Stay With You [mf] [rom] [creampie]

“This is all your fault, Jason!”

“Of course, you’d say that! How could it not be? Please, tell me in your stupefying wisdom how it’s my fault we’re getting sued!”

“It’s your goddamn name on the summons! What, did you forget how to fucking read?”

“And it’s your goddamn name on the police report, Lana! Which do you think the lawyers will care about?”

“I was protecting my oldest daughter. What was I supposed to do?”

“You had a kitchen knife and a baseball bat with you! You were the one who picked that fight. You’re the one at fault!”

The shouting, bickering, and anger echoed through wall of what used to be a peaceful suburban home. Tanya Griswold could hear it, even in the basement where she’d moved her bedroom two years ago. She’d thought the extra space would provide a badly-needed buffer between her and her parents. Unfortunately, she underestimated how loud they could be.

Lying on her bed, curled up in a fetal position while holding a pillow to her head, Tanya tried to shut it out. That was easier said than done. Her parents had a knack for making their voices heard, but for all the wrong reasons. When they got into arguments, they did not hold anything back. They often skipped the part where tensions escalated slowly and let everything erupt into a rage-filled shouting match. In fact, shouting might as well have been second nature to them.

Tanya should’ve been numb to it by now. She’d heard her parents fight all her life. She and her older sisters, Maggie and Patricia, grew used to it to some extent. Her parents were stubborn, combative people, by nature. Most everyone in the neighborhood knew that. It was only in the past several years that things got bad to a point that tore at her heart.

“That asshole husband of hers was going to hurt her. It was self-defense!” her mother shouted as the argument continued.

“They were hurting each other. We both saw the bruises. You made it worse by getting involved!” her father shouted back.

“Is that the story you’re buying into? You really don’t believe your own daughter?”

“I’m a lawyer. I believe what witnesses and the official police reports say. Trust me, this is not a case of self-defense!”

Tanya squeezed the pillow against her head harder, closing her eyes and trying to shut it out. It was no use. The argument continued and showed no signs of abating.

It was enough to make her regret being the youngest of three girls. Even as a senior in high school, she’d been counting down the days, hours, and minutes to when she could graduate and move out of the house. That way, her parents could yell at each other all they wanted. At the moment, it felt like a distant pipe dream.

“Four months, two weeks, and five days,” Tanya said to herself. “Just hold out for another four months, two weeks, and five days.”

She repeated that mantra again and again, if only to drown out the shouting. Her parents never needed much reason to raise their voice, but they’d had more than usual, thanks to her older sisters. They’d both gotten married fairly young. Maggie even managed to get pregnant in college, forcing an impromptu wedding that nobody had been ready for.

Whether by bad luck or poor choices, both her sisters had married men they never should’ve married. Tanya’s Uncle Maxwell once joked that they’d fallen in love with great boys, but married lousy men. In hindsight, it was no joke. Tanya had seen first-hand how her sisters dated certain boys in their youth, but chose to marry certain types of men once they got older. It was like they’d experienced real love that fulfilled them emotionally, but preferred a rigid partnership that benefited them socially and financially.

It was so shallow, even by the standards of their affluent community. The men her sisters married were successful and well-connected, but had next to no chemistry with them. Anyone with functioning eyes and ears could see that. That was why it didn’t surprise her in the slightest when both marriages faced trouble. Patricia had already gone through a messy divorce that ripped holes through the family, but Maggie’s promised to be worse, especially after her mother paid her soon-to-be ex a visit.

Tanya still didn’t know all the details. She didn’t even want to know the details. Her father, being the skilled lawyer he was, had been throwing the details in her mother’s face ever since it happened. It was so bad that she purposefully stayed late at school, hoping it would abate by the time she got home. She ended up being wrong. It was so bad they barely noticed when she came home soaked from the rain after a storm rolled in.

“I’m fine. School’s going great, by the way. I’m so excited to go to college out-of-state,” Tanya had said while her parents were arguing in the living room. “By the way, aliens invaded this afternoon and unleashed a swarm of killer robots. We all have three hours to live.”

