Jessica’s Freedom – Chapter Five [Mind Break] [Rape] [Bondage] [Teen] [Crying] [Cunnilingus] [Kissing] [Sadism] [MF] [Biting] [Abuse] [Torture] [Sex Toys] [Slave] [Gangbang] [Age Difference]

**This story is by and for adults and is purely fiction and fantasy. This story is purely for private enjoyment within one’s own imagination and does not condone any real life actions**

#Part One – Jessica’s Torment

[Chapter One](

[Chapter Two](

[Chapter Three](

#Part Two – Jessica’s Despair

[Chapter One](

[Chapter Two](

[Chapter Three](

#Part Three – Jessica’s Freedom

[Chapter One](

[Chapter Two](

[Chapter Three](

[Chapter Four](

The end of Jessica’s story. For now at least. I wasn’t sure how to end it, and I hope this is a good chapter for you all and has been an exciting story at the very least. I’m not the greatest writer but I hope I’m getting better. I may want to return to this world someday. There’s also an alternate ending to Jessica’s story I’d like to try writing, which was the route I was originally going to take.

I have many other story ideas I’d like to explore, some of the same taboo caliber this has been, but many that will be much less so.

Expect more from me despite my frequent absence ^_^

Michael had feared for what might happen once he woke up – after all he had collapsed upon his pet, completely exposed, vulnerable to a piercing of teeth into his neck. He was just so exhausted and, as much as he had broken her in, their time together had found a resolute, deep rebellion within her that simply wouldn’t die. But he awoke to a vulnerable, broken, gorgeous pet, all according to plan. And, he knew, that ember of resistance would flare up in her again and again, creating a wonderful world of continuous shattering of her heart. She would probably give up eventually. But for the time being, as he looked down upon her weakness, he knew she was too miserable and afraid to attempt escape. Last night would have been her chance, he admitted, due to his carelessness.

But now her fate was sealed.

He would never be careless with her future again.

What would have excited him even more would be to know how Jessica’s inner world confirmed his suspicions. She had a chance, a *real* chance at freedom and she was too afraid to take it. Too weak to hope for anything more. Too addicted to the spikes of wonderment the sting of knives and the penetration of cock had become for her.

She sobbed as Michael’s morning breath entered her throat. He kissed her, rubbing her tears all over herself.

“I think we finally, after all this time, understand each other, don’t we?” he said between breaths, messing up her face with his mouth and fingers.

Jessica’s blank eyes leaked tears, staring up at the ceiling.

“I love you, Jessica… God, I love you so much.”

Jessica’s lips shivered beneath his passion. “Please kill me,” she begged, when his mouth allowed her breath. “Just let me die…” The only thing she could beg for. The only thing she was strong enough to mutter.

Michael’s cock raged, picking up that innocent desperation. He clasped her face and stared into that infinite sadness. His eyes and smile were on fire. “Never!” he shouted, kissing her deeper and deeper, his kissing quickly becoming a sucking. She gagged at how far his tongue pushed. His sucks were gunshots upon release and his hands pushed themselves into her flesh with a strange, unfamiliar force, despite how much she had taken from him over the many months. His breath made her face hot and soaked, his teeth sunk into her tongue and lips. His fingers scratched and pressed into the scars along her chest which spelled out those awful words she would bear forever.

“I’ll never kill you, Jessica,” he spoke her name more than calling her *slave-girl* now. It made her body flutter with a strange mutation of admiration and fear. “And I know you’re both too afraid to kill yourself and too much of a pervert to run away from all this.” He was still so intense but had overtaken her body with an aggressive tenderness now, speaking into her neck, nibbling it between sentences. Her knees drew together as she ached for a deeper touch – a stronger penetration.

Then, he moved quickly. He practically ripped away the ropes that bound her ankles and wrists. For the first time in a long time her body was free to move.

They were both still for a moment. Then, she fought him as he lunged at her, to her surprise and his.

Michael laughed. “Aha! Oh, fuck yeah, fight back! Resist me!”

