A huge crush on my older professor [F]

I’m a college age female, pretty, fit/curvy athlete. I had to share my story, its long because it takes place over a semester, and not as wild as some others on here, but I wanted to write it out.
I go to a small school and it was the second semester, but I wasn’t really all that interested in school. For me it was more like boys, parties, fitness, clothes, traveling. In my first year I hadn’t exactly been at he top of the dean’s list. I had done all right in psychology though, so I signed up for a course in abnormal psych in the hope that I would get a positive grade on my record.
My first day there I realized that there were only a few guys in the class, and the rest were other girls. Boring. There were only like 15 people in the whole class. Our professor walked in and he was an older guy. My friend who took the class with me said he was retiring at the end of the year. There were rumors that he had done something with a few students, but of course we didn’t believe it, because 1) he was old 2) he seemed harmless and 3) he would have been fired, they wouldn’t have let him continue teaching.
He introduced himself and explained how the class would work, that he would be giving us weekly quizzes on the content we discussed in class. He counted lack of attendance against our grade (ugh). Then we would have a final at the end which made up the other half of our grade. I noticed as he was looking around the room he kept coming back to my legs. He wouldn’t blatantly stare, but he looked directly and calmly. He said he was going to show a video to us about the class as an introduction and that a lot of lessons would be video based.
This professor was so lazy he had recorded himself speaking in front of his computer. Just to save the time and effort from actually teaching the class, he pre-recorded his lesson plan and just sat at the front, surveying the students while the video version of him droned on. And the video wasn’t even high quality, the lighting was awful, and there was this annoying flickering light in his eyes that was distracting. This was the best the college could get? No wonder he was retiring.
The videos went on every class, and the first quiz came at the end of the week. I wasn’t prepared at all. I didn’t study and those videos were impossible to pay attention to without zoning out. Besides, there were always so many parties. It was early and I was a little hung over, and it wasn’t even multiple choice, they were open ended answer questions. I had no idea what I was doing.
While we took the quiz he just looked over the students from the podium at the front. Again, I kept catching him looking at my legs. I had a black skirt on that day. I uncrossed and crossed my legs the other way just for a second. With how poorly my quiz grade was about to be, it wouldn’t hurt to get on the his good side.
He graded them during the rest of the class. He put on another of his boring video lectures and moved to a desk in the corner, When the video ended he turned up the lights, handed back the exams and dismissed the class. Somehow I scored 7 out of 10. No way. I only knew maybe 2 of the answers. When I looked up his eyes were on my legs again. I gave him my best little smile, maybe I could get a good grade after all.
A few weeks later, my friend in the class was complaining that she couldn’t ever get a good grade on the quizzes. She was getting 3s, 4s, 5s, and I was getting 7s or 8s every week, and I never studied or cracked open a book. And she knew it. I tried to play it off like I was just getting lucky, but she was getting upset, so I told her. The professor was just a dirty old man. I always wore skirts, dresses, or shorts to class because if he could look at my legs, I’d get a better quiz grade. She was laughing at me but then she realized I was always dressed for class, even though it was early, and she would always show up in uggs, sweatpants, and a hoodie.
Next week she dressed more like me, and she got an 8 on her quiz, and she hadn’t studied either. We both just made up answers to the tests. As long as we wrote something about psychology and dressed the part, we were going to have no problem with the class at all!
It wasn’t all easy though, you still had to show up. And those videos were beyond boring. He would just drone on and on in a monotone voice about boring psychology stuff while the screen flickered, and the real version of him sat at a desk grading papers or whatever he was doing. I should have been taking notes but it was always too difficult to focus on what he was saying. I knew I’d do well anyway, I showed up in skirts and dresses every day, or sometimes some compression or gym shorts. I wasn’t afraid to show a little leg. Half of the people including the boys had dropped out of the class by halfway through the semester.
