Part 4 The truth will set you free… Judy’s new roomer awakens her innermost thoughts…

Before I could answer James butted in with….

“Perfectly true Dave, and then Judy asked me to fuck her, but I refused”

Then a rather shocked Dave managed to ask “I don’t understand at all. Why after all this sexual activity behind my back did you not fuck her as she asked?”

“Because I need your permission” James said, and then went on “I am happy to pleasure married women in any way I can except for fucking them. For that I need permission from the husband”

Dave stared at me for a long time, and finally said “Do you want James to fuck you Judy?”

“Yeesss” I stammered. “I’m sorry Dave but I am being honest. I need James to fuck me. I need him right now…”

James butted in saying “This arrangement is not uncommon Dave. You may have heard of it, it’s called cuckoldry and I’m somewhat of an expert on the subject. Cuckoldry is when a married woman has sexual relations with a man, or men, other than her husband. But importantly, unlike having an affair, she has her husband´s full knowledge, encouragement and support and is treated with honesty and respect”

He continued “This is considered a much more agreeable arrangement for all concerned as there is no lying, no cheating and no deceit, in fact nothing that would cause hurt. It is the lying that hurts and destroys relationships. In this arrangement it is normal for the husband to be present to watch or join in but the aim is always the same. The total sexual fulfillment of the woman involved by whatever means she is happy to enjoy. The man involved is not ‘love making’ but simply providing a fucking service for the wife. The husband remains 100% faithful to his wife, and the wife can expect to have the sort of sexual experience that other wives can only dream of. It is a proven fact that cuckolded husbands almost always become more attentive to their wives after they see how they react to another man’s cock. The wives involved become more confident and assertive with a huge increase in their libido and self esteem. Many find their love for their husband deepens and I personally think this is the greatest gift a man could bestow on his wife”

Dave still looked shocked at what was being said, but after a prolonged silence in which I was shaking with anticipation of his answer he finally said

“OK James. I have to admit what you say seems to make a lot of sense and I am pleased you have had the courtesy to ask my permission. Judy knows I love her deeply and more than anything else I want her to be happy. So I will agree to what she wants but I have one important condition. I need to be with you both to make sure she is safe and not being bullied into this. If you are agreeable with that I suggest we all need a drink. You go up to James’s room Judy and I will bring up our drinks shortly”

I was both surprised and hugely excited that Dave had said yes, and followed James upstairs passing the spot where just a few hours earlier a much more innocent Judy had touched James´s cock. My excitement mounted as we reached the door to James´s room. But instead of entering James took my arm and led me into my own bedroom. “Being fucked in your own bed will add to your pleasure Judy” James said.

James sat me gently on my bed and began to strip me starting with my blouse, and just as he unfastened my bra Dave arrived with our drinks. “I see you have already started without me James. Here let me help you” and with that he took my bra away spilling out my tits.

James immediately lowered his head and took a nipple in his mouth as Dave finished undressing me and then laid me naked back on the bed. Both men then undressed and joined me. I lay there with two erect cocks within reach (James’s cock was a little fatter than Dave’s but about as long) and I wondered what it would be like be fucked by them both. Although aroused by James (My nipple was swollen and harder than I had believed possible) I suddenly felt very embarrassed with Dave there and covered myself with a sheet. Sensing this James said “Why don’t we have that drink now” and passed my glass to me.

It was a hot day and Dave had prepared vodka and tonic drinks with ice cubes. We drank slowly with Dave occasionally kissing me, and surprising me by thrusting his tongue deeply into my mouth. This was not the usual Dave ‘peck on the lips’ and I realized that he also was enjoying the experience hugely. This relaxed me and when James whispered in my ear “Suck Dave´s cock Judy just like you did mine” I had never done this for Dave or any other man until I had sucked James earlier and had loved it so I bent over him and took his hard cock in my mouth.