They hadn’t heard her. They didn’t even react. Her parents just waved to acknowledge her presence before they continued fighting. She doubted they heard her storm downstairs to her room and slam the door shut.

“I’m starting to wish those killer robots were real,” Tanya muttered to herself. “I’d rather face them than an entire night of this shit.”

She pressed her face harder into her pillow, but it was no use. She could still hear the shouting, the arguing, and the profanity. She even heard some dishes breaking and chairs being knocked over. It was enough to make the floor shutter.

It was too much. She had to get away.

“Fuck this!” she cried angrily. “I can’t stay here tonight!”

With tears in her eyes and anguish in her heart, she stormed out of her bedroom, not even bothering to grab her purse or phone. She hadn’t even changed out of the wet clothes she’d worn to school. Anything that didn’t involve getting out of the house would’ve taken too much time and the arguing was just getting worse.



That was as much as Tanya heard before slipping out the basement door that led into the back yard, just under the deck. She didn’t want to hear another word at that point. Even as she stepped out into the pouring rain, she could still hear her parents angrily storming about the living room. If she wanted to get away, she’d have to run farther.

“Fine! If that’s how it’s going to be, I’ll run through the fucking rain!”

Not caring at all about the rain, the cold, and the wind, Tanya sprinted out into the storm. She didn’t care which direction she ran at first, focusing only on getting through the door in the fence and into the cul-de-sac behind the house. That involved trekking through mud, leaves, and rain that just kept falling harder. She didn’t care, though. All that mattered was getting away from the arguing.

“This is what I have to go through…what I have to endure, just to get away from the fighting,” Tanya cried as she ran down the street. “It’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair!”

She kept running as fast as her legs would take her. By then, she was soaked from head to toe, her shirt, jeans, and shoes a mess of water and mud. Cold winds swept through the streets, causing the rain to hit her face like dozens of needles. It stung, but did little to slow her down. Tanya didn’t care if she had to run through a hurricane. If that was what she had to endure to get away from the chaos, then so be it.

“Keep going. Don’t stop,” Tanya told herself. “Find somewhere…anywhere.”

She pushed through strain and fatigue, enduring more gusts of wind and rain. Near as she could tell, she’d run several blocks to the south end of her neighborhood. Another block to the north and she’d hit the parkway, which was always treacherous in stormy weather. She knew in the back of her mind there was only so far she could run before her body gave out. Thankfully, there was one option that she hadn’t forgotten.

“I didn’t want to put you through this, Nick…bringing my family drama into your life,” she said to herself. “We just started dating. I’ve been giving you my best self. Now, you’ll have to…”

Before she could finish her thought, a round of thunder erupted from the sky. More lightning followed as the winds picked up. It was like Mother Nature herself telling her that she was out of options. If she wanted any kind of sanctuary from her family’s fighting, she could only get it from her boyfriend.

Having little time or energy to remember why it was a bad idea, Tanya made the fateful choice and changed direction. Now running to the west side of the neighborhood where Nick lived, she prayed with what little faith she had that she wasn’t making a mistake.

Nicholas Cyrus Rhodes was the latest of Tanya’s string of short-lived romances. Since her freshman year, she’d been with a handful of boys. Some were more serious than others, but only to a point. Having seen how bad relationships could get, she often cut things off at the slightest hint of trouble. Her friends once described her approach to relationships as only ever wanting the first date and the honeymoon with nothing in between. It was distressingly accurate.

Nick was the first boy she tried to pursue seriously. They’d been dating since Halloween, having met at neighborhood barbecue. He was sweet, understanding, and attractive, thanks largely to his role on the school track team. He also wasn’t afraid to disagree or argue, but he never raised his voice like her parents did. His entire family was similar, opting to listen rather than yell. It might as well have been alien to her.

