My friends big dick [Group]

Hi everyone. I’m currently 28 years old [a guy], and I’m married with 3 kids. This isn’t really about me as much as it is my friend so I won’t really go much into detail about myself except that very average except for in the dick department. This is probably the part where you think “of course he has an above average dick”. Nope, kinda the opposite sadly.

I’m going to be making names up as I go along, but I’m thinking of going with colors, I hope you don’t mind. Obviously I’m not going to give real names. Lets call me Yellow, my friend Red, and my wife Blonde. Yes my wife is part of this, and yes it is for the reason you are probably guessing, but like I mentioned earlier, this is about him not me. So I’ll go through what I know about him in chronological order, which starts as second hand knowledge.

When I was younger I did some underage drinking, and one of these times I was hanging out with a mutual friend of Red’s and mine. At this point I knew of Red, but didn’t actually know him. Mutual friend and I had both gone late night skinny dipping at a prior date so we knew that we were similar in that we were both below average, myself more so. Following this fact we were having a conversation about guys who claimed to have big dicks but would always change in privacy when in a changing room. Red was one such person, the part that had us doubtful if he was bragging, or more specifically humble bragging, was the fact that he had disclosed to mutual friend that he thought he had a big penis. Apparently he gave the impression he thought this was a bad thing. He was a very sheltered kid though so we could both honestly believe that because it was him, he might be honest about it.

A couple years go by and Red and I become friends pretty much randomly, and my previous conversation with mutual friend was forgotten for a long time. Over time Red came out of his shell and started wearing short and sweatpants instead of cargo pants, I started to notice he almost always had a bulge, but it still wasn’t commonly noticeable because he wore those cargo pants 99% of the time. I got a girlfriend who later became my wife (aka blonde), and I started smoking pot. I tried passively for a couple years to get Red to smoke with Blonde and I, but of all things he finally agreed to smoke K2 because it was legal at the time. Apparently this was his gateway drug because he started smoking pot not long after that.

Red had a couple girls in and out of his life, all of them fairly cute also. Not that the unattractive ones didn’t occasionally show interest, he just didn’t return their attention. I’m fairly certain he was a virgin until after high school, but the number of girls who entered and exited his life was suspicious. I didn’t find out until later that they all wanted in his pants, but all eventually gave up because he didn’t “give it up”. Kinda funny having it backwards like that. I finally thought to ask blonde and she told me some girls had seen his bulge at the state fair when he’d worn shorts, and a rumor started that he was hung and they all wanted to find out, which I’m pretty sure they never did. Because of his actions another rumor started that he was gay, so the female attention ended fairly quickly.

I end up buying a duplex, with my wife and I living upstairs and Red being my first renter downstairs. Blonde and I were kinda shy about having sex for the first couple months as we were pretty sure he could hear it easily, but eventually stopped caring. Once we started living together we got to the point where we would smoke pot and hang out all day. He would also wear gym shorts around the house (which I didn’t even know he owned). He was a skinny guy so it became pretty apparent to me that we were in different leagues when it came to dick size. There was no way for my wife not to notice. Whenever she was home she would hang out with us, but didn’t ever want me to get the wrong idea so wouldn’t hang out with him alone, though they were good enough friends that they would have. Ironically I didn’t mind her checking him out because she would always get horny and we had sex nearly every night thanks to him.

One weekend in an effort to get some morning action, I brought her down with me when I went to wake Red for our weekend wake and bake. We went into his room and my wife instantly noticed he had morning wood under the sheet. He woke up pretty quickly and sat up, hiding his bulge. We sat on his bed and passed the bong around and he said he was going to go back to sleep for a bit. This worked out perfectly as my wife and I went back upstairs to bang. She was a bit of a screamer and dirty talker, but she usually restrained herself when Red was home. She definitely didn’t today and it really turned me on that I knew he could hear everything.

A couple weeks go buy and Red starts having this cute girl come over, an old friend of my wife. I actually felt pretty proud of him the first time I heard them banging. I’m not sure if that was him losing his virginity but its the first time I can confirm he had sex. I didn’t expect the sounds to last as long as they did, and was even more surprised when she stopped coming over not long after. Apparently they broke up, though I don’t know if they were ever really dating. I got my wife to ask the girl, and she said that apparently Red had too much stamina and his dick was too big. I guess I can understand why this was a problem for her as she had to be 80lbs max and was definitely under 5 feet tall. It also made me feel bad for Red and he wouldn’t talk about her with us when asked.

We occasionally took sauna’s in our underwear when my wife wasn’t around, but wore swimsuits when she was. One day were were drunk and high and were in the sauna, forgetting that blonde was coming home soon. She joined us and I didn’t think anything of it until after when he apologized for being in front of Blonde in his underwear. That when I finally realized that he was right and instead of acting offended-surprised I said something that gave the impression of being excited-surprised. He caught this and asked why, and I drunkenly told him the truth that Blonde gets horny when she sees his bulge and is guaranteed to want sex.

After this conversation he slowly and subtly started showing off to her more and more, and I honestly believe that he was doing it for my sake. I’m not saying he wasn’t enjoying it as well, but I know he was at least doing it for both of our sakes. One day that girl he’d seen for a bit came by with some shrooms and lorazepam (they make you relax and not give a shit about anything).

Because of the pills, shrooms, and weed, I’m still not sure to this day if someone suggested a foursome or if it just kinda started on its own. Drugs do some crazy shit guys, especially when mixed, as I’m sure it wouldn’t have turned out the way it did without them.

