_contest

1 comment

  1. Please help me figure out how to post my one night stand tale. Bot rejected. What do I need to put in my post? Flair is what?

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