The Slut Hospital (Pt 3) [MF]

[Previous Part](


The next two days passed like the first. Sarah would awake, and at 8am be taken by the Doctor with the nurse to the cleaning room. The Doctor would again bring her to the very edge of orgasm, and then send her back to her room without release. She would then have her breakfast, exercise, have lunch, rest, have dinner, then sleep. She was allowed a deck of cards to play with at meal times by one friendly nurse but the nurses rotated so frequently that this happened rarely. She was supervised at exercise and meal times, and otherwise restrained to her bed. The nurses rarely spoke to her, they just announced it was meal time or told her what exercises to do. When she asked for news of the outside world, they said, “that is not your concern, you are here to get well”. Curiously to Sarah, all the nurses were very beautiful.

Sarah’s emotions were starting to become more intense and hysterical as she passed through waves of sadness when thinking of her confinement, and giddiness when thinking of the Doctor. It had only been three days but the environment that she was in made him her only source of stimulation and interest. As she was very sexually experienced, Sarah did not normally fall for men easily, but something about the Doctor made Sarah not only lust after him but want to connect with him emotionally as well. He dominated his environment with impunity and now he had begun to dominate her mind. She wondered what he looked like under his clothes, she desired his mouth on hers, she wanted to feel his knotted muscly arms and broad shoulders and be caressed lovingly by him, she longed to know his name, and mostly, she wanted him to fuck her.

Not only had Sarah’s feelings grown for the Doctor, but she thought she had observed something else in his brilliant green eyes in the last two days. Behind the usual fiery lust, she thought she saw a progressing tenderness when he looked at her. She seemed to notice it in moments that the nurses were occupied or looking away. However, Sarah was not completely sure about it, and she tried to put it out of her mind. Although, the thought still persisted: “Am I special to him?”


Sarah fell asleep naked and restrained on her back, as normal, on the fourth night of her stay in the Hospital thinking only of the Doctor. She expected to sleep until the morning, however, she awoke to the soft movement of her door in the middle of the night as a very faint flashlight’s glow entered her room. She pretended to be asleep as the flashlight was turned off and the door was silently closed. As there was a bright moon that night, her room had enough light to make out objects in the darkness. Through a squinted eye, she could see a tall male silhouette. As the silhouette approached, she recognised the tall muscular frame of the Doctor, in what appeared to be casual clothes, without his usual white lab coat.

She tried to control her breathing as he moved slowly and silently as to not wake her up. He stopped about 2 metres away from her bed. Sarah had closed her eyes by then but she could feel the Doctor was looking at her beautiful naked body bathed in the moonlight. It felt forbidden, even though he had seen her naked every day. It also felt romantic to her, and again, she felt her desire for him. She debated within herself whether to open her eyes and speak to him or not.

Once she decided to open her eyes and turn her head the door was closing, and the room was empty again. After a minute Sarah fell calmly back to sleep with a smile on her face and a warm feeling in her breast. Her thoughts of the Doctor’s feelings for her may be true after all, she thought.


Despite the event of the night before, the next day passed similarly to the previous ones. Though she did not mention what she saw the previous night, Sarah tried to look for a hint of a further change in the Doctor throughout the morning’s proceedings. To her disappointment, he showed no change from the previous day.

It was like clockwork, efficient and accurate. 8am to the cleaning room to be sexually teased and cruelly being denied her orgasm by the Doctor, then later to the boredom of her dorm room. He knew exactly how to pleasure her but he was not letting her get to the pinnacle of her pleasure. He still looked her in the same way though. And the large rock-hard bulge in his pants was a constant reminder to Sarah of what was on the Doctor’s mind.

Restrained on her bed on the fifth night of her stay, Sarah had time to think. She realised that this was the longest time in her life she had gone without an orgasm. Her need for sexual release was becoming almost primal. The Doctor’s denial and control of her sexual liberty was something she had never experienced. She felt helpless. She was used to being in control. Who was this man?

Sarah then started to question the methods of the Doctor. The treatment he was giving her only seemed to make her hornier. Hornier for him. I thought this was supposed to take my mind off sex, not make me more obsessed, she thought.

