[mf] My ‘nerd gets the cheerleader’ story (long)

Finally got around to writing my story for this sub. It goes without saying that the names of people and locations in this story have been changed to protect identities. This was also written on mobile, I hope I picked out all the errors and I apologize if there are some that I missed. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my story…




Rewind back to June of 2016 just as I graduated high school,

I stood about 5’9 with a thick head of hair on a rail thin body, whiter than a blizzard of Republican senators. I was in the sense an outcast during my time at middle and high school. I was a band and art nerd who mostly kept to himself with a small group of good friends to back me up. I was bullied a bit, but I had the wits to comeback with something brutal to combat that.

“Hey KarateShark, forever alone with no prom date ya fggot.”

“Yeah, your father taught them well on how to pass on loving someone.”

I got punched every nowandthen. Shocker, I know.

I already had plans to go to State College Tech to pursue a multi-media type major. As soon as I got to campus I decided I needed to turn my entire being around. I signed up for the on campus gym and practically worked out every morning and night. Not only that but I also experienced a very late growth spurt. After my freshman year was over I grew from 5’9 to 6’3, my knees hurt like hell during that time. I had to get new clothes, shoes, everything. By the time there was a month left in school I had become completely unrecognizable from my former self. I went from the skinny nerd to a big and buff bearded man completly unrecognizable from his former self. I went from the dorky dweeby little brother to the older sister’s cool boyfriend who gives you your first beer. I even decided to use tinder for once and had a few fantastic friends with benefits type flings with 2 other fellow freshmen, one of whom I’m still good friends with to this day.

I stayed in the same room from freshman year and was rooming alone after my intended roommate dropped out. I come back a week before classes were to start and ready myself for the second semester. I wake up Wednesday morning to sound of someone moving in a door or so down from me. I couldn’t get back to sleep so I decide to hit up the gym. I pack my bag and head out the door when I bump into someone. We both instinctively say sorry to each other when I finally get a better look at her. She stood 5′ looking cute as button resembling a [young Jennifer Connelly](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/WelloffMilkyBug-mobile.mp4) but that’s not what stuck out to me the most. It then hit me that she was a classmate of mine back in high school. Her name was April and she was a star cheerleader embedded with the popular kids, however she wasn’t anything like the self centered douchecanoes in that clique and was one of the sweetest persons in the entire school. I had 3rd period american history my senior year with her, even worked alongside her on a group project and got along great with her from the little times I talked to her. I don’t know if she remembered who I was nor do I think she’d recognize me even if she did. I realized she was moving onto my floor as I walk on past to get to the gym, and I was interested in seeing if I could chat her up.

Later on that night I find myself working on some side projects on my laptop in the floor lounge while watching reruns of Reno 911 on the TV. I’m doing some graphic designs for a school magazine when I hear the lounge door open. I jerk up to see that it’s April. “Hi!” She said in her sweet natured tone.

“Hey.” I shoot back at her as I let her use the kitchen.

She takes a second or two to pop a frozen pizza in the oven before popping her head back up like a prairie dog point at the TV. “Reno 911?” She asks me.

“Sure is.” I reply.

“It’s one of my favorite shows.” She says as she’s about to head out the lounge.

I go back to my work when I get a feeling in my gut telling me to talk to her. “Hey!” I say to get her attention, stopping her in the doorframe. “Did you by chance go to North High over in Citytown?”

“Yeah I did!” She shoots back with a smile.

“Graduate in 16?”


“Did you have American History with Mrs. Teacherlady?”

“I did” She tells me, “Were you in third period also? Im sorry, I don’t recognize you.”

I try and remember what was the group project we did before finals way back then. “Remember the group project on the Vietnam War towards finals?”

April stands there processing for a bit. “Are you Marcus?”

“Nah, I’m pretty sure he goes to University State A&M.” I reply with.