Dave moaned as I gently sucked his cock and James positioned himself behind me. I felt a little warm oil dribble between my butt cheeks and down onto my waiting cunt and then I felt him slowly entering me. My now hairless smooth cunt was soaking wet and slick with oil as he pushed his cock into me. When it was in about as far as Dave´s cock usually went I took my mouth from Dave´s cock and said to him “I only have a small cunt James, you won´t be able to go any further”

James said “Remember the vibrating dildo Judy? That was bigger than my cock and you took it all in your cunt. Just relax and enjoy yourself” and with that he pushed forward a little more. Little by little James´s cock went deeper into my cunt, deeper than I thought possible. It touched places no cock had ever reached and I was in heaven.

Dave’s cock began to pulse just like James’s cock had earlier and I knew he was close to spurting in my mouth. I began to feel my own orgasm building as James increased his thrusts. Then I felt James withdraw from me and his hot cock rest on my butt. Then he moved again. I cried out in shock and surprise as he eased his cock into my butt! This I hadn’t expected but as it didn’t hurt and actually felt very pleasurable I let him continue.

Dave’s cock slipped out my mouth as I cried out and he said “Are you OK Judy? I know it’s what you wanted but are you enjoying your cunt being fucked by James?”

I managed to gasp “He already fucked my cunt Dave….and now he’s fucking my ass. Ohh… Aghh….I’m coming again…”

Then James spoke to Dave “Why don’t you come around the back here with me James. I just came in Judy’s ass so she is nice and sloppy. I’m sure she would love you to finish her off”

“Would you like that Judy” Dave said.

Yes please Dave…fuck me hard in the ass until I come…do it now…quick……

I felt the bed move as James changed places with Dave, and then felt my husband hard, hot cock penetrate my ass for the first time. He began to pound into me and whispered in my ear.“What a dirty little Judy you are…sucking two cocks…fucked in your little cunt by two cocks….and now fucked in you tight little ass by two cocks…how do you feel now Judy….”

“I feel deliciously dirty” I replied “I want to be your whore and be used like this by you and James”

I heard James say “If you are happy with this Dave, then perhaps we should make this a regular date. What do you say Judy?”

I couldn’t say anything because I was in the middle of the most glorious shuddering orgasm as I felt Dave’s hot spunk pump into my ass. I’m sure I screamed out loud and briefly wondered if our neighbors had heard me. I eventually managed to gasp “Yes..Yes…Yes…more of the same…soon….please”

“Great” said James “I have to go out shortly for a meeting. A friend is flying in and I have to meet him at the airport, but we can talk about it when I return”

By now I was totally exhausted and when James left for his meeting Dave and I fell asleep naked in each other’s arms.

Later that evening the telephone rang. It was James who told me that he had met his friend but he had a problem. His friend was going to stay overnight in a hotel, but because of a large convention in town he was unable to get a room. James asked if there was any way his friend could stay overnight in our other spare room, and was willing to pay the hotel rate to do so.

I was unsure as I was hoping for a repeat of this afternoon’s wonderful encounter, and didn’t want any distractions. But I thought the extra money would be useful so I said yes. James thanked me and said he would be home later.

About 9pm I heard a key in the door and James walked in. “Hi Judy” he said as he stepped to one side to let his friend through “This is my friend Leroy and his wife Clara”

In front of me stood Leroy, the most handsome black man I had ever seen. He was tall, muscular and obviously very fit. He looked about 35. He took my hand “Hi Judy” He said “Thank you so much for helping us out. This is Clara my wife”

Clara was every bit as beautiful as Leroy was handsome. She was tall and slim with an outstanding body. He color was a rich coffee, with flowing jet black hair. With her smallish firm breasts covered in a lacy top it was noticeable she wasn’t wearing a bra, and she looked stunning. She could not have been more than 25 years old.

“Hello Judy” She said in a French accent “It is good to meet you. I have heard so much about you” and with that she leaned forward to kiss my cheeks in the French manner. First a gentle peck on the left cheek. Then a gentle press of her lips on my right cheek, and to finish she bent towards my left cheek again, and brushed her lips and the merest tip of her tongue across mine.