He seemed such an authoritative figure though, and she thought to question him was a little arrogant. She did need a change in her life, and if his methods were a little strange, then so be it. She would go through his therapy procedure and be out by a month, as the friendly nurse told her.

Thinking further, Sarah began to realise that the Doctor’s controlling, cruel behaviour masked a better man underneath. And she had seen glimpses of that man in his eyes. In the moments that they locked gazes and the nurses were busy, there was something there. A sparkle of kindness that appeared for the briefest of moments. Those moments and the Doctor entering her room the night before gave Sarah some reason to think that something good might arise from her stay in the Hospital. She didn’t know what, but she was hopeful. She wanted to meet that side of the Doctor alone. Again, she fell asleep thinking of the Doctor that night.


Sarah awoke again in the middle of the night to her door opening and the Doctor entering, turning off his faint flashlight. This night was darker than the previous, as clouds obscured the moon, but Sarah knew it was the Doctor. Initially, Sarah acted asleep again, but this time she decided she would say something to the Doctor. However, before she had the chance to open her mouth the Doctor had approached the bed to stand beside it and say in a deep hushed voice:

“Sarah. Wake up”.

Sarah opened her eyes and turned her head to the Doctor. As he was immediately next to the bed, she could make out his appearance in the dim light. He was wearing a casual brown suede jacket over a burgundy cotton shirt, navy blue pants with a pleat at the front and casual leather loafers. As usual he looked striking.

As she looked at his ruggedly handsome face, the face that had occupied Sarah’s mind so incessantly, she noticed he wasn’t wearing his glasses. She could see the now familiar look of fiery lust, and hidden under that, a tenderness that gave his eyes so much depth. It was like looking in emerald whirlpools.

“Doctor?” She said in similarly hushed tones.

“Yes Sarah, it’s me.” He was speaking a little faster than normal but he wasn’t urgent. “Sarah, I want you to come with me now. You will be blindfolded, but you can trust me. No harm will come to you if you follow my lead”.

Sarah sensed something different in the Doctor’s voice. His voice seemed gentler, less imperious than usual. And despite her beating heart said:

“I trust you, Doctor. I will come”, while looking into his eyes.

“You must not utter a sound, if the nurses find out about this, you will be in trouble. I can’t be more serious about this.”

She nodded, that she understood.

He undid her restraints, moving swiftly and precisely.

Once Sarah was freed, she stood up next to the Doctor, totally naked and about a foot shorter than he. His physical dominance was impressive to her once again. In her close proximity she could smell his musky natural scent mixed with a sensual cologne. She looked up in his face as he looked at her body. Being alone with him for the first time made her feel light-headed. Once again, she felt an enormous attraction to him, and all of her feminine parts flushed with blood and heat.

The Doctor stared at her body and she could she him lust after her but he seemed to pull his mind back on task.

“There’s not much time Sarah, put this on”, said the Doctor as he reached inside his jacket and handed her a blue silk robe.

Sarah put on the silk robe and cinched it around her waist. It was thigh high and soft to her skin. She could feel her bountiful breasts wobble as she put it on and the silk rested comfortably on her aroused nipples. She could see the Doctor taking in her amazing body as she moved to put on the robe. She could feel her excitement grow for what may be about to happen.

“I’m going to blindfold you now. Turn around and close your eyes”, the Doctor said while looking in her ocean blue eyes.

Sarah turned and closed her eyes. She felt his large warm hands pass by her face to gather her hair to sweep it behind her head. She then felt a silky blindfold get placed over her eyes and tied behind her head, firmly but gently.

“Do you promise you can’t see anything?”

“I promise.”

“OK, take my hand. Remember, not a sound.”

Sarah placed her hand in the Doctor’s and squeezed it. She felt her heart fluttering. She heard the Doctor click on the flashlight as he led her toward the door.

Sarah tried to track her movements in her mind’s eye. As they exited the door they turned left – opposite to the direction of the cleaning room. She could feel the familiar synthetic floor under her bare feet. She felt they had walked for about twenty metres when they turned left again. Then shortly after that, a right, then another right after about 10 metres, then another right, she thought. As Sarah had to hurry to keep up with the Doctor’s long strides, she was rushed, and her movements became nearly impossible to track. Soon after, they stopped and she heard some digital beeping sounds before the unmistakable sound of an automatic door sliding open.