She was terrified of his vigor and that terror made it all the more exciting. It was all so confusing and woozy, the conflict of the fear spiking her own longing for him to dominate her. She fought, thinking it was for her freedom, but perhaps it was to give him a fight, so he would overtake her even *harder*. This made her cry more, making her weak and panicked. He got her to her stomach with a few slaps and a firm grip that threatened to snap her forearms. One hand was enough to restrain her arms behind her and the other hand gripped her hair, keeping her completely pinned.

Michael drooled at the sight of her. Her back rose and fell with intense breath. The side of her face could be seen, closed eyes with upturned brows, a red face and drooling mouth, all of it culminating into the prime state of a female. Her body curved outward at the waist, such an hourglass, such a perfect ass, streaked with months of abuse but the flesh was still soft and delicious.

He kept her arms behind her as his other hand explored the backs of her squeezable thighs. They were still so impossibly silky, squishy and succulent. The perfect amount. The softness and yielding of her entire being drove him mad, but he desired to prolong it all as long as he could. It was his day off before returning to work, so he wanted to make this heaven last.

She shifted and whimpered as he rubbed and squeezed her legs, squeezing her arms even harder when she tugged. Then, with his knees he kept her thighs apart and, reeling back, delivered strike after strike with an open palm between her legs.

Jessica’s eyes snapped open, her breath caught in her chest from the sharp stabs of pain – the intense throbs of ache reverberating up through her vaginal walls into her brain every slap gave her. Wasn’t long until she screamed, deep groans of frustration beneath them, the slaps becoming wetter and louder with time. Michael was facing toward her destroyed, burned, cut up feet, his weight keeping her breath shallow and her arms pinned. He kept on hitting, even when her voice pierced his ears and her desperate shrieking sobs struck his heart with the natural empathy that exists in all people – but he chose to ignore it.

She strained and pushed up against him but he gripped her ass, hands sinking into her still meaty flesh and buried his face into it, leaving Jessica as a stirring ball of weakness as his tongue moved. His palm still struck down onto her thighs with loud impacts. His bulge humped into her pinned arms. He licked and licked and Jessica could only drool and keep her face pushed into the cushion of the bed, stained with her own sweat and juices from yesterday.

Michael bit her cheeks and slapped again and again wherever he could, never letting up the pain. Jessica sobbed and gritted her teeth, begging him to stop. It only made him hump, bite and smack harder. She felt her brain scrambling, his teeth and tongue so good sinking into her skin, his palm demolishing her pussy.

Michael moved her again and she was completely limp. He turned her around, lifting her up. Her back arched and he held her, completely in control. He giggled and took a bite of the front of her throat as he hugged her close. She yelped – her body convulsed as he sucked and nibbled her throat – and her hips were grinding into his bulge as she sat on top of him, cumming hard, soaking his jeans. Her voice let loose moaning from the deep vibrations that had been building up. Her lips shook and she whimpered as the convulsions ceased and he caressed her and kissed her deeply, pinching the scars on her chest.

“Dirty, dirty, filthy slut,” he whispered. She tried kissing back but the pinches hurt too bad and she simply drooled as he kissed her agape mouth.


Michael played with her for a long time before finally bursting his load inside of her. Hours of torturing her damaged and scarred feet, slapping and beating her, dry humping her face while he devoured her between her legs. Jessica had to be manhandled eventually, having no more strength to move on her own. She had become nothing but clenches and throbs, her pussy bursting at the seams with pleasure and continuous orgasm. He lifted her and fucked her as she sat on top, using all his strength to hold her tight and thrust up inside.

Jessica melted into her master, her hips vibrating and her pussy desperate to crush his cock and be torn apart by it all at once. He was constantly deep inside her, and the pressure upon her clit was too much to handle especially when she would swing her hips forward and squeeze around him with all her remaining strength. His mouth kissing her neck from all angles made her wrap her arms around him and they became one body – his cum burst past her flood and her orgasm overtook his and they humped and moaned and gasped, came and came and vanished from reality into those moments of impossible ecstasy.