However, she needed something like that. She needed it more than she needed to get out of the cold. As Nick’s house came into view, she tapped what remained of her strength and sprinted the rest of the way.

“Please be home! Please be home! Please, Nick, be home tonight!” Tanya found herself repeating.

Nearing the house, she saw that the lights were on, but his parents’ car wasn’t in the driveway. For all she knew, they’d gone out to dinner to have a nice, family meal that didn’t involve anyone yelling at each other. She wouldn’t have blamed Nick for a second if that were the case.

However, the lights being on meant someone had to be home. Knowing Nick, he was either in the basement watching TV or in the garage working out. Since the garage was closed, Tanya opted to try the basement. That meant hopping another fence, wading through a patch of mud along the side of the house, and hoping the neighbors didn’t call the cops on her.

“Please…if there’s any glimmer of hope in this god-awful night…let it be this. Let it be with Nick,” she said upon stepping through the mud.

Already gasping for air and fighting heavy fatigue, she made her way through the back yard and up to the sliding door entrance. She could see light emanating from the curtains. She also noticed the flicker of a TV. Someone was home. Hoping it was Nick, she frantically knocked on the glass.

“Nick! Nick, are you there? It’s me!” she said over the rain and thunder.

Having finally stopped running, her body nearly gave out. Her legs burned. Her face was numb from the cold. She was already shivering steadily, having to hug her shoulders just to maintain what little body heat she had left. The storm showed little sign of letting up. If Nick didn’t answer, then she could just succumb to hypothermia, for all she cared.

Then, just as Tanya dared contemplate that morbid thought, the door to the basement opened and very surprised Nick Rhodes stood before her.

“Tanya!” he gasped. “My God, what happened?”


That was all she got out. Like a reflex, she threw her arms around her and embraced him as though he were the edge of a cliff. She was cold, soaked, and half-crazy from her family’s drama. Nick would’ve been totally justified in shoving her away, but he didn’t. He just embraced her back.

It was the first dose of warmth and comfort she’d felt all day. She could barely support herself, physically or emotionally, but a boy who she’d just started dating was there to help her. If her spirit weren’t so wounded, she would’ve called that a miracle.

“It’s okay. It’s okay,” he told her in that calm, caring tone of his. “Come inside. Get out of the storm.”

He didn’t mention the mud she had on her shoes and pants. He didn’t point out that she’d gotten his sweat-shirt and jeans all wet. He just welcomed her into his house. That said a lot about the kind of man Nick was.

Him leading her inside with his arm around his shoulder was like an angel carrying her out of the darkness and into a welcoming warmth. Tanya kept shivering, but felt some strength return to her. She’d been in Nick’s basement before. It used to be his older brother’s man cave, so to speak, but Nick turned it into his cozy little refuge after her moved out. After what she’d left behind, it was just the haven she needed.

“Here, sit down,” said Nick as he guided her to the couch on the far side of the room. “I’ll get you some towels and a blanket.”

“Thank you,” Tanya said, hesitating to break their embrace.

“You need me to call my folks?” he offered. “They’re stuck working overtime at the hospital, but if I call my dad’s cell, I’m sure he can…”

“No!” she said quickly. “I…I don’t need a doctor. I just need…God, I don’t know what I need. But I want to be here right now…with you.”

She continued clinging to him, dirtying his clothes even more. Still, he did not push her away. He continued holding her, his warmth directly countering the cold anguish that had driven her out into the storm.

She could tell his first instinct was to call his parents. Unlike her family, their first instinct was to help one another rather than yell at one another. It was another strange concept to her that shouldn’t have been that way. Nick still didn’t hold it against her. He just cast her an understanding smile and nodded.

“Okay,” he told her. “If they show up, I’ll just tell them I needed your help with a history project.”

“And they’ll buy that?” Tanya said with a humored scoff.

“They know I’m a terrible liar,” Nick replied, “but they also know I only lie for the right reasons. I’d say this qualifies.”