Sarah gave up trying to track her movements and allowed the Doctor to lead her. She had the feeling that the Doctor was deliberately making an erratic path so she was disoriented. Where was he taking me?

After about a minute of further turns they came to a holt again and Sarah heard the soft jingle of some keys before the metallic sound of a lock being clicked open. As she crossed the threshold of a doorway, she felt three things change: the air became warmer on her body, the floor changed to a luxurious carpet that caressed her feet, and the smell of the room was magnificent; it smelled like the Doctor.

The Doctor led her a handful of steps into the room and let go of her hand, and she stood in place while she heard the door close behind her and the lock click closed. She could hear the crackle of a fire in front of her, which explained the pleasing warmness of the room. She could smell the same scent of the Doctor’s body and his cologne dominating the room.

“I’m going to take your blindfold off now Sarah”, she heard the Doctor say, not whispering anymore, and she felt him undo the knot behind her lovely head and reveal the scene in front of her.


Sarah opened her eyes to see that she was standing at the left side of a room of five metres deep, by ten metres wide. Her eyes were drawn immediately to the fire from which she had heard crackling before her blindfold was removed. It was currently the brightest source of light in the room and emitted a warm orange glow, bright enough for the whole room to be illuminated, though somewhat softly, so she could make out its entirety.

The fireplace was on the far wall, directly opposite the door in which she entered. The fire was crackling away with small logs that filled the room with warmth. It was an open fireplace, with a flat sill in front which held more timber. Surrounding the fire were intricate carvings of female bodies that extended up either side of the fireplace to join a long flat mantle on top. The structure was entirely carved out of marble. Standing on opposite ends of the mantle were ornate carvings of timber and ivory, about the size of Sarah’s forearm, one of a roaring lion, and the other of an eagle in flight. Between the carvings was a small timber clock with a glass face and gold detail, it read 3:20am. Hanging on the wall above the mantle was a large portrait of an exceptionally beautiful naked woman, reclined on a maroon velvet couch. The painting was framed in a dark timber. It was of extraordinary quality and condition, despite it looking very old. Sarah thought she had never seen a painting so beautiful.

To the front and left of the fireplace was a round dark timber coffee table, excellently made with beautiful patterning on its legs. It was bearing an ornamental silver platter with a crystal decanter filled with what Sarah assumed to be whiskey, and two crystal glasses. Two chairs with carvings that matched the timber table, with deep green velvet upholstery, sat astride the table and angled toward the fireplace.

Sarah cast her eyes down on the comfortable carpet that she had felt underfoot which appeared to be of natural wool, cream in colour. She then looked to the left of the fireplace and saw cream coloured curtains drawn across a large window on the left wall. Beneath the window was a huge, attractive, dark timber dresser that had more drawers than Sarah could count at the time. She noticed the surrounding walls were of powder green, with brown patterning and contained numerous brass wall lamps with misty, fluted glass shades, that were currently turned off.

She scanned back to the right of the fireplace. Against the wall was an enormous four-post bed. Sarah had seen many kings sized beds before but this was clearly bigger than those. Made of the same dark timber as the rest of the furniture and decoratively carved on all the posts, it was of impressive beauty. It had brown, translucent, patterned drapes hanging from the timber frame, light blue bedding and numerous pillows. It looked to be the softest and most luxurious bed Sarah had ever seen.

Moving her eyes to the right of the bed, the soft carpet ran into two wide marble steps leading up to a marble platform encompassing a grand, oval shaped, sunken bath, also of marble, that was large enough to fit four people easily. Three sets of beautiful, polished brass taps provided the water needed for the immense bath. The marble platform extended from one side of the room to the other, and the bath was three and a half metres long at Sarah’s estimate. Plush burgundy towels hung on the left of the bath from elaborate brass hooks. On the far side of the bath, the marble backed into a flat marble sill, underneath large windows of misted glass. The sill held large, ornate, brass candelabras, with gold candles that were currently burning, adding their light to that of the fire. Sarah could see the melted wax on the marble below. She had loved candles since she was a girl.