When they came down, they were still gripping each other. Michael, for the first time in his life broke past his distant act as a master. From the moment he laid eyes on Jessica, she was an innocent cheerleader he wanted to ruin. His sexual desire for her was immense and near insatiable, no matter how much he would fantasize about her or, when he finally caught her, no matter how many times he would rape or torture her in the ways he always dreamed of.

Always, he had wanted to take a dominant stance, tell her how much he wanted her swimming in a sea of despair, remind her that she is unloved and alone, only existing for men to find pleasure in her.

However, this day would mark a change in their relationship. During these hours of their fucking Michael had felt more passion and love than ever before. He had, indeed, always loved her in a sick way, but now it was so much more prevalent. Her face was messy with tears and spit. Her hair was a mess. Her body red and sweaty, her skin so perfect, the scars making it better, everything about her was wonderfully, unbearably perfect. Her eyes glistened and entranced him.

He had been a fool, he realized as they stared at one another. All this time he had an incredible gift before him that most men could only dream of and never achieve. A loyal slave girl. He should have been smothering her in his love for so much longer. She was all his after all! He would never marry, never have a real relationship… Jessica was all he had. His hands rubbed themselves across the words along her chest which were gnarled, red and almost unreadable – but they both knew what they said.

“This is your mark,” he told her, “That you’re all mine.” He breathed heavy and deep. “I’m so stupid… I’ve been allowing all these men to have you. Wasting time by leaving you in the darkness and the cold. God, what if they killed you? What if you died from the cold or from lack of nourishment?”

Jessica shook in his grip, swallowed her built up saliva, struggled to understand what was happening.

“You’re all I have, Jessica,” Michael said, “In all our months together I never came harder than just then. Never fucked you deeper I don’t think, even if it wasn’t as intense as other times. Us holding each other like that,” He grinned. “You’re *my* slave. No one else’s. I should have been keeping you all to myself. Never letting you out of my sight, out of my presence.”

Jessica struggled to breathe.

Michael tensed his cock inside her, hard again. She fell deep into a place she’d never return from. His eyes held her in prison forever.

“I love you, Jessica. I know you love me. I know *I’m* all *you* have now. I’m your master,” his hands ran through her hair and massaged her face and neck. “All the pain I give to you from now on will be from the heart. All my love will be clear. And I want nothing more than for you to love it all and to love me. You will give in to everything I desire and crave to do to you, whether it’s the darkest, sickest, sadistic hunger or the most passionate, longing love-making. I’ll hurt you until you hate me, beat you and deliver the darkest, sickest sadistic treatments to your heart. I’ll pleasure you until you pass out from the divine haziness of continuous orgasm, massage you and care for you, pleasure you however you want. I’ll feed you full meals. I’ll cuddle you. You’re all mine. And I do love you. The world of pleasures I’ll give you might even outweigh the suffering if you please me how I want you to.”

Jessica was weak before him. “M… master…” she said.

“That’s right,” Michael said. “I’ll take care of your body so you stay soft and beautiful for me. I’ll take care of mine for you too, so you’re more eager to do as I say.” Michael shook his head, a certain darkness clearing just a bit… Jessica was his pain slave, his canvas for destruction. He wanted her to cry and beg for mercy. But the love was there. He wanted her to love him in the most submissive way possible.

“Master,” Jessica said. She smiled for the first time in a long, long time. Her face caressed into his neck. “I am yours. Yours to hurt. Yours to love. I will pleasure you however you wish.”

Michael hugged her, feeling perfect. He grinned as his cock raged inside of her. “You love it all, don’t you? And you hate it just as much. What an ecstatic feeling, isn’t it, slave girl?”

“Yes,” Jessica said, starting to move her hips. “Dominate me, master. I need to pleasure you more…”

He kissed her cheek. Whispered in her ear, “Want to see what your little sister is up to, first? Maybe your mother too?”

Jessica shed a tear and kept her face low. Then she smiled and looked at him as tears fell from her eyes. “If it would please you, I’ll do anything.”

He turned her face up to look at him with a finger under her chin. “It excites you doesn’t it? You’re so sad for their fates. Yet the situation they’re trapped in turns you own, doesn’t it?”

