[M]y Long Walk to Fuck a New [F]riend

When I was in college, my friend’s girlfriend (and her roommates) used to throw parties. They all lived in a relatively small college town that I would go visit, but she lived on the edge of the city, while my friends pretty much lived downtown. I don’t remember exactly how far, but I’d guess about 2 miles. Not the worst hike, but not something you’d necessarily ***want*** to do.

We still weren’t old enough to go to the bars, so these house parties were pretty much the best thing available. And since we were pretty young and in college, we didn’t have much money for cabs. So if one of these parties happened to be happening 2 miles away, that’s just the price you had to pay.

Around this time, I was pretty much always carrying a backpack with me. We could bring our alcohol that way. I would always have my phone charger and any other thing I may need for that night too. It was just convenient. And since some of these parties were happening at my buddy’s girlfriends house, I was always able to stash it someplace safe.

On one of these nights, we had made the long walk over to this party on the edge of town. My buddy’s girlfriend graciously allowed me to put my backpack in her closet for safe keeping. We went about our night, I hung out with all my friends and got completely trashed, as you do. As the night was winding down, someone offered to pay for a cab back to my friends’ place. I was ***not*** going to miss that opportunity and be forced to sloppy-drunk walk home, so I told them to wait for me and I’d run up to get my backpack.

I ran upstairs and quickly found that the door was locked. I knew it wasn’t my buddy and his girlfriend because I had just been talking to them downstairs not 5 minutes before. I knock on the door and say, “Hey whoevers in there, I need to get my backpack from the closet!” it had my only charger in there and I needed to get it before i went home.

I then heard my best friends voice, “Go away! We’re busy!”.

“I don’t care what you’re doing!”, I told him. “I just need the backpack and then you can go back to jerking off”. I could tell he had a girl in there, and he was being difficult, so i figured I’d mess with him.

I continued to bang on the door, ” Seriously, put some pants on, leave that poor girl alone, and let me in!”

“Fuck off! Come back later!” He said. And then I heard the girls voice, “Give us a minute and I’ll let you in!”. She was clearly giggling. Finding the whole thing kind of embarrassing and funny.

“See? You’re lady friend is being helpful! Why can’t you?” I laughed. “Fuck you, dude” He replied clearly not finding the humor in it. When he finally opened the door, he was only wearing his shirt and was covering his dick, clearly frustrated. “You happy, man!? Is this what you wanted? Well you got it buddy!”

I stepped in the room and turned around to see the girl standing in the adjoining bathroom, sticking her head out the cracked door into the bedroom. Honestly, I was shocked. My best friend is a good looking guy, but he has kind of a type, and this was not it. I could only see her head, but she looked like Sarah Michelle Gellar from her Buffy years. Very pretty, and blonde with about shoulder length hair. She was laughing at the whole situation. My bottomless friend trying to rush me out of the room, me being sort of nonchalant about the whole situation. I looked at her and said, “Well hey there! I don’t believe we’ve met!” and jokingly started walking toward her to shake her hand.

“No way. Nope. Get the hell out of here” He said and tried to swat me away while holding his dick in one hand.

“Alright, alright, I’m leaving…” I said playfully, grabbed my backpack, said “Have fun you two!” and ran out the door to the cab.

The next day, I was talking to my best friend. He had ended up back at the house I was staying at later that night, but most of us had already passed out by then. I asked him who the girl was and how things had ended up. He told me that her name was Riley and it was a friend of his from high school (we went to different high schools). She and him had just kind of ended up flirting for a bit and she was going down on him when I had interrupted but they didn’t go any further because neither of them had a condom. “And I barely got as far as I did, no thanks to you!”. I still thought it was funny, but I explained to him that it wasn’t my intention, they were just in a bad place at a bad time and I needed to get home. He understood. He also told me that he’s glad it didn’t go any further because they were decent friends and it was already going to be weird coming back from what had happened.


A few weeks later, there was another party at the same place. We did the same thing we always did: pre-game at the house, load up with all the booze and things we’ll need, and start the journey. When we got there, we were decently early. Played a few games of beer-pong, talked to some people. Most of these people were from the same high school and knew each other. I was kind of a secondary person, but had known a lot of them for years. At parties like this though, I always only kind of tangentially knew people.

At some point, after the part had filled up a bit more, I’m outside, having a drink and talking to some folks, when one of the girls in the small group I was talking to said, “Wait aren’t you CaptainDogParty?” (Sorry to leave my name out). I told her I was and she kind of giggled, “Riley was talking about you. Said she was going to be looking for you tonight.” I kind of laughed. I figured it was so she could give me shit about the event with my friend.