Sarah then cast her eyes on the wall that she had not seen yet; the one behind her. It was entirely filled with a bookcase and books which extended from the adjacent left-hand corner of the room – as she walked in – all the way along the wall behind her until it almost met the marbled bath steps. There was a timber stool nearby that the Doctor apparently needed to reach the top shelf, despite his impressive height. It was the most books outside a library Sarah had ever seen. And she thought that this man must possess the knowledge of five normal men.

The room was by far the most opulent room Sarah had ever seen and she was quite overwhelmed and surprised. It seemed to be straight out of an extravagant mansion. And indeed, it was fit for a king, and contrasted sharply with her own room. Sarah’s nervousness had softened somewhat, replaced with wonder and curiosity about this man, but her excitement had only intensified.

The Doctor stepped beside her.

“These are my quarters. I live on the hospital so I need something of a refuge to relax.”

“It’s… beautiful”, was all Sarah said with awe clear in her voice as she looked at him.

The Doctor moved towards the fire and placed another log in it, sending sparks up the chimney. He then turned to the table and chairs and casually poured two glasses of whiskey. With the glasses in his hands he gestured for Sarah to take a seat closest to the fire. She sat elegantly and smoothed the skirts of her robe. The Doctor’s demeanour had changed from what she was used to. His usual efficiency had been replaced by an oozing confidence and ease. It was a change that Sarah thoroughly enjoyed, and it made her feel relaxed, and attracted.

“I hope you don’t mind neat whiskey. It’s the only drink I keep in my quarters.”, he said as he handed her a glass.

His words made Sarah feel special. She realised he must never entertain anyone in here. She might be the only woman to have set foot in his personal quarters. As she took the glass, she lingered for a moment with her hand touching his, and held his gaze saying:

“It’s fine, thank you”, with a flirtatious smile.

The Doctor took a seat in the chair beside Sarah and looked at the fire. Sarah took a gulp of her whiskey. Fiery heat flushed her neck, but she didn’t cough. She put the glass down and turned her body to face the Doctor. She sat with sexual grace, pushing her large breasts out, to give the doctor a full view. As the Doctor wasn’t looking, she quickly opened her robe at the breasts a little further and adjusted her legs to be as attractive as possible. She played with her hair while tilting her head to the side, exposing her neck trying to give him every hint about what she wanted.

“So, you must wonder why I brought you here”, he said, still looking at the fire.

She smiled. “Yes, that was a question I had in mind.”

He turned to her and scanned her body up and down, which she had so seductively arranged, and Sarah saw his eyes turn into green pools of lust and desire.

He returned his eyes to her face.

“The truth is Sarah, that I have had you on my mind since the moment I saw you. And those feelings are getting stronger”.

The intensity in his eyes when he stated this truth was powerful to Sarah. She felt herself blush again. It was the sweetest music to her ears and confirmed what she had felt. It was as if she had become weightless and was floating.

Before she could say that she felt the same way for him, the Doctor had placed his drink down, risen from his chair and moved in front of her. He leaned down to her waist and pulled the string around her silk robe, undoing it, and brushed it open with two hands. Her large, round, firm breasts and soft flat stomach were exposed over her shapely legs. Sarah opened her legs to exposed her perfect, pink pussy. The Doctor lustfully looked over this erotic sight.

On the chair, Sarah glanced down at the imposing presence of his enormous erection that pressed hard against his pants at her eye level. To know that she was so close to getting it made her pussy lubricate instantly.

He lent down to her face and finally kissed her soft, hot, welcoming wet mouth. It was intoxicating to Sarah and she felt like she could be dreaming. As they kissed, she touched his muscled arms as his hands caressed her neck and ran lustfully through her beautiful brown curls.

Sarah removed her hands from his arms and felt for his crotch while still kissing the Doctor. The enormous, hard manhood was within her grasp. She relished feeling it finally with her hands. She rubbed it up and down through his pants all the while kissing the Doctor. The Doctor sighed and stopped kissing her as he stood up straight so she could give some more attention to his cock.

She undid his pants.

