[MF] Lessons with a Virgin

***There’s a lot to this story but it’s one of the most unexpected sexual encounters I have ever had and one of the hottest as well. ***

A few months ago, I met someone while I was out and about. There’s no romantic interest, but we find each other fascinating because we’re so different.

He thought I was cute and struck a conversation with me. I was a little hesitant at first, but I responded out of curiosity and because he seemed to be a decent person. We discovered that we’re both fascinated by people (ie; people watching, getting to know someone), so he asked me out to dinner. I couldn’t remember the last time I went out on a date, so I said yes.

Joseph is a few years younger than I, but quite mature and responsible for his age. I told him he reminded me of me at his age because I used to be the same way.

“So what are you now?” he asked.

“I could be more responsible, but I like to have fun,” was my response.

The afternoon/evening was spent with him asking me questions about myself. However, he eventually opened up and told me that he had just recently gotten out of a relationship, his first one, and he was devastated because he thought they would be together forever.

“I’ve been there,” I said. *Hearing that made him less uptight and that’s when things got more interesting.*

I cannot remember how, but I discovered he was a virgin and he discovered that I had a decent amount of experience. He asked me a few questions about sex, but he was clearly shy. At the end of the night, he kissed me. I stopped him and mentioned how normally I would have just gone for it, but there was something about him that made me want to make sure that it’s what he really wanted and to tell him that I was in a casual relationship. A whole other discussion was had after I said that, but he kissed me again afterwards and even asked for permission to rub my body (hips mainly) over my clothes. He was clearly inexperienced, so I gave him a few **lessons**.


We text on and off and see each other a few months at a time. He’ll mainly text me about his ex. Nearly 6 months after the night we met. He told me how nice it felt to have something physical with someone and he wanted it to happen again. He wanted more lessons.

“It’s something that I would consider,” was my response. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it since he was so innocent and a virgin.


This weekend, I officially moved into my first home. I have roommates and this is their home, but I’ve been spending so much time here that it turned into a home for me too and they offered. They both decided to stay elsewhere this weekend, so I was ecstatic to have a chill night and just relax. I think it’s the fact that I wanted the company, but Joseph crossed my mind. I asked him if he wanted to come over and he said yes after I confirmed I was going to give him some more lessons.

We talked for hours while I cooked and cleaned. He’s very uptight and critical while I’m careless and open, so the conversations were interesting. I did spend a lot of time explaining that I understood that our morals and values were different, but I feel like the way I live my life is okay and him not agreeing with it is fine also.

“You don’t feel like you waste a lot of time?” he asked.

“I could have done things a lot more different and saved myself some trouble, but I get something out of everything that I do that I learn to appreciate.”

“Live and learn,” he said.

“Exactly. And I know you feel like I’m wasting my time with my casual relationship since he’s not permanent, but I learned to really respect him and appreciate him.”

Our conversation was dying down and I could tell he was tired.

“So the lessons?” he mentioned.

“Yes I know. I’m taking my time. I want to do things properly. Come here, get comfortable.”

At this point, we were both sitting on the couch with me covering myself with a blanket. He got under the blanket but I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable so I laid my head on his lap. It took him by surprise, but he started to gently caress my hair and my shoulder.

“I’m going to take my time with you,” I said, “I want to make sure you’re comfortable. Did you cuddle much with your ex?”

“Yes,” he responded.

“Did she ever caress you back?”

“Not really.”

“Okay, trade me spots.”

“Wait what? Really?”

“Yes. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

He laid his head on my lap and I started gently caressing his hair. “How does that feel?”

“Really nice actually.”

“Good. Give me your hand.”

I held his hand with one hand while I caressed him hair with the other.

“I have an idea,” I mentioned, “What if, what if I teach you relationship intimacy without the actual relationship?”

“I might be okay with that.”

I let go his hand and used it to caress his face.

“This is different.”

“But is it nice?”

“Yes, yes it is.”