I described myself in my last story, but to reiterate, I am a normal looking, average height, average weight fella. I wouldn’t say I blend in to a crowd necessarily, but I’m not traditionally handsome or muscular or well-dressed. I just seem to have a way with people some times and that’s really the only way I can explain getting any woman.

So in my mind, it doesn’t even register that this girl could be trying to hook up with me. I just figured she thought I was funny and wanted to officially meet me.

“Well you tell Riley, that I’m going to be looking for her too!” I laughed. “You’d better. She’s really cute”, the girl in my group said. Almost as if we were in middle school and she was coyly trying to gauge if I liked her friend.

After a few minutes, I started wandering the party again, chatting with a few people here and there until eventually, I actually saw Riley in the crowd. Believe it or not, she looked even better as a whole person than just a floating head in a doorway. Slim, but not too skinny. She was relatively tall for a girl, just a little shorter than myself. It was summer so she was wearing very short jean shorts that squeezed her little butt (not big, but certainly cute) and a tank top that hung kind of low, with a green bandeau underneath that was pretty visible. She also wore a very thin headband like the indie chicks used to wear a few years ago. She looked like a free spirit and kind of stood out among a lot of the other girls who had gotten extremely dressed up for this house party. You could tell the bandeau was holding her boobs back a bit, so you couldn’t get an idea of their size by looking at them, but she looked great.

A couple times for the next twenty minutes or so, I’d look across the room and catch her kind of looking at me or I’d be looking at her and she would kind of catch me looking. The whole thing felt very cute and I was starting to realize that she actually might be interested in me. Eventually, I saw her walk out the back door onto the patio of this house and I figured it was now or never.

I walked out on the back porch to find her leaning up against the deck railing having a drink. I walked up next to her and said, “Hey, I heard you’ve been looking for me.” She turned and smiled and said “I’ve heard that ***you’ve*** been looking for ***me***.”

I officially introduced myself and told her that I was sorry for interrupting things a few weeks back. “I didn’t mean to cockblock you, I just really needed my phone charger!” She laughed and said it was totally fine and reiterated what my friend said that they were too good of friends to be hooking up anyway. (Sorry pal. You really missed out on this one)

She and I hit it off almost immediately. She said she had heard about me from my friends over the years and seen some videos we had made and put on YouTube and she thought I was funny and kinda cute. And then when she saw me in person, she kind of formed a small crush on me. We had a lot in common and I quickly found that she was very funny herself. At one point, we ended up in a larger group, talking to some people and by this point we had started to get a little more comfortable with one another. While i was talking to this group I was standing up while, she was sitting next to me on some stairs outside. Suddenly I felt her hand rubbing the inside of my leg from behind. Slowly she started kind of rubbing her hand higher and higher until her hand was inside the leg of my shorts. Most people probably wouldn’t have been able to see because of the angle she was at, but she was slowly inching closer to my penis which was slowly getting harder and harder and point down right to wear her hand was coming up. While she never quite reached up to it, it was very obvious what she was trying to do.

The boldness was kind of exhilarating and I’m not usually one to act so openly, so it was really turning me on. As the crowd around us started dying down (maybe because she was being more obvious than I had thought). I sat down next to her and began getting a little handsy myself. I’m starting to rub my leg up her thigh and prepare to go in for the first kiss when suddenly, another friend comes up and starts talking to us. At this point she has kind of nestled her head into my neck and had started to slowly kiss my neck cheek while my friend is trying to talk to me. I’m trying to focus on what he’s blabbering on about while he’s also giving me hilarious looks because it’s very clear that she and i are not interested. I’m having trouble even hearing anything at this point, when suddenly she takes my hand and just presses it right between her legs.

I immediately stand up, tell me friend that I can’t listen to his bullshit anymore because I have more important things to attend to. I pull her up by her hand and she kind of squeals with excitement and laughs as i pull her by her hand back into the house.

We immediately run upstairs because we know there are at least fewer people up there. The hallway is dark empty and at that moment, it could have been full of 200 of my most conservative relatives and I still wouldn’t have cared. I instantly pushed her up against the wall and started making out with her. I specifically remember she tasted like watermelon gum and I still get a small twinge in my pants when I smell it today. She was a biter, gentle, but frequent. Almost every kiss was long and ended with a bite. I grabbed her tight, little ass and pulled her closer to me. She took her mouth off of mine and then brought it to my neck. I was dying. My cock was ripping through my shorts. I flipped her around so she was facing the wall and I was grinding into her ass. I began kissing her neck and my left hand reached around to grab her left breast. It was firm, and like I said, held in tight by the bandeau. She let out an intense sigh as i pressed my right hand against her taught stomach and slid it down into her shorts. As my hand slid past a thin patch of pubic hair, she pressed her ass into my groin. When I brushed her clitoris and began started to feel her wet lips, she turned her head slightly and said “This room should be empty, this girl just moved out.” and pulled my hand out of her shorts kissed my again and led me into a dark room at the end of the hall.