He kicked off his shoes.

The Doctor then took off her robe and tossed it on the ground.

He looked over Sarah’s immaculate naked body in the firelight. Every inch of her was perfection, her tan, soft, flawless skin, her subtle curves, her huge firm tits, her waist, her brown curls, her deep blue eyes and her pouty pink lips. The Doctor had had hundreds of women, but he again thought Sarah was his ideal. His cock throbbed.

Sarah put her delicate hand in the fly of the Doctor’s pants, and gripped the massive cock and pulled it out. It stood proud and Sarah was intimidated with its length and girth; she couldn’t fit her dainty hand all the way around it. She had seen many cocks but this was one of the largest, if not the largest, she had ever seen.

Sarah felt the raw lust of the past five days reaching breaking point, she could feel her sticky pussy brimming with juice. Her mouth watered and her nipples hardened.

“Wow”, she said and looked at the Doctor with wide eyes.

He smiled.

He moved her to the floor, onto her knees.

He pulled his jacket off and she pulled his pants all the way down and off his feet, leg by leg. She enjoyed serving the Doctor.

She scanned up his muscular, long legs, like an those of athlete, and saw his large, full balls hanging below his huge erect cock which curved upward slightly.

He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it aside to reveal a sculpted torso with manly fuzz. Sarah admired him from her kneeling position. I’ve never seen a man so perfect, she thought.

As he moved back to her, they were both totally naked, and both deeply lustful of one another. The doctor wanted to ravage the sexy, feminine beauty of Sarah and she wanted to be taken with abandon by the masculine force of the Doctor.

She eagerly wrapped both hands around his proud pole. She began to lick from the back of the base all the way to the back of the tip with her skilful wet tongue, glancing up at him with her beautiful blue eyes. She could feel the Doctors cock stiffen and swell to its absolute full length and hardness.

She dribbled some spit all the way down its length to make it wet, and she spread it all over his cock with her hands.

She took the lower half of his hard, lubed cock with both her hands, and inserted the tip and top of the shaft past her plump lips into her hot, wet mouth. She could easily fit two hands on it and fill her mouth at the same time.

The Doctor let out a sigh.

She hummed in pleasure.

She continued to work his cock like this. She jacked him off with a screwing motion with two hands at the lower half of his shaft while sucking up and down the top half, working her tongue around his head, looking submissively at his face with her gorgeous blue eyes.

Her perfect tits were bouncing, brunette curls swaying, as she bobbed her wet mouth on his cock.

She was the perfect cocksucker.

The Doctor’s sighs were becoming more frequent and louder Sarah was pleased he liked it. She liked to think she was hot and good at sucking cock.

“Cup my nuts while you suck me,” the Doctor said.

Happily, Sarah placed her wet left hand behind his enormous balls and gently cupped and fondled them while jerking his cock with her right hand and sucking at the same time. She saw that the Doctor liked this, because his groans got louder.

“Just like that”, he told her.

He continued to enjoy the best blowjob of his life for a couple of minutes until he slowly removed her hands from his engorged balls and cock.

She looked up at him with his cock in her mouth.

“No hands”, he told her.

He grabbed the sides and back of her head through her soft hair and thrust firmly into her soft throat while she looked at him with wide eyes. She couldn’t deepthroat the whole cock but he managed to force most of it in there.

The Doctor used her throat as a fuckhole. Ramming it with passion. She seemed to have no gag reflex.

Sarah loved being face fucked so she moved her left hand to fondle her breast while the right toyed with her dripping, tingling pussy.

She felt pleasure coursing through her. It was the first time she had touched her own pussy in over five days and she knew how to get herself off quickly. That combined with the Doctor’s domination of her throat built her arousal to fever pitch.

She let out gargled moans of gratefulness with the cock fucking her throat, as tears of ecstasy leaked from her eyes due to the size of his cock. He continued to face fuck her and spit was leaking from her mouth onto her beautiful tits with erect nipples.

She was close to coming.

“You like that don’t you”, said the Doctor.

“Mhhmm”, came her enthusiastic, choked reply.

Sarah’s moans became quicker as the speed of her masturbation increased and the Doctor continued to fuck her mouth.