It slowly started to dawn on her. She stood there shocked now having put two and two together. “Oh my god… are you KarateShark?” She says aghast in what I’ve turned into.

I was stunned she remembered my name, we only had a few small conversations during class and I wasn’t expecting her to know me at all. “Yup. April, right?”

“Yes! Holy shit, you’ve changed so much!” She says in absolute disbelief.

“I’m just as stunned as you are honestly.”

“No really, I can’t believe this is you!”

I chuckle a bit before she ends up sitting down on the couch across from me as we start up a conversation. I found out she transferred from an out of state college before she decided to transfer to my college. We also both talked about how we both hated our high school and both our hardships going through it all. I told her about the bullying I experienced at the hands of the jocks and she told me the shit the popular crowd pulled on her. She told me how she dated the star wide receiver from sophomore year until a tiny bit after graduation before they broke up after he got too full of himself after snagging a D1 scholarship and slept with a bunch of other girls in our town behind her back (jokes on him, he ended up being booted off the team after one season for behavioral reasons before joining a D3 school that hasn’t had a winning season since Kerry lost to Bush)

It was so nice to finally talk with her, I always knew she was more than just a pretty face. We lost track of time talking with one another because we were hitting it off so well that April ended up burning the pizza she placed in the oven. Thankfully it didn’t set off the fire alarm as the two of us wind up getting food at a nearby burrito place. We carried on our lively conversation well on after we ate and back into the floor lounge. We exchanged numbers after we both decided to part ways for now. I close my door behind me and crash onto my futon feeling like I won the lottery. I never thought in a million years I’d be making good friends with the cutest girl that I’ve ever encountered but life is strange like that sometimes.

As the school year progressed onward we became closer and closer friends. We got lunch and dinner plenty if times, we’ve helped each other with homework, and enjoyed having each other in our lives. We started to bond early on due to our shared die hard love of both Reno 911 and Tim and Eric. She had all the Reno 911 seasons on DVD in her room and knew pretty much every single Cinco Corp product by heart. In fact, about 75% of the time we got food at either the campus cafeteria or elswhere we would always quote lines from the [Cinco Food Tube sketch](https://youtu.be/R-o7YG3x0DI), saying “me me want some chicken” “me so hungry” “me me I’m a tube man” to each other getting weird looks from everyone who was within earshot. It was moments like those that I knew she was something special. I was a bit paranoid that she was only into me because of my drastically much more desirable appearance, but I could tell that she was her genuine natural self whenever she was with me. No sort of high school social hierarchy and toxic clique culture to distort who she can and can’t talk to anymore. I could tell that this was the real April and I could tell she liked me for who I was too. It all happened so fast, it as almost as if we were kindred spirits. We both came out of our shells for each other.

On the Friday after Halloween a friend of mine who’s a musician invites me to a house show about a few blocks away. I finally caved in and went to a party for once. I get there a little early and share a blunt with my friend before the shows starts when to my shock I see none other than April with some of her friends too walk through the door. “KarateShark!” She says in a vibrant tone.

“April! What’s up?” I say as she gives me a quick hug.

I wondered why she was here as it turns out one a friend of April is in one of the other bands performing at that show. We both converse a ton between each other and her group of friends she was with. Her friends all took a liking to me and I even recognized one of them from the campus gym. We migrate to the basement and wait for the show to start as I stand beside April wearing a black tank top, light blue denim shorts, and white tennis shoes looking absolutely astonishing. Before we knew it we were crossfaded and dancing to the music. With one song set under way April slowly starts to gravitate towards me and I’m starting to take notice too. Our hands find each others as she slowly sways back and forth with her back towards me.