Despite her wet clothes and steady shivering, she laughed. That was another thing about Nick she’d come to appreciate. Even when a situation was heavy, he found a way to balance it out. He didn’t ignore it or overreact. He stayed calm, collected, and measured. It was so different compared to everyone else in her family. It might have been Nick’s most attractive quality.

It helped settle her enough to finally break the embrace. Then, just as he’d promised, he slipped into the adjacent laundry room and retrieved some towels and blankets. He also turned off the movie he’d been watching, filling the basement with a welcomed calm.

“Peace and quiet…finally,” she said under her breath.

It was exactly what she needed, more so than the towels that Nick wrapped around her. That feeling of being in a quiet, peaceful house absent of hostility and yelling was nothing short of therapeutic. It was like a reminder that the way her parents confronted issues was not normal, nor was it the best way to deal with them. For once, her ears didn’t ring with the echoes of her parents’ shouting. It created a strange serenity that felt every bit as comforting as Nick’s embrace.

Nick, for his part, did nothing to disrupt it. As soon as she wrapped herself in a bath towel, he sat down next to her and slipped his arm around her shoulder, allowing her to share his body heat and rest her head on his shoulder. He didn’t ask why she’d randomly showed up, nor did he make a big deal about barging in on him in a heap of distressed. He was just there for her.

They must have sat in silence for a good twenty minutes, giving her a chance to warm up and catch her breath. At some point, Tanya kicked her muddy shoes and socks off so she could warm her feet up, as well. Nick even helped, using one of the blankets to help dry them. He was doing everything possible to make her feel loved and welcome.

At some point, she had to give him an explanation. However, that meant venturing into uncharted territory in terms of relationships. Her rule about never sharing her family drama with others had to give. For comforting her in her darkest hour, Nick deserved as such.

“I can’t keep avoiding it, Nick,” she said, finally breaking the silence. “All the fighting, the yelling, the anger over everyone else’s mistakes…it’s like my entire family won’t stop until everyone’s voice gives out.”

“I’m…sorry you have to deal with that,” Nick replied. “You know, you don’t have to talk about these things if you don’t want to.”

“No, I should talk about them. I’ve been avoiding that too. Every friend I’ve had…every boy I’ve dated…I always try to shut out that part of my life. I don’t tell anyone how my parents’ marriage was built on anger, arguments, and shouting. I don’t tell anyone how my sisters used the same approach to deal with everything from youth soccer league to divorce court. I don’t even tell them how I’ve tried desperately to just disappear in my own house, wanting nothing more than the arguing to stop.”

“My God, Tanya.”

“I know! I’m such fucking wreck!” she cried. “I’m a pretty girl living in a nice house, but can’t deal with parents and siblings who fight over everything. Never mind it’s only gotten worse over the years. Never mind it’s tearing the family apart bit by bit…day by day…even when no one else wants to admit it.”

She almost broke down on the spot. She probably would have had Nick not been there to hold her closer, letting her lean into his warmth. Tanya ended up burying her face in his shoulder, trying and failing to hide her sobs. He still didn’t hold it against her. He just kept supporting her with that calm, caring demeanor that was the antithesis of her family melodrama.

“It’s okay. It’s going to be okay,” Nick told her softly.

“I don’t know how you can say that with a straight face,” she scoffed, still hiding her sobs.

“Too late. I just did.”

“And I just told you my family is a fucking shit storm and I can’t deal with it. I doubt you signed up for that when we started dating.”

“Tanya, that’s exactly what a guy signs up for when he starts dating someone. When their lover’s life is a mess, they try to be there for them. Now, I don’t know squat about your family’s issues. It’s not even my business. But you are my girlfriend. I’m your boyfriend.”

“You’re a way better boyfriend than I deserve.”

“That doesn’t matter. The fact that you came here on this cold, stormy night proves something important to me.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, now more curious than upset.

“Think about it,” he said to her in a more serious tone. “You’re upset, vulnerable, and lost. Finally, you decide to stop enduring it and escape it. And the first place you come to…the first person you confide in…it’s me. You say you don’t deserve a guy like me. Hell, I’m not sure I deserve a girl willing to bear her soul like that.”