She could feel her orgasm coming. The days of teasing meant this one felt like an avalanche about to fall.

Will he allow me to come? she thought. Thinking of his treatment over the last five days.

She wanted his permission.

She looked him in the eyes submissively.

“I want you to come”, he said meeting her eyes, as if he knew every thought in her mind.

That was all she needed.

Almost instantly her eyes rolled back in her head, her hand squeezed her breast firmly, her legs clasped together over her hand on her pussy, her body tensed and she let out whimpers of pleasure while Doctor continued to thrust his cock in her throat. She shook and had a squirting orgasm from beneath her fingers and clasped legs, juices spraying and escaping, wetting the floor.

He took his cock out of her throat and she fell softly onto the carpet with a sigh, convulsing on her side, her body slightly curled. Her convulsions quivered her perfect tits and lasted twenty seconds after her squirt as she was making soft sounds of ecstasy.

Sarah had never orgasmed like that. She felt she’d entered heaven.

The Doctor stood there stroking himself to the sight of her orgasm.

When she regained her senses a little, she sat up femininely, sighed, and radiated beauty. She looked at him, smiling coyly. He returned her smile.

“That was so hot” he said.

She giggled like a schoolgirl and covered her face with her hand.

This ashamed gesture sent the Doctor wild.

“I want to fuck you now”, he said.

“Please do”, she said eagerly.

He moved to her and picked her up of the ground with ease, placing her over his shoulder like a sack as he walked her to the bed while she giggled and squealed girlishly.

He threw her on her back on the four-post bed and she felt like she landed on a cloud. He bent over her and rolled her onto her stomach. He then grabbed her hips and pulled her to the doggystyle position on the edge of the bed.

Sarah felt like a heavenly fuckdoll, he was immensely strong and her body was loose and relaxed after what felt like the best orgasm she’d ever had. And that was saying something. She let the Doctor take control and was ready to receive whatever he gave her. She knew it would be bliss. She was a blossoming flower. Beautiful and receptive.

She perked her perfect ass up in the air to give him a good view of it, and to open her swollen, soaked, hungry pussy that was begging to be fucked by the Doctors huge, rock hard cock.

“Take me, Doctor”, she said as she looked back at the sexiest man that she had ever laid eyes on.

The Doctor looked down at the perfect body of Sarah and knew that she had surrendered totally to him, and this aroused him more than he had been already. Her toned, feminine back, perfect peach ass with dimples of Venus above, soaked thighs and dripping, swollen pussy bent over in front of him was maddeningly sexy. His desire to ravish a woman had never been this strong.

He took his rock-hard cock and tapped it against her swollen pussy a few times.

Sarah gasped.

“I hope you’re ready for this” he said.

“I want you to fuck me, Doctor” she said, looking back at him, coyly.

He put the head in her wet pussy and slid it in her all the way to the base, till just his nuts were hanging out. He could feel her swollen pussy walls clench down on his thick hard cock and leak juices.

His huge cock was hard as rock and conquered every inch to spare inside her.

“OH MY GOOOD”, came the guttural delight of Sarah.

Sarah was so wet and aroused and open for him.

Sarah had never felt a cock like it. He was so deep inside her. She was completely filled. It was as hard as her glass dildo she had as a teenager and twice as big.

The Doctor began pumping her slowly with his hands strongly grasping her pelvis. She breathed deep and heavy and made gasping moans. Waves of pleasure were washing over her.

Sarah had never felt anything as good. The Doctor felt the same.

Their gasps and moans became more visceral.

He built his intensity gradually, pounding back and forth rhythmically, and as he reached a medium pace, he spanked the right side of her shapely ass. She gasped and he felt her pussy tighten around his cock and get wetter, if that was possible.

He did it again but a little harder.

“Yes”, she sighed in pleasure and looked back at him.

He reached down with his right hand and grabbed a fistful of her soft brown curls.

“Yes, I like that, Doctor, treat me rough”, Sarah moaned.

He locked onto her waist with his left hand while tugging on the base of her hair with his right, creating an arch in her perfect, tan back. He increased his intensity.

