Alice after school [spanking]

The old Camry she drove was one of the few things her father had not taken when he left years ago. It had served her well but now its carpet was stained and the floor was littered with fast food wrappers and school papers. While at a stop light, she rummaged through her bag and backpack looking for something to her tie hair up before the honks of drivers behind her returned her eyes the open road ahead. With one hand on the wheel, she sped forward while pulling her long brown hair into a loose ponytail.

As the city turned to suburbs Alice’s mind began to wander. Her thought’s trailed along a daydream of the fun awaiting her in the coming fall. Thoughts of new friends and places filled her head before arriving at the events of the night before. The conflicts with her mother had sharply escalated over the last three months and last night was no exception. Her eighteenth birthday combined with a college acceptance letter had a dramatic impact on her sense of freedom and responsibility. It had become difficult for ‘notify’ her mother, Judith, of her whereabouts or come home before midnight. Alice simply saw this as a right she had recently gained. Why should she have to listen to her mother when she would be on her own in a matter of months?

The night before she had been caught in another lie about where she had been. She and a few friends had spent the evening driving around downtown, not doing anything in particular. The problem had been that she had told her mother she would be studying at a friends house a few blocks away. Her mother had called to check in on her only to find that she was never there. When Alice returned home, her mother uneasily confronted her. Even though this evening was not unusual for the last few months, she and her mother had a terse argument. It culminated with Alice calling Judith a bitch under her breath as she walked off towards her room. Her poor mother was left softly calling out ‘Alice, what’s wrong with you?’

After pulling into the driveway of her simple, small home she pulled her bag and backpack out of the car and threw them over her shoulder. It was the first warm day of Spring and Alice had taken this as a sign; she had chosen a knee length, floral print skirt with a black tank top for the day. Teal foam flip flops squished into the gravel as she walked towards the door. She quickly mulled over the possibility of having to re-engage with the previous night or face repercussions before quickly dismissing this possibility. Until recently, Alice had been a mild mannered and well behaved daughter. There had been few reasons for conflict between her and her mother as she had always done well in school and never been in serious trouble. Her recent rebellions had taught her that her mother was meek and not eager for confrontation. Alice had memories of her mother as vibrant and confident but these were from years ago. After her father had left them, Judith had become a reluctant workaholic. The vigor had left her eyes as she struggled to provide for the two of them and save for Alice’s future. Her failure to draw lines with her teenage daughter had only added weight to her already heavy head.

Alice opened the front door and proceeded to dump her belongings on the couch. Her mother wouldn’t be home for another hour so she walked to the kitchen to pour herself some ice tea. Her mind continued to circle. It wasn’t as though she was oblivious to how her mother had felt, she was simply able to justify it with her new found status. Unable to shake the little tinges of guilt in her stomach, she began to slowly pace the kitchen and develop rationalizations for her actions. On her third pass by the dining room, she noticed a small piece of paper on the table. A handwritten note read.


I hope you had a lovely day at school. Will you please go see Mrs. Miller when you get home? I expect you will give her your respect and full attention. See you soon.



The note didn’t strike Alice as being particularly strange but she couldn’t quite figure out what it meant to give her ‘respect and full attention.’ Wouldn’t that simply be implied? Mrs. Miller was a friend of her mother’s who lived down the street. She had a son that was a year older than Alice who had left for school the year before. Perhaps she just needed help moving something around the house or something small. With this in mind, Alice put her flip flops back on and walked out the door. As she walked along the warm concrete sidewalk, a sense of apprehension began to build in the base of her stomach.

Alice had known Janice Miller since she was young. She had been brought over for many play-dates as a young child and came to know Janice through the years. Unlike her mother, Mrs. Miller had a stern and piercing personality. Her speech was slow and serious which made her the kind of person that few people said ‘no’ to. Alice always seemed to be on edge when around her. As a child she had been caught throwing rocks by Mrs. Miller. The scolding she received stuck with her and laid the foundation for a healthy fear of Janice. Into adulthood, Alice always felt the need to be particularly formal and polite in her company.

When she finally arrived, her mind was searching for reasons why she would have been sent here. Perhaps her mother had forgotten something at Janice’s house. Maybe she needed someone to house sit for a week. None of her ideas squared with the note her mother had left. In the back of her mind she thought that it was likely her mother had asked Mrs. Miller to talk to her. She dreaded the thought of a lecture or ‘tough conversation’.

The doorbell rang silently inside and Alice down the seconds in hopes she could leave if there was not a prompt response. Unfortunately for her the front door quickly opened. Mrs. Miller’s salt and pepper hair and glasses pulled around the half open door.