Another heavy silence fell over the room. The weight of his words hung over Tanya like an echo, one that resonated more than any amount of yelling from her parents. Still resting her head on his shoulder, she dared to contemplate the implications.

She’d tried burying her problems.

She’d tried hiding them from others, including boyfriends.

She’d tried coping with all the strain on her own.

Ultimately, it didn’t work. It tore at her soul, bit by bit, until it became too much. In that overwhelming moment that drove her out into a raging storm, she ended up running into the arms of a young man who she’d kept at arm’s length. In doing so, she didn’t just find out how much she needed someone else’s support. She also learned that Nick really cared for her. He was willing to be there for her in her most vulnerable moments.

As she looked up from his shoulder, Tanya saw more than a boyfriend. In him, there was genuine love. It wasn’t the kind of teenage puppy love she’d experienced with other boys. It was something deeper. Being in his arms, despite the wet clothes and over-the-top hysterics, she knew that feeling was real.

In sensing it, a new wave of emotions came over her. Unlike before, she didn’t avoid them. Instead, she embraced them.

“Nick?” she said, now caressing his unshaven face.

“Yes, Tanya?” he said.

“I want you to do something for me…something I know I need right now.”

“Sure,” Nick said without hesitation. “What do you want me to do?”

She paused briefly. Then, in another act that further dirtied his clothes, she got onto his lap and straddled his hips. Still caressing his face, she watched his expression shift as a different mood filled the quiet basement.

“Make love to me,” Tanya said intently.

“Really? Are…are you sure?” Nick asked with a mix of concern and intrigue.

“Believe me. I’m sure,” he said, her tone leaving no room for ambiguity. “In my family, I’ve seen love expressed in all the wrong ways for all the wrong reasons. If there’s really love between us…real love and not the kind I just ran away from…I want to feel it.”

Her voice strained, trying to put such intimate desires into words. She almost broke down again, but the intensity and strength in Nick’s eyes helped her keep it together. He already had his hands on her hips, his body already reacting to her intimate touch. Beyond the extra tightness in his pants, though, she saw something else.

They might have been teenagers with a limited understanding of love. Just processing the emotions that drove her to him were too much. However, that didn’t make the feelings emerging between them any less real. Tanya had tried running from them and managing them. For once, she was going to embrace them. She just needed Nick to embrace them with her.

“You don’t have to run this time,” Nick said to her. “I want to feel it too.”

“Assuming it’s there,” she pointed out.

“Tanya, I think we know what’s there. We just have to tap into it.”

Those were wise words from a guy who barely passed algebra class last semester. What he lacked in math skills, though, he made up for with his lips. As she straddled his waist, he wrapped his powerful arms around her and pulled her close for a kiss. Tanya eagerly accepted, ready to see where the blossoming feeling led them.

It started small, like a spark igniting a flame. While in his arms, they kissed with escalating passion, lips and tongues interacting with more energy than they had dared in all the time they’d been dating. They also began feeling each other up, hands roaming their upper bodies. At one point, she slipped her hand up his shirt to paw his chest. At another, he reached up hers and undid the clasp of her bra from behind. It showed that he was serious. He really was going to make love to her on a stormy night while her parents fought several blocks away.

“Nick,” she gasped, “I want this…need this…so much.”

Having convinced him of her desire, her boyfriend lifted her up in his arms. Their lips never parting, he laid her down on the shag carpet in front of the couch. He even managed to grab one of the blankets he’d brought for her and lay it under her. From there, he went to work removing her wet clothes.

There was something uniquely intimate about it, him stripping her of the muddied attire that the storm had done much to sully. The feeling of him taking off her wet shirt and removing her muddied jeans, leaving her in just a pair of panties, was akin to an angel removing a heavy burden. The way Nick touched her cold, clammy skin filled her with such warmth and not just the kind she felt between her legs. That warm, comforting feeling helped establish a deeper connection.