Jessica couldn’t help it. Her heart sobbed for her family, and yet the horribleness of what they’ll endure for the rest of their lives made her clench around his cock. She moaned as did he, and she collapsed into his being. “Yes…” she admitted, “Let me see… I want to see what they’re enduring…”

He exhaled, resisting the urge to pound into her until exploding again. He changed into dryer clothes, cuffed Jessica’s hands behind her and attached the collar he had bought for her. A pink one covered in jewels. The leash was pink as well. It was the final puzzle piece to Jessica’s fate. Her mind, as was Michael’s, was free from the collision of multiple emotions. She fell deep into a destiny that she had no control over. However, she embodied it – relished in it. She was a slave forever now. With a master who had opened up more. The future excited her and horrified her. However, Jessica finally felt free, for the first time.

Jessica was led into her old prison room. It smelled of woman and semen. Music pumped through speakers, which everyone was fucking to the beat of with rigor.

Kelsey’s wrists were restrained to chains, standing with weak knees. One of her eyes was half closed, red and irritated. She was crying so hard, moaning hard from one man who ate her pussy with delight. Her breath pushed past hair that dangled down in front of her face. The men who surrounded her were more than twice her age, cocks engorged and desperate. One man stared into her like he had just reunited with an old lover.

“I’m not done,” he heaved, gripping her face.

“No… No…” she sobbed.

Michael pulled Jessica close. “These men love irritating and torturing your sister. They’d been hurting in so many creative ways.”

The man who held Kelsey flicked her again and again, striking her good eye when she wasn’t prepared, poking it, making her thrash and squeal from the pain. He kissed her deep while tugging her ears. The man below squeezed her wherever he could, drinking his fill as her hips moved and pushed against him. The other three men used the electric wand to shock her wherever they could, loving her shrieks and yelps, whether they were muffled by a kiss or not.

“Please stop it…” Kelsey sobbed, when she could get a breath, unable to defend herself from the men gathering to pull her face this way and that, slobbering over her mouth, poking her hard or electrifying her face and neck with the torture tool. She had clearly not broken completely. Not yet at least.

Jessica squeezed her legs together at her sister’s misery, feeling herself leak and ache.

“Look over here,” Michael said, turning away from the men who continued to torment and devour her wherever they could. He led her to the sight of a group of younger boys. They were around Jessica’s age which frightened her at first. Especially when she recognized some of them. They were from her high school, some from the soccer team or just boys she had shared classes with.

They were deep into her mother. She was tied so her legs were completely bent, calves to thighs. Her arms were bound behind her. She would have been on all fours if not for the bindings. A boy slammed into her from behind, his face overcome with a lost expression, his dick tearing through her ass. A boy was beneath, overtaken by her mature body, the age difference clear in physicality alone. He rammed himself up into her pussy as much as he could, face smother between her breasts. A third boy kept her face from being planted into the cement floor by laying down, kissing her passionately, their mouths slightly different sizes. His smaller face dominating her larger, teary eyed one, turned Jessica on immensely and Susan’s face being pushed into his from the force of the boy behind her and gravity made their kiss so much messier and intense.

“Look at these younger kids overtake that woman,” Michael sighed, “What a dream that not many high schoolers have. To be able to completely dominate a sexy woman in her late thirties.”

The boys turned her around. A boy got below her and his face was filled with pain as he drove himself into her asshole, all her weight crushing him, but it was the greatest pain and challenge of all. Another boy plunged himself between her open legs, desperate cries of pleasure escaping his mouth before he licked and sucked her torso, squeezing and holding onto her with all his might as he fucked. The boy who was kissing her held her head and raped her mouth, pushing his body on top of her face. The other boys found open portions of flesh to sink their teeth into or strike a whip on.

Michael wrapped a hand around Jessica, pulling her in front of him so she could watch her family be ravished. One hand found a breast and another pressed up between her legs but didn’t enter her. “The old men are gonna be spending a lot of time with your sister. These boys will be using your mother every day. The best part? Some of these guests of ours would like to contribute some new additions to this little fuck dungeon of ours. These men have daughters they’ve always wanted to see in chains. If not their daughters, their daughter’s school friends who walk around turning men on, expecting nothing to happen to them. These boys from your school have expressed the desire to have some slaves of their own, whether it’s girls from that school or another. Some even long for their own sisters or cousins.”

