Experiences of a cleric pt 2. Meetings. [Plot, peeping Tom, fantasy]

Alciela had wandered into a tavern the night she met Eldrin tired, lonely, and looking for a hot meal. Without much coin on her she decided to try her charm on the first man who looked her way. She was a tall and strong woman standing 5’11 and able to swing a mace with enough force to knock a goblins head off. Charisma wasn’t her best quality though. She spotted an empty seat next to elven man who wasn’t speaking to anyone, just sipping a mug and writing in his journal. She slides in accidentally jabbing him with her mace, he looks over with a glare that soon softens. 
“My apologies sir.” She smiles and taps the bar top to catch the eye of the barmaid. 
“It’s quite alright.” He pauses for a moment gazing into her oddly pink colored iris. 
Alciela catches his glance and quickly looks down. 
Eldrin can’t help but think to himself. He’d never seen a human with pink colored eyes. Her hair was too black as well and stains on her ears suggested she’d dyed it. She was pretty though and his mind quickly traveled to the thought of bending her over the bar top. He shook his head to avoid a public appearance of his lewd thoughts. 
“So where are you from?” He looks to the girl now drinking heavily from her mug.
She pauses. “Oh nowhere really, but I’m from the church of Zolan, sent me out to find new members.” 
He looks her up and down. She doesn’t look like a priestess, and last he heard the worshipers of Zolan were a bit more high class than to try and recruit bar flys. “So you’re a priestess of zolan?”
Alciela is caught off guard nearly spewing ale. “No, just one of their clerics, more of an apprentice than anything.”
“I’m surprised they would let an apprentice out into the world.” He side eyes her, he gets the feeling she’s not lying but also not telling the whole truth.
Alciela shrugs. “Despite for new members who can carry a weapon.” She finishes the last drink in her mug and sits it on the top with a loud sound catching the barmaids attention. 
The barmaid walks over and goes to fill up her cup but Eldrins hand catches hers. “Give her a mug of the wine I’m drinking, I’ll take care of her tab.” She nods and walks off.
Alciela looks to the elven man. His face isn’t as sharp as most elves but his pointed ears and golden tone suggest he’s a high elf. His hair is long and snow white but neatly tucked into low ponytail. His clothing is nice and free of soil. The barmaid sets a mug full of a deep red liquid. It smells spiced and warm a foot away from her face. She takes a sip. Its spiced sweetness fills her in a warming comfort, it’s the best cup of spiced wine she’s ever had. It’s hard not to down the whole mug and drink 12 more, but she controls herself. 
Eldrin notices her. “You like that? My family makes the wine, it’s over 200 years old and I sell it with a secret blend of spices, although at home we alter the recipe. It gives us vivid visions and euphoria.”
“I’d probably die if I drank it, I could drown in this stuff.” 
Eldrin laughs. “Most humans don’t like the taste, I’m surprised. You must have a bit of elf or something in your blood, especially with those pink e-”
“No, I’m human. Just an odd trait that affects the women in my family. It’s a sign that we are close to holiness. Zolans court of Angel’s had blessed my family many years ago and this is just something that affects us.” She jumps in interrupting him.
“You must have someone who was Aasimar in your blood. They often had strange traits like that. Too bad the rise of Veena wiped them out all those years ago.”
Alciela looks down at her drink. “Yeah, or something like that.”
Eldrin looks down at the girl noticing that her blouse has come open at the top. He was entranced by the large cleavage she’s hiding under layers of baggy clothing. He had just met this woman and was already lusting after her. Thinking of nothing more than ripping her clothing off and ravaging her body. She leans back taking a drink and notices where his eyes have traveled. Eldrin knowing he’s been caught blushes and looks away. 
“So what brings you to the city?” She looks over to the red elf now.
“Oh- my family may be noble but they want me to know the trade. I was sent to sell shipments of wine.” 
Alciela nods. She stands and feels the alcohol move from her stomach to her mind. A wave of intoxication washes over her and she sits back down.
“Oh, yes this wine is more alcoholic than whiskey.” Eldrin gives a soft laugh. 
“That would explain things. So I think I should order a room now, as I’m not leaving now.” Alciela waves the barmaid down, but she’s stopped short. 
“Bring her another mug of wine.” The woman nods. “You can have my spare room. I had one extra for someone who isn’t joining me until tomorrow night.”
“Oh, no that’s fine I was just going to pay for a cot in the common room.”
“I insist. It comes with bath tokens too.” He pulls a wooden coin from his pocket and slides it to her. 
She eagerly takes it, but cant help but wonder what he’s expecting from her. “So what exactly are you wanting from me? You buy my drinks, give me a room, and now bath tokens?”
He smiles something wicked. “You probably think I have some fantasy of stealing the virginity of a priestess don’t you.”
Her eyes narrow. “I might now.”
“No girl, I simply find you interesting and I want to learn what I can about you. Something draws me to you. Your not costing me anything I wouldn’t spend on a whore. Honestly though I’m having more fun speaking to you than taking the harlot over there to my room for a quick fuck.”
Alcielas face goes flush. “You’re a rude man.”
“I can tell by the dirt and blood on your clothing that you’re not in the mood to turn down a free hot bath, soft bed, and filling meal though.” Eldrin takes a long drink from his mug and looks at the flush girl.
“I suppose.” She finishes her drink and pulls out the wooden coin. 
Eldrin pulls one from his pocket as well and follows her. She steps into one of the stalls and fills her tub eldrin takes the tub in front of her and fills his as well. As he’s undressing he notices a small crack between the boards. He can’t help but peek, to his surprise he has a full view of Alciela undressing. He watches her touching himself as she pulls each layer of clothing off. He nearly loses it as she bends over to stretch and touches the ground in front of her for a long moment before stepping into the hot water to bathe.
Eldrin does the same trying to think of anything but the beautiful nude girl in the bath next to him.
“As rude as it sounds…. My names Alciela.” Her voice breaks the soft sounds of water moving around them both.
“Eldrin.” Its all he can get out for the moment. “You’re not being rude, I should have introduced myself sooner. We jumped into personal stories before proper introductions. I had already been drinking before you sat next to me. My apologies.”
Alciela finishes her bath and dresses herself in fresh clothing. “Would you like to join me for some private conversations?”
Eldrin is surprised. “Of course, I’ll have the maids bring up a few drinks and something to eat.” He finishes his bath and dresses. Alciela has already left but he notices a black inky ring on the tub she was using.