She was right. The room was empty. The girl who lived there had moved away for the summer and taken everything with her. Including the only lamp that presumably lit up the room. It was pitch black but I didn’t give a shit I needed to feel Riley more than I needed to see ever again. As soon as we shut the door, Riley was on her knees, undoing my pants. As my dick sprung forward she found it first with her hands, and then with her mouth. This girl was an artist. She would use one hand to lightly scratch my thigh as she used the other hand to slowly twist and pull on my cock as she used her lips and tongue to suck the life out. She would stick her tongue out underneath and try to lick it, while she was sucking on it. The whole while, I am standing there, trying not to collapse from pleasure. I’ve said before that I’m not a blowjob fan, and it’s because most of them are not as good as this one was.

While she continues to suck me dry, I reached down and pulled her bandeau down, finally unleashing her beautiful breasts from their fabric cage. I couldn’t see what they looked like at the time, but I could feel that they were a solid handful and p.e.r.k.y. There wasn’t an ounce of sag to them. I don’t have a problem with gravity taking its toll, but this girl had been spared of all of that.

The combination of the reveal of her tits as well as the magic she was performing on me caused my cock to erupt. I only had a second to warn that I was coming, so she could decide what to do with it, and God love her, she didn’t even try to remove me from her mouth. She just kept stroking as my whole body convulsed. While i poured into her mouth, she just gripped her lips tighter and let me have this beautiful shining moment. As i finished she removed me from her mouth, swallowed, and brought her tongue back to clean any remaining cum from my member. I pulled my dick away. I was simply too sensitive. I got down on my knees to join her and pulled her face close to mine. I kissed her hard and said “I need to pay you back for that.”

Then she said the worst thing she could have said at that time, “Do you have a condom?”

Now it’s not that I have any problem with using a condom. In fact, I absolutely prefer to in most situations. The problem was, at this point I had been in the middle of a dry spell and had not been in the need of a condom in some time and I had always heard that keeping them in your wallet is bad for them anyway. My heart sank.

“No, i don’t. Do you?” I begged.

“No, I was hoping you would.” She replied dejectedly, sounding as upset as I felt.

“Don’t you worry. We are not going to let this stop us. Do you want this as bad as I do?” I asked her with confidence in my head.

“You already got off! I probably want it even more!” She laughed.

“Well then we’re going to find a condom.” I told her.

We took a second to pull ourselves together and left the room. As we raced out, we quickly realized that there were a lot fewer people there than we had thought. In fact there was really only one person who I felt ok running to with this issue. I went to my buddy who’s girlfriend lived at this house first. I figured they’d be the best ones to ask. “We usually only have sex at my place. All my condoms are there. I’m staying here tonight, so you guys can go back there tonight.”

I told her the bad news and the good news: We’d have to walk two miles in the summer heat to go fuck in a strangers bed, but if she gave me that effort, I would make it worth her while.

She agreed and we wasted no time. We took off walking immediately. It was almost impossible to keep our hands off of each other. For two miles, we stopped every 30 feet to lean up against and retaining wall and make out a bit more, or slip into an alleyway between a couple houses so i could slide my hand down her shorts for a couple minutes, building up enough anticipation that we were both ready to burst.

After what must have been an hour, we finally showed up at the house I was staying at. If the house wasn’t empty, well they were about to get an eyeful because before we were even in the house, her shirt was off. Her tits looked as good if not better than they felt. They were standing straight up as if they’d never had to hold their own weight before. She had tan lines from a strapless bikini and which left the skin which the bikini covered pasty white, but the rest of her was completely tanned. Her nipples were small and dark against the surrounding white skin.

We poured into the living room almost literally wrapped around each other. I told her which room we were headed to and she ran off off down the hallway. I followed her lead and ripped my shirt off as I chased her to the bedroom and slammed the door shut. While I clumsily took my pants off and began searching the bedside drawer for a condom, she peeled her shorts off of herself. Both of us were sweaty from the walk, and neither of us cared at all. I hopped up with the condom in my hand and my full erection staring straight at her.