It started out with Red and his girl doing their thing and Blonde and I doing ours. We were (and I guess still are) attractive people so we were watching each other quite a bit and making comments, cheering each other on a so forth. All of us except for Reds girl anyway, she was apparently being fucked silly, and I could finally see why. Red was huge, I didn’t know his numbers at the time but I now know that he is about 8 inches long and 6 inches around. I guess I never actually gave my numbers but I’m 3.5 inches long and 4 inches around. So you can imagine how I’d be feeling inferior. Except I wasn’t because of all the drugs. It was hot as hell watching him fuck that chick silly, and his dick wasn’t even going in all the way.

I ended up finishing probably about 10 minutes in, and my wife and I smoked a bowl on the couch while we watched Red go to town on his girl. She never did get on top and he was surprisingly dominant. My favorite was when they were doing it doggy and he had her hands held behind her back with one of his hands and his other hand was on the back of her neck pushing her into the carpet.

His sexual stamina was inhuman, I don’t know where he got it all from. He’d fucked her at a steady pace for 5 to 10 minutes before switching position. My wife and I probably smoked 4 bowls over the hour we watched them fuck, even occasionally passing him the bong while he was going at it. My wife made some comments about how she never expected this out of him and that he had a huge dick. He straight up asked her if it turned her on, knowing from that she did. She admitted that she did and it was at this point that it really hit home that she was rubbing herself and that she was doing it to Red, not even trying to hide it.

It finally got to the point where his girl asked him to stop, and he said he wasn’t going to til he heard the safe word. I can respect that as she had definitely enjoyed being dominated. She asked a few more times and he finally stopped and asked her if she remembered the safe word and she told him no. He apparently fucked her stupid as I remember he’d reminded her before he penetrated.

He just stood there breathing, heavily, his dick hard as a rock while she was sprawled on the floor. He asked for the bong and took a huge hit while my wife and I sat there just staring at his dick ( I don’t think I’m bi but in my drugged up haze he gave off this super hot sex god vibe)

I still remember my wife’s words. She clearly said “It would be super hot to be fucked like that”. Normally this would have made me self conscious, but drugs. I told her she could if I could fuck Reds girl, and she agreed. We didn’t even think to ask either of them.

Red obviously heard, standing right in front of us. He just looked down at his girl and said she probably needed a break for a while, but he was good to go right now. The opportunity to fuck my wife didn’t seem to even phase him. Once again, drugs.

He asked my wife if she wanted it rough and she told him yes, but was nervous about his size and wanted him to start slow. This comment was the first one to make me self conscious since this whole thing started. Especially when Red gave my dick a considering glance before agreeing. He knew that I’d taken Blonde’s virginity, so also knew that he would be the biggest she ever had.

I’m not going to go in too much detail, but he gave her the same treatment he’d given the other girl, and while my wife was skinny, she was also a bit taller so I’m guessing that’s why she was able to take almost all of his dick. He pinned her down, pulled her hair, even lightly choked her a bit and I’ve never heard her make so much noise during sex. She squirmed almost the entire time he was fucking her and probably would have rolled away if he hadn’t held her down. I usually stop fucking her when she orgasms because she pushes me away and says shes too sensitive. She didn’t complain, but she did try to push Red away when she came but he didn’t stop. He fucked her through every orgasm she had. I didn’t start counting until about halfway through. I counted 7 times before she stopped showing signs. I don’t know if she stopped cumming or if she was constantly cumming, but she was definitely fucked stupid like her friend.

By the way, that chick didn’t wake up til hours after the shrooms wore off and I never did get to fuck her that night. Red did finally end up cumming, and took the effort to get off the carpet so he came on the hardwood floor. I probably wouldn’t have blamed him for cumming on blonde, but didn’t ask why.

My wife and Red were friendly after that, but nothing really changed surprisingly. We did talk about it and my wife admitted it was the best sex she ever had, but was almost too much and wouldn’t want it regularly. Red and I agreed that for my marriage, it wouldn’t be good to get in the habit. He suggested doing it at most once every 6 months, and getting really fucked up each time. So that’s what we did. We’d invite Red’s girl over for a foursome, he’d fuck her til she couldn’t take it anymore then do the same to my wife. I did manage to fuck the other girl twice, and it was fun, but didn’t have the excitement I thought it would. There was also the fact that the girls were always loose after Red was done with them, at least for me.

This kept going on for almost three years, and I’m still amazed that my wife and I have such a good relationship with each other and a good friendship with Red despite the sex. He ended up moving down south for work and he’s come to visit us and nearby family a couple times, but has quit doing drugs and says now that we have kids he doesn’t want to risk damaging our relationship. He is uncle Red to our kids and he loves them, and over all the years together I can say that my wife and I love him also, and if we weren’t part of a christian community and family, we would probably have a poly amorous relationship.

That’s the end of it and I guess I don’t really have any questions or concerns. I just found this subreddit, thought of Red (got turned on), and wanted to share our story.



  1. The uncle Red part is definitely a mind fuck. But it’s a great story!

    The colors was honestly a nice touch. Surprising about the Christian bit too!

  2. Definitely sounds like you’re bi! Would love to hear more about any experiences you had with Red…

  3. It’s so hot you got to see her take her second dick ever and it was huge. Even hotter they kept fucking for 3 years. Did she ever fuck any other guys

  4. Id just like to be the person to say that, based on what you said, that drugs allowed you to open your mind and as a result you had many incredible sexual experiences and it even improved your relationship with your wife while making a very respectful friend in the process. I mean, if someone really loves their partner why wouldn’t they want them to have the best sex they possibly could even if if wasn’t with you? As long as everyone is consenting of course

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