I got these little bursts of satisfaction, like a rush, every time he looked. And when I got a good quiz grade I was ecstatic, which was stupid because I didn’t ever care about grades all *that* much. As I was getting dressed for class, I decided I wasn’t going to wear panties that day. I wasn’t going to show anything, but just in case he really looked, he would wonder whether I was or not. I realized I hadn’t really been as promiscuous lately with boys, or going to as many parties. But I felt a rush getting dressed for my professor. I ran a finger down my slit, it was already wet. I stood with my legs spread and leaned back against the wall, and rubbed my clit while I slid a finger in and out of myself until I had a strong, wonderful orgasm. I felt so dirty, thinking about showing off for an old man like that.
The class was still the same, I would space out completely during this videos and like when the lights came on I would be jolted awake. I didn’t even know what the topics of the class were until the quiz days. It hit me one day – every single one of the other girls in class had figured out the trick! There were like 7 of us left, and everyone showed up looking their best every day. My best friend swore she didn’t tell anyone, but I guess he was obvious enough that we all figured it out. Besides, he was harmless.
In line to get the quiz grades back, he handed a quiz back to the girl in front of me and it fell to the floor. She didn’t squat, but she actually bent over in front of him to grab it in her jean skirt. I was going to have to try that.
The lecture hall had rows of desks that were each higher than the ones behind them. I realized that I could sit a few rows higher, and he would be able to look right at my thighs. I had them uncrossed all the time now – knees together, but still uncrossed. I pretended not to notice when he stared, or sometimes I’d even smile. One time I got bold during a quiz and sat with them a little bit apart. If he looked hard, he could have seen.
After that quiz, he handed my test back to me and smiled. He gave me my first 10. I was giddy with excitement. He said he was really impressed with my work. I hadn’t even written complete answers on the paper. I knew what he really meant. I was so excited that when he dismissed the class, I went back to my dorm, laid on my bed, spread my legs, and rubbed my clit furiously while I fingered myself. My body shook as I had back to back orgasms.
I kept showing up for class, dressed to kill, leaning forward on my desk with my legs slightly parted and watch these videos as he droned on and on. The videos were dull and boring but I realized I liked watching his lips move when he talked in them, and the flickering light in his eyes was actually really nice.
I noticed that there were only 4 girls left in the whole class. I guess nobody could handle how boring the lectures were. I also noticed I was paying much more attention to my appearance. I’d spend hours getting my hair and makeup and outfit just right each morning before going to class.
I didn’t even care about psychology. All I really cared about was showing up to class and getting my professor’s eyes to focus on *me*, and not the other girls competing for his attention. I also had to try really hard to stay awake during the videos, but I fell asleep almost every time. Towards the end of the semester I remember being jolted awake by the lights being flipped on after the lecture. He walked up to return my quiz grade, and my legs just parted all on their own. My skirt rode up my legs. There was no doubt my pussy was exposed to him. He didn’t hide his eyes at all. He looked right down as he handed my quiz back to me. I got another 10 and I hadn’t even written complete sentences.
I was completely over college boys at this point. I kept having dreams and fantasies about older men, I hadn’t hooked up with a boy in weeks. I went back to my room and got on all fours and rubbed and fingered myself until I collapsed.
At the end of the course, I had to schedule my oral exam for the final. I was nervous and excited to be in his office alone. I waited outside, I dressed my best. I had a tight blue club dress on, heels, my hair was perfect, my makeup flawless. I used extra lip gloss that day. He stepped out of this office and called me in, and did not hesitate to look me up and down, head to toe. For the first time, I noticed a definite bulge in his pants. I had butterflies. I uncrossed my legs in slow motion for him before I stood up. He left the door open and I followed him inside…
If you all are interested in what happened, I will be writing the next part of my experience soon! Didn’t want this post to get too long. Thanks for reading.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d53hmp/a_huge_crush_on_my_older_professor_f


  1. Ohhhh you ARE a tease! At class and here on reddit. Now I really want to read what happens next!

  2. Hot for teacher is a definite thing. I used to love when my professor unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeves to write on the board. I never thought forearms were sexy until that moment.

  3. What a great story

    He sounds like a dirty old man but love how you are getting off to it and getting good grades at that.

    Keen to hear how the next part goes ?

  4. I can’t wait for the next chapter The world needs more of hotties like you. If you don’t use it you might lose it.

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