As the night grew onward April and I were dancing more closer to each other. She looked up at me with her twinkling eyes in a way I never imagined she’d look at me. Time stood still for god knows how long before we hear, “COPS!” and everyone starts to panic. I spot a door leading up to the backyard and hurry April and myself out along with her friends. We cut through the neighbors backyard and escape without a problem. We all run a few blocks down to ensure no one was following us before we all shared a laugh. We all decide to head to the same burrito place April first went to at the beginning if the year and waste another hour there talking with April and her lovely friends. Eventually we all head back to the dorms and lost of us part was except me, April, and her roommate Heidi. We get to our floor as April stops me to have a quick word with me. “I’ll meet you back at the room, I want to talk with KarateShark a for a sec.” April tells Heidi.

My heart starts to pound as I could feel something big is about to happen. “What are you doing tomorrow?” April asked as she bit her lip slightly.

“Lazy day, just doing art projects.” I reply with.

“You maybe want to hang out at your room? Maybe watch some college football?” April says as her eyes light up more and more.

“Sounds great! I’ll text you when I’m awake.” I say before we part ways into our rooms.

I wake up the next day and shower before I text April. She comes over a little bit after I shower. She’s wearing grey sweatpants and the same black tank top she was in last night but she still looked as adorable as ever. We both do homework before getting sidetracked by whatever game we were watching. Sitting side by side on my couch with a blanket over the both of us as I felt April rest her head on my shoulder. With my brain on autopilot I ask about last night. “What was with you dancing with me like that last night?”


“Last night.”

“Oh yeah *chuckles* sorry I was pretty high last night.”

“No, it’s fine. I was just kind of surprised you’d do that with me.”

April adjusts herself to face me better. “Well… I mean…” she says in a half stutter.


“What’s not to like about you?”

I’m stunned by this. “What do you mean?”

“I feel like I’ve discovered a whole new person in you, that’s all. You’re such a sweet and caring friend who never fails to make me smile. Most of my life was spent around pretenders and it was draining on me. Whenever I tried to act wo I was I was I was always wrangled back into line. I can be my true and honest self when I’m around you, and I treasure that so much KarateShark.”

I’m left speechless by this. Her words shook through my body like an earthquake. “That’s the most amazing thing anyone has said to me.” I say with sincerity.

“Don’t mention it, now that all that high school bullshit is behind us I can finally be who I am. I wasn’t who I was all throughout high school, it was all an act. All that preppy fucking bullshit was never me, it was something that I was wedged into. I hated the crowd I was with and was too scared to deviate from them.”

“I completely understand that April.”

“I know you would, nobody else did in high school. I hated being popular, it seems desirable but it’s not KarateShark, I wish I blended in with everyone else rather than be atop the food chain. I bet this is all asinine to you given who you used to be but I’m telling you the truth.”

“I never doubted it for a second. You’ve told me some awful stories.”

“And so have you.”

“It’s all over now though thankfully.” I reply with.

“Right? I would’ve gotten so much shit if I would’ve tried talking to you outside of class then. Nothing against you at all.”

“I totally understand your point of view.”

“Right, I hope I’m not sounding like a bitch for that.”

“You never were, you were always incredibly sweet to everyone.”

“You were really sweet too. You never deserved the things done to you.”

This statement hit me so hard. I never knew she cared for me back then. I was in absolute disbelief at this. April pipes up again and says, “I never thought I’d connect with you so well.”

“Me neither.”

“I’m sorry about the dancing last night, we’re friends and I don’t want to ruin it.”

“We only danced, we didn’t fuck April.”

“I know, I just don’t want to lose you that’s all.”

“Don’t make a big deal about it, I’m sorry I asked.”

“Don’t be KarateShark, I just like you a lot that’s all.”

I had no clue whether this was weird wording or if she genuinely does like me. “How so?” I question.

I can see April getting a tad bit flustered. “Well… uh…”

“Come on, you can tell me.” I say with my heart beating out of my chest.

“I like you a lot as a friend KarateShark, but part of me is thinking something else. Like, I’ve never met a guy like you.”

Is she implying what I think she’s implying? “Do you have a crush on me?” I say as April’s face blushes red like a tomato.

“……..maybe” She whimpers to me.

