Delusions of Grandeur and Praise for the Average Size Dick [FM]

It’s fun to look at massive cocks and to think about them when you’re getting yourself off, but in real life, average size dicks are better.

I have a bit of empirical data to support this hypothesis. I’ve been with a range of average-sized cocks, some massive ones (including a relationship in which I spent some quality time with one), and a tiny cock as well.

You can’t have a quickie with a massive cock. Quickies are so much fun. They’re often unexpected (well hello there!), and there’s often a time constraint (are we going to be late?). There’s often something naughty about them too (if only these people knew we just had a quickie!). And public/semipublic boning usually has to be quick too. Massive cocks generally require more time and preparation than quickies allow.

It can be challenging to give a good blowjob to a massive cock. Especially for me – I’m small, and everything about me is small, including my mouth. So you know who isn’t getting a great blowjob from me? Sadly, a massive cock. I can also deep throat, but small person = small throat too.

Then there’s that kind of sex you can have when you’re in a long-term relationship, usually when you’re living together. When your partner’s in the mood, but you aren’t really, but eh, why not? You might get there once you guys get started. And even if it isn’t the Best Most Mind-Blowing Sex Ever for you, it’s still good, and it’s one of those things you do because you love your partner and want them to be happy. Do you know the kind of sex I’m talking about? It isn’t problematic sex (assuming it doesn’t happen often or isn’t part of a dysfunctional relationship). Anyway, THAT kind of sex can be challenging with a massive cock. You really need to be 100% in the mood with a massive one. At least, I do.

You need to use special condoms with massive cocks. The XL/magnum/whatever ones (different brands call them different things). I know from firsthand, personal experience that if you DON’T use an XL condom, it can break. This is not something you want to happen when you are hooking up with a hot French surfer in Thailand (for example).

This brings us to the story. I started dating a guy who was 6’5.” I don’t know how much he weighed, but he was “height/weight proportionate” and just a big guy. He lived with his parents so our extracurricular activities would be occurring at my place. Since he was so big, I wondered if I needed to buy some XL condoms.

The first time we messed around, we didn’t have sex, but I took the opportunity to collect some data. I assessed the potential condom situation using different measurement methods. I used my hand, and my mouth, and as a trying-to-be-witty professor once said, “the interocular impact scale” – how the data looks in general. All of the data collected thus far suggested that he was on the large side of average, but that my regular size condoms should be fine, no need for XLs.

The next time we got together, we did have sex. I pulled out my regular size condoms, and he informed me that they were too small – he needs XLs. Okay . . . I can’t really tell him that based on my research, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t. And of course, this was all I had. So maybe let’s just try these for now?

I watched as he put it on, complaining the entire time about how small it was. It seemed to me that it fit okay? Then I was able to use another measurement method to collect even more data. The data from the pussy measurement system was in line with the other data. And the condom didn’t break.

So then I had a bit of a dilemma I guess. Or not, really. I suppose I needed to go out and buy some XL condoms. I mean, I wasn’t going to tell him about my conclusions from the consistent data from four different methods of measurement! If only he knew that his average-sized dick was actually better in real life than a massive one.

P.S. There are a couple of advantages to massive cocks too . . .



  1. This is an informative post, thank you! Personally I’m below average, but I’m also pretty fat and very ill, so just in general I suck at everything involving a penis. I’ve been focusing my efforts for several years on things I do with my hands and mouth instead.

  2. Being below average myself, it’s so good to hear how people actually feel about dick size, and the pros of having an average dick. Thanks for writing this!

  3. >I watched as he put it on, complaining the entire time about how small it was. It seemed to me that it fit okay? Then I was able to use another measurement method to collect even more data. The data from the pussy measurement system was in line with the other data. And the condom didn’t break.

    This is likely a comfort thing rather than a ‘it will break’ thing. I can put on a normal sized condom, I just don’t like do cause that shit is too tight.

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