OUR FIRST FIGHT. The beginning of an open marriage. [M/F]

TRUE STORY – You knew where I was but you still couldn’t get it off your mind. It was 3:00 am and I still had not made it home. We both had an insatiable sex drive and had discussed our fantasies in depth. Our marriage didn’t start out that way from the beginning but slowly evolved into an open one. It was exciting for both of us to think of being with other lovers yet also very troubling at times. “What if you like him more” I thought, and “What if he likes her more” you thought. We decided that you should try first since you already had someone in mind. You were seeing your old boyfriend so he wasn’t a stranger to you. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it at first but I strangely found myself turned on by the thought of you with him. Neither one of us could have ever imagined that our sex life could have been any better than it already was, but we took it to a whole new level above and beyond any expectations we ever dreamt possible! But you felt different about me being with another woman than how I felt about you being with him. For all that time you were seeing him, you never really thought about how you’d feel when my time came. I sensed this about you and preceded with caution about how I would go about seeing her. When I first told you I had been with Michelle you were okay with it, and the second time as well. But you had been so caught up with your fun and adventure that the reality of me being with her hadn’t really set in yet. You had been with him that Friday evening and was home by 10:00 pm. You took a shower and went to bed, knowing that I’d be home soon. But you couldn’t sleep for thinking about what I might be doing with her. I made it back home just a little after 3:00 am and showered in the guest bathroom. The lights were off in our bedroom but I had this eerie feeling you weren’t asleep. I tiptoed in there ever so quietly and then heard you say something I’ll never forget. I heard “Turn the damned lights on”, and so I did. You were sitting up in bed with an angry look on your face and fire in your eyes. I don’t remember in exact detail what all we said but I do remember the strange mix of emotions we felt as we reasoned with each other about our agreement. I remember feeling dirty and guilty because of what I’d just done, even though you had just done the very same thing. You were crying and hurt yet apologized several times, telling me you shouldn’t be mad cause you said I could do it. You asked me to hold you briefly but then pushed me away, saying “No it just doesn’t feel right”, and then once again later pushing me away saying the same thing. After a couple of hours of discussion we found ourselves to be very tired. You laid down in our bed and I went to the other room to sleep. We both laid there in separate beds exhausted yet unable to sleep. It was then I heard your footsteps coming my way and your voice saying “Will you come to bed with me“? I jumped up out of the other bed and met you in the living room. We both approached each other and without hesitation, embraced with a passionate hug. I said to you with a tearful voice, “I love you so much and I’m sorry I hurt you”. You said to me “I love you too David…make love to me…please make love to me”. I picked you up and carried you into our bedroom, and we made love.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/d6wmtx/our_first_fight_the_beginning_of_an_open_marriage


  1. Is there a follow up? Did you cease your open relationships? How did you move beyond this?

  2. I’ve posted this story before at other places with “to be continued” at the end, but I had to remove that because I just haven’t gotten around to writing more. I planned to write more when the mood strikes, when I get inspired to. It’s a long complicated story so stay tuned. ?

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