Amanda had gotten lost on the service elevator on her second day at E-PAR and was 20 minutes late to her post. An hour later, she received an email from her boss to meet him in the HR office in the basement. As soon as she stepped off the elevator, three men grabbed her, tied her arms behind her back, folded her in half, turned her upside down and shoved her into the garbage can under the garbage chute from cafeteria upstairs. Amanda tried shouting for help as they pushed her dress up and pulled her panties to the side, roughly smacking her bared ass and digging their fingers into her cunt and asshole while talking to themselves about fucking her, but every time she opened her mouth, it filled with old coffee grounds and rotten food, threatening to choke her, so she closed her mouth tight and struggled to breath through her nose as she felt the garbage can being dragged down the hall, then lifted in the air as she heard even more men’s voices in addition to the other three. The garbage can settled down on a surface so it was almost as if she was kneeling. Her shoes had come off in the struggle, and she could feel cool leather on her toes and then the weight of someone on the surface behind her. A hand touched her right ass cheek and then suddenly, without warning, a cock speared into her asshole. She screamed as she was shoved forward, deeper into the garbage, instantly throwing up as her face landed in a clump of damp paper towels that had evidently been used to mop up spilled milk several days ago and had spoiled in the garbage. Her own puke smeared all over her face as the assault on her ass grew in intensity, her face smacking into the pool of vomit and rotten food and she puked again, which had the unintended effect of tightening her asshole around the invading cock. The man raping her asshole stiffened and pushed his dick as deep as possible and emptied his balls into her colon, grunting and then pulling out and smacking the head of his cock on her ass cheek to get rid of the last few drops of semen before he left. She tried to take the opportunity to get out of the trash can but was immediately shoved back in as a new cock shoved into her battered asshole and almost just as quickly came and pulled back out. Amanda sobbed into the rotten food and puke surrounding her face when she heard her boss’s voice and felt a large blunt object against her tender asshole.
“Remember, Amanda, as per your legally-binding contract here at E-PAR, each minute of tardiness results in twenty minutes of service here in the HR Department. Your 20 minute lateness this morning is equal to 400 minutes of consecutive service…”
The cock slipped slowly but easily into her asshole and she felt the cum of the other two men drip out down her pussy lips. Her boss continued speaking as the unimaginably large object slowly pushed its way past her spasming anal sphincter.
”And ‘Service’, as defined in your contract, is whatever the HR Department of the day feels like doing to you. The HR Department this week is a group of old German men who retired from the hardcore adult entertainment industry. And even though I’m the CEO of this company, I like to get my hands dirty now and then, which is why I’d like to hear you thank me for your job, Amanda, before I change my mind about hiring you. You’ll have to shout, though, it’s hard to hear you through all that rotting food.”
The room fell silent as he slowly inched his massive cock into her red and sore asshole, causing more cum to drinble out and down her legs.
Then, faintly, a muffled voice from the can said, “Thank you sir for my job!”, and that’s when her boss slammed his cock all the way into her asshole. What Amanda didn’t know until that moment is her boss had the world’s best plastic surgeon surgically enhance his dick to nearly equine proportions. All that could be heard once he began thrusting into her was Amanda sobbing and violently wretching into the vile mess around her in the can as he forced himself deeper than anything had ever been inside her before.
The other men could tell that their boss had a special interest in breaking and humiliating this worker in particular, so they gathered around the can while he pounded into her, stroking their cocks and waiting for him to signal what he wanted next.
Ten minutes went by as he assaulted her ass and she alternately wailed and gagged in the can until it seemed she’d gone horse and emptied her stomach completely, which was when he pulled out of her ass and stepped back, motioning for the men to remove her.
When they pulled her out of the can, dirty towels and bits of food and vomit clung to her face and hair, and the men all groaned at the terrible smell. She whimpered quietly as she struggled to see through the slop and focus on the men standing around her, rubbing their hard meat and calling her humiliating names in broken English. Her boss stood closest to her face, using two hands to jerk himself off. Her eyes widened in terror as she realized his cock must be at least 14″ long and thicker than her forearm. At that exact moment, her boss grunted and ropes of his ejaculate erupted from the head of his enormous cock. The other men joined suit as if on cue, coating her already-destroyed visage in sheets of white, slimy sperm.