My head starts to race and my heart starts to pound in my chest. I couldn’t believe that this is really happening, but at the same time I really do want to preserve what I have with her. “April I’m honestly flattered, I really am, but I think we should wait on that a bit. I don’t want this to be a heat of the moment thing and end up ruining what we have.” I say as I’m staring into her beautiful blue eyes.

“I understand, I agree on that.” April says back.

“Let’s wait a week on this alright?”

“Deal.” She says just as we decide to get back to doing homework.

After April left an hour later I sat back and pondered real hard at whether I want to take things to the next level with her. I loved having April as a friend but part of me was saying that I should take this shot. I thought about it until the next day when I finally convinced myself that I should go for it. I got out of the shower only to see April come out to do her morning routine as well. “Hey there!” She says to me in a cheery tone.

“Doing anything tonight?” I shoot back at her. “I’ve thought about what you said yesterday.”

April freezes in place. “Yeah?”

“You maybe want to hang again tonight?” I question to her.

I see April’s eyes widen up with excitement. “What time?”

“7 sound okay?”

“Sounds perfect.”

“Alright, see you then.” I say as I pass by her to get to my room.

I spend the day doing homework and freshening up my place as we both agreed to order in a pizza, watch some Sunday Night Football, and see where the wind takes us. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen between us that night, however I did buy some in the event that the planets align and we do something. Seven o’clock came about, snagged the pizza and told April to come over. I hear a knock at my door and anwser it to see April wearing light pink sweatpants with a blue tshirt, and white slippers. I could tell she was wearing little to no makeup, but she still looked absolutely jawdroppingly beautiful. We share a quick hug before we migrate to my futon and nest ourselves in. I try and muster up the courage to say something to her. “You look adorable by way.” I say with the most confidence over spoken in.

April laughs and blushes a tiny bit before replying with, “You’re looking really cute yourself KarateShark” as she nestles closer to me.

We eat our feast and eventually snuggle up against each other watching football with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Under the blanket that’s over us my hand finds April’s as gives it a sweet little squeeze. She looks back up at me with her big adoring puppy dog eyes as I look back down at her. We both get lost looking at each as we slowly lurch towards each other until we meet with a long soft kiss on each others lips. We slowly start to make out with April on top of me until she collapses on top of me, snuggling into me as I wrap my arms around her. It was apparent we weren’t going to do anything beyond that but I couldn’t care less. I couldn’t care less if I was living out every needs fantasy of getting with the cheerleader, I didn’t view it as that for one second because I genuinely treasured April as a person. She’s such a sweet and beautiful soul and I’m glad I could be in the embrace of a woman so fantastic.

She ended up spending the night at my room since we didn’t have school the coming monday due to academic advisements. We woke up at around 7am and got breakfast at the school cafeteria before adjourning to her room to do homework and rewatch her Reno 911 DVDs. We slowly blow off homework as April pulls out her wax pen and offers it to me. We puff and pass it back and forth before we’re snuggling up on her bed. I cradle her body in a soft embrace as give her a small kiss on her neck causing her to melt in my arms. “You’re such a sweetheart.” April hushes to me as I snuggle in closer to her.

We spent another hour or so there just snuggling and kissing every nowandthen. I left after Heidi came back from her advisement appointment as April and I said we should make plans for another date sometime soon. I go back to my room and go to the gym feeling like a million dollars. I can’t believe that I’m in a relationship for once in my life, and that it’s with someone who’s just as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. My heart was humming and I felt like I was walking off the ground with happiness as I marched to the gym.

April and I eventually made plans to go on a hike along a nature trail not too far off campus a few days later. We leave an hour or two before sunset as we set out to admire the autumn scenery by ourselves. We both goof around, take silly snapchat photos, the usual young college couple cliches. As the sun is just about to set along the river we both stand and admire how beautiful the sight is before we share a long pass kiss between us and go back to my room. We immediately started to make out as soon as I closed the door. I love how soft and sweet her kisses are, she’s truly a doll. I back into the couch as April straddles my lap holding onto me tight. We continue kissing until we stop and stare at each other getting lost within ourselves again. April bites her lip as I tuck a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. “We don’t have to go any further if you want to.” April says to me.