Jessica’s heart beat faster as did Michael’s.

“Ahh, it’s such an exciting time,” Michael said, his fingers so deep inside Jessica, his fingers teasing her nipples gently. Jessica was dizzy and so impossibly desperate to relieve this craving between her legs which master’s fingers alone couldn’t satiate. “You’ll join in on these rape sessions if you want. I’m sure you’d love to be dominated alongside your sister and mother, even some girls you hardly know.”

Jessica nearly collapsed beneath Master’s words and touch but he caught her. Some of the boys turned to see her and their eyes popped.


“Woah, is that really Jessica? She was a cheerleader who went missing right?”

“She went missing, yeah, but has she been here the whole time?!”

Jessica was so incredibly embarrassed and ashamed in that moment, all those eyes of boys she knew seeing her in this state… it was a phenomenally wonderful feeling. Their eyes judging and tearing her down further.

The boys agreed to say nothing with the promise of them being able to return and fuck Jessica for an entire day with Michael’s permission and guidelines of how far they can go.

Michael led Jessica upstairs to her new living situation – beside his bed, her leash attached to a hook on the wall. There was plenty of slack for her to crawl a bit, as the slack on the leash wouldn’t go high enough for her to be able to stand. There was a pillow, blanket and bowl for water in her little corner.

Michael hooked her up and kissed her head after filling a bowl of water for her and positioning her bedding just right. Jessica breathed and pushed her face into Michael’s leg as he rose to leave her there. She had her hands rubbing vigorously between her legs and she kissed Michael’s face as he crouched back down to face her.

“Please master,” she said with a flushed face and longing eyes, “I’m so desperate for it… Please ravish me more. I need it…”

The old Michael would have made her suffer somehow for hours when he left for the day. But the new him embraced this new relationship. “Why should I pleasure you, slave girl?” He stood up. “Not before you prove you’re worthy of me relieving you.”

Jessica gasped and undid his pants, eager and desperate and deepthroated him in one go. Michael was shocked, the shift from ordinary sensation to deep, soft, warm, moist all-encompassing pressure around his cock in the matter of seconds almost made him collapse. He moaned and scratched her head as she sucked him vigorously. It was toothy and messy but it was excellent.

Michael pushed her away and quickly undid her leash and collar. “Come here you bitch,” he grunted, “I can’t fucking stand it.” Jessica moaned as he grabbed and repositioned her ontop of him, and her pussy completely smothered his face. Jessica’s body shook and the hot, exciting sensation engulfed her pussy. She moaned long and loud and her hips were swinging and her body fell onto his as she rode and he sucked. And then so did she. “Thank you master,” she managed to say before his cock was deep inside her throat again.

She bounced and grinded, keeping him as deep as possible, slurping, dancing her tongue, squeezing her throat, desperate to cum as much as she could. Her pussy was being stretched by his sucks and stirred up by his tongue and once again all sense of time vanished. They must have eaten each other in such a way for an entire hour, switching between her being on top and him being on top.

Michael turned again, slamming himself into her face, harshly digging his teeth into her, rubbing his face back and forth with a grimaced mouth so his teeth scraped across her. When she orgasmed he took in as much flesh as he could and drank and slurped and lapped it all into himself. He pumped deep inside of her, moaning as he devoured her. She swallowed loudly, all breath gone from her body.

After they had emptied, Michael got off her and took her into his bed. Jessica cuddled up to him and they slept the day away. Everything was perfect.

When she awoke he had placed her into her own bed, leash attached, hands bound behind her. Fresh water was placed before her as well as a note.

“I will be home to feed you in a few hours. No masturbating today, I bound your wrists to be sure. However, if you do it in some other way, trust me, I will know. And you will be punished for it.”

It was a note from master.

Jessica scrunched up her blankets and pillow as much as she could with her knees and grinded into it however she could, thinking of master dominating her – thinking of her crying sister – thinking of her mother being ganged up on – thinking of all the punishment and care there was to come in the future.