Following it in conjunction with her emerging desires, Tanya helped her boyfriend in getting out of his clothes as well. He made quick work of his pants while she pulled his sweatshirt off over his head, leaving him in just a pair of boxers. When he embraced her again, the exposed flesh of their upper bodies touched, unleashing between them a special kind of warmth.

Within that warmth, a heated make-out session followed, along with heavy foreplay. Now on her back, Tanya wrapped her arms and legs around her half-naked boyfriend, kissing and pawing his masculine sinews with desperate affection. He returned the favor, exploring her exposed upper body with those warm, loving hands in his. When they made contact with her breasts, she felt shivers of pleasure that turned the bitter cold she’d endured earlier into a passionate heat.

“So warm…so strong,” Tanya gasped in between the kissing and touching.

“Tayna…so beautiful,” Nick replied, his voice echoing with the burgeoning passion.

“Please, Nick…take me.”

The desperation in her tone meant stepping up the timetables of their intimacy. Tanya had some sexual experience. Some of those experiences included Nick. During those intimate moments, she often emphasized the foreplay more than the sex. Given how stressed out she often got, it took a while to get her into that state of intense arousal. In the moment unfolding before her, that was not the case.

She was very much aroused.

She was very much in need of her boyfriend’s love.

That need, however, went beyond a simple desire for satisfying adolescent hormones.

Nick must have sensed that because he ceased the fervent make-out session. For a moment, he just hovered over her, caressing her face and gazing at her with an intensity Tanya had never seen in a man. She’d seen plenty of boys admire her body, especially when half-naked. Nobody had ever looked at her with such intimate affection.

“I want this too, Tanya. God, I want this,” Nick said to her.

The implications of those words and the way in which he said them were profound. Tanya would’ve loved to contemplate at least part of it, but she and her lover had more pressing priorities.

After saying those words, he affectionately trailed his lips down her neck, steadily making his way over her breasts and core. As she took in the intimate sensations, he grasped the sides of her panties and removed them, exposing to him her moist womanhood. Shortly after, he removed his boxers, revealing that he’d worked up some intense arousal in the form of a fully-erect manhood.

Now fully naked, impassioned by forces more powerful than teenage hormones, they came together once more. Tanya spread her legs and welcomed him into another embrace. Nick eagerly accepted the invitation, laying on top of her and aligning his body with hers. That feeling of hard, masculine muscles pressing up against smooth feminine curves set the stage for their intimate act. It only required her lover to make that one, fateful move.

While gazing into her eyes, still bearing that distinct glint of deeper passion, Nick made that move. Lying on the floor, the rain still pouring outside with thunder echoing from the havens, he entered her.

“Ooh Nick!” Tanya cried out, her voice echoing over a booming chorus of thunder.

He was careful, like always. However, unlike the other times they’d had sex, Nick was intensely focused and it showed in the passionate sex that followed. When he began moving his body, turning intense desire into sensual rhythms, a steady flow of hot sensations followed.

The merging of their flesh was so seamless, as though his body had been uniquely forged to complement hers in every way. She felt it in the way her moist depths perfectly embraced his hardened member, stimulating nerves and evoking sensations that filled her with a wonderous kind of warmth. After running through a cold, stormy night, Tanya couldn’t imagine anything more soothing.

“Tanya…my love,” Nick said in his deepening daze.

“My love,” Tanya found herself repeating.

Those were heavy words, especially for a couple of teenagers having sex. That didn’t make them feel any less real. As Nick made love to her, skillfully thrusting his hips and working his body along hers, the extent of that feeling only grew. Rather than run from it, she embraced it with him.

Throwing her arms around his nick and hooking her arms around his waist, Tanya captured her boyfriend’s lips in another kiss. He eagerly returned the favor, not letting up the intimate rhythm of their sex in the slightest. In fact, he stepped up the pace, rocking her body with more fervor as the intimate feeling escalated.

