[FF] I made my best friend cum – chapter 3 – Sully knows.

If you are reading this one first, I suggest you go back to the first post on my profile and make your way through the first two chapters first. I hope you all enjoy :)

CHAPTER THREE – Sully knows..


The drive back home from Lauren’s was like I was on autopilot. I’d been on the road for just over an hour so I decided to stop at the nearest service station and get myself a strong coffee. I had spent the weekend making my best friend cum. My pussy was tingling at the thought. That’s something I never thought I’d say.

As I got back into my car with a coffee and a full tank of petrol – my phone beeped:

{“I didn’t want you to go. L x”}

I knew Lauren was feeling lonely. Sully had been gone for months and months. They’d had arguments and gone without speaking for weeks on end at times.

I decided to call her. When she answered I could hear the excitement in her sleepy little voice.

My whole drive home we chatted on the phone about hers and sully’s marriage. It turned out that Sully had complete control over the finances so there were weeks where she couldn’t get hold of him and he didn’t send her any money for food or essentials for their child. Luckily she had some money put aside but she was nowhere near coping. They were arguing all the time, their marriage was not okay. I felt terrible that whilst Sully was away, I was pleasing his wife like he never could.

By the time I pulled into my parking spot at my apartment, it was 7:50am. Lauren was still on my hands free talking about her and Sully. She told me she would tell him what had happened between us this weekend and she might be off the radar whilst they talk through it.
The one thing that came out of mine and Lauren’s chat is that she made it clear she does love Sully but she also needs me in her life right now.
I knew deep down I didn’t want to be in a relationship with Lauren and I wasn’t about to destroy a marriage because I wanted a play mate. But I couldn’t help myself. The image of her moaning and fucking my fingers this weekend had me constantly wet.

I told her to text to me when it’s sorted and I will call her.

I managed to get through my day and a completely unprepared presentation went a lot better than I expected. I walked through my apartment door and felt a sense of relief being home after a hard day. I put the TV on and went for a hot shower to winde down. I hadn’t spoken to Lauren since this morning, which meant she was talking to Sully. I didn’t want to get involved with their marriage, but I’d basically put myself in this situation.. what else did I expect?

After my shower and some dinner, I sat in my kitchen with a nice hot green tea, my vape and opened up my Mac book. I decided to take my mind off things by checking my work emails (I just can’t stop working). I saw 1 new email pop up in my personal inbox. I opened it:

[From: Mia
19:45: Subject: Hey..

Hey. I know you don’t want to hear from me, but you’ve blocked me from calling and texting. This is my only way to chat to you. Please can we talk? I’m sorry for everything. I can change I promise. I’ll be waiting to hear from you…

Love you always,

M x]

Now, it’s worth mentioning that this email pissed me off more than you can imagine. Mia ruined our relationship with lies and addiction. I stayed for 10 years and couldn’t help her. She hid her alcohol addiction for the first year of our relationship and I had no idea. But I spent the following nine years trying to help. I paid for rehab more than 10 times. She just couldn’t be helped – and all the lies and disloyalty that unfortunately comes with addiction – were my last straw. This email was not what I wanted to deal with right now.

I slammed my Mac shut and took off to the balcony to get some air.
I looked up at the evening sky wondering how I’d gotten myself in this situation with Lauren and wondering how it was going with her and Sully.
At that moment, my phone beeped:

{Hey.. it’s Sully. I’ve been speaking to Lauren today and she told me about the two of you. I just want you to know I am shocked. I knew she liked you. I’ve always known. If i can’t give Lauren what she wants then I’m okay with her getting that from you. But only you. I’ve known you for a long time and I know you’re not a shitty person. But me and Lauren love each other and we will be staying together and working on our marriage. I just wanted you to know I’m not pissed with you.}

I didn’t know whether to throw up or cry. Lauren actually told him – and he was okay with it? I thought this might be a test. My mind went into overdrive. I text back:

{hey Sully. Look, I’m sorry. It wasn’t planned – it just happened and Lauren wanted to talk to you about it. I don’t want to interfere with your marriage, and I don’t even know how to react. I have no intention of breaking you guys up. I am sorry. X}

I spent the next few hours distracting myself waiting for Sully to text back, he didn’t. I went to sleep feeling very uneasy about the situation.