“I was going to ask the same thing.” I retort as we both chuckle.

“You really want to do this hun?”

“April I want you.”

“I want you too KarateShark.”

We kiss each other wildly as April shuffles out if her shirt and bra. Her 34c sized breats bounced along with her, they were the most beautiful pair I’ve ever laid eyes on. I kiss her chest before I play with her picture perfect breasts, giving them a gentle suck. Turns out her nipples are really sensitive and this drives her wild. She squirms and bucks up and down on my crotch area as I become more and more aroused as well. My hands slip down onto her waste as I start to run my hands along her thighs and ass. I take one of my hands and start to rub her pussy through her grey leggings. April gasps a bit as I kiss her neck a bit. “Sensitive there too?” I grunt to her before she squeaks out a “mhmmm” in a way that made me want to fuck her more than anything.

I slip my hand down the front side of her pants and start to fiddle with her pussy. She was already incredibly soaked before I even touched it. In a windshield wiper motion I strum her saturated slit as my hand becomes completely soaked after one minute of play. “Stop, Stop!” April says frantically, freaking me out thinking I did something wrong. “Let me take these off, I don’t want them ruined.” She says quelling my nerves.

I allow her to strip completely nude as I have her sit down beside me. I turn my body horizontally from hers as I slip my fingers inside her while I sucked on her nipples. April was huffing and puffing the entire way, her pussy splashed against my fingers and the sound of her squelching against my digits made me incredibly hard. I interchange from fingering her to teasing her clit as she’s in for one hell of a roller coaster ride. I could tell April loved ever second of this and I wanted to make this last as long as possible for her.

After a half hour of fingerplay April is rubbing the outline of my cock in my pants and is desperate for a taste. I leave her panting and begging for more as I slip my fingers out of her and stand up to undo my pants. I sit back down as April kneels in front of me as she teases my cock for a bit obviously admiring what’s before her. I could tell in the look in her eyes its been a while she’s had a dick worth a damn.

She kisses the top of the head and slowly starts to take on my 7.5″ cock. I close my eyes and roll my head back as the pleasure consumes my entire body. She really knew what she was going and she had been wasting her talents on absolute scrubs. “You’re doing so good baby, you’re doing so good.” I moan out. April giggles with my cock jammed in her mouth as she continues to work me good for another five minutes or so. I could feel that I’m close to burst so I hatched an idea. “Let off me, let off me, I wanna try something.” I bark at her.

April let’s off still looking at me with wonderous lust embedded in her glare as I pull her back onto the couch. I slip my fingers inside her once again and start pumling her good again. She was even more soaked than before and I wasn’t going to halt or slow my speed anytime soon. She splashed and squished against my fingers as some of her juices pool off onto my hands. I’m in absolute awe at it as April eyes have rolled completely into the back of her head as I become more vigorous with my fingering. April started to moan loudly as I put my free hand over her mouth as to not disturb our floor as I could feel her pussy tighten around me and spill her juices out onto my hand and futon. It wasn’t squirting, more so like a dam breaking, I couldn’t care less as this left the two of us in shock. I finish up finger her and look back at her face awash with happiness and disbelief. “HOLY FUCK KARATESHARK!” April huffs out, “Holy FUCKING shit that was amazing.”

April plants a forceful kiss on me, then another, then more, she’s smothering me with her soft smooches and I love it. I reposition myself on laying lengthwise on the futon as I ready for April to ride me. She hops on my cock with ease and starts to buck back and forth on me. I didn’t have to do anything, she took the reins and rode me like a champ. My hands are exploring up and down her beautiful body, spanking her juicy ass, pinching her nipples, the whole ball of wax. I pulled all the stops for her, I wasn’t giving 110% I was giving 120%. We both fucked each other like our lives depended on it.