Teenage hormones complemented the blossoming connection they’d forged, creating a perfect blend of lust and love. As their naked bodies moved together in perfect harmony, rolling around on the blanket as they kissed and touched without reservation, the line between the two disappeared.

It felt like something that had to happen.

It felt like a moment that fate or destiny had ordained.

Tanya had only known love that manifested in conflict, anger, and yelling. Now, she knew love in a different form and it felt so beautifully right.

“Nick! Oh Nick!” she moaned. “I love it! I…I love you!”

“Tanya…I love you too,” Nick said intently.

Between their words and their actions, Tanya didn’t see how love could possibly take a more powerful form. Flushed with energy and passion, they stepped up the intensity of their sex. Nick thrust into her faster while she raked her fingers down his back. Together, they rolled around on the floor atop the blanket, moments of playfulness finding their way into moments of passion.

It all built up towards a powerful culmination of sensations. However, the promise of a good orgasm was secondary, for once. What she and Nick created together had to be greater than that. Moreover, she wanted to share it with him. It was the only way to do justice to such a moment.

As part of that effort, she shifted their position. They finally stopped rolling around, their bodies settling into a new alignment. They were both upright, her legs hooked around his waist with his arms wrapped securely around hers. In such a state, she could gyrate her hips in accord with Nick’s movements. He also took full advantage of those muscular arms of his, supplementing each gyration with some added vigor.

With lightning still flashing outside, their naked bodies moved and danced together. It was strength supporting strength with passion fueling passion. The ultimate ecstasy was near. They just had to seize it.

“Close…I’m so close,” Tanya gasped as the feeling approached.

“Me too, Tanya. Just…a little bit more,” Nick said through determined grit.

“Together…let’s share it together.”

Their desires now every bit as aligned as their bodies, she and Nick made the final push. Harder and faster, their lovemaking intensified. Bit by bit, they approached that threshold, following the subtle cues of one another’s bodies to ensure they crossed it together. When they did, it was like diving off a cliff and into an ocean of ecstasy.

“Ohhh Nick!”

“Oohhh Tanya!”

In that fateful moment, no amount of thunder or heavy rain could drown out their cries. It wasn’t clear whether their climax was simultaneously, but it must have been close. Whatever the gap, Tanya embraced the feeling with her lover, sensing that profound connection she felt earlier blossom into something so much more.

Their sexual rhythm ceased. Under the weight of the sensations that followed, they clung go one another. She dug her nails into his shoulders while he grasped her hips. Her inner contracted while his manhood throbbed in accord with their blissful release, hot fluids mixing in a perfect manifestation of passion and desire. As she took in the feeling, Tanya locked eyes with her lover, matching the same intensity he’d shown her.

“Nick,” Tanya said, still breathless in her daze. “What you did for me…what we just…”

However, her ability to form words failed her. There was so much she wanted to tell him. She wanted so desperately to put the extent of what they’d done into words.

Before she could try, though, Nick just smiled and placed his finger over her lips. Still in his embrace, his expression told the story.

“It’s okay, Tanya,” he said to her in that calm, loving tone of his. “You don’t need to say it. I already know.”

That might have been the best thing he could’ve said. If Tanya had any doubts about being in love with Nicholas Rhodes, then they were long gone. When words became unnecessary and feelings became so clear, there was nothing left to doubt.

Without saying another word, she just smiled back and kissed him. That told him everything he needed to know, as well. Now exhausted, physically and emotionally, they each collapsed onto the floor together. Their bodies parting, Tanya laid down on top of him, soaking in his warmth and the intimate bond they’d just formed.

The rain kept pouring and the thunder kept roaring outside. It was loud, but peaceful. In her darkest hour, Tanya came to her boyfriend looking for shelter and comfort. He ended up giving her something far greater. It didn’t take any heated debate, either. On a stormy night full of so much commotion, Tanya and her lover proved that actions truly spoke louder than any amount of yelling.



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