The Bank Manager [F] Banged Me [M]!

This story happened while I was in college, when I was 20 or 21 years old.

I was hired in to a management training program for a large bank in L.A. For my first rotation I was to spend time in the branch network, and my mentor would be a senior regional manager I’ll call Lynne.

Lynne was a single woman in her early- to mid-30s. She was aggressive and smart, and did not hide her intentions to rise to executive management. She was also very attractive, which did not hurt in a bank where nearly the entire executive team was male. She was about 5’8”, slim, and wore her blonde hair in a tight bun. She wore tailored skirts that made the most of her fit figure, and heels that probably cost more than I made in a week. In my opinion, this all combined to make her a bit intimidating, which was probably the goal.

I spent a lot of time with Lynne, and we developed a nice friendship, but it was entirely professional. The only thing she ever did that revealed her feelings about me was to refer to me as her handsome young junior manager. We never really interacted outside of work, but at the end of one especially grueling week, out of the blue, she asked me if I would like to come to her place to have a drink and unwind in her condominium complex’s hot tub. Honestly, I was torn about this because we were at such different professional levels, she was at least 12 years older than me, and she was infinitely more mature. But I agreed.

I ran by my house to change and grab some swim trunks and t-shirt and headed over. I got there and Lynne welcomed me in with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She made us some margaritas, and we had a good time talking about the week and laughing. After we had a couple drinks, she directed me to a room where I could change, and excused herself to go change as well.

When Lynne returned, my initial opinion of her gym-toned body was confirmed. Her yellow two-piece bathing suit showed the body of a woman that was probably a little softer than when she was a teenager, but fantastic nonetheless. I tried to hide my awe and nervousness, and we took our drinks and headed to the hot tub.

Fortunately we had the place to ourselves, and the joking and laughter continued. At one point the conversation turned to our love lives. She already knew that I did not have a girlfriend, and I learned she did not have the time for a relationship and was on a pretty long dry spell. After she made a few comments of how nice I looked in a swimsuit and how she had fond memories of college boys, she moved closer to me. It was clear that the pursuit was on, and I was the target. She had already given me a kiss on the cheek, so we now moved on to some sweet kisses on the lips, and then a full make out session (the margaritas were kicking in!). After a few minutes of this she got up, grabbed my hand, and suggested we go back up to the condo.

When we were back, after changing out of our swim suits, Lynne guided me back to the sofa (she was in full control at this point). Before long, she was on my lap straddling me, and ratcheted up the passion, big time. She was moving with the same focus and aggression she showed at work, and honestly,I was reeling.

After a few minutes she pulled back, looked at me as if to say ‘Is this alright’ and then pulled off her shirt and started kissing her way down my body. I helped her get my shorts off, and quickly my dick was in her mouth. O.M.G! You haven’t experienced life until you’ve had a tipsy, horny, mature woman giving you head!

After a few minutes she stopped, stood up, and took off her shorts and underwear – and she had the cutest dark blonde bush! She sat down on the couch next to me, gave me ‘that look’, and I got up, kneeled between her legs and started rubbing my cock against her pussy, which was getting increasingly wet. While still not believing this was happening, I eased myself into her, and after four or five half strokes, soon settled into a nice rhythm. She told me to grab her tits, and suck and bite her nipples (yes ma’am!). She had her hand down between us, and I think she came just a second before I did.

Afterward, knowing that we had only completed the first round of the evening, we made another margarita and adjourned to the soaking tub in the master bathroom.

We spent a couple more evenings together after that night, let me know if you’d like more details.



  1. You are in for a bumpy career ride. Hang on and don’t be surprised at anything that pops up unexpectedly.

  2. You should have given her oral in return. Woman gives you head, you should return the favor…

  3. That was a good story, I enjoyed reading it. My only suggestion is maybe adding a few more details. Thanks and can’t wait for more

  4. Seen it happen so often. Getting involved with a boss sexually is a big mistake. Your job security should be based on performance, attitude, team playing and value. You just changed all that and used as a sex toy. Now, your job is based on your sexual benefit to her. Just watch how long you last if you reject her and/or she stops using you. Have fun while it lasts and keep your resume up to date. Crapping where you eat is never a smart thing to do.

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