“Oh hello, Alice. I’m glad you’re here. Won’t you please come inside?” Mrs. Miller said cordially.

“Thank you. How are you doing this afternoon?” Alice replied as she opened and entered the screen door.

“Oh alright. It’s just another day around the house for me” Mrs. Miller replied. “Please take off your shoes and have a seat.”

Alice left her flip flops in the entryway and walked into the living room. It had old beige carpet, an armchair, and a single sofa which was topped with folded blankets. There was a coffee table that was empty except a wooden cooking spoon that had been placed right in the center. It was clear that Mrs.Miller had kept up a fastidious cleaning routine despite the absence of her son. Alice took a seat on the sofa, careful not to disturb anything.

Mrs. Miller followed her into the room and took a seat in the armchair. She had on a simple grey blouse with a pair of ‘mom jeans’ and a thin maroon shawl draped over her shoulders.

“How have you been lately?” Mrs.Miller inquired dryly. Her voice was low and deliberate.”I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Oh you know… school is meh. At least I’m done soon…” Alice replied not wanting to converse more than necessary.

“Ah yes, a little senioritis? Your mother and I have been talking about you more often over the last couple of months. She’s very worried about you.”

Here it was, the lecture Alice had dreaded. She nodded slightly as her body tensed up into a defensive position. Her hands clutched the sides of her skirt while her feet fidgeted in place.

“She tells me you’ve been sneaking out and lying to her” Mrs.Miller continued. “Is that true Alice? Is that what you want to be doing months before leaving?”

“Uh well… that’s kinda true” Alice responded meekly. This drew raised eyebrows from Mrs.Miller as Alice continued “It was just once or twice and it’s not a big deal since I’m going to be on my own soon.”

“I don’t think that’s the whole truth. Your mother and I are very proud of you for being on track to graduate but that doesn’t mean you can lie to her and leave as you please. She worries about you every day and it’s not fair to treat her like that is it?” Alice didn’t respond. Her eyes were fixated on the legs of the coffee table and her foot wobbled anxiously. Janice repeated her question more forcefully “Is it?”

“No it’s not”

“Look at me Alice” Mrs.Miller commanded. Alice did not want to face her mother’s friend or her own actions but she managed to raise her gaze. “You know how hard your mother works more than anyone and this is how you treat her? You think it’s okay to lie and call her names when she’s about to send you off to college?”

“No, it’s not. I’m sorry” Alice whispered.

“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to her. You know better than to act like this.”

“Okay, you’re right. I’ll go apologize.” Alice put her hand on the armrest of the couch to get up. She wanted so badly to be out of there, to have this conversation over with, and be out of Mrs.Miller’s gaze.

“We’re not quite done here Alice.” Janice interrupted.”Your mother didn’t only ask me to talk to you.”

Alice looked confused. She was already humiliated from being confronted by her misdeeds. What else could there be?

“You’ve done more than enough over the last month to warrant a spanking” said Mrs.Miller. Upon hearing this, Alice’s eyes widened. She had never been spanked before. Her mother had threatened her with one a few times as a child but that had always been enough to put her in line. The idea of being punished at the age of eighteen seemed impossible and humiliating. Alice opened her mouth to speak but could only muster “I…. I…uh..”

“If you were my son you would have been over my knee months ago. I want you to remember our conversation” Mrs.Miller said firmly. “Now go fetch a chair from the dining room.”

“Mrs. Miller, I’m eighteen and…” Alice began. Before she had finished her sentence, Janice raised her hand and pointed forcefully towards the dining room. Alice paused for a moment before slowly rising. As she walked towards the dining room her thoughts raced. She wanted to run or argue but the fear and guilt she felt moved her shaky feet unconsciously. She picked up a dining room chair and carried it back to the living room where Mrs.Miller gestured for it to be placed in the middle of the room.

Alice was trying not to look up as though not seeing would protect her. Janice calmly rose from her seat and picked the wooden spoon up from the table. She slowly walked towards the chair Alice had retrieved and took a seat placing the implement across her lap.

“Come here Alice” Mrs.Miller commanded with an outstretched arm. With her eyes on the carpet, Alice slunk towards her fate. She stood toe to toe with Mrs.Miller and her downward gaze naturally fell on the spoon. “Lift up your skirt please” Mrs. Miller continued. Alice’s gaze finally returned to face Janice and her eyes begged for an alternative.

“Young lady, you’re getting a bare bottom spanking whether you like it or not” Mrs.Miller said sternly. It was clear that her patience would only be pressed so much.