2am. My phone beeped:

{Are you awake? I need to speak to you.. L x}

The sound of my phone going off made me jump. I text Lauren back thinking something bad had happened:

{Yeah I’m up. What’s going on? X}

I put my glasses on and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. My head was pounding:

{My mum still has junior for another few days. I’m in town.. send me your address so I can come over? L x}

Well.. isn’t that a bold move.. Lauren’s just drove 5 hours to see me… I wonder what she wants?

I gave her my address and a parking spot number, and put some joggers and a T-shirt on.

My apartment buzzed. I said:

“What time do you call this?!”

Lauren sighed into the intercom and laughed:

“You know something? I just need a hug.. open the door it’s freezing!”

I buzzed her in and a few minutes later Lauren was knocking at my door. I opened it and cocked my head to the side:

“You just can’t keep away can you?”

Lauren seemed different this time:

“Once I got halfway here, I knew I’d committed to the journey. I just didn’t want to be by myself..”

She walked past me and kicked off her shoes towards the kitchen and looked around my apartment:

“Jesus. Your apartment is very nice. It’s a new build?”

“Yeah, you know me. Everything needed to be brand new..”

As Lauren stood looking at my coffee machine, I came up behind her ran my hands around her waist and pulled her into me:

“How did it go with Sully? He messaged me earlier.. he said he was okay with it.. but I can’t help but feel like he’s not?”

Lauren turned around and looked deep into my eyes:

“We really squashed a lot of issues today. He really is okay with it. His words were – I can’t compete with the opposite sex.. he’s happy. He just wants honesty, everything is okay.”

Those fucking eyes. All I am thinking about is her staring at me whilst I filled her pussy with my fingers the first night we fucked. I didn’t even think twice. I turned her around and pushed her over the kitchen work top. I heard her groan:

“Fuck yeah”

I unbuttoned her skinny jeans and pulled them down to give me easy access to her ass. I tucked my index fingers into either side of her underwear around her ass and trailed them up and down stroking her. I am soaking wet already. Lauren is bent over in front of me, breathing heavily and pushing herself into my hips. I ran my hands back up to her waist and pulled her back into me. Hard. My pussy tingled with the pressure.
I told her to keep grinding her ass into me as I freed my hands from her waist. I stood there watching her grinding her ass into my crotch and listening to her moan.. her being so vocal is what’s tipping me over the edge. I need more.
I leaned over her so my mouth is right next to her ear and I slid my hand down the front of her underwear. She is dripping wet. My mind goes fuzzy and I grinde into her ass whilst stroking her pussy lips up and down and stopping to tease her swollen clit. She went wild:

“Oh my fucking god, fuck me harder, harder mhmm”

My fingers slide up and down her pussy lips catching her clit when my fingers reach the top, I decide not to finger her.. shes almost buckling underneath me whilst I’m stroking her clit so I stay at the same pace, her pussy is so wet my fingers are sliding so easily. She’s almost there, she’s screaming and slamming her ass into me to make my finger strokes faster. I go faster. And faster. Her breathing is all over the place as she reaches orgasm:

“Mhmm fuck. FUCK. FUUUUCKKKK….”

I hold her body up whilst she comes back down to reality.. and kiss the back of her neck. Fuck I’m so horny… just as I release my hands from her dripping pussy, Lauren turns around and looks into my lustful eyes and says:

“I want to make my best friend cum…”

To be continued..

I didn’t think my weekend would consist of writing my life down like this! Haha – I hope you all enjoyed this one :) feedback as always is always appreciated!


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/datntn/ff_i_made_my_best_friend_cum_chapter_3_sully_knows


  1. Very good story and I’m ashamed lol but it got me to cum lol it was a rlly hot story ???

  2. Great read! I think its definitely your turn for some action! You paint a great picture in my mind! Sexy hot!

  3. I really love erotica stories and yours are extremely well written I can’t wait for the next installment and I’m sure Lauren agrees lol

  4. You did not just stop *there*. I’ve been waiting for her to try herself on you for three parts and you cliffhanger it on me? But in all realness, do write more. I’m thoroughly enjoying this series of stories you’re telling. Was really surprised Sully was ok with it.

  5. I was so excited when I saw two new entries posted since the first yesterday! Extremely hot and vivid writing. ??

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