He meets her in the wash room rinsing her clothing off in a large basin. “Here let me at least take your pack to your room.” She smiles letting it slip off her shoulder. He opens the door and places the bag on the bed when a half fastened flap opens and a bottle of black dye slides out. He stuffs it back in only wondering more about the girl. 

Eldrin walks back to his room greeted by the smell of two mugs of spiced wine and a sampling of cheeses and bread. There’s a soft knock on the door. “Yes?” Alciela pushes the door open, and steps inside. She’s wearing a long blue robe that’s tied at her waist. “Sorry I was cold and my robes are the warmest thing I have on me.” She takes a seat on one of the arm chairs in the room and grabs a mug of wine making herself comfortable. 
“Alciela, you don’t act like any of the religious people I’ve met. You say you’re from the church if Zolan. Which is honestly one of the most prestigious churches. You are quite fascinating.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s why they sent me out. They think I’ll do better gathering experience on my own and recruiting the less fortunate…” she trails off. 
“Have you taken a man’s hand in marriage yet?” Eldrin watches her as he takes a drink.
“You think I’d be alone with another man if I had? I hadn’t caught the eye of anyone and the one who tried to take me…. Well he walks a bit funny now.” Alcie takes a small sip before glaring at Eldrin. “Why are you so interested in someone who follows a human god?”
“Honestly your beauty caught my eye. I wanted to learn more about you and then every word. Well you just become more interesting.”
“Why haven’t you got a wife yet?” 
“Well that’s why my family sent me out. They want me to settle down, find a girl and step into the family seat at the royal court. But I can’t do so until I have been wed.” Eldrin sinks into his chair a bit. 
“So you think I’m pretty?”
Eldrins face goes flush. “Yes, cant say I have ever seen a human girl as beautiful as you.”
Alciela stands, walks over and sits in Eldrins lap. Her fingers trace his jaw line. “For an elf you’re pretty good looking too.”
Eldrins fingers catch her under the jaw and he pulls her up for a kiss. Her lips are incredibly soft and feelings take over him. He wants to kiss her more and more. He pulls her into him kissing her deeply. She puts up no restraint and kisses him back. 
Alciela stands and unties her robe revealing her naked body underneath. Eldrin swallows hard his ears going cold as the blood moves elsewhere. “I didn’t think priestesses were allowed to do this sort of thing.”
“I’ll do as I please, they don’t care anymore.” Alciela steps out onto the balcony to observe the full moon.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/d5uj6i/experiences_of_a_cleric_pt_2_meetings_plot