My cock squished against the walls of her tight slit as April bends down to kiss me once again as my hands latch onto her waist. She slips in some tounge as I do the same. We eventually switched positions as I was now fucking missionary style. My cock slid back and forth inside her as April was fiddling with her clit as I was pounding her. I plant a deep kiss on her lips as we grab hold of our wrists for better leverage fucking her. April bounced against my cock as she was doing her absolute best to hold her moans, eventually covering her face with a pillow I had next to her to stifle herself. This works to a degree but I could definitely sense that if someone was outside my dood that they would definitely hear us. I still pounded away at April planting a series of loving kisses on her face and neck. April flips over to be fucked doggy as I could feel my tank starting to run empty, I can’t go on for longer until I burst. “Where do you want me to finish?” I ask.

“Don’t care, just not in me.” April pants to me as I slip my cock in her again.

I spank her plump little ass red as April bounced against me leaving ripples on her asscheeks as they made impact on me. We latch on wrists as we both prepare for the final leg of the race. April was just crusing along at this point obviously completely satisfied at this point but enjoying the remainder of the ride with the same level of enthusiasm. She jerks head back at me saying “You’re so fucking good baby” over and over again until I finally pulled out and finished on her back. We both marvel at the sex we just had before I tossed her a small hand towel to clean herself off with. April wipes away my cum and puts her clothes back on as we partake in post sex cuddling and kissing. She stayed over another half hour before returning to her room. Before she left she turned to give me a loving kiss before saying, “I’ll see you again soon hun!” before walking out the door.

I thought that night would be the end of our relationship, I still felt like we were friends and that having sex would ruin our interaction with one another. I thought it would be too good to be true, but luckily that wasn’t the case. Our relationship grew stronger and stronger and our love for one another grew larger and larger. A month of happily dating later and we both are back home for winter break with so many of our classmates in absolute shock at our relationship. If I would’ve know I’d be dating April back in junior year I would’ve been talking so much shit to the jocks. I thought April’s popular high school friends would shun her for dating the nerd but they were incredibly happy for both her for finding someone she truly loves and at me for my stunning transformation.

In about one month April and I will be celebrating our two year anniversary, since dating we’ve made so many precious memories and even more stories to share. Once the 2018 spring semester finished up we both moved into separate apartments for our junior year until we decided to move in together a month ago. Once we’re both done with college in May I fully intend on making April my wife as soon as possible. Words cannot express the amount of love, respect, and gratitude I have for her. I’m not religious at all but I truly do think sometimes that April is a gift from god, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d9dzw1/mf_my_nerd_gets_the_cheerleader_story_long


  1. That was a awesome story man and congrats to you sounds like a true sole mate you found don’t loose her take care of her

  2. Very well written descriptions. Super sexy, and a great story. Would enjoy reading more about you two!

  3. This was written by a 30 year old. No one that graduated in the last decade is making Bush/Kerry references.

  4. Why is it always 7.5 inches? I mean for fucks sake why do dudes always bullshit themselves writing these fucking stories? You know it’s ok to have a 5 inch right?

    Why not make it 14 inches just for kicks, eh? It’ll be just as true as the rest of it.

  5. Never mind the sex part, I need more wholesome stories like this, the buildup was amazing

  6. R/wholesomeNSFW. Great story, just brought a little bit of a tear to this reformed nerds eye.

  7. Great story. I wish you guys nothing else but happiness, love, and plenty of crazy sex!

    Cant wait to hear more stories and possibly pics???? ;)

  8. Damn that was a long read, but also the best ive ever read on here! Ur writing skills are on point, wish you 2 the best of luck together!

  9. Damn I’m kinda depressed now cause I don’t think I’ll ever have something like that…

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