“Looks even better in the light!” she laughed as I came toward her, her legs spread open. “You should see what I’m looking at.” I laid down next to her and started making out. We had been leading up to this for a while, but I didn’t want to just start thrusting down upon her. Once more, I pressed my fingers down between her legs. I felt the wetness between her legs and found my middle finger against her clit. I rubbed slowly but firmly just to give her a small sensation. After a few seconds I reached further down and pressed into her pussy, which engulfed my finger quickly. She moaned as i pressed in deeper. After a few more motions, in and out, i slipped in a second finger, my ring finger, to fill her up even more. She reached down and grabbed my cock to reciprocate the pleasure that I was offering. She stroked it half a dozen times before I heard it: “Ok, please just fuck me. Now.” she begged.

I thought for a second about teasing her a bit more, but I don’t think I could have handled it any longer myself. I lifted myself up and began putting the condom on. She grabbed it from my hand and said she wanted to do. I fucking loved that. She placed it gently on the end of my dick and quickly rolled it down the length of my shaft. Then, taking charge, she leaned on her back, and pulled me, by the dick, directly towards her dripping, wet pussy.

I pushed my hips down on her and let the tip of my dick slide right in. I pulled back just a bit, and then slid the rest of myself inside of her as she let out a sign as if her life was leaving her body. We had both been waiting for this, but she had not had any kind of release yet and was aching for this. I continued to push in and out of her gently, getting in tune with what her body wanted. She locked her legs around mine to help add force to my thrusts as I continued increasing speed. With how in charge of her was, she wasn’t incredibly vocal. She sighed and squeaked and quickly caught her breath when something felt great. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and bit her lip when I found her rhythm.

After a minute or so of fucking this beautiful woman, she suddenly pushed me away, and said, “I want you to fuck me from behind. Do it hard.” The she flipped over, laid her head down, and looked back and me to go ahead. I must have been in awe for a moment while I stared down at her beautiful ass with tan lines to match her upper half. I was staring directly at her spread ass. Her pussy, dropping wet. It felt like a full minute of me staring before she spoke again and smiled. “Come on, fuck me.”

But before I could go inside again, I just had to get a quick taste. I quickly pushed my face down to her pussy, and stuck my tongue in. This was the first time she actually made some noise. She let out a huge “holy shit” and moaned as I went to town. I pushed my tongue in deep and then pulled it out and gave a little attention her clit. You could tell she was sensitive and I didn’t give her too much sensation until I did what she told me to do and fuck her from behind. I ate her out for just a few more seconds before I pulled myself back up and positioned my cock at her opening again. “God yes. Please do it hard”

And I did. I instantly pressed my entire cock deep into her. I instantly discovered that this was her preferred position. I held onto her hips for dear life as I rode her like it was some kind of punishment. As I pressed into her harder and harder her moans turned to screamed. I was bent over her with my head always laying on her back as I continued my motions. She was muffling herself into the pillow and mattress beneath her. I was losing my goddamn mind and told her I wasn’t going to last long. She said the same and finally she reached up in desperation, grabbed the hair on the back of my head and pulled me closer to her as she began to cum. I felt her pussy squeezing down on my cock as I continued thrusting. She was clawing at me behind her and at the bed below her, trying desperately to find anything to get her bearings.

I couldn’t take it anymore, watching her find so much pleasure made me go over the top. I told her I was going to cum and began to pull out, but she stopped me before I could and told me to finish inside of her.

I couldn’t even think about any alternative, hearing her say that topped it all off for me and dent spurt after spurt of white hot cum shooting out of my cock and filling the condom inside of her. As she was coming down from her climax, she began reeling from the feeling of me filling her up and I was trying to make sense of it all. This gorgeous girl who I had basically just met was crouched in front of me, quivering with pleasure and had made me cum twice tonight.

As things began to make a bit more sense in the world, I slowly slid out of her and laid on my back. She sweetly turned and laid her head on my chest. “That was amazing…” I said. She agreed.

Having finally felt that sweet release. We were both exhausted. We cleaned up a bit, and probably didn’t say another 10 words before passing out holding each other completely nude.

The next day I woke up and she was already awake and getting dressed.
“Holy shit”, I said. “Last night was unbelievable” I asked her if she wanted to get breakfast, but her friend was already coming to pick her up and she was about to leave. I asked her if she wanted to meet up some time soon and go on a date. She seemed taken aback, as if she thought I might have only wanted that one night. But we had hit it off so well that I really thought we could have something here. We exchanged information and ended up dating off and on for the rest of the summer and part way through the next school year.

Though we didn’t work out in the end, I still think about how connected and in tune we were sexually and how good we were together even outside of the bedroom. I’ll especially never forget this story, our first night together.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d5c7wp/my_long_walk_to_fuck_a_new_friend


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