Her tits moved and her springy ass wobbled as he slammed his pelvis into her. She began to moan louder and louder as he fucked her harder and harder.

He continued to ravage and spank her with increasing speed and intensity.

Her ass was clapping and his big balls were slapping against her swollen clit. Her perfect ass was pink from the slaps he was delivering.

He could feel her orgasm building as she continued to wriggle and moan.

She squealed out:

“I’M GONNA COME AGAIN!” as though she was surprised.

The Doctor pumped two more hard strokes and felt a strong pressure building in her pussy.

He took his cock out of her pussy and it exploded in three pulses of squirt onto his bed while her body shook and she whimpered.

While she was still shaking on the bed on all fours, he mounted her again from behind and shoved his cock in her.

She made a moan that sounded like a plea.

She looked back at him with her sexy flushed face, lust in her hot blue eyes.

“Please come in me Doctor” she said softly.

He fucked her with wanton abandon. Ravaging her body and using her like a fuck doll.

She pushed back onto him in time while she wildly screamed “YES, YES, YES! YES! FILL ME UP!!”.

He was ready to come.

He gripped her hips like a vice and thrust all the way into the depths of her pussy and loudly groaned in pleasure.

His balls tightened and his massive hard cock pumped rope after rope of hot thick cum, coating the swollen, soft, deep inside walls of her pussy.

“Aaaahhhhh”, sighed Sarah, as she was filled up from behind.

To her, it was the most satisfying feeling she had ever felt in her life.

She collapsed, panting, onto her side on the soft bed and looked at the Doctor standing at the edge of the bed. He looked satisfied, and he too was catching his breath.

The Doctors cum and her juices were oozing from Sarah’s swollen, satisfied pussy onto the plush sheets. She felt like she had been lovingly ravaged into smithereens. Pounded like a piece of meat, till she was paper thin. He had blown her apart in ecstasy.

Her legs were weak, but there was something more than physical about the experience that she had. She felt as if the depths of her soul had been exposed and the Doctor seen that and desired that. He had opened her deepest recesses and he had owned her.

She made a cute sound and reached for the Doctor’s thick arm. He moved to her and laid on his back next to her curled body and wrapped his arm behind her head and around her feminine warmth. Sarah adjusted herself to lay over the Doctor. She had never felt that comfortable in her life. To her, it was as if their bodies had become one.

“Where are your glasses?” Sarah asked in a soft cute voice, looking at his face.

The Doctor laughed a deep genuine chuckle. And he looked down smiling at her. His green eyes had become twinkling, and his rugged face was benevolent and warm – both emotions she had never seen on him before. Sarah knew she was looking at a side of the Doctor that not many people saw – maybe no one. This made her feel like she was the luckiest girl in the world.

“I’ve had them replaced with contact lenses. And you are actually the first person to see me without them…. Does that make you feel lucky?”, he asked with a smile.

Sarah grinned at the coincidence, “Like the luckiest girl in the world” and nuzzled further into his body closing her eyes.

“Tonight, was like nothing I’ve felt before, Doctor” said Sarah, still with her eyes closed. She was becoming sleepy unusually quickly. Her body felt totally relaxed and heavy, as well as her eyelids.

“It was amazing”, said the Doctor contentedly.

“I guess you know that I’m experienced, but this was … special”.

“I’m glad you feel it was special… I feel that way too”, he said.

Sarah was quiet for a second as she felt waves of sleep wash over her. Then she asked the question she had forgotten she wanted an answer for.

“Who are you, Doctor?… I mean… what is your name?”

“My name is Damien, Sarah. Damien Woodford”

Sarah could feel the slow thump of Damien’s heart beneath his chest. She was at the brink of sleep.

“Damien,” she whispered, “I think I’m falling for you”.

And with that, sleep took her.



  1. Review please. This is my first time writing. I really enjoy it and would like to hear what you think.

  2. I loved the piece, although it fell out of my kinks. Romance is not my thing. But the mystery thing with the blindfold was very nice. I hope that there will be more to come, with mystery, manipulation, and some more tease and denial. As previously said, the turn of the doctor from bad to good went a bit too fast, but is perhaps because “good doctor is nothing but yet another persona.

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