Once more my mind was in turmoil with unexpected events. First how handsome Leroy was, then him being accompanied by his wife (Which James had neglected to mention) and lastly this French goddess kissing my lips. I could smell her soft perfume and also a hint of something more feminine and alluring that I couldn’t place. Thinking about her comments I wondered what she had heard about me…! Knowing James as I did it wouldn’t surprise me if she knew everything…

I managed to stammer a greeting as James said “Why don’t you show Leroy and Clara their room Judy, and they can perhaps join us when they have showered and freshened up?”

I showed them the stairs and explained where the bedroom and shower were. Leroy led upstairs with Clara behind and I followed to get fresh bed sheets for them. Clara wore a very short skirt matching her lacy top, and as I looked up at her going upstairs I suddenly realized she wore no panties. Her beautiful shapely butt was naked and I even glimpsed a little of her cunt lips as she walked. And then that feminine aroma came to me again and now I knew exactly where it came from and found myself more than a little aroused once more.

I entered their room and began to change the sheets while Leroy headed for the shower and in a few moments I heard the water running. Clara took the pins from her hair, drew the curtains and sat on the edge of the now made bed. “Could you please help me Judy” she asked “I cannot undo the catch on the back of my blouse”

“Sure” I said, and reached to help. As soon as it was undone Clara immediately pulled it over her head exposing her naked tits. They were petite, firm and had large, very dark nipples. “Just one thing more Judy, do you have any body lotion I could use, I forgot to bring mine”

I went to my bedroom to get the lotion and when I return Clara was sitting naked on the bed. Her body was perfect so unlike my own and I admit I was a little jealous. She then explained she needed the lotion because her blouse had rubbed her nipples during the journey. She lifted one of her breasts to show me, and then asked if I could help apply it for her as she had painted her nails earlier and they were not quite dry. I took a small amount of lotion and began to apply it to her nipple which almost at once began to harden. I stopped rubbing and looked at her, unsure what to do.

“Don’t worry Judy” Clara said “It is normal for me to get hard nipples when they are touched. If I do it or someone does it for me I always get aroused. Surely that happens to all women does it not? Besides it is very enjoyable. You are an expert no?”

So I continued to work my fingers around both her nipples just as I would like it done to me, and every now and then Clara gave a little gasp of pleasure. After a short time she lay back on the bed, spread her legs, and gently fingered herself. Her cunt was also shaved and so engrossed in this was I that I didn’t hear the shower stop or Leroy enter the bedroom. The first I knew of him returning was when he said “I see you have found one of my wife’s little pleasures Judy”

I jumped up and turned around to see a naked Leroy standing behind me, slowly stroking a cock that was so large I had trouble believing my eyes. It was huge, thickly veined with a massive head and got even bigger as he looked at his naked wife being seduced by another woman.

I rose to leave but at that moment James arrived at the door and said “Where are you off to Judy”

I hesitated and looked back at the bed. Leroy had positioned himself between Clara’s open legs and rested his huge cock across her stomach. It almost reached her tits and I couldn’t image her cunt being able to accommodate even half of it.

Clara called me “Come here a moment Judy”

I lay across the bed toward her as she said “James told us about you and Dave and we asked if we could meet you. I met James in almost the same way you did. He came to my home to massage me, ended up massaging my cunt, and asking my then husband if he could fuck me. My husband refused and I lost touch with James. I spent two long, sexually frustrating years before I divorced my husband and found James once more. He introduced me to Leroy who as you can see provides everything I need, and we married a year ago.”

She gave a gasp and looking down I saw that Leroy had inserted his huge prick in her cunt. Then, through her gasps she said “Please Judy, would you join us? I would like James to fuck you as we both kiss and fondle each other. From what James tells me you haven’t experienced another woman sexually and I know you will enjoy it”