Any ideas of escape or contestation left Alice’s mind. The independence and hubris she had felt after her birthday had melted away. She had no power in this moment. Her trembling hands slowly moved down her hips and clumped up the sides of her skirt. She reluctantly raised it above her hips exposing a pair of light blue cotton panties that hugged her form. With little hesitation Mrs.Miller reached inside the waistband of Alice’s underwear and unceremoniously lowered them to her ankles. Being forcibly undressed was overwhelming and Alice’s face became flushed. The idea of Mrs.Miller seeing the patch of soft hair between her legs was unbearable.

“Look at me Alice” Mrs.Miller said. Alice brought her gaze to Janice’s solemn eyes. As Alice stood before Mrs.Miller with her dress held up and panties on the floor, the lecture continued.

“Do you think it’s okay to be sneaking out at night?”

“No ma’am”

“Is it fair to be lying to your mother?”

“No, it’s not”

“I’m glad that we agree. Now come over here and get across my knee.”

With one hand Janice guided Alice to her side and gently pulled the young woman across her lap. Alice’s face was inches from the carpet and her backside was up in the air and on full display.

Janice did not hesitate. She pulled the spoon back and then brought the flat side swiftly down on Alice’s exposed cheek. The impact made a thick cracking sound and brought a burst of pain. Alice’s initial reaction was to squirm and kick but she quickly realized what that would look like and clenched her thighs together. A pink oval had barely formed on Alice’s pale bottom when Janice gave the other cheek a firm swat. Alice gave out a small gasp upon impact.

Mrs. Miller continued to spank at a brisk but steady pace. Her forceful strokes were controlled and she took care to vary their placement. Warm tears began to roll down Alice’s face as the pain and embarrassment began to build. Her hands gripped the chair legs in a desperate attempt to hang on. Every two or three seconds there was another cracking sound and another jerk from Alice’s body. Alice did not know how long she could take this.

As the punishment continued, Alice’s tears grew to full blown sobbing. Her thoughts shifted from the pain and her state of undress to the reason she was across Mrs Miller’s lap. Alice was filled with a deep sense of regret and embarrassment about how she had been treating her mother. Deep down she knew that her actions were wrong and that she had earned this spanking. As she slowly came to this realization, her mental resistance dissipated. Her body became limp and her legs came apart naturally. The blows to her body were more naturally absorbed and accepted.

Janice could sense the change in Alice’s body language and knew that the punishment was having the desired effect. The splotches had merged into a thorough pink coating across Alice’s bottom.

“Alright young lady, we’re almost done here” Mrs.Miller said calmly. “Are you thinking about what you’ll be doing when you get home?”

“Yes…I know what to do Mrs.Miller.”

“That’s very good to hear. Now let’s finish up”

Mrs.Miler knew that Alice was sincere but she wanted to drive the point home. She brought the spoon up into the air and the delivered eight powerful swats in quick succession. A loud series of smacks went through the living room air. Alice gasped but it was over quickly and her body went back to being draped over Mrs.Miller’s jeans. Alice’s breath was heavy but her sniffling began to slow. She laid there for a couple of minutes while Mrs.Miller slowly stroked her back and shoulders.

“Okay Alice, you can get up” Mrs.Miller said as she softly patted Alice on the back.

Alice’s wobbly legs managed to lift her body. She was visibly shaken; her ponytail had been loosened and her mascara was smeared across her cheeks. She bent down to recover her panties and they stung her hot bottom as she pulled them into place.

“I think you had better get going” Mrs. Miller said. “Your mother is probably waiting for you.”

“Yes, you’re right. Thank you.”

“Of course dear. You have many people who love you. Make sure to love them back.”

Alice leaned into Mrs. Miller and gave her a short hug. It felt strange but also right to do this as she had just been punished like a little girl by this woman. Alice, moved towards the entryway, put her sandals back on, and went outside.

She walked quickly towards her home in a dreamlike state. It seemed impossible that she had just received a spanking from Mrs.Miller but the burning sensation in her rear could not be ignored. The rest of her body felt loose and light. She had a slight apprehension about her mother but still managed to walk directly towards her front door.

Alice paused for a moment with her hand on the doorknob. Her mind went back to the events of the last hour and then quickly pushed the door open. Her mother was waiting for her and rose from her chair upon seeing Alice. She only looked slightly surprised to see her daughter in a disheveled and flushed state. Alice walked towards her mother and embraced her fully. With tears forming in here eyes, Alice whispered “I’m sorry Mom.”

Her mother wrapped her arms around her daughter and said “I know dear. I know.”
