Bloody Bisexual Bridesmaid Bang [FF]

Growing up as a conservative evangelical Christian in the American South, it was drilled into me that homosexuality was a sin. My friends and I used to kneel together and pray that we would be kept pure and never be “turned gay”, so it doesn’t surprise me now that it took me until the end of college to feel comfortable enough to start exploring my bisexuality.

Senior year of college, I was dating a really great guy. We looked like your picture-perfect straight couple with eyes for only each other and had frequent, fun sex. But despite my great partner and the hours of homophobic prayers in my youth, I couldn’t stop thinking about having sex with women. I’d never done it, but it dominated my thoughts and fantasies every day for weeks. What would it be like to taste another woman’s pussy? To feel her tits in my hands? To be kissed by a girl?

At the height of all this questioning, my cousin’s wedding came around. She was raised with the same beliefs I was, but, unlike me, still clung to them. I packed my bridesmaid dress and heels, kissed my boyfriend goodbye, and went off to bear witness as she promised to submit to her new husband in all things till death do they part.

The weekend was filled with all the fun, cliche things many brides do before they get hitched. We went to one of those wine and painting nights and all went home with a painting of wine. We tried on dresses and shoes and drank and gossiped behind the bride’s back about our opinions on her intended. Later, the other bridesmaids – all of whom I knew from growing up in the church together – and I swapped stories about losing our faith and virginities and speculated about whether or not the wedding night would actually be the first time for the conservative bride and groom. I suspected it would be the first. Jenny suspected it would not.

Jenny and I had known each other for a long time, but never very well. I had a crush on her brother in middle school, but she was too young at the time for me to pay much attention, and I wasn’t open to being bi yet, so she had always just been my friend’s little sister. But now that we were both young adults, I saw her with fresh eyes. She was so so cute: big, unruly red hair, a wonky smile that lit up her whole face and gave her those eye-crinkles that are just the ticket for me, a petite frame but with plenty of gorgeous body to hold on to, and huge boobs that I knew I would get lost in if I had the chance and wasn’t careful. So cute, but also so married.

After our long day of bachelorette-ing, we all went back to the house we were staying at for the weekend and headed toward bed. Jenny and I, who happened to be sharing a room and a bed, stayed up chatting. She told me all about how, before marrying her husband, she used to date girls and really missed that. I told her how I was coming to the realization that I’m bi and wanting to explore that. I asked her to tell me more and started to feel the ache she felt as she missed her old freedom to be with women. I knew she understood when I told her just how badly I wished I knew what that was like.

As we lay in the dark together, under the covers, she asked me, “Do you want to try it?”

“Try what?” I asked, scared that she might be offering exactly what I thought she was offering, and hoping that she was.

Jenny rolled over and put her hand on my ribs just below my breast. Pulling herself in closer, she started to kiss me. “This.” she said.

I tentatively put my hand on the back of her head and pulled her in for another kiss. All hesitance disappeared as her lips met mine again and we began to make out in earnest. Her mouth was small and eager; she bit my lower lip and I slid my tongue towards hers. With confidence this time, I reached up and buried one hand in her hair while I kissed her neck just below her jaw. With my other hand, I felt her tit and ran my thumb over her nipple. Her tits were so big that I could easily have used both hands to cup one. Jenny closed her eyes and let out a little sound, breathing heavily and smiling.

We kissed each other’s mouths, necks, ears, breasts. I ran my hands over her soft body and she started to suck my nipples. Letting out a little moan, I pulled her on top of me and grabbed her ass. And what an ass! She ran her hands over me as she gently bit my nipple. Soon her hand was between my legs, burying her fingers in my thigh in that way that lovers do when they’d rather be burying their fingers in something else.

She kissed me again, hard, and pulled back. “Is this ok?”

“Jenny this is incredible. You’re so gorgeous. But,” I propped myself up on my elbows, “is it ok for you? You’re married!”

Jenny winked at me. “My husband will understand.”

She squeezed my inner thigh again and then moved her hand up to my clit. She stroked it with just the right amount of pressure and watched as I tilted my head back with pleasure. My breaths came out shorter and my moans came out louder and I found myself reaching for her clit. She told me she was on her period; I told her I didn’t care. I started mirroring what she was doing to my clit and watched as she tilted her head back with pleasure. She flicked her fingers over my clit faster and faster. It felt incredible, so I did the same to hers. We moaned together and I pulled her back in to kiss me again.

I slid two fingers inside her, then deeper when I heard her breath catch and felt her pussy tighten around my fingers. She bit her lip and gasped as I stroked the inside of her pussy harder and harder. Jenny reached for my clit again, rubbing at that just-right speed and pressure. She took my nipple between her teeth and slipped her fingers inside me. Then she moved her mouth lower and lower until she was kissing just above my clit. She licked my clit, first slow and hard, then quick and light, then faster and faster and harder and harder. I forgot what I was doing to her pussy and forgot where we were and forgot everything else but what it felt like to have her fingers inside my pussy and her tongue licking my clit.

Finally we had exhausted each other. Neither of us had orgasmed, but we were both happy and satisfied all the same. Full of endorphins and warm feelings, we kissed again and lay back on the pillows, smiling at each other. “That was amazing. Thank you so much, Jenny.” She smiled even bigger – those eye crinkles! – and squeezed my thigh. We fell asleep spooning.

The next morning, Jenny and I rolled out of bed and groggily stumbled to the bathroom to brush our teeth. I looked down at my hands and saw a little blood dried around my nails and in the crevices of my knuckles. I laughed, remembering that my fingers had been inside a cute girl’s period pussy the night before. With a toothbrush in my mouth and a face covered in toothpaste, I grinned and said, “Jenny – we fucked last night.”

She winked at me and grinned back. “We did somethin’.”

The rest of the wedding weekend went more or less as expected. Vows of faithfulness were shared, my cousin promised to submit to her groom and he promised to protect her in return. Jenny and I shared a knowing, unrepentant look when the pastor started talking about how holy relationships are between one man and one woman. I’ve never told my cousin – or anyone in our conservative family – about mine and Jenny’s tryst, but I remember her wedding anniversary every year and smile to myself, thinking of my first time with another girl.



  1. Nicely written, and if that wasn’t enough, upvoted for the awesome title, if nothing else.

  2. Well technically if you have a man in your equation it’s a bisexual act if you want to use a semantics and get technical but all the constant obsessing over not turning gay is what kept it on your mind and usually the people that are telling you how to behave morally I doing so because you’re trying to deflect suspicion away from them doing that very same sin, ever notice how it’s always the conservative religious Republican politician who gets caught at a glory hole in an airport bathroom? Also why do members of the Senate and Congress have laws in place making them immune to sexual misconduct charges?

  3. Sometimes there’s no orgasm and it doesn’t detract one bit from the encounter.

    Hot story.

  4. WOW thank you everyone for the upvotes an the win for the monthly contest! I’m so pumped y’all like my skanky little story!

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