As it dripped from her face and down her chest, she could hear the sound of digital camera shutters and realized, like it said in the contract she’d signed two days ago, the men were taking pictures of her to add to her employee folder for her monthly performance review. She chanced opening her eyes and was momentarily puzzled to see the men we still surrounding her, their cocks in various stages of deflation, and then the first hot stream of urine hit her forehead, quickly followed by several more. Reviewing the video later, you could see that was the moment her spirit broke, and her boss knew it.
“Thank me for your job, Amanda,” he stated flatly as he unleashed the contents of his bladder on her face, rinsing away cum, bits of food and chunks of vomit.
Without hesitation, Amanda opened her mouth and began to comply, which prompted the men to direct their piss straight into her mouth, causing her to choke and gasp for air and inadvertently swallow much of the piss, which she immediately puked back up. The men stepped closer, pushing their urine out as hard as possible directly into her eyes, nose, and ears, forcing her to repeat the process of opening her mouth, gagging and choking on piss, and puking over and over until they’d all emptied their bladders and left the room, except for her boss, who looked at the wall behind and above her as he spoke to her while wiping his cock clean with her hair:
“Amanda, I have to say I’m really quite disappointed in your lackluster show of appreciation for the unique opportunity you’ve been given here at E-PAR. You’re fired. Your exit interview begins now. I’ll send Magda in to get you settled.”
And then he dropped her cum-and-piss covered hair from his cock and left the room without so much as a glance in her direction.
A woman she’d never seen before came into the room and turned on a nearby tv, which began playing back a video of the last 75 minutes and displaying a countdown set at 10,005 in the corner. She turned to Amanda and said, “The number in the corner is how many more minutes of service you have left until your employment contract is terminated. All employees must complete one full week of service before being released and paid their salary. That’s 10,080 minutes. You’re at 10,005 now. You can go anywhere in the basement until your time is up, but you are not allowed to hide or prevent access to you for any reason, even if you are sleeping, eating, using the toilet, etc. I suggest you use this break to go get cleaned up. The bathroom is through that door there.” She placed a washcloth and a small toiletry bag on a small table under the TV and walked towards the door.
“But…” Amanda managed to squeak out.
Magda acted as if she didn’t hear her, and then she was gone. Amanda sat motionless, frozen, wondering why she’d signed that contract instead of listening to her friends who said girls who work at E-PAR never get anywhere in life, and before she could get up and take the woman’s advice to get cleaned up, four new men walked into the room and descended upon her, immediately noting how disgusting she smelled and looked and dragged her to the bathroom.
She thought they’d throw her in the shower, but they put her in the tub instead, and one of the men stood on either side of the tub and squatted over her face. She was momentarily mesmerized by his hairy asscrack and puckering butthole just inches from her face before she realized what was about to happen and started to struggle to get out of the tub, but the other three men held her down. A sudden foul gust of air hit her nostrils as he farted directly in her face and as she squeezed her eyes shut, she could hear the sound of what seemed like a very large bowel movement descending from within the stranger’s colon. The men laughed and commented on how foul the fart was, and the man squatting above her said he’d just eaten $20 with of Taco Bell and took five laxatives before coming here. No sooner had he finished saying those words than his asshole exploded with a torrent of light brown shit all over her face and the men erupted in laughter as he groaned and strained to empty five more giant waves of diarrhea onto her, squatting lower each time until her nose was practically inside his asshole. He jerked his cock as he forced the foul paste of his bowels out onto her, much of it going straight up her nose, forcing her to open her mouth to gasp for air. At that same moment, she felt hot, warm streams of liquid hitting her face and splashing in her mouth and realized the other men were urinating on her, which caused her to violently projectile vomit above her own face. The man above her turned around and began jerking his extremely hard cock over her as she whimpered and cried below him. Amanda thought she could suffer no further indignity until the man started using the head of his cock to push more diarrhea and puke in her mouth and down her throat. The other men moved closer as their urine streams decreased and began rubbing her forehead and eyes with their growing erections. The first man forcefully held her mouth open with one hand and two more hands kept her head against the bottom of the tub while the jerked their loads into her mouth, then closed her mouth with a hand and forced her to swallow. Amanda vomited again, but because her mouth was forced shut, much of it came out of her nose and exploded around the hand covering her mouth as the men laughed and left the room.
Amanda was faintly aware of Magda entering the room and squatting over her like the man had done. She emptied her bladder on Amanda’s face wordlessly, then turned on the shower and left the room. Amanda sobbed into the warm water and thought to herself that she probably should have read the fine print on her contract a little more carefully, or at least made more of an effort to show her boss how grateful she was to work upstairs.