The Slut Therapy Hospital (Pt 1) [MF]

It’s your first morning in the hospital after being forced in by your conservative, Christian parents the night before. You were drugged and woke, restrained on a bed, in a dim room in the middle of the night for a nurse to tell you where you were and why. You were a dirty slut, and you were in this hospital to become pure again at your parents insistence. She said your therapy would begin at 8am the next morning. You had a fitful sleep and awoke early the next morning.

The morning light allows you to take in your surroundings for the first time. You’re lying naked on your back on the soft white linen of your white steel bed against the wall of a small, warm, clean room. No pictures adorn the walls which are all white. The floor is a light blue. An ornate brown timber table with a simple timber chair are against the opposite wall, with the clock on the wall above it these items account for the only furniture in the room apart from your bed. There is one shaded light in the middle of the ceiling which gives out a white glow at night. The nurse told you the night before that the room is plain because the doctor insists on a low stimulation environment. No books, no music, no television, no technology and definitely no sexual stimulation. Just therapy, rest and food.

The one feature which contrasts against this plain atmosphere is a large window on the wall adjacent to your bed which allows the warm sun to stream in and gives a magnificent view of the grounds. They are beautiful and immaculately maintained containing tulips of pink, red and white. The flowers are bordered by orderly hedges surrounding a neat circular lawn. There is a iron and timber bench beside a stone bird bath in the middle of the lawn. Everything about the garden and room remind you of what you are not: clean, controlled, pure, innocent.

Each of your arms and legs are restrained to each of the four corners of your white steel bed with loose yet firm soft fur cuffs, putting you in a star position. The nurse said the cuffs were to prevent you from masturbating. You feel vulnerable yet somehow comfortable. You actually feel calmer than you have in a long time. You start to think about how it’s come to this. You think of the years of drama, of wanton sex, of dirty dancing in the clubs with no panties, sucking cock in the bathroom. The hundreds of nameless men who fucked you until you came and then you guzzled their cum. The addiction that you have for sex and orgasm. Maybe this is what you need.

You hear a firm knock at the door. You look at the clock. It’s 8am exactly.

A man opens the door in a fluid motion and enters the room with a confident stride followed by a nurse. The tall, dark haired, tanned skinned, masculine man is wearing brown leather shoes, perfectly maintained, and of excellent quality. Brown pants made of cotton that are also equally handsome, a powder blue shirt that is tight enough to see the outline of his muscular torso beneath a white lab coat open at the front. That paired with his eye glasses covering intense green eyes on his shaved, chiselled, stern, ruggedly handsome face gives him an air of authority and power. You can’t help but feel attracted to him, and you feel yourself getting wet.

He comes to the side of the bed with the nurse at the door and looks over your vulnerable, restrained, naked body and you see lust flash over his face, a fire in his intense eyes. You feel your nipples harden and your pussy leak some more.

“I am your Doctor Sarah, and you are to call me such.” He says in a deep, rich voice.

While still looking at your body he says firmly to his nurse, “Release her, it’s time for her daily cleaning”, and looking you dead in the eye says, “you will be compliant Sarah, or there will be consequences”. You cannot help but feel the force of his intense green eyes.

“Yes doctor”, you squeak in a higher pitched voice than normal.

“Good”, he says.

The nurse comes over to the bed and undoes the cuffs one by one, while the doctor continues to look your body over. Once you are untied you get to your feet, still totally naked. You have never been ashamed of your naked body, proud even. Men have always been attracted to you and at the age of 26 you still had the body of an 18 year old. Any man would find you sexy, but something about the doctor was making you feel bashful, blushing even. You feel yourself wanting to be clean for him. Again you think, maybe this is what you need.

“Follow me Sarah”, the doctor said as he moved for the door. You followed with the nurse behind. He took you down a long, clinical corridor and into a door to the left. “Cleaning Room” was engraved on a steel plaque on the white timber door. The doctor entered the room followed by you and the nurse.

As you enter you see a black leather and stainless steel chair which resembled a dentists chair beside a flat table also of black leather and steel resembling a massage table, both in the centre of a square white tiled room of about 4 metres. The chair and table both had many leather restraints for legs, arms and mouth. You sensed that this was for obtaining different positions. There was a plumbed, black hose coming from the centre of the floor in front of the chair and table.

“Sit in the chair Sarah”, came the doctors voice, and you moved quickly to obey. “This is where we bring sluts like you for your daily cleaning.” You could feel the heat travelling around your body, flushing your face and neck, your lips, your thighs and your pussy. You were so horny. It had been at least 36 hours since you had some sexual release. Your pussy was dripping wet. You sat in the leather chair and looked at the Doctor with anticipation. All you wanted was for him to take you.

“Restrain and recline her Nurse”, ordered the authoritative doctor. The nurse obeyed. She clasped your ankles, and wrists firmly. She moved the chair to a reclined position so your ass was on the edge of the seat, with legs raised and open. Your throbbing pussy was exposed. You heard the nurse ask from behind you, “Mouth restraint, Doctor?”.

“No, let’s see if she can behave herself. One squeak and you’ll be gagged”, he said, with the hint of a smile, looking you in the face.

You wanted to be good for him. To do everything he said. To be clean. But your throbbing wet pussy and pulsing hot body just wanted to be touched, fucked, slapped, ravaged. Your inner slut couldn’t handle this. You wanted scream ‘Fuuck me please, Doctor’, but you managed to hold it in, for now.

The doctor stood with his legs apart, hands on hips, admiring the scene which he had created. You saw the look of satisfaction as he looked over your naked body, noticing the signs of your horniness. You looked at his crotch and saw a long, thick bulge down his left, muscular leg behind his pants.

“P-p-please Doc-”

“That’s enough! What did I say?” he said with a finger pointed at you, like a father would do to his daughter. “Nurse, gag her.” The nurse obeyed.

You found that this was to your liking though as it only seemed to increase your lust. Your body was on fire now, and you felt your arms straining at the restraints, trying to get to you warm, soft, wet pink pussy lips. You were watching everything the Doctor did now, praying and hoping he would take that big cock out of his pants and slam it deep into you.

The doctor collected the hose from the ground and put it on a low pressure, testing it with his hand. He looked up at your restrained body with lust in his eyes and stepped closer with the hose in his hand.

To be continued…



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