I continued to caress his head and gave him a kiss on the forehead. When he closed his eyes, I grabbed his chin and kissed him. He kissed me back. We made out for a little bit, then I stopped and continued to caress him some more.

“Your heart is beating fast,” he mentioned.

“Yes. I want to keep going,” I said as I reached back down to kiss him.

We made out for a little while when I stopped him, “Should we keep going here, or do you want to go upstairs?”

“Let’s go upstairs.”

We both got into bed and began to cuddle and gently kiss. He kept wanting to get a little more aggressive, so I stopped him again and said, “Let me show you what kissing can do. Kiss me gently. Just a peck. Good, keep going. Good. Okay, now slowly and slightly, open your mouth as you kiss me.”

He did as I said and we were both really enjoying it. He climbed over me and kept kissing me. He took me by surprise when he let his body relax and I felt him grind up against me.

“Let me get on top,” I commanded. He did as I asked. I kissed him a bit and then said, “Kiss my neck.” He did. He started to feel me over my shirt, when he decided to move his hand underneath it. He stopped to tug at my top to take it off, so I did it for him. I moved back down to kiss his neck.

“Have you ever been in this situation before?” I whispered in his ear.


I sat up, grabbed his hands, and placed them on my boobs. He started feeling them and gently squeezing them.

“These feel nice.”

“It feels good for me too. I like having them played with.”

He took off his top, reached his head up and started to kiss my boobs. I grabbed him by the back of his head and moaned in pleasure. He sat up. With me sitting over him and him sitting up, I could feel his dick right underneath my pussy and I started to gently grind on him. He started moving his hips along with mine.

He must have gotten too excited because he threw himself back on the bed and forced me down with him, all while holding on to my tits. We kissed again and I broke it off to kiss down his neck. I moved my hand down his body and to the outline of his dick. My lips started to travel down his body also, but I kept having to stop because of how sensitive he was. I reached the outline of his dick and gently kissed it. I put my mouth on it, but he kept pushing my head away slightly.

I moved back up to kiss him instead while sitting back on top of his dick. We started to grind against each other again when he started to move back onto me.

“Hold on,” I said, “Lay back down. Take off your pants.”

I wanted to see if he actually would and he did. I was laying next to him rubbing his chest and moved my hand slowly down to his hips. He seemed to be okay with it, so I moved my hand down to his legs and started to rub his legs, moving up to his thighs, wanting to get close to his penis, but never actually touching it. He threw himself back on me and started to kiss me, my neck, my tits.

“Suck on them.”

He did as I asked.

“You should take off all of your clothes too. I want to see you naked. I want to see how you look.”

“No. I’m more experienced and I’m used to fucking. You’re really excited right now and it’s gone further than what I expected. I want to do things the right way, and I want you to be completely comfortable and I can tell you’re not 100% there.”

“I just want to see how you look and feel. Your body feels really nice so far.”

“Yes, but I still think we need to take things slow and you need to be 100% comfortable before things go too far. I want to do things the right way. It’ll be more difficult for me to have self-control if I’m naked.”

“Fine,” he said.

I laid him back down and got back on to kiss him. I kept distance between our private parts to make sure he was comfortable enough first. Once he got a little more relaxed again, I gently sat back on him and kissed his neck. He stopped me and kissed mine while feeling my boobs. “Squeeze them,” and he did.

It felt so fucking good so I started grinding again. He was responsive and he gently rocked back and forth with me. I sat back on him and started to grind on his dick thinking, “This is how I would fuck him if I could,” making myself moan out loud. He grabbed my hips and ass and started rocking me back and forth at a faster pace. He sat back up and we started to grind against each other at a fast pace.

Next thing you know, he pulled me off of him quickly and threw himself back down, with me on top of him, holding onto my boobs.

We laid down together and talked for a bit. “I heard cuddling after sex is nice.”

“It is,” I said placing my head on his chest while closing my eyes. He spent the night and surprisingly initiated things again in the morning.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dayzcb/mf_lessons_with_a_virgin


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